Eternal Night World, Ivy Empire, Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace.

At the cabinet meeting, Queen Yongye discussed the situation at home and abroad with the cabinet. Her expression could not be said to be very relaxed, but at least it was much better than the heavy and depressed mood of the previous days.

A massacre by the Six Gods Alliance caused the sense of accomplishment brought about by killing Tabela to become plural, and the package prepared for the gods immediately lost its effect before it was put on the shelves.

The Imperial people will not surrender before Her Majesty the Queen, but they also feel that the difficulty of the war has increased sharply, and some do not know how the next war will proceed.

The good news is that although the gods have nothing to do with destroying you, mortals have gained considerable ability to protect themselves through past accumulation.

At least they still have a chance to fight for themselves.

The Natural Selection Front was established, and the God Burial Maze system resisted the attacks of the gods. Although the empire made huge sacrifices and devoted a lot of manpower and material resources to set an example, they finally stabilized the battle.

The transition to a wartime economy has greatly reduced the people's livelihood in the empire, and various recreational activities have also been restricted. The good news is that the people of the empire are quite understanding and have given a high degree of support.

Isn’t this considered a benefit of opening up people’s wisdom?

Old cabinet ministers will feel that after the empire became popular, many policies were not carried out as freely as in the past. The people would analyze the decrees and give their own analysis. There were even online protests, which attracted the attention of the Queen. , ordering them to give an explanation within a deadline.

People who can think and have their own analytical skills are definitely not the kind who just did whatever they were told in the past. They will measure their own benefits and how much benefits the people above them can get.

The fearless space makes information flow so fast and easy. 99.9% of the Internet users in the Ivy Empire have even disabled people can successfully experience their normal bodies on the Internet through the soul-like bracelets.

The remaining 0.1% are just due to lack of age and lack of normal self-care ability. Of course, they will not be qualified to log in to the fearless space.

In this environment, those lazy officials actually feel extremely uncomfortable. Their work is completely supervised by the people, and any selfishness can be supervised.

However, most of the time, it is not selfish, but the location is different, the information obtained is different, and the administrative officials think from a more macro perspective, and there is the possibility of misinterpretation.

Although misunderstandings can always be resolved, the older generation of officials who are accustomed to the rough methods of governing the country in the past will inevitably feel that the people of the empire have become smarter and greedier, and they want too much.

In short, it is becoming more and more difficult to serve, which poses various tests to everyone's governance skills and management level.

But when the empire fell into trouble and the threats of gods to mortals began to be made public in the fearless space, the people of the empire quickly showed their strong support for the empire.

The wartime economic transformation of the Ivy League Empire was the smoothest, not only because of the efficient and clean internal administrative system, which had always made preparations and plans in this regard, but also because the people of the empire heartfelt support for this war.

The people at the bottom of other countries and other worlds may not understand why wars between different worlds affect the increase in tax burdens on the people in their own villages, and they must grow designated varieties of crops.

But the people of the empire only need to read public information on their own, coupled with popular science and propaganda from various media and personal opinion leaders, and they will naturally understand the huge threat the gods pose to them and their unrelenting hostility towards mortals.

Under normal circumstances, when the Queen wants to expand the territory, the people of the empire are willing to donate three months' salary. Now that the empire is at a critical moment, it does not require much mobilization. Every order to drive the war machine of the empire is smoothly executed. Go down.

Then their God Burial Maze had an applied defensive effect, and the army of gods was blocked outside the fortress's defense line. The recently attempted military operation also expanded the plane controlled by the Natural Selection Front, which can be said to have narrowed the strength gap between the two sides.

The initial theory of quick death that mortals might collapse has no market. The cooperation between the Imperial Fleet and the Tianming Army has achieved a convincing record. In order to protect the world in which they live, the people of all worlds have more confidence and are willing to fight for This is the cause that makes the greatest contribution.

In this case, the pressure on the cabinet is becoming less and less, and their hope of victory is expanding...

Of course, this is just psychological. The previous accumulation is being consumed. Even if resources from different planes are mobilized, the God-killing Fortress and the Imperial Fleet are still gold-swallowing behemoths. Angelina is desperately mobilizing resources to support the front line to complete the command. Officer’s tactical arrangements.

The people of the empire have begun to tighten their belts, while other countries have gritted their teeth to support the war.

After all, the Ivy Empire is too young. Even a mortal country with hundreds of years of history and ancient nobles, compared to the tens of thousands of years of the divine camp, which can easily sacrifice several planes in exchange for supplies, looks like a pauper.

"Let them pause for a moment. Our material allocation can only achieve 70% of the goal. Even the production line cannot be overloaded without limit. The yield rate has dropped too much."

The Minister of Industry used detailed data to describe the current constraints of the empire.

"The space we occupy also needs development and construction. It will take time for materials to flow."

Other ministers also agreed. Although the war was on the verge of destruction, if they finally won, the Qingteng Empire would not gain less benefits.

Many people present have become representatives of the new bourgeoisie. In addition to not wanting to die, they also hope to reap multiple rewards in such a crisis.

The nature of the Queen of Eternal Night is definitely not to stop the progress of the offensive. She always has some unspeakable uneasiness in her heart.

But her will cannot be turned into productivity. The supply of materials cannot keep up. This is a real problem. No matter how much officials and citizens are squeezed, it is impossible to create something out of nothing.

What the empire consumes now is not basic materials. It is the magic crystal machinery that needs to be processed by industrial workers. It is the peak level of material and energy control of mortals in this universe. The final processing steps can only be completed in the empire. It is not that you can just find a bunch of efforts to increase the output.

New production lines are under construction, and the occupied planes also have great development value, but it takes time and cannot catch up with the next round of attack.

"Then according to the opinions of all the nobles, let's slow down the pace of attack for the time being."

The Queen of Eternal Night finally had no choice but to agree with everyone's opinions and sent an order to the headquarters of Roger in the God Killing Fortress to adjust the strategy to defense in the short term.

After the meeting, she called Margaret.

"Your Majesty, what do you want?"

Margaret's voice was respectful, but not as energetic as before.

The little devil would no longer be extra happy because the queen left her alone.

The rhythm of the war was too intensive and too frequent. She felt that she was busy like an overloaded fan, spinning wildly between the volunteers in different worlds, and then there was a danger of being thrown off the bottom seat.

The Queen of Eternal Night left her alone, and she felt that she was closer to collapse when she was assigned any task.

"Don't worry, I don't have anything extra to tell you." The Queen of Eternal Night looked at her, and couldn't help but smile. "I'm just curious. You haven't been without Dio for so many years. Aren't you curious?"

"Dio? Oh...him." Margaret actually recalled the name and smiled at some of the past times. "I used to be curious, but now I'm too busy to be curious."

"You are friends, right? He didn't come back to help in this situation. Aren't you worried?"

"Friends will fade away, not to mention... they are just friends, right?"

"Do you really think so?"

"Does it matter what I think? He won't appear in front of me!"

The little devil laughed at himself. "The world is so dangerous, maybe he died there? That's a pity. He was discovered by His Majesty. He is a good talent."

Time has changed, just like a game with serious numerical expansion. Each version has a new god. Dio's performance at that time could be called amazing, but now he may only get one sentence:

That's it?

The Queen of Eternal Night looked at Margaret's expression curiously, and felt that she seemed to be really indifferent, and she couldn't help but envy her.

This most petty and vengeful guy can actually act more open-minded than me?

In fact, she has also thought of some things recently, and wants to give herself some reference from other people's attitudes.

But Margaret's performance is indeed the direction that she is quite resistant to in her heart.

It makes her feel that this aunt is an adult, Your Majesty, please don't treat me like a child, who will always be entangled because of boring things, okay?

But if you don't entangle, you are generous, you are free and easy to take the overall situation lightly... Wouldn't it make me look like a very stingy guy?

It can't be like this!

The Queen of Eternal Night hesitated and decided to do something not so good, throwing out some explosive news to stimulate Margaret.

She said meaningfully: "Mary, what if I tell you that Dio is not dead at all, but has always appeared by your side in another identity?"

Margaret was really stunned, but soon she smiled casually: "Not dead? That's not bad, after all, he has helped me a lot, I wish him happiness."

"That's it?"

"What else?"

Margaret felt a little confused about the content of the conversation with the Queen of Eternal Night today.

These contents are too daily and completely inconsistent with the character of the Queen of Eternal Night.

The Queen of Eternal Night felt a little depressed, and knew that she couldn't talk anymore. Maybe the smart Margaret would guess something, so she had to pretend to be indifferent and said: "I know, you have indeed grown a lot, go and get busy."

Margaret's head was indeed full of endless work, and she didn't think about it anymore. She left after getting permission.

After leaving Fengling Yueying Palace, her expression changed slightly, and she looked relieved: "So that's how it is, it has always been like this... It's interesting."

She is still smarter than the Queen of Eternal Night thought, or it can be said that women have intuition in this regard. She has been thinking about many things over and over again in the dead of night.

Now that she has been confirmed by the Queen of Eternal Night, she can basically confirm it.

But so what?

Knowing that the two people are the same person, can we defeat the annoying gods?

Busy Mary, no time for love!

After Margaret left the hall, the Queen of Eternal Night leaned on the throne alone, her eyebrows furrowed tightly:

"Suddenly... live in the present... look at it more openly? Is it really that I am too caring and too arrogant?"

She sighed lightly, feeling that if that guy took the initiative next time, even if she didn't forgive him, she shouldn't act so excessively.

She didn't have to be a girl forever, she had to mature and become an adult bad woman...

No, Taibella herself was out of luck, and her set must have huge problems, for sure!

Godkiller Fortress.

"Has it reached its limit? But it's okay, we also need a break here."

Roger is now the commander-in-chief of the front line. He not only has the Empire's Second Fleet, which is a little overstaffed, but also all the newly established fleets of the Natural Selection Front, which are all affiliated with the Godkiller Fortress, which is the first line of defense of the entire defense system.

The Empire's order to switch to strategic defense has been sent over, but although the wording is a suggestion, seeing the various production indicators behind, Roger also knows that if he insists on fighting, he will overdraw his development potential.

And it just so happened that he felt that the number of worlds controlled by the Burial God Labyrinth had reached a bottom line. The gods could not completely break through their defense system in the short term. The soldiers in the fleet were not robots and could not operate indefinitely under high-intensity warfare.

It really needed a period of rest and recuperation, and then planned the next round of attack, and then let the gods pay more.

This was a long dark night. No matter how anxious they were, they could not burn out a dawn now.

After presenting the empire's suggestions to Shana and attaching his own ideas, he called Xiao Qiao, who was now his adjutant.

After the God Killing Fortress became busier and busier, and many forces were mixed, the Dark Night Guards had to maintain order here.

The gods were not solid and reckless. There would be strong people who were infiltrated by them and promised eternal godhood.

There were always people who had a fluke mentality, thinking that even if the universe was destroyed, if they became gods, they would always be able to survive, right?

This made it possible to sabotage from within, so there were threats even within the natural selection front.

Little Joey had enough energy to serve as his chorus again. The two of them cooperated well and relieved him of a lot of pressure.

Her dream of commanding heavy cavalry did not come true, so she could only command a million densely armored assault ships to tear the defense line of the gods' army.

With a beauty by her side, some psychological problems caused by the continuous accumulation of war pressure also had a way to relieve.

Roger and Little Joey conveyed what the God Killing Fortress had to do during the defense phase. The two reached an agreement and prepared to convene the generals of all worlds to convey this decision.

"Yes, sir."

Little Joey stood up, but suddenly covered his mouth and rushed to the bathroom.

"What kind of raw ingredients did you eat that made a legend sick?"

Roger said with a teasing tone, but his eyes were very concerned. He followed and found that she glanced at him with a rather complaining look.

He suddenly had an idea and sensed that there was another weak life feature in her body, and the chaotic soul was still growing. He immediately realized something: "Our child?"

She blushed and nodded gently.

He didn't know what to say. After so many years, he suddenly became a father... It was quite subtle. Although it was not the right time, the joy, satisfaction and sense of accomplishment brought by the new life still filled his mind, and he subconsciously hugged little Joey from behind. She instinctively leaned back, leaning on his solid chest, and her hand stroked her belly that had not yet shown any marks, and she also had various different feelings brought by her body instinct. Warm reminder: If you find that clicking the next page will force you to jump to other websites, please use the "Chapter Error" or "Contact Us" at the bottom to inform us, we will deal with it as soon as possible, thank you for your understanding!

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