The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 279 His Majesty waited in the palace all night (1/2)

To be honest, Roger didn't have much feeling for the children, and even thought they were noisy.

But he wasn't the type to be a DINK. Bloodline inheritance, inheritance of the meaning of life, using the little guy to be happier than himself...

Is it interesting to imagine such a picture?

So all along, he had never forced it, nor could he avoid many things, thinking that he would just let things take their own course.

After all, there is always a problem among the strong, that is, it is difficult to get pregnant, and the probability is much lower than that of ordinary people. It seems to be one of the effects of magic on the human body.

This is more obvious in many high-magic creatures and immortal species.

Otherwise, if the dragons had human fertility, or oviparous, they could be collectively incubated and raised, regardless of the impact of the figure, I'm afraid the entire universe would become theirs.

However, although it is difficult for the strong to get pregnant, their strong physical fitness determines that there is almost no danger in giving birth, and the possibility of the children born having outstanding talents is much higher.

Even if it is a bastard with no conscience, who has become more and more hard-hearted after the baptism of this war, suddenly knowing that he has become a father, the joy is the kind that slowly spreads after the surprise.

"How about you go back to the rear?" Roger asked Joey seriously.

"It's still a long time before the baby is born, I want to help here." Joey shook his head.

"But it's not safe here after all..."

"Why, now you only consider your daughter's mood, not her mother's?"

"Of course not!" Roger explained quickly, and then reacted, "How do you know it's your daughter's?"

Then he realized that he had asked a stupid question. The legendary strong man knew his body very well. Isn't it clear whether the soul that accompanies him day and night is male or female?

Especially here, there is no idea of ​​favoring boys over girls, and there is no need to consider issues such as getting married and buying a house in the future because of having a son. Therefore, men and women are quite equal, and there will be no problems such as not wanting children because of gender, so everyone does not avoid knowing the gender of the child in advance.

In the end, he did not force Joey to go to the rear, and she liked her current job very much.

After lurking in the dark for so many years, she can finally play her light and heat on the front battlefield. Joey is unwilling to give up the position of commander because of this unexpected little guy.

Just play more games with your mother to grow up!

She often said this to the little guy in her belly.

She has been with Roger for more than ten years. Because of strength, her age will not be revealed on her face, but her state of mind is not the same as the girl in the past.

She knows that his heart does not only belong to her, but also has a career that must be completed, so if there is a child who is always with her, she will never be so lonely and lonely.

This child also has a crucial impact on Roger's mentality. He has more persistence in defeating the gods, instead of holding a casual attitude of doing his best and leaving it to fate. As long as he can fight the enemy with all his might, it will be fine...

He wants to create a safe world for his daughter, a beautiful world, a world where she can breathe freely in the sun.

I didn't know it before, but now I know that this kind of responsibility is on my shoulders. It is both a responsibility and a kind of happiness.

Although the generals and soldiers of the God Killing Fortress don't know what happened specifically, they can feel that their top commander has been very motivated recently.

Although he entered a strategic defensive posture, he seemed to be busier than before, actively developing the newly occupied planes and coordinating resources, showing a positive image that we can defend the beautiful world now.

This greatly improved the morale of the fortress, although the news from the front and the back was not always good, because the fatigue and disadvantages of the wartime economy began to appear.

The coalition of the gods also figured out their methods and began to make targeted breakthroughs. Fortunately, the harassment caused by the Tianming Army was real, and the power of faith of the gods was not very flexible.

However, the pressure on the defense of the God Killing Fortress was still slowly increasing, and the number of casualties was constantly increasing.

As Roger expected, the dark moment had just begun, and they had to fight against the darkness for quite a long time.

But now there are more reasons to persevere.

In a blink of an eye, four months have passed.

Little Joey's belly has shown some marks. Although she changed to wear wider clothes to cover it, there are still familiar female officers who have discovered the clues. Roger can always see a beautiful smile with blessings when he walks on the road.

Oh, you all know it, right?

At first he was a little shy, after all, it was his first time being a father, but he got used to it slowly, because everyone had good intentions.

In the difficult battle, the birth of a new life can make them look forward to tomorrow more.

Moreover, the life in the fortress is closed, and it is a battlefield of life and death. Many men and women have a very fast relationship. Some couples of different races have already had several children in this period of time...

I can only say that the universe is too vast, and the differences between races are a bit big.

After this period of adjustment, the Natural Selection Front has absorbed the planes that were previously controlled, and the resource reserves have reached a certain standard. The additional production lines can support subsequent battles.

The soldiers' fighting has also been adjusted a lot, and they are beginning to look forward to the next offensive battle.

The strategic defense phase used for adjustment has been accepted, and the Natural Selection Front has begun to consider turning to the strategic offensive phase.

Before that, the first thing to investigate is the state of the God-killing Fortress, and refer to the opinions of the front-line officers to decide how intense the next battle can be.

What makes everyone quite excited is that this inspection team is led by the Queen of Eternal Night herself.

Not only are the soldiers of the empire excited, but because of the unfolding of the battle, the Queen of Eternal Night and her Phantom Pill have appeared in key battles many times, playing a role in turning the tide.

This has led to her accumulating a considerable fan base in other worlds and other races.

Worshiping the strong is the DNA of this world's bloodline. This strong man is beautiful and strong, has many legends, and is the vanguard who leads them to resist the gods.

More importantly, he is handsome!

Whether it is infinite magic, the super high adaptability of the Phantom Pill, or the all-round combat attributes of long-range and melee, a lot of super-burning battle scenes can be edited.

Not to mention the perfect record, even if the record is not perfect, the Queen of Eternal Night can win countless fans with these famous scenes of showmanship.

After all, she is a woman who uses the battlefield scenes of the Phantom Pill to change the direction of the Empire Golem market.

Knowing a little about the story of the Queen of Eternal Night, her ability to attract fans is the highest among the elders of the Natural Selection Front.

Everyone also intends to promote her charm, hoping that with her personal charm, she will not be able to survive the more difficult and dangerous situations in the next battle.

Although it is not the first time that the Queen of Eternal Night has come to the God Killing Fortress, many people have not been in this fortress before!

Now that the war has been fought for countless rounds, it is about to go out again. Suddenly, the highest leader of the remaining mortal civilization, the super charismatic idol in combat, the Queen who is impeccable from strength to appearance, is going to urge them to go out...

The entire God Killing Fortress has entered a carnival atmosphere and is actively preparing.

If it were before, Roger would definitely be full of interest to know this news, and he would perform well and attract attention.

But now, for some reason, he casually handed the task of welcoming the Queen to an official in charge of this matter, letting them discuss it casually, and he continued to busy himself with pre-war preparations.

Maybe it was the influence of the children?

After all, I have children, and it’s not bad to raise them obediently. It seems a bit unkind to harass His Majesty again?

This person, sometimes he should let go. He is annoying people every day and affects other people's work mood. That is also irresponsible to the universe, isn't it?

He thought about life from a perspective that he would not have chosen before, and smiled faintly:

Don't force it...



Go to the God Killing Fortress before the war. This is the request made by the Queen of Eternal Night herself.

In public, she needs to comfort the soldiers fighting on the front line, and she can also shine on that battlefield.

In private, she wants to see Roger. Maybe when she changes her mentality, that guy will not be so hateful.

Over the years, Roger's persistence in showing sincerity is also worthy of her moving. Although it is not so perfect romance, it is at least a kind of romance.

At least in the empire, there is no other man who dares to express his pursuit of her in the same way, or there is a suitor worthy of her attention.

Although that guy always looks lazy, the Queen of Eternal Night knows that he has a pride and self-esteem in his heart.

Being tolerant and generous to many people is not because she doesn't care, but because she is so high-handed that she doesn't care about monkeys.

She certainly won't be treated as a monkey, so the relationship between the two of them was quite entangled in the past, and they were on the verge of being together. She couldn't accept that he was a promiscuous and philandering guy.

Someone ran ahead of her, and there were even more than one.

In the past, she would definitely not think that she had wasted her opportunity, but only believed that Roger didn't know how to control himself, was too greedy, and couldn't withstand the temptation...

But more than three years have passed, and Roger's contribution to her and the empire is impeccable. From the general values ​​of this era, excellent people have many partners, which is also something that everyone tacitly accepts.

Even if it is the prince of the Queen, if the news of having a lover is revealed, men will not spit on him, but express that their brothers are really brave and envious...

Oh, this unfair world!

Although these are all feudal dregs, she grew up in such a dregs environment, and it is difficult not to be affected by them, coupled with doubts and worries about the future, and seeing that guy mature day by day, even more and more attractive?

Appearance is an important part of a man's attraction to a woman, but it is only a part. Family background, career and other factors are also hormones.

Thinking from the perspective of a bad woman, many of her attitudes at that time were also a major factor that caused the relationship between the two to be delayed and then to have twists and turns.

It doesn't matter if I start late, but as long as I am the final winner, this is also okay, right?

After three years of lonely persistence in the imperial capital, the Queen of Eternal Night suddenly realized that maybe she should not force perfection anymore.

For Roger's persistence, she was willing to give another chance.

So this time she came to the God Killing Fortress in person with a dual purpose.

"Long live the Queen"

Because of her arrival, the God Killing Fortress was completely renovated and was frantically cleaned many days in advance. Although the people walking on the streets were mainly soldiers, they were still unconsciously filled with a festive atmosphere.

It's worth it to see the idol in person, even if you die in battle!

Although such thoughts are not good, they are by no means a minority.

The official who made the plan for the Queen of Eternal Night was also very knowledgeable. He arranged a walking path from the port to the Queen's palace, which not only allowed the Queen to see the style of the best troops in the fortress, but also allowed the soldiers to be under the starry sky with the Queen.

It was great!

Both sides were extremely satisfied!

Roger was also in the welcoming team, but he did not show his anxiety and expectation as in the past. Instead, he greeted the Queen of Eternal Night generously, like an ordinary minister.

The Queen of Eternal Night was somewhat relieved. War is a catalyst for men's maturity. He finally shed the last trace of immaturity and can face himself calmly.

The reception on the fortress side was set up relatively intensively, and it took a day of continuous work to have a break.

But the effect was also very significant. The morale of the fortress garrison reached the highest peak since the war began.

"We fight for freedom and justice, we fight to protect our homeland, there is no room for retreat and maneuvering, even our compatriots who did not go to the battlefield are supporting you to fight the enemy in their own way!"

"I will fight with you until the last moment as long as I can move my little finger, and delete surrender from the dictionary!"

Whether they are soldiers from the empire or other worlds, after the Queen of Eternal Night finished reading the manuscript that inspired them, they all had the impulse to die for their friends.

Woohoo, it's so happy to protect such a heroic Queen!

The Queen of Eternal Night is also pleased with the strength and bravery of the troops. Different races can unite together, exert their own strength, and keep the gods out of the fortress. This is a moment worthy of their pride and pride.

In the palace, a day of prosperity ended. The Queen of Eternal Night waited in front of the table, reviewing official documents, looking a little absent-minded.

Before, there was always an outsider, and Lord Roger had no chance to express those mushy words to me. Now that it's late at night, he should find a chance to ask to see me, right?

That guy is getting more and more patient.

The Queen of Eternal Night pretended to look at the documents and waited patiently for Roger to arrive.

This time, if he still expressed that feeling and was willing to give up the entire forest for her, then forgive his past, look forward, and start again!

Thinking of looking forward and thinking about the future, she couldn't help but smile.

If the imperial people saw her expression at this time, they would definitely show a horrified expression, because their queen who could slay dragons and kill gods, the expression at this time was no different from that of a little girl looking forward to love.

They were all fantasies, expressions that would be shown when two people were happy and sweet.

Then, she thought about it all night.

The sky was bright, and the simulated sun in the fortress climbed to the middle of the sky. The receiving official came to ask whether to continue today's itinerary.

The face of the Queen of Eternal Night sank.

Where did the knight who had launched a crazy attack on him for three years go?

He stopped when he was about to win?

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