Three months have passed since the tragic battle outside the God-killing Fortress.

In these three months, the war that lasted for several years came to an end. Even though Shana led the Tianming Army to continue to destroy the diocese, they could only watch what happened on the other side of the wall between the two worlds.

No, it was impossible to see it. With an independent universe as a barrier to separate the two worlds, except for the limited light that could pass through, any other means of detection could not know what was happening on the other side of the wall.

This was the lonely courage of the Queen of Eternal Night, and it was also her gift to the mortals of this universe.

Although she may not be able to return, the struggle of the Natural Selection Front will never stop.

The Eternal Night World, the Qingteng Empire, the City of Mysteries.

In the open space outside the Fengling Yueying Palace, many palaces were demolished and a "Ten Thousand Races Hall" was rebuilt.

This palace has no pillars. It relies purely on the rigidity of the material to support the 100-meter-high dome, which is engraved with all the races in the Natural Selection Front with a population of more than 10 million.

The number of races counted in the end is more than 30,000, and it may increase or decrease over time, and the Ten Thousand Races Hall will continue to make adjustments.

Behind the rostrum of the main hall, you can see the whole picture of Fengling Yueying Palace. At every representative meeting of the Natural Selection Front, when anyone speaks, the audience will see the place where the queen worked behind him.

Now the palace has been sealed, and after Roger became the regent, he did not enter the residence that the emperor of the empire should have, and still lived in the Maotai Villa she rewarded him.

He always believed that she would come back, and their continuous efforts were also accelerating her return.

"On behalf of Tianhai Tower, I would like to share with you the analysis of negative magic element: compared with magic element, the total amount of energy carried by this basic particle remains unchanged, and it can also actively participate in various magic reactions. The basic parameters are shown in the figure below. If there are new measurement standards in each research laboratory, you can update the news at any time."


Aishali Newton is now the first person in charge of Tianhai Tower. At the moment when the negative magic element exploded, Galilee was in charge of the operation of the Burial God Labyrinth. The huge explosion occurred in an instant. He had no time to react at all and was melted into a magic element-level unit.

Such sacrifices are not rare. The leaders of many countries and forces also lost their lives in that battle. The grief always permeated the entire venue.

But in fact, everyone is about to come out and restore a more efficient production order.

No matter what choice is made, everyone must live. Even if there is only one day, one month, or one year left under the oppression of the gods, they cannot indulge in sadness, and there is no reason to escape from the responsibilities in reality.

Home, country, nation, universe, maybe not everyone can rise to that level of awareness, and delay the responsibility of supporting the entire universe, but it is true that the fate of this universe is now closely related to every independent intelligent individual.

Aishali continued to summarize the important properties of negative magic. After this existence foundation widely changed the universe, the impact brought about is in all aspects:

The power of magic generally increased, but the unexpected properties also increased significantly. Not only is everyone's understanding of negative magic limited, but also because of its own interest.

The affinity between negative magic and spirit is much greater than that of positive magic, which is also the source of many mutations. Once an intelligent individual cannot control his or her emotions, various distortions will occur.

Most distortions are irreversible. After developing to a certain stage, they will lead to mental madness and become irrational individuals, which must be eliminated as soon as possible.

The magic crystal machinery can still operate in the new environment, but it takes more time to debug, and the final stability is not optimistic.

It is still the basic characteristics of negative magic that are at work. It seems that the God King has been worried about the control power derived from mortal wisdom, so when setting negative magic, the whole world moves more towards the idealistic side.

This is very unfriendly to magicians. Although the abilities and thinking they show are very unscientific, they are essentially the most determined materialists, but now negative magic has become synonymous with uncertainty.

"Although the uncontrollability of magic still exists, it is still the most efficient means of energy control that we can master. This is the cornerstone of our civilization. The time for the wall between the two worlds to support cannot be determined. We can't find a new way. We can only explore and summarize at the same time. No matter how much sacrifice we make for this, the secret magician and the billion magicians in the world jointly signed that we are willing to become wizards. Please approve it, Chairman."

This brown-haired girl, who was a little shy in the past, has now relied on her deep theoretical foundation and used various mathematical tools to analyze the mystery of negative magic the fastest. She has become the spokesperson for all magicians and spoke at the Ten Thousand Races Representative Conference.

Roger was the chairman of this congress. After he took over as the regent of the Qingteng Empire, no plane or force objected to this. They all believed that the leader of the Qingteng Empire was their leader.

This was the legacy of the prestige of the Queen of Eternal Night, and the deep impression left on others by the empire's heroic fighting and selfless dedication as a pioneer.

Roger looked at the information in front of him solemnly and asked, "What is the mortality rate of your exploration?"

"More than 50%, maybe even higher. But this is the path that must be taken."

Aishali lifted her sleeves. On her arm, there was an emotionless eye. The pupil was covered with countless mysterious runes, which were so dense that it made people feel dizzy.

"This is a product of distortion, but it also brings me wisdom and perception bonuses. It is still highly uncontrollable, but as long as we find ways to constrain it, appropriate distortion can also improve strength, even to the extent that it was impossible in the past."

Aishali showed more benign distortion results to the delegates. Although the pictures were somewhat indescribable and the effects were not completely certain, many of the data they had proved that no matter how dangerous the negative magic element was, it would be conquered by the wisdom of mortals.

Roger admired the courage of these magicians. After the outbreak of the negative magic element, although it was the soldiers who fought bloody battles on the front line, the magicians as researchers had never been timid. Since then, they have been bravely making all attempts to restore the power they had in the past.

The price is heavy and the gains are uncertain, but they still have to go on.

"I agree to enter the voting process." He finally expressed his position.

The vote was unquestionably passed. They had nothing to lose. Even if they had to embrace distortion and abandon their past forms, as long as they won and their minds were free, there was no reason to block the path to becoming stronger.

"I just hope that as you move forward, you will be alert to the abyss and cherish your life."

Roger thanked Aishali and the one billion magicians behind her, "Your exploration is invaluable, your courage is inspiring, but their wisdom is the lighthouse that guides us to pierce the darkness."

Aishali bowed: "We always remember that we will never get lost on the road of power. Every bit of strength is only to illuminate the front line and the way forward for Kaguya, and to explore the safe harbor in the fog."

"Thank you for the dedication of the magicians."

All representatives stood up and bowed to Aishali. Many of them were also magicians. After this meeting, they could finally resume meditation and resume their research on magic.

After the outbreak of negative magic, the Front issued a strict ban in the name of martial law: no one is allowed to meditate under supervision, and no magic is cast in unnecessary situations that endanger life.

Because any meditation may cause distortion, and any magic cast may bring unpredictable changes. In order to ensure social stability, the Natural Selection Front temporarily degenerated into a bunch of backward medieval countries.

But this backwardness did not last long. The imperial military has always had pure technological machinery and weapons, but they are only used in special operations and espionage intelligence. The front battlefield is still more useful with magic crystal machinery.

But now the magic crystal machinery is paralyzed, but it is the relatively inefficient energy utilization method of technological products. Because the energy reaction of designing negative magic is relatively small, after solving some problems in materials, the production capacity has been quickly restored.

So after the people's livelihood, agriculture, and industrial production, the Natural Selection Front spread this technology and quickly restored productivity.

Coupled with the previous accumulation, at least there was no major famine or plague.

The Warcraft changed because of the negative magic, but the troops returning from the front battlefield of the gods were as easy to deal with as if they were on vacation.

The only thing that was tight was medical resources. Ordinary people also had a chance of distortion, and the strong could not control their own power and could not be completely avoided, which caused a large-scale panic at the beginning.

However, the benefits of popularizing knowledge in the past were also reflected. If the people were not enlightened, they would only blindly seek help from the gods. But now the empire broadcasts the principle of negative magic, and everyone actively helps themselves and each other, and takes effective suppression measures, which has well controlled the development of distortion in the early stage.

The research results of various research institutes are also exchanged in time, and effective treatment measures are found quickly, and the tension of medical resources has been quickly alleviated.

However, this relief is only within the scope of ordinary people. High-level professionals and spellcasters still face irreversible distortion. The higher the magic level of life, the greater the trouble.

However, the group of magicians has always been the cornerstone of the will to advance civilization. Even at the risk of their lives, they continue to study and explore new ways of power.

The more recognized conclusion now is that all the past professional upgrade methods can be retained and transformed into cultivation methods that adapt to the characteristics of the negative magic environment.

Adding a more specific method of emotional control meditation, as well as intermittent control of suppressing physical fitness and magic power in life, and only erupting in battle and when needed, can greatly reduce the consumption of negative magic on the spirit and increase the stability of the will of high-level professionals.

In further research, magicians are always accompanied by crises and opportunities. Actively inducing distortion under high self-control can be greatly improved, and powerful skills and talents that have never been seen in previous professions will appear.

This is the mysterious eye that Aishali showed at the Ten Thousand Races Representative Conference, as well as a series of new distortion organizations.

If these distortion organizations are induced as the core, a series of new professional systems can be created to obtain new combat power.

This may also be a way to break the bottleneck of magician strength. After all, in the negative magic environment, the highest-level forbidden spell-level magic cannot be used, and the recovery of the magic crystal machinery that originally represented the highest combat power of mortals is also far away.

What will they use to fight the gods? The new wizard system may bring an answer.

Even if most magicians will not abandon the old professional system, they are willing to study and explore the wizard system, but the Natural Selection Front previously prohibited the public dissemination and sharing of wizard knowledge.

Uncontrollable, dangerous, high mortality, unclear future, a series of problems.

This is why the magicians jointly signed this notarization meeting.

The road to exploring knowledge has never been afraid of death. Even if the pursuit of knowledge is just a little bit forward, the best magicians are willing to pay any price.

Life, in the face of infinite unknowns, has no great meaning.

When the news of the wizard system's lifting of the ban was announced, and soon it was allowed to pay contribution points for browsing in the channel of Fearless Space, the entire Natural Selection Front entered a state of excitement.

They have taken their destiny into their own hands one more point.

"I just don't know when our warships will be able to take off again and fly over that wall?"

Roger walked out of the Ten Thousand Races Hall, looking at the blue sky that seemed to have not changed compared to the previous one, and sighed softly.

He always has a strong sense of urgency in his heart. The time for development is what the Queen of Eternal Night sacrificed herself for. Any slackness would be a betrayal of her intentions.

But sometimes it is not that they want to slack off, but that they do not have a clear direction to move forward in the face of the environment.

They must wait until their research on negative magic elements is further deepened before they can fully break through the industrial upgrade. In the field of full advancement, no matter how much investment and manpower are invested, so much time must be consumed.

It can be accelerated, but it cannot be accelerated infinitely. Frankenstein reminded him that it is meaningless to pile up people blindly.

So even if you have the resources of thousands of planes, it is also a kind of helplessness to have nowhere to use them.

They now know that the only correct path is to encourage all races to have more children while there are enough resources, so that after the war starts, there will be enough wisdom variables to try out the right path.

It is true that in the environment of negative magic elements, there is an effect similar to radiation, which greatly increases the rate of deformities in infants. The technology to avoid it is always under research, but the breeding of the next generation must also be carried out to submerge the gods in the ocean of people's war again.

On the other side of the wall between the two worlds, the God of Knowledge handed over the task of managing the diocese and encircling the Tianming Army to the other three gods. He moved the Gap of the Ten Thousand Dimensions outside the wall between the two worlds, and started an eternal war with the Queen of Eternal Night in her universe without knowing the passage of time.

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