This is a folded and narrow universe, where divine creatures and complex insect swarms that were born from devouring divine power are engaged in a war that seems to never end.

However, in the common understanding of civilization, the insect swarm is an attacking party that only knows how to plunder and destroy.

But on this battlefield, the relationship between the two was just the opposite. Under the guidance of their queen's will, the insect swarm stubbornly resisted the constant attacks of the army of gods.

ten years? Or has a hundred years passed?

In this space where the rules are extremely simple and only prohibit contact with other universes outside, there are no reference objects like the sun, moon and stars that can mark the passage of matter. Even the rules of matter often change due to the influence of the war situation, so there is no way to judge. time.

This was originally just a hypothesis of the Queen of Evernight, an application deduced to deal with the worst case scenario. Although the natural selection front was under pressure at that time, it was obvious that the gods could not come up with more means. They were about to start from defense. Turning to attack——

At this time, the negative magic element broke out, and Queen Yongye did not expect that the gods would use such a trick to draw out the firepower, just like they would carry out that round of cruel and merciless massacre, all of which belong to I don’t want to play with you. A move that turns the table over.

The sad thing about mortals is that they live in this universe, rely on this universe, and are not yet qualified to transcend the universe, so the initiative in this fighting method lies entirely with the gods.

In desperation, the Queen of Evernight used Universe No. 25 to open the wall between the two realms, divide the battlefield, and gain the last round of development time for the people she protects.

This move of the God King is indeed unexpected, so I will use myself as a bargaining chip to gain some fault tolerance for mortals!

This is her fighting spirit without a trace of regret after facing countless rounds of attacks in the universe she created on the wall of the two realms.

In countless battles, the God of Knowledge analyzed the rules of the wall between the two realms, while affecting the matter of the universe within the wall, creating his own army and consuming the energy inside, as well as the will of the Queen of Evernight.

But she controls tens of billions of insect swarms, defends against attacks again and again, and even makes the race she temporarily created become more and more perfect, showing more and more terrifying attributes. Even the God of Knowledge is amazed by her willfulness.

Not only is she willing to sacrifice herself at critical moments, her speed in understanding war is unparalleled by others, and she also has a fighting spirit that will never be extinguished.

This kind of mortal, whose will can no longer be changed by external forces, is the most difficult opponent to deal with. After thinking about it, there is only one way to defeat her head-on.

For the God of Knowledge to complete the will of the God King, this is a waste of time, causing the Father God's wish to be delayed for a long time.

He suddenly became curious and asked: "Do you trust me so much that your country will be able to grasp the bargaining chip that surpasses the gods before I break the rules here?"

"So what if I don't trust you? Should I sit back and wait for death?"

The Queen of Evernight had been bored for a long time and responded indifferently.

Emotions such as anger and hatred are meaningless. The life forms of both parties are different, which naturally determines the perspective of thinking about the problem.

She does not deny that gods do have the right to pursue the broader universe, but she does not think that because of their pursuit, they are qualified to determine the fate of the entire universe.

But the gods don't think so. The entire universe is designated by them, and the mortals who are multiplying now have also been managed by them. The strength they possess is destined to be transcendent existences that transcend the law. Mortals can have their own little thoughts. But decisions made by gods never require the consent of mortals.

This is the difference in concept. There is no need to accuse or question. It only requires the winner to implement his will on the other party.

The God of Knowledge said: "Actually, that is also a kind of relief. Your fearless struggle now is just adding to the pain before the end."

"Is it painful? I have never felt that I have longed for an equal opponent for a long time. This universe is more fair than the original universe. We have similar powers. We compete with each other based on wisdom and skills. The past accumulation has long been of no use. This is the battle that I have been longing for for a long time and I can exert my full strength. No matter how long I fight, I will not feel pain!"

Queen Eternal Night pretended to be surprised and denied the God of Knowledge's statement.

The God of Knowledge was silent for a long time, seeming to be thinking whether she was forcing herself on, or whether her brain circuitry was different from that of ordinary people.

I haven't come up with a real answer for a long time, but I really understand that this battle must continue. This queen is more stubborn than a stone, and she really doesn't leave any mental flaws.

"I simply have to suspect that you are the breaker left behind by the creator, not the target we discovered before."

The God of Knowledge sighed, and a new round of war began.

Because the rules of the Queen of Eternal Night are quite ingenious and there is no preference for any setting, so the rules of this universe are simple and stubborn, and it is very difficult for the God of Knowledge to analyze them.

The consequence of this must be that the war pressure faced by the Queen of Eternal Night inside the Wall of Two Worlds is very strong. If the God of Knowledge and her are fighting with equal strength, she will not have any home field advantage, which is equivalent to exposing herself to the enemy. The muzzle of the gun is now.

But Queen Evernight has always been extremely confident. She believes that as long as she has the same conditions, she is the strongest existence among the existing gods like the God of Knowledge, and she can always hold on under his attack.

Because of this consideration, she maximized the value of the 25th Cosmic Cube. The wall between the two worlds has existed for thirty years, and it has not been broken by the God of Knowledge, or the consciousness of the Queen of Eternal Night has been erased.

On the contrary, she is like a fish in water in this almost eternal war, and her fighting spirit is getting higher and higher, a state of addiction.

In fact, the Queen of Eternal Night also thinks and grows in the endless war.

This is completely lonely. There is no one around her to communicate with. Except for the attack infiltrated by the God of Knowledge, she is the only wisdom in this universe.

She can use the matter of this universe to create insect swarms, but such insect swarms can show extremely high intelligence and become fighting machines with strong self-discipline through neural networks, but such insects do not have the wisdom of emotions and personality.

The swarm of the Queen of Eternal Night can perfectly complete all her instructions, but there is no mistake and no creativity, and it is impossible to communicate and relieve her loneliness.

In such an environment, the Queen of Eternal Night can only recall her past tough life and think about any problems after fighting.

Then if the God of Knowledge starts, she will follow, and the two sides will pull each other and fight until all the matter in the universe is emptied, then wait for it to recover and start the next game.

This is the battlefield she constructed, which exists for fighting. It evolves more and more perfectly between birth and death again and again.

Of course, the God of Knowledge will also understand the rules of the wall between the two worlds in this process, and will eventually find a way to break it and reopen the passage on both sides of the universe.

But that must be a long time later. The Queen of Eternal Night is confident that she can stay here for a long, long time.

In the endless battles, and watching the birth and death of the entire universe, because she can't get effective information from the outside world, even the change of time is blurred, so her thinking is getting clearer and clearer, and her fighting spirit is getting purer.

The war is raging, and her power has become more and more unpredictable because she is immersed in killing.

In order to facilitate the command of the insect swarm, she also made some modifications to her own nerves. Many endings directly protrude from the body, which can connect with the brain worm, and then expand outward step by step to directly control the entire insect swarm.

So if you look at it from the perspective of a mortal, the Queen of Eternal Night now has a strange style of body fused with a giant protein monster worm, and her power belongs to the evil order, which is perfect for the creatures with sacred attributes of the God of Knowledge.

But her thoughts and desires are becoming clearer and clearer, and she cares less and less about things.

In this battle, she actually achieved a state of "mind like a mirror" similar to the Eastern cultivation system. Those mundane frameworks and shackles can no longer completely restrict her. Only the things she wants to accomplish are more important.

The most important thing at the moment is, of course, to guard the wall between the two realms, not to let the gods break through, and fall for the country and people behind her.

And then other things? Observe the universe, master the rules, and adjust the rules.

She didn't become a pure-hearted cultivator, but she understood what she really wanted, so she felt that many of her choices in the past were childish and ridiculous.

Trapped by worldly knowledge and fascinated by what she had, she was far less sharp than she is now.

The God of Knowledge was surprised by the changes that happened to the Queen of Eternal Night.

Originally, the opponent was the best among the mortals. In her one-man war, she did not collapse in the endless repetitive killing. Instead, she turned a disaster into a blessing and entered a wonderful state beyond the original level.

The pure strength of divine consciousness and firm will, the gods who have existed for tens of thousands of years are no more than this. But the Queen of Eternal Night did not absorb the power of faith, so she did not have to worry about being affected by those chaotic moods and consciousness, and thus lost in her own divine field.

So, this is actually a more transcendent path than the gods?

The God of Knowledge analyzed the current state of the Queen of Eternal Night and felt a sense of envy.

Although the absolute destructive power she mastered may not reach the level of gods, if the Queen of Eternal Night walks out of the wall between the two worlds, she will inevitably grow more terrifying than the gods.

Even if the outside world is already a world of negative magic, the rules are slowly evolving, which is different from the universe that the Queen of Eternal Night is familiar with and the rules she saw before entering this universe.

But with her consciousness strength, it doesn’t take much time to be familiar with and master those rules and clarify the way to fight.

"It’s a pity that I have to kill her here." The God of Knowledge sighed.

The Queen of Eternal Night was greatly surprised: "So you can be merciful and want to spare my life?"

"You are a very unique observation object."

"Hehe, just like Nalinel... No wonder she is your most proud creation."

"So, if there is no Father God's wish, I will also fall."

"Having the emotions of normal creatures and getting rid of that kind of extremely selfish thinking is called falling?"

"Any fearless thinking is a burden. Too much burden affects the way forward, and even loses the way, that is falling."

"Okay, you really have your reasons, keep fighting!"

The overwhelming swarm of insects opened up, and gradually gathered on the red land, and collided with the angels with angry golden wings.

In the battle between the Queen of Eternal Night and the God of Knowledge, each creation is different.

Under the same rules and similar amounts of matter, they can only try their best to improve the utilization rate of energy and try to dig out the flaws of the other party before fighting a decisive battle.

Unfortunately, in the battles again and again, the two sides had a faint sense of awareness, but the gap was never wide enough for the Queen of Eternal Night to drive out the God of Knowledge, or for the God of Knowledge to wipe out the Queen of Eternal Night.

Both sides are the top chess players in the universe. Their styles may be different, but there is no difference in superiority.

Even in the constant competition, their ideas will collide with each other and imitate the wonderful moves used by each other.

The battle to destroy all creatures and destroy a universe is now just like a chess game that is constantly restarted.

The God of Knowledge has always been very patient, not to mention that he is fighting on two fronts. If he can crack the rules of the wall between the two worlds, he may be able to bypass this place.

"Wait, you actually have the spare time to control the changes in the rules of the universe?"

The God of Knowledge suddenly found that his cracking work, which was almost completed, had dropped a lot.

The Queen of Eternal Night was busy dealing with his particularly fierce attack, and denied it three times in a bad mood: "I didn't, it wasn't me, don't talk nonsense!"

The God of Knowledge was going to win this battle, but not by much, and it wouldn't hurt her body.

But she still wanted to save it with her operation, so she struggled desperately, and she definitely didn't have time to care about the changes in this universe.

"No, the rules are indeed changing. Have you secretly cultivated any new skills?"

"No... But you always forget that I have teammates!"

The Queen of Eternal Night also felt the quiet changes in the universe, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Compared with the camp of gods, the natural selection front is as poor as a beggar, starting late, controlling fewer planes, and extremely insufficient resources. The technology is also explored on the spot.

But what makes them stronger than the gods is that the comrades who have come to this point are fighting to the death, and they all desire victory by any means.

As for the other three gods, not to mention that they may not know the true goal of the God of Knowledge, even if they know, they just treat it as a task.

No matter how serious it is, it is completely different to follow the positive desire in your heart to reach the other side.

So the God of Knowledge fought and analyzed the rules at the same time, because the other three gods had exhausted their energy just to deal with the troubles brought by the Tianming Army and had no time to share his worries.

But the Queen of Eternal Night is different. Behind her is her empire, her comrades on the natural selection front, and the successor she personally chose.

"Your Excellency the God of Knowledge, I have heard of you for a long time, and finally met you." Roger appeared beside the Queen of Eternal Night.

"You actually succeeded in getting in?" The God of Knowledge felt very frustrated. The wall between the two worlds should be the same blocking force on both sides, otherwise the universe will be unbalanced and will collapse.

"Because I have cheats!"

Roger smiled gently and looked at the Queen of Eternal Night, "Your Majesty, you have worked hard. Now it's our turn."

"Wait a moment."


"Long time no see, give me a hug!"


God of Knowledge: CNM I am a god, I don't need to eat dog food!

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