The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 287: You will be punished to stay down there forever (1/2)

The Queen of Eternal Night found that her path to becoming a wizard was smoother than she expected.

Although she could not condense the negative magic from the outside universe in the wall between the two worlds, the levels of wizards' heart training and willpower were not difficult for her.

It seemed that the lonely battle in this universe had given her enough experience to improve her willpower to an extremely high level.

With a clear mind, she was naturally a person with great perseverance. Looking at the path of wizards again was like looking down from a high place. She only needed to scan the places that ordinary practitioners could not comprehend.

"Your Majesty's talent is really enviable."

Roger paid attention to her progress in cultivation. As one of the pioneers who explored this path from scratch, he knew the difficulty of each level.

But the Queen of Eternal Night was equivalent to opening up a new path alone after there was no way for magicians. At that time, she did not have multiple world-class research institutions to support her.

"It's a very interesting cultivation system. I'm curious about what the outside world has become."

The Queen of Eternal Night couldn't help showing a yearning look.

Roger said with a smile: "There is a video, if you don't watch it, who can you blame?"

"I won't watch it. I want to see the world I have protected with my own eyes. What's the point of watching the dull video?"

"What do you mean by that? Actually, what's the point of change? You can probably guess it..."


The God of Knowledge found that he was about to fail, but the two people on the opposite side suddenly started fighting.

CNM, it's too insulting to God!

This happened so many times in a row. He thought he was finished and was going to be driven out of the wall between the two worlds.

As a result, the other side cooperated well, and I don't know what happened. Suddenly, there was a disorder in the command, which gave him a chance to win in defeat, disrupt the whole situation, and then regain the victory.

Once or twice, he felt that he was lucky, but three, four, and five times, he suddenly realized that the other side was doing it on purpose!

Didn't take his opponent seriously, and hadn't played enough, so decided to play with him for a while?

In fact, there really wasn't any. Roger was also somewhat puzzled by the Queen of Eternal Night's increasingly frequent temper recently: "Your Majesty, your state seems to be not right? You have a will that is beyond the limits of mortals, so why do you have more and more willful reactions to the language dispute that don't care about the situation?"

"I am happy!"


"Maybe this is a new stage. I really don't care about anything. When I know it won't affect the situation, I will make some choices that only make myself happy..."

She also frowned, examined her heart, and found the problem.

This is the negative impact of the wizard system. If an ordinary person had such a problem, it would be called a demon.

But her realm is too high, and her control over the power in her body is far greater than that of wizards of the same level, so even if there is a disorder, it is under her control. I thought it was a normal reaction, and I didn't even practice it.

It can probably be understood as a normal person who suddenly started all kinds of suicidal behaviors and took the initiative to put himself in a dangerous place.

The explanation given by the mind is "looking for excitement", but looking for excitement to the extent of risking one's life, it is obvious that the brain circuit responsible for judgment has been misconnected...

"It doesn't matter. Since the problem has been discovered, I will naturally correct the error in my thinking after a period of time."

The Queen of Eternal Night examined her heart and gradually relaxed.

She had encountered similar levels before, and naturally had ways to deal with them. With her self-control, it was not difficult to solve the problem after discovering it.

After listening to her analysis, Roger was almost jealous of the separation of the plasmodium and the wall: "So this is your obsession. This weak reaction is simply unworthy of these words..."

"Guess what the God of Knowledge feels now?"

Then they waited for the energy in the wall of the two worlds to stabilize and start the next battle, and found that the will of the God of Knowledge had left.

The other party felt severely insulted, and the analysis was self-destructive, so he gave up the attempt to open the wall of the two worlds from the inside with the elimination of the Queen of Eternal Night as the key step.

"It's boring, then my dear, continue to fight with me?" The Queen of Eternal Night looked at Roger.

Although the problem of willfulness can be adjusted, it will not be cured immediately. She looked at Roger with a very dangerous look.

Roger had a bad idea in his mind and said quickly: "It's bad. My body seems to be unable to support it. I have to temporarily withdraw from this space..."

"Don't pretend. Don't think that I don't know the technology you have mastered. Crossing the wall between the two worlds is simply one-way."

"Your Majesty, you have overlooked the speed of technological progress of the empire..."

"If it is not one-way, why haven't you contacted the rear once in such a long time?"

Roger was speechless. You are such a reckless guy, and you actually started to pick details and play reasoning, right?

But the disaster is indeed the universe controlled by the Queen of Eternal Night. If she wants to pay attention to any information, there will be no secrets.

Correspondingly, Roger wanted to use the method of pretending to be offline to refuse to fight with the Queen of Eternal Night with almost no chance of winning, but he couldn't escape.

At this time, Xiao Ao actually had a bit of a sense of bullying because of his inner demon, so he couldn't tell whether she really couldn't control her behavior or was retaliating against herself.

Although many things between the two of them were made clear, it was impossible to say that the Queen of Eternal Night had no "insignificant details" that she was thinking about.

She could think it through, but it didn't mean that she would spare herself when she had the ability.

"Then... I have no choice, right?"

Roger also accepted his fate. He had to stand at attention when being beaten. He took the initiative to come in to help him. If he wanted to leave, he had to wait for the Natural Selection Front to make a technical breakthrough based on his successful crossing this time, and then he could complete the work of truly breaking the wall between the two worlds.

Who made the Queen of Eternal Night not even have a way to open it directly from the inside in order to ensure the blocking effect.

She was really prepared to spend herself in loneliness at the cost of self-sealing, in exchange for the development time of the Natural Selection Front.

As a result, she performed too well, and the battle with the God of Knowledge was a back-and-forth battle. The progress of the Natural Selection Front also exceeded her expectations, and Roger came in early.

Now, the initiative has basically fallen into the half of the universe on the Natural Selection Front.

Yes, even she, the master of the universe, can only passively wait for others to open the door.

But before this opening, she can ravage a guy to her heart's content, teach him a lesson, etc.

Let you flirt with other people!

Let you make me bored for so many years!

Let you retreat at the critical moment!

"Just lose a few games, come again and again."

The combat troops of the Queen of Eternal Night surrounded Roger's base and hung him up proudly.

"Four thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven games, you call this a few losses?"

Even the mentality of the wizard was about to explode.

This woman was really ruthless, not giving him any face, and winning every round by storm.

Originally, the Queen of Eternal Night was a tactical master, and her military talent in attack was incredible.

She fought countless games with the God of Nature here. Although Roger joined the battle later, he was a supporting role throughout the whole process, cooperating with the Queen of Eternal Night to attack.

As a result, now he is singled out by the Queen of Eternal Night. A support is competing with a shooter to destroy the house. What can he do to fight against others?

The Queen of Eternal Night pretended to be surprised: "Hey, you are a grown man, you remember it so clearly?"

"I don't want to remember it either, but my brain is so good now."

Roger didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The improvement of strength and thinking, plus the fact that he had to worry about too many things as the regent, even if he fought here now, it would not consume many brain cells.

"So, do you admit that I am powerful?"

"I admit it, I admit it."

"Then will you be obedient in the future?"

"Obedience, obedience."

"Okay, this is what you said. With your current status, you can't lie, otherwise I will make this recording public."

Roger was stunned for a moment, and said with a strange look: "Such a childish conversation has a greater impact on you than on me."

"I don't care, but you seem to care."

The Queen of Eternal Night looked at him with a smile, where was the demeanor of an emperor, clearly a demon who played with people's hearts.

Roger sneered: "In fact, I don't care that much..."

"So, you just perfunctorily said that to me, right? You are not responsible for what you said, right? You must be punished."

As soon as she raised her hand, the whole space suddenly shrank infinitely, turning into the familiar interior of Fengling Yueying Palace.

This environment made him feel a little palpitation for some reason. Before he could react to her intention, a fragrant breeze blew into his arms, and the overbearing woman pushed him back on the dragon couch unreasonably.

"I will punish you to be below forever, hum."

She leaned down, her eyes were actually very unwilling, and there was also a dangerous flame flashing.

This man said that he was convinced and didn't want to play anymore, but in fact, the tenacity in his eyes was completely different from before.

After the real start, even if the hope of victory was slim, he was very serious about the fight, without any attitude of casually fighting, and still wanted to seize any opportunity to kill her.

This mentality, after continuous fighting, made her a little amazed.

The idea of ​​completely defeating him was thwarted, but the Queen of Eternal Night didn't feel that she was at a disadvantage. Anyway, he couldn't run away, so she changed some games.

Roger also noticed the change in the atmosphere, but what he said before seemed to have become a kind of contract, restricting his power in this space.

He was perfunctory, but she also set a trap of rules.

In the end, it was still the Queen who was more skilled and pressed him down hard.

"Hiss, you woman, you adjusted my nerve sensitivity, right?"

He suddenly noticed something wrong.

"Lovely Qing's expression is obviously very happy... isn't it?"

She was very proud and very pleased with this scene of completely taking the initiative.


But the next second, her body suddenly froze.

Roger barely sat up, turned over, pressed her on him, and whispered in her ear: "Your Majesty, have you ever thought that the wizard system you practiced was given to you by me, so can't I leave a back door in advance?"

He reached out to untie the dragon robe, and the Queen of Eternal Night went from bliss to death. This change in state of mind made her a little unacceptable.

"You are disloyal, you plotted against me!"

"Your Majesty, didn't you know long ago that my loyalty has deteriorated?"

He lowered his head and explored the body he had longed for for so long.

This woman, whose charm conquered the entire universe and even the God of Knowledge admired, always tried to show off her strength, but was still controlled because of a small mistake.

A trace of regret flashed across the eyes of the Queen of Eternal Night, and then she showed a trace of cunning without caring.

In this war, is it really meaningful to argue about winning or losing?

She sighed softly, "Let me go, don't make trouble."

Roger hesitated and removed the backdoor left in her soul.

She opened her arms, hugged him back tightly, and closed her eyes.

"Actually, I thought I would never see you again, never see the Empire again. Now it's like this... I never thought about it, and even worried that it was a dream I imagined..."

"In your dream, can I be so tormented?"

"Humph... Of course not, I'll lick my feet obediently!"

"Tsk tsk, you woman actually have this hobby."

"How about... You can choose black or white silk stockings, try it?"

"Don't use such boring conditions to attract me, of course it's black and white silk stockings together!"

In the universe that belongs to the two of them, the sound of constant singing and constant storms lasted for an unknown period of time.

Until the Tianhai Tower completely analyzed the rules of the wall between the two worlds, the Imperial Fleet sailed into the strange universe and sent out countless search signals.

"Her Majesty did not respond, the Regent did not respond... Our leader lost contact... Woo woo woo..."

Aishali read the blank feedback on the screen in disbelief, and said worriedly: "Let's exit the area and re-enter it."

Is it because the rules of this universe are too mysterious, and our way of opening is wrong?

But the gods have not invaded, which means that His Majesty must still be alive, but why didn't he respond to her favorite empire?

Could it be that love will change?

The other side of the universe.

Two spots of light quietly patrolled the diocese of the gods.

At the moment when the wall between the two worlds opened, the Queen of Eternal Night and Roger confirmed the progress of the natural selection front, knowing that there was no need to worry about that side, and instead moved forward to the control area of ​​the gods.

Finally, in an area where energy was abnormally concentrated, they saw the army led by four gods, who were carrying out the final siege against a huge, dark, and corrupt giant.

The giant's vitality was about to burn to the end, and it was all relying on the last support to try to consume the power of faith of the gods.


Roger looked at the giant whose body was broken everywhere, breeding all kinds of strange creatures, and was darker than the abyss itself. He finally found a familiar fluctuation in the depths of his soul.

"Did you... win?"

After waiting for a long time, a joyful but guilty response came, "Sorry, I let you see me like this."

"You look beautiful like this."

The Queen of Eternal Night said admiringly, "I know what it feels like to face those gods alone. You've worked hard."

"Not just me, but all the people of the Tianming Army are here to welcome your majesty!"

Xana responded slowly, her voice echoing endlessly.

A little lightless darkness spread out with Roger and the Queen of Eternal Night as the center, opening up a passage.

"Go home, my warriors!"

The wall between the two worlds was opened by them on their own initiative, not destroyed. Next, it can become a barrier that can be freely entered and exited, raising their initiative to the gods to a new level.

Roger escorted the dark giant transformed by Shana and the Tianming Army, while the Queen of Eternal Night blocked the pursuit of the gods.

The day when the universe is reconnected, the Queen returns.

The war machine that has been stagnant for a hundred years is turned on again.

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