The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 288: First Control of the Sea of ​​Origin (1/2)

Inside the wall between the two worlds, the Natural Selection Front investigation team, which was still looking for the Queen and the Regent, finally reconnected with their two leaders.

The message was read from the dark giant who came in from the tradition:

The parish is relaxing, don't worry.

The dragon-flying and phoenix-dancing font was from the hand of the Queen of Eternal Night.

The leader of this investigation team, Aishali: ? ? ?

It is said that we have not really fought against the God of Knowledge in the new version. How come from the words of your Majesty's message, I feel a kind of strategic contempt for the enemy?

You are the supreme leader of the Natural Selection Front. You took the second leader to relax in the enemy's base camp. What should we do if something happens?

Oh, it doesn't matter. The current system should be able to easily select a new leader who is capable of leading everyone forward, and the entire mortal world will not stop because of the loss of anyone.

This is the goal that everyone has been pursuing tirelessly since the establishment of Natural Selection, because from the Queen of Eternal Night to the bottom, everyone regards themselves as martyrs who may be sacrificed at any time.

Because their enemies are gods, because they want to liberate the people, not what achievements they want to achieve.

Therefore, traditional feudal emperors must have tried every means to concentrate power on themselves, so that no one can shake their position, and strive for a family business that is not easy to achieve.

But the Queen of Eternal Night is different from Roger. They are completely forced by the situation. They must stand up to integrate all resources and concentrate their efforts to achieve strategic goals more efficiently, rather than wasting precious opportunities in democratic wrangling, and they will not choose the wrong track because of the short-sightedness of a group of rabble. This is why they become the leaders of the entire Natural Selection Front.

In addition to them, there is currently no third candidate who can directly make the people of all worlds recognize their leadership without any battle.

So even if Roger directly moved away half of the universe where the Natural Selection Front is located, and left it idle for a long time, and handed over the position of Speaker to Angelina (Margaret cursed and left the live broadcast room).

But the entire Natural Selection Front still resolutely promoted the method of breaking the wall between the two worlds, and tried to find the two leaders and lead them to move forward.

Now the world is open and people have been found, but these two went to relax. Is their goal to confront those gods?

The confidence revealed behind this directly boosted the morale of the army!

"This shows that under the leadership of the leader, we can definitely win!"

"Build well and wait for the return of the Queen and the Regent!"

"Make all preparations for war and wait for the order!"

Obviously, the Queen of Eternal Night and Roger took an irresponsible attitude, hoping that they can operate like a mature state machine, but everyone still consciously waited...

And from their irresponsible wandering behavior, they forced themselves to understand the picture they wanted to see!

That was the responsible Queen, who was personally scouting the enemy!

You said something and I said something, and the excellent scientists of the Natural Selection Front, who were confused and lost their direction, regained their fighting spirit through self-motivation and self-hypnosis.

Your Majesty, the Regent, will continue to lead us to victory, great!

"Hey... Can anyone see us?"

Suddenly, as the carrier of the message, the dark giant made a sound.

This is nonsense. It is so big, of course it can be seen, and it can always feel the dark power in it. The shield of the battleship is opened to the maximum, which can completely prevent this kind of erosion.

"So if it can be seen, we can still rescue it..."

The consciousness led by Shana expressed strong dissatisfaction to these scientists who were about to fast forward to celebrate the victory before the war started.

Aishali was the first to react: "It seems... Your Majesty threw this dark giant back, not as simple as a courier box?"

Shana \u0026 Tianming Army: Are you polite?

Your Majesty sent us back, of course, to protect the meritorious ministers, God's tmd courier box!

It's just a message, there is no need for such a big box, right?

But anyway, things finally returned to normal, and everyone acted quickly to pull the Tianming Army fighters back from the brink of death.

Because they had to choose to step into the darkness to fight against the gods, they left behind all kinds of hidden dangers, and their souls were seriously eroded by negative magic. Although it cannot be solved immediately, it can still slow down the deterioration trend.

After confirming the identities of Shana and others, the entire medical research system of the Natural Selection Front immediately revolved around them.

A large number of resources are being mobilized, a large number of the latest technologies are being applied, and new topics are being established for problems that cannot be solved...

In short, we will not give up any brothers and sisters who have fought side by side!

Our battles used to be very difficult, and many people were wronged in order to support it. Now that we are rich, you don’t need to be wronged anymore!

World-class publicity and promotion also took action immediately, interviewing and sorting out the deeds of Shana and other Tianming soldiers, reporting their battles that lasted for hundreds of years on the other side of the universe, and changing them into various forms of literary and artistic works such as documentary literature, movies, TV series, documentaries, etc., so that everyone can know:

The peaceful life here is someone carrying the burden forward!

It must be said that because of the mature publicity and hero-level treatment, the small details that Shana was almost treated as a courier box and was forgotten were naturally ignored and not disclosed to anyone in public channels.

And their experience, with guerrillas and peasant armed forces of the free uprising as the core, was able to withstand the siege of three powerful gods for a hundred years and waited for the support of the Queen of Eternal Night and Roger. This story is indeed legendary.

They inspired the people who have worked hard to develop in recent years. The development thinking that emerged because of peace for too long immediately disappeared because of the experience of the Tianming Army and what they saw with their own eyes.

In the previous massacre of the gods, some worlds preserved the fire of mortals, and they multiplied and grew with difficulty outside the territory controlled by the chanting insects.

They lived a difficult life, but they still had an indestructible will to resist. They did their best to help the Tianming Army and created various obstacles for the gods to break the wall between the two worlds.

They were able to develop and grow safely, which was an opportunity gained by the sacrifice of the Queen of Eternal Night and the sacrifice of these Tianming Army.

The treatment of heroes is not compensation, but well-deserved!

"Excuse me, comrade Shana, do you have any wishes after recovery?" The beautiful reporter of "Long Live the Queen" came to the bedside and interviewed Shana who was still incubating in the incubator.

Well, there is nothing wrong with this. She merged with the Tianming Army to become the dark giant, and her body had long been abandoned. In order for her to have an ordinary life, she naturally had to help her specially prepare a new body.

Fortunately, before they carried out the guerrilla warfare across the universe, the technology of the natural selection front was already advanced enough, and most people could find their own genetic backups.

It doesn't matter if those who don't have it, Lydia provides them with a wealth of optional and customizable excellent genetic individuals, which is basically the game face pinching and talent selection set that can be enabled in the display.

Many people deliberately pretended that they didn't have a backup, gave up the body that was originally just a handsome body, and rebuilt a body of Daniel Wu's level...

The staff of the Life Ritual chose to turn a blind eye. Our heroes are more handsome and more beautiful, which actually helps the publicity work.

Moreover, in this era, adjusters have become the mainstream. Their appearance and talents can be customized, but the overall limit will not destroy the stability of genes and will not affect the difficulty of inheritance.

Their choice is just the right they should have in this era.

Of course, Shana doesn't need it. Her body itself has the top appearance and talent, but growth also takes time, and in order to ensure the degree of integration, she is arranged a thirty-day growth cycle.

She can also use these thirty days to master the characteristics of the new era and understand the current changes in the empire.

In this process, she can still communicate with the outside world.

This is not the first time she has faced an interview like the beautiful reporter. Knowing that this is also a necessary procedure, she answered without any hesitation:

"I want to control the latest battleship, return to the battlefield, and continue to smash those gods!"

After countless years of fighting, her original luxurious Odu accent has been infected by soldiers from different worlds, and her speech has become much more vulgar.

But it is this kind of vulgarity that fits the identity of a guerrilla leader in everyone's mind, and her firm will to fight is indeed super exciting.

Therefore, under the hype of various propaganda machines, Shana's remarks topped the hot search and became part of the recruitment propaganda.

Even the veterans who are still recovering in the incubator can return to the battlefield. What qualifications do you people with healthy limbs have to escape and fear?

The war machine of the Natural Selection Front is fully activated, just waiting for the return of the Queen.



Source Sea.

Roger took the Queen of Eternal Night and slipped into the center of this universe again.

However, after the outbreak of negative magic, this gray ocean no longer has the power to devour everything before, and the difficulty of entering this side has also been greatly reduced.

The energy of creation is limited. The God King has modified the basic rules once, and the adjustment is still in the cooler. At least within 100,000 years, no one can borrow the source sea to make corrections to the laws of the entire universe.

Therefore, the God of Knowledge also abandoned the management of this place, believing that its strategic significance is insufficient, and invested limited energy in the work of breaking the wall between the two worlds.

So now Roger is back quite easily.

"Is this the last gift that the God King left for this world? It can be called a big deal."

The Queen of Eternal Night overlooked the Source Sea. She and Roger had been here thousands of times, but because it was too huge, they had never met the God King.

Although they had gained a lot, they did not master the method to directly modify the rules of the entire universe.

This time, the gods had seized the opportunity to almost force the natural selection line to a dead end.

Now there are almost no traces of the God King left at that time, all swallowed up by the once crazy surging waves.

But only the gray sea water, the once quiet lake has vitality, and we can imagine the power of the God King standing above the law and overlooking the mortals.

Even if he is an enemy, it cannot be denied that such an enemy is worthy of admiration, because what he pursues is indeed different from the ambitions of ordinary people.

If you don't grow to his level, you can't understand that the universe is a cage, and you want to break this cage desperately and face the creator who determined your fate.

Only if you are strong enough and proud enough, you will have such an idea. Even if it is self-sacrifice, as long as there is an heir who can go out, it will be fine.

"Maybe you are the same kind of people, both of you can do whatever it takes to achieve your goal."

Roger smiled and concluded that she is also a person who can sacrifice herself to seek victory.

"Well, we are all the best existences in this universe. Maybe one day I will also hate the smallness of this universe and want to go out and take a look."

The Queen of Eternal Night pondered, "But I will only leave by myself, instead of hurting others and forcibly ending a universe as a bargaining chip to leave so rudely."

Roger asked back: "How do you know that he didn't try all the conventional methods and found that none of them worked, so he chose such a time-consuming and laborious path?"

This sentence confused the Queen of Eternal Night.

The era she lived with the God King was too far apart, and what Roger said was indeed very likely.

If she was such a creator, she gave her creatures strong enough abilities and a tough enough character, and she would not let him run away easily. What if he caused trouble for herself?

"That's right, my dear. You always have strange methods. Just because the God King can't do it doesn't mean you can't do it."

The Queen of Eternal Night suddenly looked at Roger deeply, with a playful smile.

Don't you claim to have a cheat? Maybe one day that cheat will improve and take me to travel the multiverse at will.

"Maybe one day the version will be updated!"

Roger also thinks this is a very interesting question.

Growing to his current strength, the help that the system can provide is very limited. Even a powerful wizard can't analyze many mysteries of the system.

Perhaps, that is the cheat cast by a higher dimension, which naturally has an unanalyzable attribute, at least he can't completely control it in this universe.

So what the God King can't do with means in this universe, he may really do it one day?

"Okay, stop chatting, we have to start working."

The Queen of Eternal Night stopped chatting and cheered up, "The gods didn't find the role of this central node, so we just need to use it."

"They may also know that it's just the wall between the two worlds plus the Tianming Army, they can't spare more time to study the source sea. After all, the God of Knowledge limits the number of intelligent beings. Although the gods have powerful minds, they can't compare with the hundreds of billions and hundreds of billions of wisdom variables of mortals, which flash together to bring possibilities."

He and the Queen of Eternal Night joined forces to cast a spell and began to integrate their will into the coast little by little and establish a connection with it.

If it were in the past, this would be a way to die, and the King of Gods died like this.

But now the source sea has no destructive nature, and its self-protection function has stopped working due to insufficient energy, so there is a gap for the two of them to invade.

This is a glimmer of possibility that mortals have spent a hundred years to find.

There is no flow of time in the source sea, only an ocean of knowledge and laws. In the constant exploration and deepening of thinking, a shadow of a magic cube appeared in the palms of Roger and the Queen of Eternal Night.

"Does it take us both to rotate it for it to work?"

The Queen of Eternal Night quickly analyzed the functions of the two magic cubes and the difficulty of releasing them with double confirmation.

But when the two of them work together, they can bring great surprises to the gods.

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