Beyond the former wall between the two worlds, the God-killing Fortress is located.

The maze defense system that has undergone countless rounds of updates is like an iron lock across the river, blocking the army of the gods outside and protecting the prosperous world built by mortals behind for hundreds of years.

The God-killing Fortress guarded by four wizards, even if the God of Knowledge personally went to the battlefield, he still had no fighting power to fight against the enemy.

The wizards who are at the peak of the mortal cultivation system at this moment are not a match for the gods who control huge energy.

The gods are still the peak of the individual combat power of this universe. The power of faith is intertwined with the courtyard of this plane. Even if it is updated to the version of negative magic, it still relies on the accumulation of the past and can look down on any mortal.

However, on a larger battlefield, the amplification effect displayed by wizards is far greater than that of gods.

At this moment, on the defense line of the God-killing Fortress, wizards play the role of catalysts. With their powerful thinking ability, they can adjust the effectiveness of the army in time, connect and synchronize the overall power, and make the soldiers play the effect of one plus one far greater than two.

The gods can't do this. They are the strongest point of their own camp, but they only play the role of charging, ensuring the single-point attack power of the army of gods, but they can't improve the upper limit of the strength of the entire army.

This is not a distinction between good and bad, but a property that a system has shown since its birth.

In the process of fighting with the Queen of Eternal Night, the God of Knowledge has honed the top command art, but every wizard on the opposite side has such the same skills.

Moreover, they are always analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of enemy and our combat units and equipment, cooperating with the six wizards in the rear to carry out research and development, and adjusting their own team composition in real time, which makes the gods feel the difficulty of fighting.

At this point in the battle, it can be said that the strategic value of the Queen of Eternal Night opening the wall between the two worlds to buy time for mortals has been fully reflected.

They have successfully developed to a point that even gods cannot understand. It is obviously the rules rewritten by the King of Gods, but mortals can use them more purely and more extreme.

"But we don't want victory."

The God of Knowledge looked at the bright battlefield ahead, and his eyes also showed determination.

The Sea God, Dragon God, and God of Hope were besieging the God-killing Fortress at this moment, and suddenly found that they had lost contact with the faith in the rear.

Then, they found that not only was there a problem with the supply in the rear, but even the faith foundation that constituted their bodies began to lose control, and they moved spontaneously, performing some irreversible operations.

"Is this a new operation? Can it control the power of the gods?"

The God of Hope felt the fear of the unknown. After Tai Bella fell, they discussed many countermeasures, and the Natural Selection Front should not release the virus to control them again.

The Sea God showed a half-smile expression: "This is a backhand from my brother. Now we are also chess pieces that can be sacrificed for strategic goals."

The means by which the three gods absorb and transform the power of faith all come from the God King. The reason why they dare not betray is because of this relationship.

They thought that as long as they showed enough use value, they could naturally be a slacker and enjoy the benefits of this powerful camp.

But unexpectedly, when the God of Knowledge wanted to achieve a greater goal, they did not even have any power to resist.

Three beams of light, no different from stars, fell towards the God-killing Fortress.

Faced with such an energy reaction beyond the limit, the God-killing Fortress also felt surprised, and currently did not have enough countermeasures.

"This is the self-destruction of the gods."

"As long as we survive this wave, we will win. How many gods can they self-destruct?"

"We are locked in and can't escape."

"It doesn't matter, the Natural Selection Front will not fall."

The four wizards kept communicating. With their strength, they could not leave the battlefield at this time, and the God Burial Labyrinth system could not operate under these energy reactions.

All they could do was to forcibly open the transmission channel for evacuating residents, and try to save as much manpower as possible to the rear, waiting for the next battle.

The three gods under the God of Knowledge are his only allies. After this wave, what chance will there be next time?

So even if they will be buried here, these best talents in the Natural Selection Front will not be afraid.

At the beginning, they had to go through several rounds of decisive battles before they had the opportunity to appear in the God-killing Fortress.

Although they knew the risks long ago, no one was willing to give others the chance to face the gods.

Therefore, when facing death, no one would back down.

After all, this universe has never given them the opportunity to choose. It was not until the Qingteng Empire brought light and thought into their world, enlightened their thoughts, and shared technology that they saw how people should live.

Now, in order to ensure that more people like them still have the opportunity to retain their dignity, they are willing to fight this fortress to the last moment.

"Enhance the defense mode and consume the enemy's self-explosion power as much as possible to avoid affecting the rear."

"Record and analyze the enemy's energy reaction sequence, maybe they can find a way to reproduce next time."

"Pass it on, pass on what we see, maybe there will be a chance of victory next time."

Even under the threat of death, there was no frustration in the communication between wizards in the fortress.

Those who can pass the test of willpower and achieve today's strength are all people with great perseverance. The pursuit in their hearts has long surpassed the limitations of life and death.

"Do you want to retire so easily? Have you got my permission?"

A chuckle sounded in the God-killing Fortress.

They saw the seemingly eternal bright light, which clearly hit the God-killing Fortress, but seemed to pass through an insurmountable space barrier.

Then they saw the world where countless god-reciting insects lived, appeared in the direction where the God-killing Fortress should have been, and suffered the self-explosion and destruction of the three gods.

That was definitely not a destruction that a world could withstand.

The three gods had accumulated for tens of thousands of years, and the power of faith that constituted their bodies was greatly stimulated, and was converted into destructive energy without any constraints. Each one was almost the same as a supernova explosion.

The light and heat swept across hundreds of planes and continued to spread outward.

Originally, this damage should have fallen on the mortal plane behind the God-killing Fortress, but at the critical moment, the entire universe rotated, the rules of space changed, and the attack of the three gods was in their own diocese.

That was a safe rear area, and there were not many means of defense, not to mention that it was an involuntary super self-explosion of the gods.

The weak chanting insects evaporated in an instant, and then the entire plane collapsed in the explosion.

During this collapse process, the universe continued to rotate like a Rubik's Cube, using other areas to disperse the energy that exploded so recklessly and fiercely.

"Unfortunately, the last trick was also resolved... So this is how the source sea is used now!"

The God of Knowledge looked at the scene in front of him, and he had calculated the future scene in his mind, and then he knew that his idea of ​​destroying this universe and seeing the world outside the box was completely aborted.

Originally, he thought that his real goal was not to defeat mortals, but to destroy enough planes, destroy the supporting structure of the entire universe Rubik's Cube, and cause the collapse of the universe.

So he didn't need to estimate any means of attack, just bombard the natural selection front with extreme energy, and at the last moment, even he himself could be ammunition that exploded.

This is a very helpless and rogue method, because they control more planes, so this kind of injury for injury, the mortal side will definitely suffer in the end.

Ideally, if he consumes one-third of his faith, he can blow up enough planes to cause the collapse of the universe.

Even if there are empty explosions or mistakes, at most half of them can trigger a butterfly effect and bring about a structural collapse.

However, at the critical moment, the Queen of Eternal Night and Roger jointly controlled the Source Sea and changed the spatial structure of the universe.

After the negative magic element erupted, the underlying rules of the Source Sea that controlled the entire universe entered a cooling state.

In addition, the God of Knowledge was unable to split himself, and other gods were busy chasing and intercepting Shana, so he lost enough defense against the Source Sea.

He thought that even if the Natural Selection Front occupied this point, they could not do anything against the sky.

After all, at this moment, the Source Sea, even if the characteristics that could destroy the bodies of gods disappeared, what waves could it make?

It turned out that the mortals now were extraordinary. They occupied the Source Sea and used their deep understanding of the universe to not develop and master the functions of the Source Sea, but to try to expand new functions on its basis.

This can be said to be a difference in core thinking. The gods are familiar with the rules and master the rules, but their core thinking is to continue to move forward along this limited path, which is to "master the ultimate artifact of the source sea".

But after the Queen of Eternal Night and Roger controlled the source sea, their thinking was to figure out what the source sea is, can we do more things, can we continue to expand outward with this little thing of the source sea?

This operation is actually to use the source sea as a material to refine a new artifact, and then this artifact has a function that the God of Knowledge did not expect, which directly led to his final means and calculation errors.

Originally, the function was limited to the lowest source sea. Under the operation of the Queen of Eternal Night and Roger, the function of controlling the entire universe to move like a Rubik's Cube appeared.

This is a space change that can be forcibly carried out from the root of the universe. Of course, there are limitations, such as the movement must be carried out in a specific area, and at the same time, a large amount of reserves of the source sea must be consumed.

But at the critical moment, when the God of Knowledge releases the final skill that cannot be replicated, the target is transferred away, which is very hurtful.

Moreover, this wave of mortals' operations not only transferred the God-killing Fortress, but also caused the dioceses of the gods to bear the damage, making the direction of energy destruction completely opposite.

The final result was that the God of Knowledge used his last bargaining chip to blow up his own home.

It was as if the family situation, which was already very limited, was once again made worse.

What made him even more desperate was the follow-up operation of the Queen of Eternal Night to rotate this universe as a Rubik's Cube.

Originally, his attack was to annihilate the target plane.

Even if the attack was on his own diocese, as long as enough annihilation was made, there was still a glimmer of hope, and the universe would collapse.

After all, when the Rubik's Cube was turned, the load-bearing structure was also changing.

But the Queen of Eternal Night transferred the energy, making his energy attack dispersed, and the so-called annihilation had become a bubble, and the damage was dispersed.

Those planes were just broken into sand, but there was no further annihilation.

"I lost."

The God of Knowledge conveyed his regret to the Queen of Eternal Night and looked at the woman standing side by side with Roger.

"We will not accept your surrender." The Queen of Eternal Night responded coldly.

"I don't need to surrender either."

The God of Knowledge sensed the last planes under his control, and the energy was connected, including himself, exploding like a supernova, destroying half of the universe.

Of course, because of the existence of the Tianming Army, he did not control all planes, but he still made Roger look at the cosmic cube in his hand and became riddled with holes.

The light like the sea continued to play in all corners of this universe.

"At the last moment, he pushed his consciousness to the next dimension, and wanted to look out again."

Roger discovered the intention of the God of Knowledge to explode these energies, not for another resolute revenge, but for a direction to go.

The God of Knowledge persuaded the God King to stay in this universe and enjoy eternity, and there were also enough rich scenery.

But when it was his last moment, he had already walked forward for so long, but there was still a one-in-ten-thousand hope to verify the road that the God King had not taken that year.

The light lasted for a long time, so long that the consciousness of the God of Knowledge had dissipated like a flowing cloud, unable to withstand such an explosion, and it did not end.

"He failed." The Queen of Eternal Night coldly pronounced her judgment, but there was a kind of regret in her voice that could not be concealed.

At that moment just now, even if the God of Knowledge was an enemy, she hoped that he could succeed and take a look at the outside world he longed for, even if it was just a glance.

Unfortunately, fate did not give him a chance. Even if this was a world operated by the Creator, there would be no miracles.

"No, it's just that he doesn't deserve miracles. He chose an absolutely selfish path from the beginning... So miracles are only on our side, such as our victory."

She turned her head and looked at the mature man who was no longer young, and spat lightly: "Shameless, you just made a beginning. It is our efforts that created infinite possibilities."

"No matter how many zeros there are, without me as one, what's the point?"

"Boring prejudice."

She snorted, but looked back and couldn't help showing a faint smile:

"The Empire finally won the final victory..."

From this moment on, there were no gods born above the heads of mortals, and the entire universe was waiting for them to open up.

Even though this place is already a mess as a battlefield, as long as they are given enough time, they can repair it and even make it more prosperous.

In the field of utilizing matter and energy, they keep moving forward, surpassing their own thinking, and creating more miracles every day.

"I hope we are not the new evil dragon."

Roger looked at the mortal kingdom that had resumed production, and couldn't help showing a playful smile.

What if the history of the universe is just repeating itself?



The Eternal Night World, the Qingteng Empire, the City of Mysteries.

In the Council Hall of Xinghan Palace, the cabinet meeting on the empire's future five-year plan has just come to a successful conclusion under the leadership of the Eternal Night Queen and the Regent, and the people of the empire have a new direction to move forward.

In terms of the material they enjoy now, the civilians of an empire now are no less than the dukes of the past, and the knowledge and ability to transform the world they possess are even more legendary.

Miniaturized and core-based wizard equipment continues to appear in ordinary people's bodies like implants. Everyone is like a dragon is no longer a legend, but a real possibility.

So the direction of progress is to explore a wider universe and orderly control the power of the last self-destruction of the God of Knowledge.

The last gift of the gods is to let them see the destructive power of a higher level, try to control it in their own hands, and turn it into the power of creation.

"Why do I always feel that this is releasing new destruction?"

The Queen of Eternal Night recalled the plan that had just been approved, and couldn't help but sighed.

Roger shook his head: "You have to believe in our rationality, or in other words, you have done enough, and some of you don't need to worry more about the fate of the universe."

The Queen of Eternal Night said stubbornly: "What if I want to worry?"

"Then you... you want to promote me from regent to prince, I will let you do whatever you want."

"You wish, not only will I not promote you, but I will also strip you of your regent position. After all, I am back, and you are still regent... Rude, you sneak attack me again!"

"If I am really rude, why are you still laughing so happily?"

(The whole book is over)

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