Xinghan Palace, Council Hall.

A new round of cabinet meetings is underway.

Everyone's expressions are a little serious.

The movement of pretending to be the Restoration Army has entered its final stage, but the situation is a little out of control.

The restoration of the country has stirred up too much hatred.

Now the people of the seventeen countries have indeed opened the city gates to welcome the imperial army, but they are crazy.

Not only do they want to kill the leaders, but they also want to kill ordinary soldiers of the Restoration Army.

Roger and the Queen both overestimated human nature.

Although the soldiers of the Restoration Army are from the seventeen countries, after being indulged, they treat their compatriots no better than foreigners.

They have done a lot of things that are harmful to the world, and they have also taken the opportunity to vent their anger and take revenge.

The undercover leaders can't be restrained at all.

And the disappointment of ordinary people after their hopes were shattered is indeed strong and lasting.

The manors of the survivors of the seventeen countries, who had been jumping up and down before, are constantly under attack from the people.

Some of the great nobles who have lasted for hundreds of years have been killed.

Ordinary rioters certainly don't have this kind of fighting power, and there is the shadow of the Seven Gods Church in the dark.

The bloodshed stimulated the rioters, and the mood to continue killing was high.

The Imperial Army fell into a dilemma of who to help.

From the perspective of the Empire, the more nobles of the Seventeen Kingdoms who died, the better, but the people are my property, my leeks.

Although I cut them myself, I was careful not to hurt the roots, and I took good care of them, waiting for the next round to continue...

As a result, the leeks began to kill each other, which is a meaningless internal consumption!

In addition, the Seven Gods Church instigated and provided support, and the situation gradually got out of control.

The Seven Gods Church is not stupid.

At the beginning, they were indeed cheated of a lot of supplies, but now they have figured out that the Restoration Army is playing themselves.

The smell is too strong, and no matter how mob it is, it will not be so crazy to attract hatred.

But the people of the Seventeen Kingdoms have begun to turn to the Empire, and it is too late for the Seven Gods Church to save it.

The church is also cruel enough, taking advantage of the situation to intensify and promote civil unrest, causing the Empire to continue bleeding.

"Since these humans can no longer be their lambs, let them die."

This is the thinking circuit of the fanatics.

The priests' expertise is to stir up emotions and add fuel to the fire. Margaret was so anxious that she even had several pimples on her face.

She originally wanted to visit Dior during his holiday and ask for some strategies to deal with Angelina, but she didn't have time to spare.

Roger was also a little surprised to hear such chaos in the 17 countries.

He is not a prophet. He was just a hot-headed person. Who would have thought that there would be a chain reaction.

Margaret was desperate and said bitterly: "They are not from the Empire anyway, let them kill them, anyway, the ones left in the end are loyal to the Empire."

Angelina immediately said: "Foreigners' lives are also lives. Only with people can there be food and wealth. Without enough supplies, how can your army fight?"

The Minister of Finance immediately seconded: "I suggest that the military immediately find a way to stop these chaos."

The Minister of Military Affairs slammed the table: "If we can solve it, why do we need to hold a meeting? We need enough magicians to identify the priests of the Seven Gods Church who are causing trouble."

The Chief Magic Advisor did not expect that he would have his own role, and hurriedly said: "Many magicians in the Empire have been transferred to support agriculture, industry and infrastructure, and we can't give you more manpower."

The Minister of Military Affairs turned his head and looked at the Minister of Agriculture and the Minister of Industry.

So the cabinet meeting became chaotic.

A wave of mutual blame began.

Roger listened silently throughout the whole process without saying a word.

Although they blamed each other, they were also constantly sorting out their ideas.

As mentioned earlier, this is a group of powerful cabinet ministers.

Twelve young generations plus one idiot, plus the blood mother Tongtian generation, it is impossible to lose at this stage.

So Roger was too lazy to think about a better way.

He always felt that it was better to help in times of trouble than to add icing on the cake.

The cabinet has already achieved 95 points, and it is meaningless even if he achieves 96 points.

It is useless and will be hated by others.

Anyway, the empire still has ten years of peak period, what am I afraid of?

I can still get by if I continue to lie down.

I will be anxious to help anyone who helps me up!

He really thought of a way to get by.

Isn't the job of the Minister of History to record the words and deeds of the Queen?

So he pretended to take a notebook and counted there:

In this meeting, Her Majesty sighed seventeen times, frowned twenty-four times, slammed the table five times, gritted her teeth thirteen times, and stared at death seventy-eight times...

The small notebook was filled with correct words.

[Today's meeting is really interesting. The cabinet's skill in passing the buck is no worse than that of the Chinese national football team. Everyone is an evenly matched opponent! 】

【They are usually elegant and graceful, but now they are arguing fiercely. If you have time, go to the parliament. It must be more lively than this, right? 】

【If the parliamentarians, who are all high-level magicians, fight, the parliament hall will become a fireworks party, right? 】

【It's over, it's over. If this bloody mother doesn't nod, this meeting will not be completed. It will delay lunch... I wonder if the royal chef's skills have improved? 】

Roger ate melons and watched the show. He only hated that there was only tea on the table, but no melon seeds and peanuts.

His expression was solemn, but his heart was calm.

Hey, the feeling of lying down came out!

The Queen of Eternal Night thought differently from Roger.

She had already earned a lot of people, but she had to lose a lot of them, so she wanted a plan to pass the level without any damage.

The ministers did not come up with a bright plan, but also blamed each other and quarreled, and Roger was gloating on the side.

She was very irritable.

Pretending to be a Nationalist Army was just your idea. You didn't provide after-sales service to find a solution, and you just pretended to be watching the show?

Why do I have to wipe your ass?

So she glared at Roger fiercely and signaled him to take the initiative.

Roger would mistakenly think that he was glaring at Margaret next to him.

Yu added another stroke to the notebook.

[Okay, ninety-nine times of death stare, Your Majesty, don’t stop, try to get a hundred! 】

Queen:? ? ?

Good guy, I spent 50,000 gold coins to buy a counter and bring it back to the palace?

She was really angry.

Recruiting Roger into the cabinet, giving him leave and money, absolute T0 level treatment.

As a result, you were there to draw straight characters for me during my cabinet meeting?

Do you want me to stretch out my legs and draw it for you?

Still want melon seeds and peanuts? Still think it's too late for lunch?

In the past, when I was compiling the history of the empire, it was understandable that I felt sleepy after all the hard work.

You've been on vacation for seven days to recuperate, why are you still acting like a bastard?

The Queen couldn't figure it out.

How can there be such a guy in the world, who doesn't know how to repay his kindness?

Now that the empire is in trouble, if you don't say that there will be a spring of retribution, at least you can't be so weird, right?

If she could, she really wanted to shout, "Anjie, look at this stinky brother!"

There is no one in the entire Ivy Empire who can mix better than him!

But she can't.

Roger's identity is now a secret known only to her.

Even Roger didn't know she knew.

Angelina didn't even know.

The people of the empire don't know either.

Dio Brando is a typical example of civilians entering the cabinet, spending a lot of money to buy bones.

If I reveal this identity and find out that he is actually the young master of the Charles family...

The public opinion exploded on the spot.

However, the Queen of Evernight would not let Roger touch her so easily.

She waited for the Foreign Secretary to finish speaking and then asked proactively: "Dior, you have been listening for a long time, do you have any thoughts?"

Roger immediately stood up and replied: "I think the way you dealt with it is perfect and wonderful. It is far beyond what I can do. I have gained a lot from this meeting!"

[Your non-stick skillet is really worth learning. It’s so oily! In this situation, can't we just have some hands? 】

"Is this what you really want?" Queen Yongye's hands in her sleeves shimmered with magic.

A "Truth Suggestion Technique" fell on Roger.

The effect is that the target cannot lie for the next five minutes.

This is the spell she found in an ancient book and specially recorded today.

Do you really think that I didn’t prepare anything for the past seven days, so I just came to play the second round?

Sorry, if you are strong you can do whatever you want.

I have predicted your prediction a long time ago and am fully prepared to treat your inconsistency!

Jiebao, go up and start a group!

Go and complain to me like crazy about the rubbish schemes that the cabinet has come up with, and give them some motivation to work!

Roger didn't know he was under a spell.

He just suddenly had a strong urge to express himself.

So he stood up without hesitation, faced Queen Yongye, and blurted out his true thoughts:

"Since your Majesty asked sincerely, I will tell you with great mercy. My real thoughts at this moment are just one sentence: Don't be too greedy as a queen!"

Queen of Evernight:? ? ?

How dare you betray me openly?

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