As soon as Roger said this, the Council Hall was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

Blood Mom was shocked, and the cabinet ministers were all dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that His Majesty would ask for advice, but instead of getting an answer, he would be accused of being greedy?

Could it be that he was angry because he couldn't answer?

Lord Brando, are you so brave?

Can such a group be held?

Everyone subconsciously moved their chairs away from Roger to show that they had drawn a clear line.

The Queen of Eternal Night now seems to be open to all opinions and work hard to govern.

But most of the people present have experienced the battle of the rise of the Qingteng Kingdom, and can't forget the scene of her killing so many people.

So everyone blames each other and blames each other, without any taboos.

But even a close friend like Angelina doesn't dare to easily accuse the Queen of Eternal Night of being wrong.

Do you really think that this Qingteng Empire is a strange system like Da Meng, where the emperor has no face at all and is criticized by civil officials in turn?

The Qingteng Empire does not have the tradition of innocent censors.

The Queen is still the ceiling of the Empire's combat power.

Do you dare to mess with her?

Roger's "true thoughts" were too shocking.

Everyone was so shocked that they could only look at the Queen of Eternal Night's uncertain expression, and no one dared to come out to smooth things over.

Even a toxic fan like Margaret, who was angry that Dio dared to criticize the Queen she admired the most, did not dare to stand up and criticize back.

If the Queen misunderstood that she was giving Dio a way out and hung herself up to be beaten together, it would be very embarrassing.

Angelina was also very surprised at this moment.

But after thinking about it carefully, she felt it was reasonable.

She raised her head and looked at Dio Brando, who stood proudly, with her beautiful eyes shining.

No wonder His Majesty's impression of him was so complicated.

This Lord Brando was full of courage and righteousness, surpassing 99% of the men in this empire!

She now truly admired Dio.

According to Angelina's initial guess, the conflict between Dio and the Queen of Eternal Night was a "young couple quarrel".

So even if he was kicked out of the palace, it was just flirting, and there would be no danger to his life.

But later, His Majesty admitted that he did not have any feelings of "liking" Dio.

Then Dio's frank words really put life and death aside!

Thinking of how he dared to write the early life of the Queen of Eternal Night, and that night he did something that made the Queen kick out of the palace, and now he directly said that the Queen was greedy...

This man obviously only does the right thing, not the kneeling one!

He wants to stand and be the Minister of History!

A real hero, a real hero, a real warrior!

Angelina suddenly understood why His Majesty hesitated to speak that day, saying that Dio had special uses, but was unwilling to tell her clearly.

He just didn't want to know that she was scolded, right?

Angelina's eyes suddenly revealed a sly smile that I see through everything.

Indeed, our Majesty is not a masochist, on the contrary, he is a person with a strong desire for control and super face.

She needs Dio's talent and his straightforward speech.

But if you want to control such a talent, you have to risk losing face.

Your Majesty, it's not easy for her...

She has changed a lot for this country and is struggling to move forward on the path of a wise ruler.

Angelina has always been kind.

She sees the positive side of everything in the world.

So she thinks that the queen regards Dio as a test and will never kill him because of one or two rude words, nor is she in a hurry to get up and make peace.

Don't worry, let your majesty's anger fly for a while.

The Queen of Eternal Night is indeed angry, so angry that she doubts her life.

She used the "truth suggestion technique" to use Roger to achieve the catfish effect:

Roger's unscrupulous stand-up comedy was played out, complaining about the useless strategies that her useless people came up with.

Even if Roger can't come up with a better strategy, it can stimulate her cabinet ministers.

Anyway, he is very bold and dares to think and complain about everything.

It's not a big deal to offend a few cabinet ministers, right?

However, the actual result is that Roger is bolder than the Queen of Eternal Night thought!

He skipped the cabinet complaints.

He went straight to the Queen!

This wave of not moving is better than God's moving. He predicted that the Queen would predict his prediction. After thousands of layers of game, the Queen of Eternal Night's seven days of preparation...

became a joke.

At this moment, the Queen felt wronged, like "Why did you mess with him?" and "The clown turned out to be me."

It was also very confusing.

I work for the country and the people, how can I be greedy?

The Queen of Eternal Night asked coldly:

"Lord Dio, explain the greed you mentioned."

Roger responded:

"Your Majesty is really a master at pretending to be confused. If there was no action by the Restoration Army, how many people would die in the Empire to suppress the rebellion? How many people would die in the homeland of the Seventeen Kingdoms?"

"There are some problems in the final stage now, but compared with the initial tone, the benefits have been a hundred times greater, and the cabinet's strategy can also successfully resolve this matter."

"But you are still forcing everyone to come up with a way to not kill people, to come up with a way to drive out all the undercovers of the Seven Gods Church without mobilizing the magic army and the main force of the Empire..."

"I would like to ask, there will be meteorites falling from the sky, but will there be a star throne falling for you to sit on?"

Roger made an impassioned speech, and the cabinet slowly nodded. Indeed, they have made a lot of money...

If the rebellion is suppressed by force, not only will many people in the Empire die, but the hatred with the Seventeen Kingdoms will also deepen.

But now, after pretending to be the Restoration Army, the survivors of the 17 countries can no longer jump up, and now the people of the 17 countries are also loyal to the empire.

Compared with the initial profit, they have made a lot of money, so they should settle the account quickly and use the profit for other purposes!

However, in the last sentence, Lord Dio scolded the queen again, and everyone dared not nod and quickly kept a straight face.

To prevent themselves from laughing.

Good boy, you are really brave.

Isn't this saying that the queen is waiting for pie in the sky?

But everyone's reaction has been seen by the Queen of Eternal Night. She snorted and asked:

"What a farce! Dio, as a minister, you receive my salary, but you don't relieve my worries and do things to the best. Instead, you are here to make excuses. You deserve to be killed!"

Roger sneered: "The best? Governing a country is intricate and troublesome. This is a game, a reasonable allocation of resources and time, and a card-drawing gamble on talents. It is bound to be balanced within a certain range. How can a beautiful country do everything to the best in time? Your Majesty, you are so naive and cute this time!"


Angelina couldn't help laughing.

Your Majesty... cute?

I thought she would never be able to use this word after she turned sixteen!

Her smile was bad.

The other cabinet ministers couldn't hold it back either.

The number of intelligent races killed directly and indirectly by Blood Mom is definitely over a million.

Such a woman, cute?

It's outrageous!

Who would have thought that in the cabinet parliament, which has always had a strict atmosphere, someone would be so unscrupulous and crazy against the Queen of Eternal Night!

Roger's up master is not in vain, and the rhythm of his speech is very well controlled.

This kind of laughter, anger and criticism of the country is too strong, as if complaining about the poor design of the game lines, and the show effect is directly maximized.

These medieval people dared to see this?

In this tense state, someone is so full of fire, even if they have received professional training, they can't help it.

However, although Dio's tone is a bit frivolous, what he said is really reasonable when you think about it carefully.

Using "game" to describe national governance, the more you think about it, the more mysterious it is...

This is really a very novel and sharp understanding!

There is no perfect answer to governing a country. It is through constant compromise and trial and error that we find a route that can make the country long-term and stable...

Dio was able to summarize such a truth at a young age, and at the same time he was very courageous and made direct criticisms regardless of his own safety.

This talent and character are both first-class!

In time, this boy will surely be a pillar of the country!

Such a talent, though a little frivolous, should also be given a chance!

Young people!

Although the cabinet ministers feared the Queen's authority, they also had responsibilities.

Everyone looked at each other, and the two prime ministers, led by them, stood up and said respectfully at the same time: "Your Majesty, please forgive Lord Brando's rudeness, give him a lighter sentence, and give him a chance to redeem himself!"

The face of the Queen of Eternal Night was as calm as an ancient well, with deep eyes, and no joy or anger could be seen...

In fact, the lungs were about to explode (•́へ•́╬)!

Okay, okay, someone scolded me, and my cabinet all laughed.

And then you turned around to protect that person?

What about the agreement that I would be the standard?

What about the agreement that you would be loyal?

That's it?

That's it? ? ?

Someone just attended the meeting for the second time, and my cabinet has changed!

Meow, where can I go to reason?

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