Because of Roger's forehand and backhand team-up, this cabinet meeting was able to move forward more smoothly.

The Queen of Eternal Night accepted the game theory and understood that there could not be a perfect solution to the affairs of governing the country, so she just let it go.

The cabinet ministers were stimulated by Dio's speech, and their attitudes quietly changed.

They naturally did not want to see the Queen of Eternal Night favor a madman so much.

Isn't it obvious why the Queen tolerates such a person?

Because her cabinet's ability is limited, so she must rely on Dio!

This really achieved the catfish effect.

All the people present are old cabinets, and no one wants this Dio to be in the limelight.

It is easy to share adversity, but it is difficult to share wealth.

When the Qingteng Kingdom was in danger, everyone worked together and performed their duties.

Now the empire is strong and there are troubles, but they are all troubles. The cabinet ministers can't help but shirk each other and protect their own interests.

Compared with the past, everyone's mind is not so pure.

The treatment plan is too non-stick, so the effect is naturally reduced.

Now that Dio was frantically stirring up hatred, the twelve cabinet ministers had someone to unite against. They could no longer care about intrigue, and there were fewer excuses and quarrels. One by one, the proposals were passed, and everything went much more smoothly.

Look at Dio provocatively again, you kid, don't dream of snatching the Queen's favor from us!

The "catfish effect" that the Queen of Eternal Night hoped to achieve with Roger was finally achieved.

And the effect was much better than she thought.

So the Queen recognized Roger's efforts more and more.

It was his sacrifice that brought about the long-lost harmonious scene.

It seemed to have returned to the early days of the Qingteng Empire, when everyone worked together and was full of vitality.

She couldn't help but sigh softly, and her thoughts became more complicated.

Half an hour later, things that might have taken several days to get through without any results were all settled before lunch.

The cabinet ministers left one by one, except Roger.

The Minister of History also had to accompany the palace.

When Angelina passed by Roger, she whispered, "Did you make a deal with His Majesty?"

Roger immediately frowned, "Lord Charles, how can you slander someone for no reason?"

"I know, you don't have to do this."

Angelina had already sensed the truth from Roger's forceful gesture.

He was as stupid as his stupid brother. He had to lie carelessly to be effective. Swearing and swearing were problematic at first glance.

No wonder the two of them had a common topic.

Roger was a little depressed.

My sister was like this, and so was Margaret.

Why was it that I was always seen through without saying anything?

Am I a sieve?

Angelina saw him looking confused and aggrieved, thought for a moment, and sighed:

"But this matter should not be known to more people for the time being. You have a special catalytic effect on the cabinet now, so I can only wrong you."

"Lord Charles is joking. How can I be wronged? Scolding people and arguing on the keyboard is my greatest joy. What's the point of you, the scum of war?"

"Okay, okay, since you are so bold, just call me Angel from now on, and I will call you Dior too."

Angelina took a deep look at Roger, and then left the Council Hall.

This look made Roger a little floating.

My sister actually... admires me?

Are you kidding me? I'm just here to lie down. What do you admire about me?

I admire that I dare to criticize the queen, but you don't dare?

Is this also called a thing?

Roger, a modern man, really doesn't know that in this era where feudalism is deeply rooted, it is really a thing for someone to dare to criticize the emperor.

Especially Angelina thought that he was not really crazy, but wanted to restore the image of the queen and to reunite the cabinet.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to put himself in the crosshairs and be scolded and despised.

This noble sacrifice is the loyalty that Angelina admires most.

Because she herself is a person who is extremely loyal and will be called stupid behind her back.

When she found that Dio was the same, Angelina felt that she had a confidant.

But it was obviously not a good time to have a deep chat.

Soon, only Roger and the Queen of Eternal Night were left in the Council Hall.

The Queen of Eternal Night must have directly ordered Roger to work.

But at this moment, she looked at Roger with a complicated expression.

She looked as if she was struggling whether to speak or not.

This situation really confused Roger.

[What happened today? Saint An is not right, and Blood Mom is not right either. They all looked at me with expressions that seemed to be hesitant to speak...]

[Is it possible that my body has some terminal illness that I don't know about? I, a cannon fodder, did not die from foreign enemies, but from some congenital disease, right? 】

But the queen didn't say anything, and he didn't dare to act pretentiously, lowering his head and pretending to be obedient.

Blood Mom was amused by Roger's wild thoughts.

Is there any terminal illness that can't be cured by one wish spell?

If so, then two wishes.

But she also keenly captured a new key information.

Roger has always been hiding his talent and intelligence. Could it be because he once predicted his own death?

Or, someone predicted and told him about his death?

The Queen of Eternal Night naturally didn't understand the concept of time travel. She thought of prophecy spells.

This is a type of unstable, unreliable and super difficult spell.

The difficulty is not in casting, but in answering the feedback of the spell.

The river of destiny has countless tributaries. Some fish jumped up a few steps and looked forward, but they didn't necessarily know where the river was flowing.

In other words, most predictions are useless.

A magician who is good at prophecy and magic, but somewhat mentally abnormal.

If the prophecy school is powerful enough, Blood Mother will directly rule the country with a crystal ball.

However, sometimes some people's vague perceptions of the future can be particularly accurate.

Roger's performance just now, in the eyes of Queen Evernight, may be like this:

Roger knew that he would die in the near future.

But he did not know the manner or time of his death.

Therefore, he was very cautious and refused to expose his genius. He only accumulated strength secretly.

This death may or may not be related to the gods.

But it should be quite difficult to avoid.

After all, he had rewarded him with the Heart of the Deep Sea Talisman.

She doesn't have many artifacts of that level, so she can avoid many fatal risks.

But Roger still felt insecure.

But with the identity of Dior, he is much bolder, even unscrupulous.

This is a very new and interesting situation that the Queen has never encountered before.

If you are so sure that you are at risk of death, but don't know the specific way, you will be suspicious that you have a terminal illness...

Queen Eternal Night immediately cast a prophecy spell.

Let me see Roger's fate!

Then she saw a white mist.

There is no past, no future, and it seems that it does not exist in any river.


She cast another more powerful prophecy spell.

Still blank!

The Queen of Evernight is at her wits end.

Her research on the prophecy school was limited, so she could only transfer this matter to the Arcana Society later.

But she was certain of one thing.

Roger's performance today has won the Queen's commendation and aroused her curiosity about Roger's strange fate, so...

I want to cover him!

Even death requires my permission first!

At least, you have to go to the scene to see what's going on.

The Queen didn't finish her words, after all, the situation was quite strange.

"Mr. Dio."

"I'm here."

"Come forward."




Roger took another step forward and stepped on the last step, only two steps away from the Throne of Stars.

At this distance, he was only an arm's length away from Queen Yongye.

It seemed that if you stretched out your hand, you could touch her flawless face.

Apart from the abyss and sea of ​​magical power, she seemed to be just a tall, slender and beautiful girl.

His eyes were sparkling, and the curves of his eyebrows were rarely softened, as if he was thinking of some evil idea.

It doesn’t seem to be that unattainable or unattainable.

At this moment, the terrifying magic power in her body suddenly moved and condensed in her fingers.

This was the first time since he traveled through time that the Queen of Eternal Night had to spend time preparing a spell instead of casting it instantly.

The terrifying demonic energy that made people's hair stand on end gathered at her fingertips, and flickered electric light slightly leaked out.

The magic power above the legend, even if it was mobilized in an orderly manner, Roger's whole body was tense and he did not dare to move more.

This is simply a difference in life forms.

There was no wind, but the hem of Roger's coat was lifted up, and his trousers split open, exposing his left leg.

The Queen's fingertips lightly touched the area slightly lower than the base of his thigh, and magic energy was poured into Roger's body, on his legs...

Leave a golden symbol behind.


Roger:? ? ?

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