The Queen of Evernight has unparalleled magical talent, natural command and ability to grasp combat opportunities.

Relying on her outstanding talents in this area, she established a country with martial arts and achieved unparalleled achievements.

But no matter how smart she is, she can't possibly know Chinese characters.

Seeing Roger pretending to write and draw in the notebook, she deduced that it was a counting symbol.

Was it Roger's own creation, or was it something common to the "mysterious organization" that trained him?

The Queen of Evernight has not seen similar talismans anywhere else in the world.

So when she left her magic beacon on Roger, she suddenly became naughty and left a "zheng" on Roger's leg.

She didn't realize that this is what many little girls like to play, "a little secret and a tacit understanding that only we know."

It seems that in this way, you can have a special connection with someone.

The Queen succeeded in doing this, and her mood was involuntarily rippling.

"If you encounter danger in the future, just call my real name from the bottom of your heart."

Queen Yongye's calmness hinted at her proud advice.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty."

Roger was also very surprised.

He discovered that Queen Yongye's terrifyingly abundant magic power, which seemed to be inexhaustible, was showing signs of drying up at this moment.

Those beautiful eyes as deep as the sea showed a rare hint of fatigue despite the turbulent waves.

[Contacting through the medium of one's own name should be the domain of the gods, right? Unexpectedly, Blood Mother has touched such a field? This is a new piece of information...]

[But looking at her condition, in order to cast this spell, she also paid a huge price. Is this an added bonus for me cleaning up her mess? 】

[Ordinarily, I should be moved, but if the Chinese characters are written on the leg, does it mean that the Queen owes me five rounds? 】

Seeing the Queen touch the divine realm should have been an extremely serious and shocking scene.

But Roger was messy in the wind because of the golden and shining letters on his legs.

Even if you have never played Little Butter, if you have a casual understanding of ACG culture, you should know that writing this word on your leg has some very gentlemanly hints.

And this is a magic beacon that can communicate in real time by calling the name of the Queen of Eternal Night, and even directly bring the Queen to your side...

I know she's trying to protect herself, but it's a little weird.

It was because of the previous breakthrough in front of the Great Library that the Queen of Eternal Night extended her path beyond the legend and gained a new analysis of the deeper rules of time and space in the world.

However, she was not yet proficient in mastering it, so she used it forcefully and customized the external form.

At the same time, she had to perform in a calm and powerful manner. In fact, not only did she use up all her magic power, but her mental power was also almost exhausted.

There are also many very precious spellcasting materials.

She was already preparing to drive Roger away, cancel her future schedule, and quickly recover from meditation.

But when he heard Roger's thoughts in his mind, such as "written straight on his leg" and "I owe five rounds", the atmosphere became joyful for no reason.

Thus, her curiosity was aroused.

Is this not just a symbol, but a text with pronunciation?

I obviously helped him, why do I still owe him?

What does five shots mean?

The Queen had many little question marks in her heart.

It's a pity that Roger stopped thinking when he thought of this. He was struggling with whether to wait for the Queen to drive people away, or to leave on his own initiative.

This made Queen Yongye's overflowing curiosity find nowhere to put it.

Ah, ah, ah, how come there are such hateful guys in this world, who talk endlessly when complaining, but give up halfway when they want to get down to business?

But she couldn't ask directly, so she could only make insinuations:

"Mr. Dio, was this symbol created by you?"

"Yes, this is a symbol I wrote casually for the convenience of counting."

[No, Your Majesty, take a rest when you are tired. Why are you asking? Do you still want to understand the breadth and depth of Chinese characters? 】

Queen Yong Ye said oh, feeling a little unhappy.

I can rest whenever I want. Is this something you, a minister, can ask?

And her curiosity was not answered, so she asked again:

"I think your symbol is quite interesting. Did you have any inspiration or reference when creating it?"

"Just...just draw random lines, vertical and horizontal directions, and finally it ended up like this."

[You have to ask Cangjie to create characters. How do I know what he was thinking at the time...]

Cangjie? Who is that?

Another name I’ve never heard of before, let’s highlight it.

The Queen of Evernight is a little annoyed.

The previous questions have not been satisfied, and a new one has been born...

This bastard who talks nonsense!

She asked again: "I wonder if Mr. Dio has created similar symbols?"

"No, it's just counting. Five is enough."

[There are thousands of commonly used Chinese characters, can I tell you? 】

[Don’t ask, don’t ask, your Majesty, you can’t even open your eyelids. Get some rest quickly. If you hold on any longer, you may develop Alzheimer’s disease in advance! 】

Queen Yongye rubbed her temples helplessly, very angry.

You are now deceiving me as if you have Alzheimer’s disease!

But she found out that this bastard was a good learner.

Even after asking several questions, he actually resisted doing a stand-up comedy?

Although she got a lot of information, she still had more and more questions!

Moreover, she is not a person who is good at chatting. She thought deeply about three questions. If she keeps asking questions about such trivial matters, even a fool will notice something abnormal.

But at this time, she was empty-handed. It was a bit difficult to hang this kid up and torture him.

Of course, you can ask the guards to interrogate you as to what the straight characters written on your legs mean.

But the Queen had an intuition that if someone else could tell the truth, her own mentality would explode.

There is no such thing as social death in this era, but similar things have happened countless times.

So in the end, the Queen could only pretend that she had nowhere to speak and said:

"Master Dio, please step aside and let my chief maid arrange your schedule and do some things on my behalf."

If my curiosity is not satisfied, you bastard, don’t even think about getting too comfortable!

Go to work, boy!

Roger asked: "Your Majesty, what about Chen's seven-day holiday..."

"Remember first, it's not a good time to criticize today."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Roger responded.

A strange color flashed in Queen Yongye's eyes.

No, why did you answer so cheerfully?

This is not the picture I want to see!

Where's that little aggrieved look on your face that you are reluctant but can only agree to?

Aren't you so angry right now that you scold me so hard but can't do anything?

Soon, the Queen's doubts were answered:

[Innocent Your Majesty, do you think I am still the young man from the past who could only lie down passively and disrupt my rhythm at your command? 】

【I am different now! Seeking to lie flat in the cracks and seize the fleeting fishing opportunities at work is my pursuit! 】

[My heart and my actions are as clear as a clear mirror, and everything I do is flat out! 】

Looking at the figure leaving gracefully, Queen Yongye couldn't help but have complicated eyes.

Why do you feel that this good-for-nothing brother suddenly looks handsome?

When a person is clear about his pursuit, even the simplest things will bloom with extraordinary charm.

Of course, the Queen was still angry.

Today, the Queen of Eternal Night did not break Roger's peace of mind after three rounds of troubles, and even gave away a magic beacon. Roger won a big victory!

The mysterious city, a military camp in the north of the city.

There are hundreds of school-level officers in brand new military uniforms here.

The vigorous Restoration Army has been "suppressed" by the empire. Those undercover agents sent by the military to pretend to be leaders naturally faked their own deaths and escaped, returned to Beijing to discuss their merits, receive rewards, and were promoted to standby.

This operation was a great success. Although there is still a little chaos that has not ended yet, except for Her Majesty the Queen who always wants to score 170 points on the 150-point paper, the generals at all levels are very satisfied.

There will be a celebration banquet tonight, and the Queen will personally commend these meritorious officials.

However, news came again at noon that the Queen could not come due to some physical reasons.

At that time, the special envoy and newly appointed cabinet minister Dio Brando will commend them on their behalf.

The officers were naturally disappointed.

They fought hard and traveled thousands of miles, not just to see a man!

A young lieutenant colonel returned to his room.

He bowed to an orc brother who was lying on the bed dressed as a follower but gnawing on a chicken leg:

"Your Majesty Joestar, the latest news is that the Evil Queen is not coming."

"It's a pity. Then I'll deal with Roger Charles first, and I'll leave this to you."

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. I have made all arrangements. The Imperial people are so arrogant that there is no suspicion at all."

Joestar, the orc brother and war priest, made a complicated gesture on his chest, and then clicked on the lieutenant colonel's eyebrows.

"The goddess bless you, and you will return to the Kingdom of God after your death."

"Give your heart to the goddess!"

The lieutenant colonel hit his left chest hard.

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