The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 34 It’s about three o’clock, let’s have some tea first!

Mrs. Mosconi, the head maid of the Empress of Evernight, is a middle-aged widow with a rigid face who strictly abides by aristocratic etiquette in every word and deed.

She was once the queen's personal maid, and was sent to take care of the little princess Octavian after she was born.

She had no children, and her husband died in the Maniucheng Incident.

So the Queen is everything to this lady.

Currently, there are hundreds of maids and servants around the Queen of Evernight, but Mrs. Mosconi has to keep a close eye on her food, clothing and daily schedule.

She is rigorous and rigorous in her work, upright and has no grain of sand in her eyes.

Mrs. Mosconi quickly selected a few items suitable for Roger from the Queen's full schedule and made a list.

"In the afternoon, there is a project that needs to be inspected and accepted. Then we will meet with goblin business representatives. In the evening, we will commend the outstanding officers who emerged during the operations of the Nationalist Army."

"There are also three or four small projects that don't take up much time and can be completed in the middle of the schedule."

After Roger finished reading, he smiled and shook his head: "Madam, such a trip is impossible to complete."

Mosconi said: "Sir Brando, please believe that I have received professional training and can help you with teleportation spells."

"But I have to go to bed at six o'clock. You see, this will conflict with the celebration banquet to honor the officers. I'm sorry that I can't attend."

"Your Majesty has appointed you as her special envoy. It is your honor."

Mrs. Mosconi's delicate brows suddenly frowned.

Which minister of the empire, when he heard that he had to serve His Majesty, would not show 120% enthusiasm and complete all the work without sleeping.

What's more, I don't know how many officials would rush to attend such a celebration banquet.

The operation of the Nationalist Army was a great success, and these military officers have a bright future.

At a banquet, you might be able to make future connections.

But Roger responded firmly: "If you don't adjust the schedule, then I will do as much as I can, as much as I can do before six o'clock."

"Is your rest more important than the empire's national affairs?"

"I don't care what other people think, that's what I think."

"Sir Brando, I will convey these rude words to His Majesty truthfully and remove you from your official position!"

Mrs. Mosconi was furious at his attitude.

Roger was pleasantly surprised: "Then I would like to thank Mrs. Mosconi. Please ask the Queen to remove me quickly."

This lady is such a good person!

Although his current goal is to "lie down in court", he will eventually have to find a way and try many times before he can succeed.

Fishing under the Queen's nose is much more difficult than working at a grassroots level.

Mrs. Mosconi's expression suddenly stiffened.

"Madam, why don't you leave?"

"Dio Brando, don't be arrogant!"

Mrs. Mosconi said bitterly.

Boy, I'm just threatening, don't force me to be serious!

I really can't come.

I'm just a head maid, so what bad intentions can I have?

No matter how trusted he is, it is impossible to ask His Majesty to remove a cabinet minister.

According to Your Majesty's character, if Mrs. Mosconi fails to arrange even this little thing, she will be punished...

Roger looked at her innocently. I thank you sincerely. How can I become arrogant because of your favor?


Mrs. Mosconi calmed down from her furious state.

She stared at Roger and said word by word:

"I heard that Mr. Brando's courage and behavior are extraordinary. I really learned a lot today. I will help you reschedule your itinerary."

Roger:? ? ?

What about the strictness you promised? What about not rubbing the sand as promised?

That's it?

Madam, you are so disappointing!

Soon after, Mrs. Mosconi prepared a new schedule and coordinated it with the relevant departments involved.

She handed the newly written itinerary to Roger: "Sir, please get on your way."

Roger didn't answer: "Madam, it's lunch break now. I'm having a meal. At one o'clock we will meet in front of Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace and set off."

Mrs. Mosconi:? ? ?

This is the first time she has seen such an arrogant minister, since he dares to delay the task given to him by His Majesty!

At this moment, Mrs. Mosconi recalled the fear of being dominated by the kingdom's bloated bureaucracy when the late king was still alive.

But Mrs. Mosconi still had to cooperate with Roger.

Because she really couldn't complain.

With Mrs. Mosconi's glare, the originally boring palace lunch became delicious.

After eating, he took a nap again, and at one o'clock he walked up to the teleportation circle in a leisurely manner.

Mrs. Mosconi followed him.

"What's this about you?"

"You are working for His Majesty, and I want to supervise whether you have lost any integrity."


Roger shrugged nonchalantly.

In this second, he really found the "feeling of lying flat" as a public official.

Lying down in the morning, there is something to play!

Thank you, Mrs. Mosconi!

Roger met with representatives of goblin merchants first.

The Seven Gods are fighting endlessly on the surface, but secretly unite against the Ivy Empire.

The major racial regimes they controlled naturally isolated the empire.

But the empire is strong, the magic manufacturing power is strong, and the human race has an endless supply of skilled craftsmen. After the blockade, the prices of many products have increased.

So the goblin merchants couldn't sit still.

The human race in the Eternal Night World has the least firm belief, followed closely by the profit-seeking goblins.

So they planned to quietly restart the trade route with the Empire.

The Empire was naturally happy to see that they could make money for free.

The negotiations went smoothly. The officials of the foreign trade department had their own plans for professional matters. Roger was just an atmosphere group, responsible for clapping and cheering.

At two o'clock, the meeting was adjourned, and Roger went to the camp in the north of the city.

The officers here learned that Dio Brando was the historian who edited the "History of the Qingteng Empire", and they welcomed him.

The tenth volume wrote a lot of things they didn't know, which was real and moving.

Everyone was very grateful to Roger for making the image of the Queen of Eternal Night more full.

Roger also respected these heroes who risked their lives to go deep behind enemy lines.

He recited the commendation letter written by the Queen with emotion, and personally gave medals to each meritorious officer.

Although he was slacking off and waiting for the end of work, he was still very serious about his work.

The Seventeen Kingdoms had a vast area, so they needed a lot of "generals of the Restoration Army", and there were hundreds of people who were awarded medals at this moment.

Roger's expression was so sincere that it was a little sacred, which made these young officers feel the greatest respect. They lined up patiently and waited for him to wear the medal on his chest.

Not long after, the time came to three o'clock.

The magic bell on Roger's body rang.

He stopped what he was doing and looked at the long line behind him apologetically.

The lieutenant general who received him immediately said very tactfully: "Lord Brando, if you have something important to do, go and do it first. The brothers have already felt the kindness of His Majesty and your heart."

Mrs. Mosconi, who was responsible for supervising Roger, frowned.

What is this kid doing again?

The itinerary has been reduced again and again, but the medal awarding has just started. Is he going to give up again?

The officers waiting behind were also confused and a little annoyed.

Roger waved his hand: "It's not a big deal, but I just need to interrupt the medal awarding ceremony first."

"I wonder if you want?" The lieutenant general asked curiously.

"It's about three o'clock, let's have tea first!"

Roger took out a full set of tea sets and snacks from the space ring, laid them out calmly, and asked the lieutenant general, "Can the brothers have afternoon tea together?"

Everyone was stunned.

What is afternoon tea?

"Tea? I'll arrange it right away!" the lieutenant general said immediately.

Roger said again: "The brothers standing guard outside have worked hard, let's have tea together first, can the church still make trouble in the core hinterland?"

The lieutenant general nodded with a B face.

You are the Queen's special envoy, you have the final say!

At about three o'clock, all the soldiers in the North City Camp put down their work and have tea together.

Although everyone didn't understand what Lord Brando was doing, the feeling of stopping and taking a break in the busy work...

Inexplicably comfortable?

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