Afternoon tea was not gradually popularized among the upper class of China until the 17th century. This custom did not exist in the medieval game world.

But Roger invited everyone to drink tea and have a relaxed chat, and the officers were very happy.

Roger told the officers about the "Secret History of the Queen" which cannot be written in the history of the country. The officers told him about the real battles they experienced on the front line, and everyone was very interested in talking about it.

After all, they are all young people, and the investiture ceremony is solemn and sacred, but also quite boring.

If you skip it...

Doesn’t it seem unacceptable?

Roger said half-jokingly: "How about the remaining brothers come and take away their medals, and I will tell you a few more passages that are not allowed to be written in the book?"

Naturally, everyone burst into applause.

Even the lieutenant general became interested.

Only Mrs. Mosconi looked dark.

This bunch of stinky bastards are using the Queen's dark history to feed themselves!

Everyone came up to find their medals and received them quickly, eagerly waiting for Roger to tell his story.

Roger doesn't have stage fright either. In his opinion, isn't this just a live broadcast plot?

I'm good at my job, no pressure at all.

However, this formation is actually concluded early.

Mrs. Mosconi took a chance and asked for instructions: "Sir Brando, this is the matter. There is still time left. We can add an extra itinerary."

"Oh, are you done? Madam, let's sit down and drink tea together, chat, and spend an afternoon without performance pressure!"

Roger invited with a smile.

Mrs. Mosconi took a deep breath.

Are you deaf at such a young age? Didn't you hear the last part of my sentence?

Forget it, I am a noble, I want to be elegant.

He did it on purpose, what can I do?


How did such a person get recruited into the cabinet by His Majesty?

Isn't this the bastard official who filled the whole kingdom in the past, causing the kingdom to become worse day by day?

She saw Roger chatting with the officers again. She knew that the Queen couldn't suppress this man, so what else could she do?

Just bear with it!

I'm just a head maid. I can't see or understand what's going on between Mr. Brando and the Queen!

Mrs. Mosconi sat down and poured herself a cup of tea.

He pinched several more snacks from the plate in front of Roger.


This snack is surprisingly delicious?

She took another piece.

Confirmed, it is indeed very, very delicious.

In contrast, the pastries made by the palace chef are as good as feeding pigs!

She couldn't help but wonder.

Isn't Mr. Brando from a commoner? How could he have such an excellent cook in his house?

If you enjoy such delicacies every day, this "afternoon tea" is actually very good.

Such a good thing should be given to His Majesty!

Find an opportunity to try adding afternoon tea to her itinerary and see the feedback.

Mrs. Mosconi lowered her head and began to think. Then she looked at Roger, her eyes softening a lot.

This kid actually knows how to enjoy it.

It just so happens that the Queen is very fond of him now, maybe... there is a chance?

Mrs. Mosconi's mind suddenly became more active.

As the head maid, her loyalty is to His Majesty, not the Empire.

She won't care about the storms in the outside world, she only cares about the health and mood of Queen Yongye.

This Roger just wants to fish, be lazy, and get off work early.

This kind of concept, together with His Majesty, who is a workaholic and a cultivator...

Is it actually complementary?

Not bad looking either.

You have the ability to be a cabinet minister, right?

If you don't have the right door or the right household, it won't cause any trouble.

Is there anyone of the same age in this world who is worthy of the Queen’s achievements?

The more she thought about it, the softer Mrs. Mosconi's eyes became.

She picked up another egg tart and took a bite.

On his face that was always straight, there were rare smile lines on the corners of his lips.

Roger didn't know that because of his salty performance, in Mrs. Mosconi's eyes, salty fish also had its uses.

He was looking for the sense of ritual of lying down and preparing to chat with the officers until he got off work.

The satisfaction of completing the work and the small happiness of having a half-day of leisure made him feel that this should be the right way to lie down in the morning.

As of today, he has lived a life of his own accord, without wronging himself, without compromising to power or force, and he has also earned seven days off.

It meets the standard of lying flat.

Just when he was distracted, a female officer with short blond hair stood up:

"Lord Dio, may I ask, how will the history books record and evaluate undercover agents like us who provoked conflicts among the people in the homeland of the seventeen countries and caused ordinary people to kill each other?"

Her words immediately caused many officers' expressions to change dramatically, and their faces were suddenly shrouded in gloom.

The bloody smell that had been suppressed in many people suddenly spread.

A few people showed disdain.

If you're not from the Empire, just kill him!

Roger also recognized this woman, little Joy Smith Patton, a future Imperial General who was almost to become a Marshal.

She fights bravely, is good at controlling heavy cavalry charges, and has perfect timing skills.

She was one of the people who made the most outstanding contributions in this operation of the Nationalist Army, and she had been promoted to colonel.

But at this moment, I can clearly feel that this heroic female colonel is confused and confused.

Roger narrowed his eyes, realizing that this was a difficult question to answer.

She is the bravest soldier and dares to face any powerful enemy head-on.

But the main target of this operation pretending to be the Restoration Army is the civilians of the 17 countries.

Training civilians to become the Restoration Army, robbing more civilians, causing hatred among them...

This is obviously not an upright behavior.

Roger and his men were in the rear, and they only saw the battle reports and numbers.

But these frontline soldiers faced the bloodiest scenes, which obviously caused their determination to fight for the empire to waver a little.

Even officers like Joey, who are kind by nature, have already suffered from mental illness, right?

After all, the Restoration Army has done a lot of pretty messed up things.

It was not their intention, but they were the key link in executing orders and leading to such a situation.

Roger also became serious.

He did not answer Joey's question immediately, but looked at the whole audience:

"Everyone, do you know what the empire has gained from this war?"

The senior officers who were already considered future officers had vision and insight, and they rushed to answer:

"Money! Food! We have increased the empire's additional fiscal revenue!"

"We have eliminated many of the 17 countries' descendants!"

"Let the people of the 17 countries support the rule of the empire!"

"I have wiped out several gangs of bandits, all of whom were defeated in the 17 countries in the past."

"My unit encountered a flood, helped fight the disaster, and saved tens of thousands of people."

Roger listened patiently and seriously. As the answers came out one by one, the confused expressions of the officers seemed to be replaced by pride.

It seems that they have really done a lot of things that benefit the empire?

But those dark scenes are also real.

Roger raised his hand and pressed it down gently, and the meeting room was silent instantly.

Now, let his three views resolve the confusion and even heartache of these officers.

He suddenly felt that although the historian was very marginal, it seemed to be needed by people?

This feeling of being needed is also one of the spiritual needs.

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