Among the young officers who participated in the operation of pretending to be the Restoration Army, it was not only Joey Barton who was confused.

Most of the young officers focused their expectant eyes on Roger.

Everyone was eager for this "honest" historian to give them an affirmation.

He even dared to write about the Queen's dark history, so he would definitely not lie to them about such a small matter, right?

So if he said that this action was just, then it must be just!

Roger did not perfunctorily answer, he was a person who liked to express his own opinions.

The confusion of the officers in front of him made him feel needed.

They trusted this historian and respected his character and talent.

Although Roger knew that it was just a misunderstanding, he was fearless just because he didn't care about this official position at all.

But this did not prevent him from taking advantage of this misunderstanding to output his opinions.

He first used questions to guide the officers to express their opinions, so that they could think of the many benefits of pretending to be the Restoration Army and that he had helped the people of the 17 countries a lot.

This diverted their attention from those negative, bloody, and cruel things.

When the officers spoke less, Roger slowly spoke:

"Let me tell you a bad news first. Your actions and contributions may not be made public until hundreds or thousands of years later."

"But I believe that the history books at that time will definitely record this matter like this: This is the beginning of the real signs of integration within the Qingteng Empire, the key war to eliminate the traces of the existence of the Seventeen Countries, and the foundation ceremony of the new era of the human race."

"Some people are in the dark, but their hearts are towards the light. They have made great contributions to the establishment of the unified Qingteng Empire. When we are happily drinking and eating meat today, we should not forget their efforts."

The officers were disappointed at first.

It turned out that they thought too much. They were afraid of being scolded, but in fact they didn't even have the opportunity to be commented on by the world.

But Lord Dio is really brave. This kind of unspoken rule was directly stated.

It shows that his character is strong.

So Roger's words later seemed more convincing and more credible!

In fact, this is a trick of "first suppressing and then praising".

First let the other party down, and then the words of praise will come out, and the officers will naturally be happy, excited, and excited:

We are the representatives of light!

We have made contributions to the unification of the empire!

We have laid the foundation for a new era for the human race!

Although I don't understand the specific logic, Lord Dio said that their actions will be of great benefit to future generations, so they must be!

Because Lord Dio is so real!

Colonel Joey Barton was excited and a little confused: "Lord Brando, is our action behind enemy lines also considered a war?"

Roger nodded: "Of course, war is not just about bloodshed and life-and-death struggles. Using various methods to fight bloodless secrets is also part of war."

"This is called unrestricted warfare. With the development of more and more means of war, it is not necessary to use direct violence to paralyze the enemy's country in many cases. Public opinion, economy, technology, natural climate and other means may become ways to disintegrate the enemy."

"Pretend to be the Restoration Army You, indeed, did not fight with passion, did not fight to the death, and created miracles. Many people think that this is not a war. "

"But in my opinion, you not only weakened the enemy's strength, but also saved the empire from the death of hundreds of thousands of good men. This is the most successful war, this is the most glorious victory!"

"As for the other side of the victory, some ordinary people were implicated and became victims... But if the Restoration Army really ignited the flames and launched a protracted bloody battle with the imperial army, how many ordinary people would be involved?"

Countless officers were shocked and silent.

Of course, they understood that in this era of limited productivity, long-term wars would lead to the barrenness of land, the destruction of families, and the cannibalism of children...

Because that is what the Qingteng Kingdom has experienced!

In this way, it is also a great thing for the 17 countries to resolve the hidden dangers of the 17 countries in a straightforward manner and save more people!

Just as they were lost in thought, Roger chanted with a tone full of emotion:

"When the country prospers, the people suffer; when the country perishes, the people suffer! Our Queen is a king who transcends the times."

"The surviving people of the seventeen countries desire power, land, wealth, beauty, and to exploit their people to enjoy a luxurious life. Her Majesty, who may easily have all of this, is still constantly exploring the mysteries of magic and working hard to build a more powerful empire."

"What is she doing for? Is she doing it for herself? She could have easily obtained everything that others desire!"

"She wants to make more people feel the glory of the empire! Your new war, which is almost bloodless, has successfully made the ignorant The citizens of the seventeen countries feel the glory of the empire and the greatness of the queen. "

"On the road to glory, there are always people with blood on their hands. Remember, killing is to protect life, and killing karma is not killing people!"

"Everyone, are you willing to carry the burden for this empire, even if it falls into darkness?"

Hundreds of officers stood up and responded passionately: "Yes, for the empire!"

Roger waved his fist and shouted: "Long live the empire, long live the queen!"

The young officers, even the lieutenant generals and guards present, all shouted together: "Long live the empire, long live the queen!"

"Thank you, Lord Brando... I understand, I don't need to be confused, we are doing the right thing. Her Majesty is so great!"

Little Joey Barton quickly wiped the corner of his eyes.

Her eyes became firm again.

Their eyes became firm again.

Being an undercover agent is also a war!

Killing is to protect life, killing is not killing people!

Their Queen is a king who transcends the times!

They are willing to spread this glory throughout the multiverse!

Lord Dio is really talented and speaks well. They all like Lord Dio.

But they can't see that Roger lowered his head, and his eyes showed a bit of confusion.

In essence, he is a bowl of poisonous chicken soup, shaping these officers into more fanatical king chefs.

The Queen of Eternal Night has justice and appears noble and transcendent, so the soldiers who fight for her are naturally just.

And with the Queen of Eternal Night's warlike character, if you are not careful, it will evolve into militarism...

After all, Roger is not a philosopher, nor a real historian, how profound meaning can he give to the actions of pretending to be the Restoration Army.

In essence, he is still the up master who writes a perfect essay at the end of the video, uses chicken soup to numb the senses, and cheats coins and three consecutive hits.

He speaks in a flowery and passionate way just to avoid being taken advantage of for free. He will be incompetent and furious next time when he sees the full screen.

But he also feels that no matter how poisonous his bowl of chicken soup is, it should have a certain value.

At least this night, there should be fewer people awakened by nightmares.

Ordinary people do not need to understand human nature and history, and completely figure out the black and white.

They only need a logic and reason to have a clear conscience and continue to struggle, and they can burst out infinite energy.

Even if the chicken soup is poisonous, they are willing to drink poison to quench their thirst and accept Roger's deception.

This is what he should do as a historian.

This is the only thing he can do as a small up master.

Just when Roger was sighing about life, Lady Mosconi suddenly walked up to him and bowed to the ground:

"Lord Brando, I was disrespectful to you before. I was shallow. Please forgive me."

"Ah, Madam, what do you mean? I can't stand it!"

Roger quickly helped her up.

This is the most trusted maid of the Queen of Eternal Night. She has a lot of opinions about me. Why is she so polite suddenly?

This aunt, is she not insane because I slacked off too much?

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