Although Mrs. Mosconi still had a straight face, the look she looked at Mr. Dior no longer contained disgust and anger, but instead showed admiration emerging from the bottom of her heart:

"As your majesty said, your majesty is indeed a king who transcends the times. It's a pity that I have little talent and knowledge. Only you, my lord, can understand your majesty's greatness better. With this bow, I also thank you for your majesty. You prevented the officers from understanding Your Majesty’s painstaking efforts!”

After talking about it, Mrs. Mosconi couldn't help but get excited.

Lord Dio, what he said is so good!

The Queen of Evernight is a king who transcends the times. She does not indulge in enjoyment like other nobles, but wants to rebuild the glory of the empire!

How great she is!

Ordinary people cannot understand her greatness. Fortunately, Mr. Dio Brando saw the brilliance of the Queen that illuminated the world.

From compiling the history of the empire to today's speech, Master Dio has repeatedly prevented the Queen from being misunderstood, allowing the world to better understand her glory.

One just practices without talking, and the other just talks without practicing. If these two people are combined together, aren’t they invincible?

In Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace, Queen Yong Ye, who was meditating, suddenly sneezed.

She rubbed her nose with a confused expression.

Who is behind this, talking about me with all the things I have and don’t have?

In the camp in the north of the city, Roger finally understood the key to Mrs. Mosconi's change of attitude.

The head maid who has been making trouble for a long time is also an avid fan of Queen Yongye.

As long as you also blow the queen, we will be good friends!

Although the poisonous chicken soup I just gave was to comfort these young officers, it really blew the Queen of Yongye away.

After hearing the same words, the officers thought that they were outspoken historians.

After hearing this, Mrs. Mosconi thought she was the queen.

It must be said that this was a scene that Roger had never imagined.

Moreover, the angle of blowing it is very fresh. Could it be that it will be recited repeatedly as a bible by fanatical fans?

It can only be said that in the ears of a thousand listeners, there are a thousand Mr. Dior.

Six o'clock.

The magician accompanying Mrs. Mosconi had opened the portal back to the palace, but suddenly found Roger following the flow of people towards the banquet hall, and asked doubtfully:

"Sir Brando, do you want to attend tonight's celebration banquet?"

"Yes, friends are invited to join in the fun."

"You didn't mean to get ready to get off work at six o'clock and then take a rest..."

"Yes, drinking and chatting is just rest, isn't it?"

"Then you asked me to modify the itinerary and cancel the celebration party?"

Mrs. Mosconi almost lost her temper. She suspected that this boy was either mentally ill or deliberately playing tricks on her.

Roger smiled and said: "This is not a contradiction. To attend the celebration banquet for the Queen is the job you arranged for me; but Barton and the others invited me to attend the celebration banquet, and I accepted it. This is my own choice of rest."

Mrs. Mosconi frowned. She really couldn't figure out what Roger was doing after going through all the trouble and finally coming to the celebration banquet.

Just teasing her?

But the next second, she felt relieved again and gave Roger a light salute:

"Sir Brando's knowledge and realm are unparalleled in the world and beyond the reach of my generation. I wish you have a good time tonight."

Roger confirmed that Mrs. Mosconi's tone was sincere and not sarcastic, so he could only reply: "Thank you, madam, for taking care of me today."

"This is what I should do, and I hope there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Mrs. Mosconi bowed slightly to him, spoke in a gentle tone, and returned to the palace.

Looking at her back, Roger felt that Mrs. Mosconi must have misunderstood something, but she didn't know how to explain it yet.

I just want to fish.

This is a new interpretation of lying down, testing the system standards, and finding the best posture for lying down and facing forward.

This really has nothing to do with knowledge and realm, madam!

But ever since he said that the Queen of Evernight was a king who transcended her time, Mrs. Mosconi had determined that he was one of the most knowledgeable people in the empire.

It is completely normal for such people to behave in ways that they cannot understand.

After all, I am just a little head maid.

The City of Mysteries, outside the Great Library.

In an inconspicuous little restaurant, a big man wearing a hood seemed to be drinking one cup after another.

He looks cool, but in fact his attention is entirely on the guests entering and exiting the big library opposite.

This person is none other than War Priest Joestar.

The war goddess Tybera used to have followers among the human race. After the empire banned the spread of the Church of the Seven Gods, these believers went underground, waiting for the gods to return and teach the arrogant and rude queen.

Even without extraordinary power, faith can make people lose their minds and turn them into puppets of the gods.

What's more, the gods in this world really exist.

With the help of divine magic, it is easier to cultivate fanatic followers.

Fanatic believers who have lost their conscience and bottom line are willing to do anything, even give up their lives, just to gain a place in the kingdom of God after death.

Relying on intelligence from lurking believers, Joestar learned that the Queen of Evernight had talked with a young man named Roger Charles before arranging an operation to pretend to be a rebel army.

"Do you think it's safe to pretend to be a loser? The wisdom of the goddess guides me!"

With the help of divine magic, Joestar confirmed that Roger was inextricably linked to the operation of pretending to be a rebel army.

So he prepared to give Roger the cruelest death.

However, Charles Mansion is heavily guarded.

After the Great Library was bombed by the Queen of Eternal Night, the protective array was strengthened several times after the reconstruction, and there was also a magician in charge.

Neither of these two places is suitable for action.

Lambs can be sacrificed at any time, but the life of an expert shepherd like Joestar is very precious.

He used divine magic to take the heart of the servant of Charles's Mansion. After confirming that Roger was teleported to the Great Library, he arranged an accident and temporarily destroyed the teleportation array of Charles's Mansion.

Then Joestar ambushed Roger on the way back to the mansion.

Like the top hunter, Joestar arranged a simple but effective trap for Roger with deliberate calculations.

He drank wine and sat there from noon until sunset, but he didn't see Roger leave the Great Library.


Joestar was not impatient.

As the top hunter, he naturally has the top patience.

Time passed, and the lights came on.

It was late at night.

Roger still walked out of the Great Library.

The hunter's patience value was insufficient.

Joestar was a little bit unbelievable. How could a useless brother read books in a big library for a whole day?

Then, he became more and more certain that this was the target the goddess was looking for.

Without such a spirit of hard work and study, how could Roger come up with a more vicious plan than the Queen of Eternal Night, right?

The owner of the small restaurant looked at the guest in embarrassment, hesitating to speak.

It was a long time after dinner time, and he would have closed his stall long ago on weekdays.

But this guest who had been waiting here had a terrible aura, and it was getting more and more terrible. He really didn't dare to go up and blast him.


Joestar slapped a bag of gold coins on the table, "You can go home."

The owner of the small restaurant picked up the bag and weighed it, and he was dumbfounded.

These gold coins are enough to buy five shops like his.

Then he realized something and turned around and ran.

This person paid so much money just to wait in his shop, his intention must be huge...

He had to run quickly to avoid being splashed with blood!

"I won't lose to a playboy, not to mention that this night will be extremely lively... Hehe, let's see how long you can endure!"

Jostar poured himself another glass of wine and suppressed the irritation in his eyes.

He has made up his mind to compete with Roger in patience today!

He can't lose in a battle of wits and courage!

After all, he is the champion of the breath-holding competition!

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