Just as Joestar was waiting outside the great library.

Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace.

Mrs. Mosconi supervised the maid to arrange a dinner for Queen Yongye.

While eating, Queen Yongye asked her head maid curiously:

"Madam, what do you think of Dio?"

Mrs. Mosconi bowed and replied: "A very outstanding young man with unparalleled talent and a very interesting personality."

Queen of Evernight:? ? ?

"I'm asking about Dio Brando." Queen Eternal Night emphasized again, for fear that she had opened it in the wrong way.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Mosconi's answer was also very firm: "Your Majesty, I am also talking about Mr. Dio Brando."

This made Queen Yongye very confused.

She knew Mrs. Mosconi's character and hated lazy and slippery people.

With Dior's character, who just wants to lie down and does everything he can to lie down, how can he win the approval of Mrs. Mosconi?

Could it be that that boy disdains the Queen, but has a soft spot for my maid and is extremely attentive to her?

The Queen knew that some nobles had unique tastes and preferred wives, pretty widows and so on.

The most famous among them is a water transport official from the foreign race named Aman.

Therefore, this kind of enthusiasts are also jokingly called thieves.

The onset of robbers does not depend on age.

Mrs. Mosconi was also a famous beauty when she was young, and she is still very charming now...

Could it be that Roger...

Thinking of this, the Queen suddenly felt that the charcoal-grilled flying dragon legs in her hands were no longer fragrant!

Her voice couldn't help but bring out a chill: "Mrs. Mosconi, tell me exactly what Dior did this afternoon. There is no need to hide anything!"


Mrs. Mosconi hurriedly knelt down. She could tell that the Queen was unhappy.

She thought the same thing. Mr. Dior had an upright temperament, and it was very possible that some of his words and deeds had offended the Queen.

Therefore, the Queen didn't want to hear herself praising him?

Alas, they are both excellent young people. It is really difficult to get along with each other when they meet.

Because of Dior's speech and those delicious snacks, in the eyes of Mrs. Mosconi, he was an outstanding young man who was only a little bit worse than the Queen of Evernight.

It's just that Madam is worried about how the two of them will get along, but she doesn't dare to show it on her face at the moment.

She told the story honestly from Lord Dior's request to change the itinerary until he finally changed his mind and wanted to attend the military celebration banquet.

Mrs. Mosconi's memory is excellent, and although her eloquence is average, she still presents the image of a lazy, procrastinating, and selfish bastard.

"Ma'am, do you call this interesting?"

Queen Yongye looked strange.

This is Roger's normal behavior, almost stepping into the minefield of Mrs. Mosconi's past.

As a result, she actually gave Dior a very high rating today?

In the heart of Queen Yongye, Mrs. Mosconi is naturally more than just the head maid.

After the death of her mother, she was the elder who stayed with him the longest and was the most selfless.

Although Madam is not very talented, Queen Yong Ye admires her in her conduct and conduct.

Therefore, her opinion of a person also carries considerable weight in the Queen's heart.

Hearing her praise Roger so much, the Queen actually has a little bit more...


In the past, I was the only outstanding young man in your eyes!

Is there another Roger today?

Even Roger deserves to be ranked alongside me!

Mrs. Mosconi said seriously: "Looking at the empire, there are hard-working and ambitious people everywhere, but people as calm and real as Lord Dio are very rare. This is certainly interesting."

She was not in a hurry to make random mistakes.

Queen Yongye was brought up by herself, and she was very proud and arrogant, she knew it very well.

This matter must be paved slowly and opportunities created to have a one-in-a-million chance.

So she didn't continue to dwell on this topic and brought it up instead:

"I found that Master Dio's knowledge is indeed profound. He gave a public speech at the camp in the north of the city and used His Majesty's words and deeds to inspire the soldiers. It was a very profound analysis."

"Oh? How did he profile me?"

Queen Yongye immediately became curious.

"She commented that you are a king who transcends the times. You almost completely give up your personal enjoyment and focus on thinking about the common people in the world, spreading the glory of the empire and liberating their hard and difficult lives..."

Mrs. Mosconi relayed to the Queen many of Roger's speeches in which he commented on the actions of the Nationalist Army and the Queen.

There are many golden sentences in it, all of which are flattering sentences that have never appeared before in the empire.

After all, the people of the Empire are quite upright, and praising the Queen for her greatness is also a positive description.

How powerful! How beautiful! How dazzling!

And so on.

Using academic terms like Roger's, he boasted that Queen Yongye was justified, which made her blush.

That guy scolded me in front of me and said nice things about me behind my back?

Why did he come with others anyway?

And it’s all nonsense!

Give up personal enjoyment...because studying magic is really fun!

Spread the glory of the empire...because I need more soldiers to fight the war!

But she still nodded: "I have done what I have done all my life, why do I need to explain it to others? Damn it, Mr. Dio saw it. In this speech, he concealed the connection with the operation of the Nationalist Army, and the rest was published in the "Long Live the Queen" to promote it."

Mrs. Mosconi thought about it secretly.

If Lord Dio's speech is not related to the Nationalist Army...

That's all praise for the Queen of Eternal Night?

Isn't that too corny?

The lady watched the Queen regain her appetite and eat heartily, with a mysterious smile on her face.

You see, the relationship between these two people has eased a lot, right?

Women need to be coaxed.

The Queen, of course, needs to be coaxed too.

Lord Dio disdains these little things, so I, an old man, will do it for him!

But the Queen was eating happily, and suddenly her face changed slightly.

Her figure blurred for a moment, and she appeared above the palace, with her golden hair flying without wind.

She looked down at the whole city and shouted coldly: "God of Nature, how dare you?"

The terrifying magic pattern appeared around her, and the Queen of Eternal Night was as bright as stars, and she instantly entered a combat state.



Earlier, when night had just fallen.

For ordinary people, whether it is candles or magic crystal lamps, they are expensive luxury goods.

Therefore, the human-making movement that does not require lights is one of the few nightlife options in this era.

But in the upper city, commercial district, and entertainment district where nobles and wealthy businessmen gathered, the mysterious city was already bright and bright as day.

The endless banquets, elegant operas, and various quietly conducted transactions linked the interests of the upper class of the empire together.

The "Supreme Mystery" auction house, jointly established by several business houses such as the Amti family, is the largest in the imperial capital.


A special auction hall with luxurious decoration and protected by countless layers of magic arrays.

All five hundred boxes were full.

But what's interesting is that the guests in the boxes, who were dressed gorgeously, all wore masks.

Anonymous auction, the entry qualification deposit is one million gold coins.

This may be the entire fortune of an old marquis.

But for those imperial nobles with deep background or who made a fortune in the war, this auction is also worth the money.

The most beautiful slaves, the most powerful weapons and equipment, and the most precious works of art on the continent have appeared here.

Several low-level artifacts or exotic treasures from other planes have flowed out of here.

And tonight, the last item that set off the frenzy of all the buyers was a young man.

He had a beautiful face, a slender figure, and two bud-like protrusions on his head.

Wearing a gorgeous little skirt, his beauty was no less than any girl.

In those blue eyes, there was a burning anger and fear, and he was full of contempt and pride for the human race below.

"As you can see, this is a young white dragon, who has never been married, and his eye color is a rare blue color. This is a mutant that is one in a million!"

"This unique blue-eyed white dragon is the last item tonight! Cheer, bid, let me see your enthusiasm, and light up this wonderful night!"

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