The auctioneer introduced this precious dragon slave on consignment by the mysterious seller in a bewitching tone.

Capturing a proud dragon alive is a hundred times more difficult than killing them.

In the eyes of a real boss, pure beauty no longer means anything.

They need "unique" attributes to prove their wealth and status...

Dragon slaves are already rare. Although this blue-eyed white dragon is a male, his appearance is good enough. Many nobles are not afraid of meat and vegetables...

Starting with five million gold coins, the amount quickly doubled to exceed ten million.

Twenty million, fifty million, seventy million...

Bidding at the venue was going crazy.

In the end, it reached a terrifying 87 million!

The nobles were all stupid. They paid 87 million just for a blue-eyed white dragon. Is this because the empire is getting stronger, or is there something wrong?

The auctioneer's voice was almost hoarse: "Eighty-seven million for the first time, eighty-seven million for the second time, eighty-seven"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that the body of the blue-eyed white dragon boy next to him was emitting a dazzling green light.

Then the green light swallowed up the entire hall and tore apart the layers of protective formations.

Two seconds later, the light shined through the beautiful Supreme Mystery Auction House and spread to the surrounding neighborhoods, causing waves of continuous explosions and collapses...

"Nature is as it should be, and the soul returns to the ancestral tree!"

A fanatical cry, accompanied by the roar of the dragon, resounded through the sky.

at the same time.

"Colosseum of Natural Selection"

A battle mage with an intermediate magic level, fully armed, is challenging a high-level monster.

Although there was a strength gap between the two sides, the battle mage's targeted preparations and superb skills completely suppressed the tiger-shaped advanced monster in front of him.

Battle mages are warriors or assassins among magicians. They are skilled in using magic weapons to fight enemies hand-to-hand.

The attack is powerful and the upper limit of operation is high, but it is also very fragile.

Excellent battle mages can often fight spectacular and gorgeous battles.

The empire is very martial, even the Master can make the battle exciting.

There were more than 80,000 spectators at the venue. Following the sharp operation of the battle mage dancing on the blade, they fell into a fanatical mood and cheered for him!

Even the guards had been attracted by the fierce battle and ignored the surrounding environment.

Several people in gray robes entered the venue from different directions.

A vaguely visible magic circle covered the vast Colosseum.

"Nature is as it should be, and the soul returns to the ancestral tree!"

Screams sounded from different directions, and countless spectators covered their throats in pain during the terrifying magic movement.

The power of growth is also extraordinary. The sprouting saplings accumulate strength, and finally penetrate their palms. After contacting the air, they grow crazily at an even more terrifying speed!

These spectators were sucked into mummies almost instantly, and then tree men ten meters high emerged from their bodies, attacking and destroying everything around them crazily.

Within a moment, the Colosseum had collapsed, and several men in gray robes had turned into blood...

In the camp in the north of the city, a celebration banquet for the decorated officers was being held.

Although the Queen of Evernight did not come to the scene in person, her special envoy Dio Brando was also loved by the officers.

Because he highly praised and affirmed everyone's action, it eliminated everyone's confusion and made all the efforts meaningful.

Officers like Joey Barton Jr., who had been feeling guilty for witnessing civilians killing each other, looked away because of Roger's words and were no longer troubled by undercover PTSD.

The young people indulged themselves in the evening that was specially prepared for them.

Food and drinks were served continuously at the celebration banquet, and many people finally dared to get drunk.

Little Joey also drank a lot.

With the help of alcohol and the encouragement of several female officers, she finally plucked up the courage and walked towards Mr. Dio Brando holding the wine glass.

In Little Joey's opinion, this young and handsome minister of history is a very extraordinary person.

He has knowledge that far exceeds that of ordinary officers. He is a civilian but has won the trust of His Majesty. He has an extremely deep understanding of war and history.

The most important thing is that he understood the frontline officer's troubles after performing the mission, and used his charming speech to resolve the nightmare that had kept her awake for many nights.

Killing is to protect life, killing karma is not killing people!

There are always people who have to bear the burden for the empire!

What a reasonable sentence!

There were so many big shots in the army who had explained to them the significance of the Nationalist Army's actions, but none of them were as profound or as deep into her heart as Lord Dio's words.

Little Joey, who has just returned to the mysterious city, is a traveler who fell into the bloody swamp and a prison bird lost in the dark night.

When she was most helpless, unable to breathe or sleep, Master Dio was like a ray of light that shined into her life and rescued her ashore.

Moreover, there is a very crucial point.

Mr. Dior lived such a beautiful life!

Like a jade gentleman, a lady likes to be naughty.

Little Joey is not a shy person, and joining the army has made her more straightforward.

Although many male officers expressed their admiration for her, she felt nothing about them.

It was the first time in my life that I felt a strong attraction to someone of the opposite sex.

Little Joey felt that he had to give it a try.

If you are rejected, you may feel sad for several days, but if you miss it, you may regret it for the rest of your life!

Roger discussed some applications of unrestricted warfare with a military senior, and turned around to see little Joey Barton waiting on the side.

His eyes flickered, and he looked like he wanted to say something to him.

"Something?" Roger asked.

Little Joey's pretty face flushed, and when she met those dark pupils, she forgot the words she had thought of.

She raised her glass in a dirty way and whispered, "Lord Dio, I toast you!"

Without waiting for Roger to answer, she drank the full glass of wine in her hand.

Roger accompanied her with a glass.

Little Joey poured another glass of wine, remembering the lines her bestie had taught her.

But when Roger looked over, she was confused again, and said in a panic, "Lord Dio, I toast you again!"

She drank another glass of wine, and Roger had to accompany her.

"Lord Roger, I have to toast you again!"

Little Joey drank the third glass and started to pour the fourth glass.

Roger didn't want to accompany her anymore.

Is this a toast or a drinking game?

And he felt that many eyes were already looking at this side, with envy, jealousy and hatred, and there were not enough lemons in the fruit area.

He held down little Joey's hand and said helplessly: "Drink later, and tell me about your experience on the front line, okay?"

This female officer should have come to express her gratitude, but she was too nervous.

She took the initiative to toast and drank so much, which pushed herself to the opposite side of the people.

After all, this little Joey Barton can be regarded as the top appearance in the magic world where there is no shortage of handsome men and beautiful women.

Her personality is heroic, her figure is even more heroic, and her chest is surging. She is also the first echelon among women of the same age in the Empire.

When sitting down, you need to put a pair of road wheels on the table.

In addition, her combat power and IQ are excellent. She is already a colonel at a young age, and her suitors are like crucian carp crossing the river.

Roger didn't think much about it, just thinking that she was still upset about the things on the front line, so he was ready to comfort her alone.

Little Joey also realized that he was not performing well, and he shyly responded softly, following Roger to a corner where he would not be noticed by too many eyes.

The celebration party seemed to have returned to normal, with many stories between young men and women, and stories between young men.

The officers who were releasing their suppressed emotions did not notice that some of their colleagues kept looking at each other, obviously planning something.

The center of the undercurrent was the lieutenant colonel who had reported to Joestar.

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