"Okay, then tell me about your difficulties."

Queen Yongye's eyes were calm and she glanced at Roger lightly.

Her voice was so calm that it was impossible to guess her mood.

In fact, this dog contained so much "comfort" that she was almost wagging her tail with pride.

You see how amazing my comforting effect is, it’s so immediate!

This bastard was immediately diverted and completely forgot about his fear. He was only thinking about how to cover his lie!

The closed inner theater was also forced to open.

I am truly a good emperor who is considerate and approachable to his subordinates!

The Queen of Eternal Night has long known that Roger is Dior, and Dior is Roger. How could she be angry because of this?

But she was really a little angry at the moment.

It scares him, there's some sense of revenge.

She was angry that Roger actually used the protective artifact she gave him to save other girls.

What's even more annoying is that the Queen of Evernight just restored the scene and found that little Joey Barton actually saved Roger's life at a critical moment...

Extrapolating the time, it was the next moment when Roger called her real name in his heart.

At that time, I was in the lair of the dark elves, ambushing the incarnation of the God of Nature. How could I have time to teleport back to save people?

The battle lasted no more than half a minute, and she rushed back.

But at this time, the divine storm had ended, and Little Joey completed the rescue action.

The system's time is suspended and does not exist relative to this world.

So the Queen of Evernight went back in time and saw a sequence of helpless Roger calling herself, and then holding little Joey from shock to emotion.

The Queen was naturally even more angry.

She had been prepared a long time ago, but this beauty's chance to save the bear was snatched away by a young colonel!

It's me, it's me first, it's obviously me first...

Whether it's giving him a magical weapon, whether it's a straight character, or whether it's saying that I want to protect him...

It's all my priority!

The lord of my country, the peerless queen, was robbed of the opportunity to save others, show off, and shine in the limelight. Is this reasonable?

But she couldn't do anything to little Joey yet.

Little Joey is a hero in the operations of the Restoration Army and an outstanding officer trained hard by the empire.

Queen Yong Ye was not willing to leave her alone just because she was angry, and deliberately harmed her life.

Wouldn’t that be at odds with one’s own property?

Unable to take revenge on Little Joey and retrieve the Heart of the Deep Amulet from her, the Queen has no choice but to attack Roger.

We have to collect some interest from this kid and make him feel uncomfortable!

On this night when the mood is so bad, only by bullying others can we find a little bit of comfort.

Little did Roger know that he had actually broadcast his true identity to the area a long time ago. At this moment, he was thinking in great panic about how to lie about his two identities.

Fortunately, he was always very eloquent and quickly said:

"Your Majesty, I am quite famous in the imperial capital, but I just want to study in peace in the big library, so I made a false identity... Unexpectedly, Your Majesty, you are so discerning that you recognized me again." come out……"

"So you are blaming me?"

"I dare not. It is my honor to compile the history of the empire for Your Majesty, so I will accept it..."

The Queen snorted, "You think I forgot, but you are trying to shirk it in every possible way?"

But she didn't point it out and said calmly:

"Oh, I really understand. You just wanted to study with peace of mind, so you made a false identity. You didn't mean to deceive me."

"Your Majesty is aware of this!"

"Little Roger, you really love reading. I will praise you to Anjie later, and I will print out a copy of your borrowing list for her."

"This...this little thing, Your Majesty, there is no need to tell my sister, right? Studying for the rise of the empire is what I should do..."

Roger suddenly became more panicked and even became a little incoherent.

[These days, for the sake of convenience, I often use two identities to cover each other at Angelina's place. Taking too many shortcuts can become addictive. 】

[If my sister knows that Dior is her lovely brother, and the two identities join forces to deceive her, no matter how good-tempered she is, her lungs will explode...]

[At that time, I was afraid that I would either be locked up in the house for self-reflection, or sent directly to mine a magic crystal mine for the rest of my life, never to see the light of day...]

[Also, my borrowing list is full of unofficial histories that are better than each other in terms of driving skills. If my sister knows this, she will die immediately, right? 】

[Your Majesty, don’t you know how to respect other people’s privacy? You can actually use the backdoor to check other people's information...]

Queen Yongye listened to Roger's heart and said that this was the first time she heard of someone using a false identity to write a false note to the real identity.

This operation is eye-opening!

But she didn't want to tell Angelina about it now.

Bows and arrows are always most lethal when placed on the string, and the handle must be held in your hand to continue to bring benefits.

So the Queen asked: "If I keep the secret for you, what can you do to help the empire rise?"

Roger immediately said: "Dio Brando is a civilian, and he is an example of your eclectic use of talents, the Queen. As long as my official career goes smoothly, I can definitely call on many civilians to take the initiative to join the court as officials."

The Queen said thoughtfully: "A Lord Dio who sacrificed his life heroically for the country may be more recognized by the nobles."

[Holy shit, Bloody Mother is really a ruthless schemer. Is this the end of the world and the end of the rabbit? 】

[However, with the character of the Imperial people, they really do this. Sacrificing one's life for the country is the ultimate loyalty...it can win the recognition of many nobles and common people. 】

[So maybe this is a good opportunity to inspire Nirvana blessings? 】

Thinking of this, Roger straightened his back suddenly and said passionately: "Your Majesty, everyone is destined to die. It may be lighter than a feather or heavier than Mount Tai. If my death can help the empire to start a grand event for civilians to join the officialdom, please do it." !”

If Queen Yongye hadn't been able to hear his voice, she would have been deceived by his fearless expression.

She had heard of the Blessing of Nirvana and knew that it was a potion that stole the talent of the Phoenix bloodline.

After scanning Roger's body with her spiritual power, the Queen confirmed that this power was indeed hidden in his body.

But the problem is that in order to unlock the blessing of Nirvana, one must die naturally or die unexpectedly.

Because the phoenix is ​​not a magical beast in this world, but the god of beasts who migrated from another world.

Their nirvana ability comes from the blessing of the God of Beasts, and they have their own review mechanism.

If you deliberately commit suicide, commit suicide, or find someone to perform with you, you will not get the blessing effect, your death will be in vain, and you will not be able to be resurrected.

The Queen of Evernight didn't mind helping her men increase their fighting power, but the problem was that she heard her voice and knew that Roger had the blessing of Nirvana, so she could never do it herself or arrange for someone to kill him.

She likes leeks and doesn't like to uproot them.

Interest must be collected slowly.

"Don't worry, Lord Luojie. I am not the kind of emperor who has to sacrifice anyone to achieve success. I am promoting the idea of ​​civilians becoming officials. If we work on it slowly, there will definitely be more solutions."

"Then...thank you, Your Majesty..."

Roger reluctantly agreed.

[Your Majesty, it is not your character to be slow and decisive. How about your decisiveness in killing? Just open it when the God of Nature says! 】

[This woman is really getting more and more moody. If she has an idea for a while, she might as well slap me to death and give me a good time! 】

[What should I do? My head hurts just thinking about it...]

Queen Yongye snorted in her heart, this bastard, he really doesn't want to drink anything!

What happened if I took the wrong group?

If the god of nature dares to take revenge, I must remove its other leg, and it will be your turn to squeal there!

Roger felt the faint anger on the Queen of Evernight, thinking that she was still thinking about his crime of deceiving the emperor.

[Your Majesty just said that I would be exempted from the death penalty, but it would not be easy to endure endless torture of living sin...]

[Wearing the Heart of the Deep Amulet to enjoy the ten tortures of Ivy, it would be better to die once! 】

[So I still have to do something to increase my value to the empire to ensure that I will not be punished! 】

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty, I have a secret report that will be of great help to the formulation of the empire's strategy."

"Please speak." Queen Yongye immediately became energetic.

Is this guy, who has been hiding his stupidity for so long, finally revealing something important again?

By forcing him and scaring him, he might as well have the idea of ​​getting more tricks from Roger.

Roger puffed up his chest and said proudly: "Your Majesty, after my careful research and exclusive analysis, although the seven gods in this world attack each other, they actually come from the same source and watch each other. The empire must be wary of their alliance!"

Queen:? ? ?

This bastard is so brave, he actually wants to use the same secret to get another free reward from me?

Where are you squeezing the toothpaste?

Or will I have Alzheimer's disease and lose my memory in a month?

Isn't this reasonable? It has always been the only reason for me to have sex with you for free, and you still want to have sex with me for free?

The Queen was so shocked and angry that her fingertips trembled.

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