Roger certainly noticed the outward emotions of the Queen of Eternal Night, but he misunderstood:

[Looking at the shocked look on Blood Mom's face, this must be a path she had never imagined. ]

[Yes, this is a secret that only true Eternalists know! I devoted myself to studying and exclusively analyzing the inside story! ]

[It is normal to be angry. After all, the Seven Gods have caused countless harm to the world by attacking each other. Anyone who realizes that they are being played will be angry.]

He was proud of the effect of revealing this secret, and felt that his life was safe and he didn't have to suffer any more.

But the Queen of Eternal Night was almost angry.

I am angry because you are playing me, okay?

Where do you think you got your title of Marquis?

Why do you think the Empire prohibits the Seven Gods Church from preaching?

Why do you think I went to the library to chat with you?

It's better because you told me that the Seven Gods are all in the same group, which left a good impression on me!

As a result, you, after more than a month, actually told me the news intact as if it were a treasure?

Are you kidding me?

I waited so long for nothing!

Who would have thought that our relationship had gone so far, but in the end it would be back to square one?

Roger thought again, and thought that if you want to act, you have to do it in full, and now you can't hide your shortcomings.

Since you have spoken, then you should further prove your worth.

So he analyzed for the queen with a bit of show-off: "Your Majesty, given the close connection between the gods, the God of Nature may not be behind the incident in the Secret City this time, and it may not be just the God of Nature. The empire's revenge action must also carefully select targets, otherwise it may be difficult to control the situation."

He was so proud that his tail was about to stand up.

MD, you have mentioned the fact that I started the wrong group several times!

You have repeatedly emphasized the key points as much as squeezing toothpaste.

The Queen of Eternal Night was also angry and helpless.

Because if you think about it carefully, this matter cannot be blamed on Roger's desire to get her for free.

There was information asymmetry between her and Roger.

She eavesdropped on Roger's thoughts and knew the relationship between the gods.

Although she was very well-mannered and successfully stole something, she also gave the owner a reward far exceeding the selling price of the item.

But the owner was so stupid that he had no idea why he got the benefit!

So there was the current embarrassing situation.

Now Roger felt that he was in danger, and the believers in the City of Mysteries happened to explode. This was indeed a key crossroads where the empire needed to redesignate its strategy for the gods...

With this kid's usual cleverness, it was really appropriate to submit this information at this time!

If I hadn't known it long ago, I would have really rewarded him heavily...

But the problem is that I really knew it long ago and rewarded him!

Thinking of this, the Queen of Eternal Night found herself in a prisoner's dilemma:

If I didn't let him get it for free this time, and declared that I had known about it for a long time and ridiculed him, Roger would definitely suspect where I got the news from, and then began to doubt whether I could eavesdrop on his thoughts...

If he didn't broadcast to me in the future, wouldn't it be less fun and less chance to get it for free?

But if I let him get it for free, because I gave him a benefit for free because of a piece of information I already knew, I will be upset!

He used the artifact I gave him to please other girls, but in the end I still had to reward him...

Is there any queen in the world who is more frustrated than this?

The queen was silent for a long time, so long that Roger couldn't help but start to think wildly:

[Oh no, your majesty is not scared by the relationship between the gods? ]

[This... should I find a way to comfort her? I still need to develop under the protection of the empire, and if the empire loses the leadership of the queen, the consequences will be disastrous! ]

The Queen of Eternal Night flexed her fingers and had the urge to make him meteor waterfall for five minutes.

Can't this guy have a little hope in his head?

How can the gods scare me.

I am obviously mad at you, a bastard, okay?

MD, I have never met such a difficult minister!

And you know you need the protection of the empire, why don't you say you will serve the empire well and help me build the empire into the world's invincible?

You lie down, hide your shortcomings, and criticize me every day, what do you want from me?

I am so annoyed!

Rewards can't win you over, death threats can't stop her, and she is really helpless when she encounters such a bastard who won't take any soft or hard actions.

But the queen reacted quickly.

Don't you want to comfort me?

Okay, then I will sell you a flaw.

The Queen of Eternal Night has scheming with the ministers in the temple and cooperating with the people to perform, and her acting skills have also been honed.

Without any preparation, she immediately made a sad and upset expression and sighed:

"The Seven Gods have united, and the tribes that believe in the gods are eyeing the empire covetously. I am afraid that my Qingteng Empire is going to be finished..."

Roger comforted: "Your Majesty, don't worry too much. The Qingteng Empire will last for thousands of years, and Her Majesty the Queen will naturally be the eternal master of the continent!"

[Blood Mom's premonition is still very accurate. If you are targeted by the gods together, you will be gone in ten years, and the empire will naturally be unsustainable and fall apart...]

There were a few crisp sounds.

The Queen of Eternal Night almost didn't clench her fist and hit Roger's nose directly.

This bastard actually cursed me to be gone in ten years!

The reason why she held back her anger was that the Queen immediately remembered something.

I calculated Roger's fate before and found that he was not in the river of fate, and his future was blank.

Later, I returned to the Secret Society and asked the legendary wizard who specialized in the prophecy school to predict again, but the result was still blank.

Even with the highest level of prophecy means mastered by the Secret Society, Roger's fate could not be understood.

But sometimes, no result is also a result.

Such an abnormal blank points to two possibilities.

Either the target of the calculation is as powerful as the gods, or there is a powerful existence behind him who is proficient in the prophecy school and blocked his fate.

If Roger has the power of the gods, can he still suppress him?

So obviously, Roger is the latter.

There is a powerful existence behind him who is proficient in the prophecy school, so powerful that one person is greater than the entire Secret Society!

So when the goddess heard Roger's words at this time, she couldn't help but think:

Could it be that the powerful existence predicted that I would be gone and the empire would be gone?

Although the predicted things are not necessarily going to happen, the predictions made by that level of existence will have a very high probability of happening...

So... I might really be gone?

The Queen was instantly chilled from head to toe.

This hypocritical guy, talking about eternal generations and eternal master, is he just trying to comfort me?

Roger found that the Queen's expression was changing and getting uglier, and he couldn't help but feel more and more uneasy.

But he reflected on what he had just said. Apart from the Seven Gods uniting, there was nothing too much, right?

With the Queen's character, unless she knew the future plot and knew that she would be targeted by the gods in ten years and would die, she would never retreat, right?

And she is a native of this world, how could she know the plot in the game!

So Roger couldn't help but wonder:

[No way, no way, the Queen is a generation of kings who fought against the gods, she wouldn't be really scared, right? ]

[She would rather die standing than live on her knees, how could she be confused and retreat? ]

[Blood Mom, stand up! You are invincible in the past ten years, you are the most beautiful girl, the gods can't do anything to you, I still expect you to take me down! 】

Eternal Night Queen was in a state of panic, but she knew that she was too much, which might expose her to Roger's suspicion.

No, Roger has someone above him, who might know more secrets and prophecies, so she can't cut off this path.

And the Queen didn't want to be looked down upon by Roger.

What about prophecy? What about fate?

I just don't accept my fate!

She forced herself to gather her mind, turned passive into active, and asked casually:

"Sir Roger, if one day the empire falls apart and the ground is scorched, what will you do?"

Come, let me hear it, are you the historian who wants to write truthfully in front of the library?

Or is it the useless brother who just wants to lie down and live, and surrender to the gods at any time?

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