The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 48 It’s impossible to lose the breath-holding competition!

City of Mysteries, on the small street opposite the Great Library.

All other shops were closed, leaving only a small restaurant with lights on. The patience of war priest Joestar was about to turn into some kind of anxiety.

Using the divine power simulation gifted by the Goddess of War, he arranged for his fanatics to pretend to be followers of the God of Nature and launch self-destruction attacks in several important locations in the mysterious city.

Now that the attack has been launched, the goddess's mission of bombing the Ivy Empire to the point of distress should have been completed.

But for another mission, to kill Roger Charles, who provided the Queen of Night with the plan to pretend to be a rebel army, Joestar never found the chance.

He simply couldn't imagine that it was past midnight and that good-for-nothing brother was still studying in the big library?

Although there are many magicians who are obsessed with research, according to the data, this famous good-for-nothing brother in the imperial capital does not know any magic at all, okay?

Moreover, the city of mystery is now in chaos, and the hunt for believers has been launched. If it continues to be delayed, it will be difficult for him to leave.

However, he cannot leave until the mission of the War Goddess is completed.

If he left, the power given to him by the goddess would backfire, and that would definitely be a consequence he couldn't bear.

The gods are cruel to their enemies, and they also treat their own priests and believers without martial ethics.

If he hadn't known that the Great Library was personally arranged by the Empress of Evernight, and that the protective arrays and investigation strategies were all advanced, and if you went in, you would be sure to be exposed, and then you would be facing an enemy all by yourself, Joestar would have wanted to go in and look for someone.

"A dandy is so patient and doesn't care about the excitement happening outside, so he really doesn't care about what's going on outside the window?"

Joestar knocked on the table and suddenly his pupils shrank.

He saw a small group of city defense troops searching house to house.

Will be arriving at his store soon.

The capital of the empire was bombed by believers, killing more than 100,000 people, and the whole city fell into a state of panic and rage.

Joestar really couldn't leave at this time.

He thought for a moment and used illusion magic to change his appearance and clothes.

At first glance, he looked like a larger version of the young owner of this store.

Then he pulled out a gold coin between his fingers.

In his sleep, the young boss, who was holding his money bag and thinking about how to spend all this huge sum of money, suddenly twitched all over and bleeded from his orifices.

Soon, his movements gradually subsided.

At the same time, Joestar had some more memories in his mind that did not belong to him.

Shepherd's money is really not that easy to get.

The small team of city defense troops were a little surprised when they discovered this store that was still open.

Everyone was busy all night and were all hungry.

"Boss, is there anything else to eat?"

“Only noodle soup.”

"Here are eleven bowls, add meat, I'll treat you."

The generosity of the captain of the city defense army won the cheers of the team members.

Only delicious food can alleviate the lingering gloom on everyone's faces.

Joestar acted quickly and soon eleven bowls of hot noodle soup were served.

The city defense army team finished eating at the speed of light and prepared to continue the search.

Suddenly a young team member said: "Boss, captain, we haven't tested this boss yet."

In an instant, Joestar, who was washing the dishes, tensed up and tightened his grip on the dagger in his arms.

The squad leader wiped his mouth and slapped the team member on the back of the head:

"It takes only a few decades of hard work to do this. Do you think the pastors from the church will personally cook for this? Don't waste your time. Let's go to the next one."

"The boss is really aware of everything!"

Everyone was flattering, the noodle soup tasted really authentic, and the team left the small restaurant laughing.

Joestar let go of the dagger and his eyes flickered: "I don't know whether I am lucky or you are lucky."

He sat back in the middle of the store and continued to wait for his "customers" like an ordinary little boss.

It would be dangerous to leave the city of mystery now, so he simply continued to sit here and wait.

That young Master Charles, can he still not go home tomorrow?

We have been waiting for this moment. Our breath-holding contest must have a result!

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Just as Joestar was battling with the air, Roger had returned to Charles Mansion.

Lying in bed, he couldn't sleep for a long time.

Not because of fear and fear.

After hearing about Queen Yongye's past, he felt that the so-called purgatory he saw was nothing serious.

Especially since he has decided to stand on the same side as the empire, and thinking of those eyes longing for life, he no longer feels so uneasy.

He couldn't sleep because he was thinking about how to help this huge empire.

If you want to defeat the gods within ten years, even if the Queen of Eternal Night's strength is improved compared to the game, it is still almost impossible.

There is only one queen, but there are seven gods.

No, there is a God King hiding behind the scenes who controls everything!

If Roger is waiting for the system to issue rewards, he will pile up attributes and abilities.

Then the gods absorb the power of faith and the source of life, and pile themselves into numerical monsters day after day.

Prayer is like cutting leeks slowly, and sacrifice is like cutting leeks quickly.

As long as the believers do not die, the gods will not die.

There really is no other monster-level powerhouse like the Queen of Evernight.

"So, while increasing the strength of the empire, we must attack the believers as much as possible. Use both hands to grasp it, and both hands must be strong!"

Only when one thing ebbs and another grows does the empire have a glimmer of hope.

This is a road destined to be difficult and even futile.

But since you have chosen, keep going.

Fight against the eternal night that prevents the world from truly shrouding the world...

Gan, it’s on fire!

Roger rubbed his swollen temples and laughed to himself.

Perhaps, as His Majesty said, there is a hidden attribute of "seeking death" hidden deep in his soul?

If given the chance, maybe he would also like to be the man who makes the impossible possible...

The next day, the political meeting hall.

Queen Yongye and the eleven cabinet ministers looked at the two empty chairs with serious expressions.

Last night, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Art were also infatuated with the charm of the blue-eyed white dragon. They admired the little brother and were taken away by the divine storm.

However, we still need to continue to promote the work that needs to be done.

The more important thing being discussed now is the need for someone to fill the vacancy of the chief of the city defense station.

The military strength of the Mysterious City is divided into three major systems: the Royal Guard, the Standing Army, and the City Defense Army.

The royal guard protected the Han Palace, and the standing army was a mobile force to resist foreign enemies.

The City Defense Force is similar to the JC department of later generations, responsible for daily defense, maintaining daily security, and occasionally taking care of the appearance of the city.

Last night, the chief of the city defense station also held a celebration banquet at the camp in the north of the city. He was so addicted to alcohol that he suddenly evaporated into smoke.

The deputy general manager was promoted at the front line, but when the believers made trouble, he disappeared again.

The director of the First Guard was temporarily appointed and was assassinated...

The airborne commander of the city defense station died in an accident this morning...

Exceeding the risk of death, he also shoulders the task of hunting down the remnants of the church and thoroughly investigating the real culprit of the bloody night.

A position that would normally be a top-notch position has turned out to be a hot potato, with no one willing to take it.

And if someone is randomly assigned to be too useless, the Queen is worried that he will not be qualified for the search mission.

Last night, Roger was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep while thinking about the road to becoming a powerful country. His brain was a little unclear at the moment.

He didn't know any suitable candidates, so he was just going to wait for the next topic.

Unexpectedly, Margaret rolled her eyes and said to Angelina: "If you want to say that among the young nobles in the imperial capital now, the most talented and learned one without a position is none other than Roger Charles! Your brother must be qualified for this matter, right? ?”

Queen Yongye answered on her behalf: "He can indeed."

Roger sat up straight immediately.

[As soon as I ate melon, I actually ate the melon on my own head? 】

[Little Ceiling Fan, you are on a narrow road. You still want me to come up with a plan to deal with my sister? 】

[Your Majesty, what do you mean? You clearly know that I am here, but you still promised that I will not shadow the clone! 】

Angelina pursed her lips. Her good-for-nothing brother has been practicing with Master Dio for a long time, so he shouldn't delay things, right?

As for the risk, His Majesty was very kind to the Charles family, and she didn't consider it at all.

She was answering for Roger when she suddenly saw someone getting up and asking the Queen for orders:

"Your Majesty, I am willing to concurrently serve as the commander-in-chief of the city defense station. Please grant me your permission!"

It's none other than Dior Brando!

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