The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 50: Magic is banned, please use the correct reasoning

The main reason is that the locations of the three deaths all affected the mansions of conservative nobles, causing many people to die there.

After the three self-destruction attacks at the auction house, the Colosseum, and the camp in the north of the city, there was a series of intensive small-scale "attacks". All the nobles who died can be classified as conservatives.

This was too targeted. On the surface, it seemed that the believers were causing trouble and specifically killing the powerful figures in the empire.

But if you think carefully about the composition of those who were attacked, the behavior of the believers can be regarded as a banner that says "eliminating harm for the people."

Coincidences exist in the world, but if there are dozens of coincidences, it is definitely done by someone with intention.

On the surface, the City of Mystery was able to quickly arrange a second wave of intensive attacks after the sudden attack on the church in such a short period of time. There are no more people with this energy than...


That is the Queen of Evernight.

Roger sighed softly, holding the Chinese characters on his leg, thinking in his mind: "Hey, hey..."

"If you have anything to say, my magic doesn't need a test signal!"

Queen Yongye's impatient voice directly came to mind in his mind.

So fast? So sensitive? So clear?

Roger was a little embarrassed.

The one left behind by the Queen is... well, the magic beacon can show his location and directly teleport across planes.

It is naturally not difficult to use it as a walkie-talkie at intervals of dozens of kilometers.

In Roger's subjective perception, this is the first time he has used this kind of instant messaging method sent by brain waves to chat. It is quite novel, but he is not sure about the effect...

Subconsciously, just like making a phone call, I fed him a few times, but was disgusted by the Queen.

But it was the Queen who wanted him to report progress at any time, so he didn't dwell on it and just thought in his head:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, are the deaths of the last three chiefs related to you, right?"

Queen Yongye replied: "Yes, I was the one who killed him. The matter of civilians becoming officials has not yet come to an end. I took this opportunity to kill a few core die-hards."

"You...did a great job."

Roger's vest felt cold, but he could only respond like this.


You have to add two zeros after that!

The Queen is so cruel!

Roger let go of the straight character, raised his head and said to half of the men in the room: "There is no need to investigate these cases. Put them away and do your best to summarize the remaining information."

The city defense troops were all very puzzled. Lord Brando just patted his thighs and was lost in thought for a while, did he come to any conclusion?

Roger naturally did not dare to tell them that it was Her Majesty the Queen who declared full responsibility for these cases.

Fortunately, he is a cabinet minister, with a lot of privileges granted by the Queen of Evernight, and he has extremely high authority even if he lands in the air.

Of course, it can also be said that he is solely responsible for taking the blame.

The men didn't waste any time and immediately followed his orders.

Roger had no time to think about why the Queen, who had been at loggerheads with the Parliament, suddenly accelerated her use of violence.

But since these attacks have nothing to do with the real culprit behind Odu Blood Night, his targets have been narrowed down a lot.

Continuing to read through files, testimonies, and many other materials, he tried to capture the inextricable relationships behind it.

When you encounter something that you don’t understand clearly, although there is no search engine, there are a lot of people who can help find information, which is very convenient.

He quickly found a lot of hidden information.

As a time traveler, he once again took advantage of the way of thinking.

Although I am not a famous detective, I have read Death Schoolboy and Detective on the blog frequently, and I have also played script killing games with my friends. I always have a general idea of ​​modern criminal investigation and case handling.

But people in this world don’t value these things.

Just like seeing a doctor, arrests and solving crimes in this world are simple and crude, and more than 90% of the problems can be solved directly with magic.

The remaining 10% is because the magic level is not enough, so you can apply for the support of a higher level magician.

The city defense army is responsible for the security of the Mysterious City. Although its combat level is that of the third-line army of the empire, it supports many magicians, which is comparable to the first-line troops of other countries.

Therefore, the detection rate is quite high on weekdays and the speed is also very fast.

There are ten thousand interpretations of predicting the future, but for what has already happened, the masters of the prophecy school are acting as agents.

Unless there is Tongtiandai on the opposite side.

Unfortunately, behind the bloody night of Odu this time, the gods directly took action to block the prophecy spell, which is the most top-notch kind in the Tongtian Dynasty.

Not to mention the magicians in the city defense army, the Queen of Evernight had no choice but to rely on stupid methods to hunt them down throughout the city.

After removing the influence of magic in this way, everyone returned to the level of novices pecking each other. Roger, who used to play reasoning, naturally had the advantage.

We cannot directly predict the identities of those self-destructing believers, so we have to look back in time to the places and scenes they passed by.

Then comparing the timeline, you can get a lot of hidden information.

The concealment of the gods is not omnipotent. No one in this era will spend time and magic power to read this useless information.

It’s something you can’t expect, and naturally you can’t prevent it.

Blocking prophecy spells sounds lofty, but it actually means installing a firewall to protect important information.

And Roger is a new type of virus that has never existed in this world. The gods do not know his way of thinking and behavior, so naturally they cannot prevent him.

Through "adjustment and monitoring", Roger mastered a lot of information he needed.

It's just that monitoring on earth costs electricity, while monitoring in the eternal night world costs blue.

But now Roger can command enough magicians.

Not to mention the city defense army, as long as he needs it, the Secret Order will be on call 24/7.

So through this timeless and luxurious method, combined with the clues and testimonies that the city defense army had already mastered, a web of seemingly unrelated information was created.

The source of these nets points to the camp in the north of the city.

The densest poisonous threads all radiate from there.

"There are smart people in the church. His Majesty has been tricked by the generals this time. No wonder the city of mystery has been infiltrated despite all the layers of protection..."

Roger narrowed his eyes and inferred a traveling network.

Pretending to be an officer of the Restoration Army, he defrauded supplies from the church and came into contact with people from the church.

Someone in the church saw that the leader of the Restoration Army was an undercover agent of the empire, and secretly controlled some of them.

When these officers returned to Odu to report their duties, the church people followed them into the city...

It was much easier to pass the inspection by taking the special military channel and having officers as internal agents, so the high-level cultists successfully sneaked into the city of mystery.

It will be much easier to do things after that.

By activating the believers who have been hiding in the mysterious city and calling on them to risk everything for God, the Aodu Blood Night was born.

The city defense army has information on several officers who were the source of the initial self-destruction. After identification, they were not considered high-level believers.

These are lambs. Lambs have no brains. They must have a shepherd.

"I'm going to the casualty station and asking these officers for more information."

Roger ordered people to arrange a teleportation array and went directly to a nursing home with his people.

Of course, he didn't forget to synchronize the latest news to Queen Yongye.

When the Queen heard that her perfect strategy had become a loophole for others to take advantage of, she was stunned and sighed softly.

You can't underestimate any opponent. The church has been around for so many years. If you relax even a little bit, they will catch the flaw and tear open the wound.

The Queen asked: "Is that shepherd still in the City of Mysteries?"

Roger replied: "We don't have enough conditions to judge, but we just need to determine which god the real murderer behind the scenes believes in."

The Queen asked: "Then make sure quickly, why are you going to the sanatorium?"

Roger replied: "Of course I want to ask for further investigation, otherwise?"

The queen was suddenly suffocated by this "what else".

if not……

Otherwise, I would think that you were distracted during working hours and had a secret meeting with a certain colonel’s lover!

She was inexplicably irritable.

There was really no reason for her to interfere excessively or inquire too much into the personal relationships of her ministers.

The queen suddenly became unhappy.

He ended the conversation by saying, "Busy. I'll report back when there's progress."

However, she couldn't figure out why I was unhappy?

A nursing home.

Roger didn't think too much about whether the Queen's word "busy" had a hint of anger.

Looking at it, it’s only when the king of a country is not busy that there is a problem, right?

It's impossible to be like a domineering CEO or an evil prince, just hanging around and dating people every day, right?

The Queen is very hard-core, and she is not the kind of love-head who only shouts "three-two-one to start a group".

He and his men split up and asked the surviving officers for information.

While walking through the wards, he suddenly stopped outside a ward.

The name tag reads "Little Joy Barton". According to intelligence, she has no intersection with the target of this investigation and is not within the scope of evidence collection.

But some fragments of last night appeared in front of his eyes, and Roger sighed softly.

He knocked on the ward door.

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