Roger was thinking:

The officers of the city defense army are very capable. If I waste a few minutes to visit my injured friend, it won't affect the investigation, right?

We are working for His Majesty, not working for her. As long as the investigation is not delayed, who can kill us if we waste a few minutes?

Someone in the ward said "come in" and Roger opened the door.

On the white hospital bed, little Joey was reading "Long Live the Queen".

After the Queen of Eternal Night expels the erosion of divine power, the healing spell can restore those external injuries.

Leaving the officers here in the sanatorium is for observation and recuperation, and it is also a kind of surveillance, in case there are still disguised believers among them.

Little Joey read the newspaper and learned that more than one attack occurred in the mysterious city last night.

It turns out that not only did she lose her comrades in the explosion, but countless big shots and ordinary people also lost their loved ones in the explosion...

She is a very pure soldier and is not good at intrigues and overall analysis.

Seeing such a war burning into the heart of the empire, I felt very ashamed.

"When the real culprit is found, I will go to the front line to take revenge in person!" She clenched her fists.

"I won't keep you waiting too long."

A clear voice sounded from the door.

Roger, dressed in a straight uniform of the chief of the city defense station, with shining medals, appeared in Little Joey's sight.

The already handsome man now has the aura of a high official and is simply dazzling.

"Master Dio, are you okay?" Little Joey rushed to him from the bed without even bothering to put on his shoes.

But when she got a step in front of Roger, she stood still suddenly.

Although they experienced mortal danger together, they were not her comrades.

It's very unladylike to hug each other when you meet, isn't it? Will he be disliked?

Roger noticed her embarrassment, looked at the dying bravery on the girl's face, and sighed in his heart.

He opened his arms and held her in his arms.

"Thank you for saving me yesterday."

"I-I should do it!"

Little Joey felt like his face was so hot that he could fry eggs directly.

So happy!

Even if Mr. Roger gave him a courtesy hug, it could still be considered a staged victory!

Roger patted her on the back, let her go, and asked her to lie back on the bed, rest, and speak slowly.

He asked about her physical condition, how she felt here, and she asked him what he was doing now...

Suddenly there is no topic.

The two had limited understanding of each other, and had little social contact in their past lives, so they couldn't find a topic for awkward conversations.

It fully demonstrates that there is no need for a reason to be greedy...

Roger took his leave.

"Sir, are you looking for the real culprit of the bloody night in Odu? I really want to follow you!" Little Joey was a little reluctant to leave.

"Didn't you just say you were going to the front line to kill the enemy? The city defense army doesn't have this chance."

Her face turned red again.

She scolded herself in her heart, "Little Joey, you really follow your five senses in your outlook, you can't do this!"

But when the words came to his lips, they turned into: "I...I just want to follow you, sir!"

Roger pondered for a moment and then asked tentatively: "If you really want to follow me, then don't come to the city defense army and go to Charles Mansion to find a guard commander?"

Dior's identity should soon "sacrifice his life for the country." If he wants to return to being a dandy young master, wouldn't it be a good match for him to have a beautiful bodyguard?

"Okay, okay, thank you for taking me in!"

Little Joey nodded directly in agreement.

Roger waited for a long time before he asked doubtfully: "Aren't you afraid that I will sell you if you are so straightforward?"

Little Joey answered confidently: "If you want to follow me, you must believe in your character!"

A little defeated, he waved his hand and left the ward.

Maybe, this is the so-called fate, right?

From God's perspective, Roger's arrangement happened to avoid the Queen's blockade of little Joey...

This is really a big enough fate.

Background checks on the officers involved in the suicide attacks were quickly concluded.

After retrieving their action memo from the military, Roger successfully identified the real culprit behind the bloody night in Odu.

Church of the Goddess of War.

The lieutenant colonel who gave Paoze a last-ditch blow, and the officer who blew himself up at the celebration banquet, all had asked for supplies from the Church of the Goddess of War.

And most of their action memos mentioned a war priest named "Jostar".

The chief priest is at least the person in charge of a parish. Starting as a magister, it is very likely that he will reach the level of a legendary priest.

There is enough strength to complete last night's layout.

"Sir, do you confirm the real murderer in this way?"

A colonel from the city defense army took notes frantically while expressing disbelief.

He doesn't know what logical reasoning is, nor what it means to eliminate all impossibilities, and what remains must be the facts.

I just think it's a bit crude to announce that the case has been solved without any magic test.

Roger asked in return: "Then you will arrange a prophecy spell to verify it?"

"This subordinate can't do it!"

The colonel's expression suddenly stiffened.

The gods directly blocked us, and we were also in despair.

"So if you don't have a better way, you can only rely on my judgment now. Start the second phase of the operation, trap the believers of the Goddess of War Church, find a way to capture them alive, and you can verify it by directly reading the memory. "

Roger felt that he had a chance to win, and immediately led the team back to the city defense army headquarters to arrange follow-up actions.

As fishermen like us, if we complete our tasks as early as possible, we will be able to fish earlier!

The mysterious city, the headquarters of the city defense army.

Roger met an unexpected visitor.

Angelina Charles, his beautiful and kind sister.

"Dio, the Charles family owes you a favor." Angelina bowed to him, "If you need my help, just ask."

"Sister, cough, Lord Right Prime Minister, you are too polite. I just think that this mission is fine if I have hands. If I don't take it, I will be a paratrooper. In fact, I didn't consider your brother's factors."

Roger maintained his crazy persona.

I saved myself, and then my sister owed me a favor...

What kind of muddle is this?

Angelina covered her mouth and chuckled: "Dio is still as confident as ever. Don't be so polite, just call me Angel."

Roger blinked, vaguely remembering that this seemed to be the second time she made such a request?

Obviously, other people in the cabinet avoided me, but my sister still showed an active attitude to make friends?

Just because of the connection between Dio and Roger, she loves Dio and Roger?

Oh, Master Roger is so proud~

Roger didn't think much about it. Anyway, Dio's identity will be out soon, so it doesn't matter.

So he spoke more casually: "Angie, if you want to help, I will directly ask for it."

"As long as it is within my scope of responsibility." Angelina laughed.

She really hopes to become friends with such an excellent and brave minister as Dio and serve the empire together.

Roger cleared his throat: "Then please find me 50 breeding pigs with good physical strength and send them to the city defense army headquarters!"

Angelina's face almost collapsed: "What's the use of this?"

She is responsible for the allocation of materials across the country, so this request is of course easy to complete.

It's just that Dio is obviously searching for church believers and investigating the real culprit of the bloody night in Odu. What kind of magical operation is it that he suddenly turns to breeding breeding pigs?

Roger showed a smug smile: "The gods deceive people with faith, and people are also trapped by faith. Imagine if some blind animals blasphemed the goddess of war in the street... Do you think that the war priest Joestar, who has dedicated his heart to the goddess and came to Odu to perform a mission that must be killed, can continue to hide?"

Angelina thought about the scene and shook her head quickly.

I was disgusted, the smell was too strong!

Yysy, passers-by couldn't stand it, and I guess the true believers would explode when they saw it?

She blushed and bit her lip and said, "Your idea is really unrealistic. I will help you raise... a breeding pig with strong business ability."

"Thank you, Anjie."

"That's it, I still have to go to the National Welfare Institute to visit the new children. If they know that Dio, you have locked the real murderer who killed their family in such a short time, they must be very relieved."

Angelina stood up and said goodbye. Knowing that Roger's operation was going smoothly, she was relieved.

Kindness does not mean repaying evil with good, or mindlessly forgiving the murderer who caused the bloody night in Odo.

Kindness is just believing that human nature is good, and being willing to look at the world from a better perspective, rather than condoning evil.

Using a bodhisattva's heart and a vajra's method is also a way of doing good.

When Roger heard about the welfare home, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

He immediately asked: "Angie, haven't you heard of the name of the war priest Joestar before?"

"I usually don't ask about military intelligence, and I really don't know this priest. If you want to get more information about him, you can ask Margaret."

"Oh, no, I just asked casually, so as not to delay your trip."

Roger waved his hand quickly.

He looked confused only after Angelina left.

He just suddenly remembered that the first time the player met Angelina in the main storyline was in a national welfare home.

She, who has always had a gentle face, showed an extremely angry expression when she learned about the whereabouts of the war priest Joestar.

That was a rare misstep by Angelina in the entire plot.

But now Angelina has never heard of the name Joestar...

Something must have happened after this time point, and Angelina hated Joestar.

Roger's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he thought of a possibility.

There was no Bloody Night of Odo in the original plot, and the injured must not be the empire that Angelina cares about the most, so she had to look for relatives.

But Angelina's only relative...

Isn't it me?

Could it be that in the original plot line, Roger died at the hands of Joestar, so Joestar was so missed by his sister?

The logic is correct, but there is no evidence.

The game does not show too much about the relationship between Angelina and Joestar, perhaps because no related branch lines have been dug out, and the Yongxue scholars have no way to verify it.

"Whether it is or not, I will definitely be much safer if I kill this Joestar."

Roger silently recited the word "stable".

Even if it is just a possibility, as long as this Joestar is still in the Secret City, he must be killed in the cradle!

A certain national welfare home in the Secret City.

In this era of backward productivity, frequent natural disasters and wars, there are naturally many homeless orphans.

After the establishment of the empire, Angelina felt this situation and insisted on building many national welfare homes, with the expenses directly borne by the national treasury.

Although it has not yet been popularized throughout the empire, at least in the Secret City, the food, clothing and growth of orphans can be guaranteed.

On the playground behind this welfare home, a group of children are playing.

A tall and strong cook in civilian clothes quietly turned to the outside of the wall.

He squatted in the shadow of the bushes, silently observing those innocent children through the railings.

This was Joestar who used illusion to disguise himself as the restaurant owner.

As time went on, the death of the restaurant owner would be discovered sooner or later, and this identity was no longer safe, so he left first.

Damn, the breath-holding competition between a certain family and the useless brother has not yet been decided, and he has to withdraw regretfully like this!

However, the mystery has been blocked at this time, and he can't leave the city, so he can only find a place to continue hiding in the city.

After some observation, Joestar took a fancy to this welfare home in a prosperous area.

The more dangerous the place, the safer it is. It is unwise to go into the sewer.

Subtle fluctuations of divine arts.

A little girl with twin ponytails, about four or five years old, seemed to have discovered something interesting, and ran towards the direction of Joestar.

She stood obediently by the wall, holding the railing with her fingers, and her eyes lost focus.

Outside, Joestar's body turned into a pool of blood, which climbed over the wall, drilled through the railings, and flowed through the little girl's body through her nostrils.

After a moment, the little girl's eyes lit up again, touched her face, and grinned.

"Jinx, I've been looking for you for a long time. The right prime minister is coming to see us. Come and dress up!"

Just then, a gentle middle-aged woman appeared behind Joestar, took "her" hand, and the little girl turned her head.


The middle-aged woman was so scared that the basket in her arms fell to the ground and shook off the little girl's hand.

Jinx's smile was so scary!

Gloomy, fanatical, bloodthirsty, revealing the excitement of choosing someone to devour.

Such a smile, appearing on a childish and innocent little face, is really evil and creepy.

But the next second, Jinx's innocent voice sounded, and her smile was still as innocent as before:

"Mother Theresa, the Right Prime Minister came to see us again?"

The middle-aged woman rubbed her eyes, as if the scene just now was just an illusion, and in front of her was just a poor little girl who had lost her relatives!

She said softly: "Yes, the Right Prime Minister is really kind among the big men, and he really pities ordinary people like us."

In the corner where she couldn't see, Jinx licked her lips with her little tongue.

Right Prime Minister?

Angelina Charles?

The hunt that had been abandoned turned around again?

If it was the sister, it would be easy to kill that stinky brother, hehe...

The City of Mysteries, a dangerous game where both parties are hunters and prey, officially entered the second round.

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