Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace.

Roger has already locked the real culprit behind the bloody night in Aodu, and of course he has to make a complete report to the Queen of Eternal Night.

The Queen of Eternal Night was quite surprised to see him: "Well... are you cured so quickly?"

Roger couldn't help but be a little proud: "Because it's a road that few people take, it seems rugged and difficult, but because there are no obstacles, it's easier to get the results you want."

The Queen nodded: "But such a speed also shows that Mr. Roger has extraordinary talents."

Roger was modest: "They are just some insignificant talents."

He told the process and logic of solving this case.

The Queen was very appreciative after hearing: "Your 'deductive method' based on real traces is really a novel way of thinking. I think that all officials in the empire should promote it."

When treating the wounded in the North Camp before, the differential diagnosis method summarized by Roger saved a lot of lives.

This round of investigation of the real culprit behind the Aodu Bloody Night, I received the task in the morning, and gave the Queen of Eternal Night an important phased result in the afternoon, which can really be called a pleasant surprise.

The process of solving the case looks fancy, but the core idea is actually no different from the previous differential diagnosis.

It is nothing more than respecting reality, summarizing the rules, and summarizing the extraordinary power as ordinary physical laws.

This mode of thinking is indeed very useful when magic cannot take effect, which happens to be the blind spot of many imperial people.

After listening to the words of the queen, Roger exclaimed: "Your Majesty is wise, this is indeed something that can be promoted and applied."

[Blood Mom is really smart this time, seeing that dialectical materialism is the real treasure? After all, this is the wisdom crystallization of the earthlings who have been fighting against nature for thousands of years in a magic-free environment! ]

[In contrast, the imperial people generally believe that magic is omnipotent. Of course, magic is indeed omnipotent most of the time, so they are too lazy to use their brains. ]

[Perhaps it is because of this diligence in thinking and drawing inferences from one example that Blood Mom can stand out and become the absolute king? 】

Roger found that his previous understanding of the Queen of Eternal Night was shallow.

She is strong and confident, but not stubborn.

On the contrary, she accepts new things much faster than the officers of the city defense army.

This is someone who is better than you and works harder than you...

The Queen listened to Roger's inner voice and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Are you praising me or insulting me?

I have always been smart. Even if I was lazy before, I was definitely someone else's child!

Basic exercises, don't be six, sit down.

But what kind of strange world is Earth? Is there no magic?

The life of people in that world is too hard, right?

And from what Roger expressed, in such a dangerous environment, a civilization that lasted for thousands of years was born.

In this way, those earthlings are really not simple.

These "basic deduction method" and "materialist dialectics" they came up with sound simple, but when they are really applied to the real situation, they are indeed very useful.

Are the weird ideas and wonderful thoughts that come out of Luo Jieqing from time to time because he has absorbed the knowledge of Earth civilization?

The Queen of Eternal Night saw the big picture from the small details. By understanding the difference between Roger's thinking and her own, she was a little closer to the truth.

It's just that without the cultivation of relevant literary and film and television works, she really couldn't think of such an outrageous thing as time travel.

She might be more familiar with the concepts of angels descending and strong people taking over bodies.

However, Roger is so lazy from the bones, without any trace of disguise. How could he be an angel with an important mission, or a strong person who wants to restore his strength?

Even if the gods want to send angels to the world of Eternal Night, they will also consume a lot of faith power. It is impossible to allow angels to do it blindly like Roger.

The real angel who descended lurked beside the queen, and it must be all kinds of active suggestions to seek trust, and after becoming her reliance, it will stab her in the back at a critical moment. ...

Therefore, Roger's lying performance, in the eyes of the Queen of Eternal Night, ruled out the possibility that he had ulterior motives.

I think he must have obtained some information from the Earth and absorbed the essence of the culture there, but he didn't know how to use it well!

This kid has a small vision!

The Queen has decided that before draining the knowledge system of the Earth civilization that Roger has mastered, she must not reveal the secret that she can hear his voice.

If we don't want to pull it out, we will pull it out until we are bald!

The Queen of Eternal Night has decided to continue to be the big brother who controls the overall situation, pay close attention to all the thinking trends of this kid, and get it for free to the end.

However, at the moment, it is still most important to fight against the Church of the Goddess of War.

The Queen asked Roger: "What are your plans for the next step?"

Roger replied: "I am going to use the method of luring the snake out of its hole to let the believers of the Church of the Goddess of War jump out by themselves. Once the real culprit is verified, the Empire's war machine can be started."

"What about the war priest Joestar? Is there no clue yet?"

"The man is very cunning and did not leave any information about his appearance and race. At present, we can only infer that he should have left the camp in the north of the city at noon yesterday and entered the mysterious city. Now I don't know where he is."

The Queen of Eternal Night frowned. The taste of passive defense is really too unpleasant.

After the enemy completes the arrangement, they can leave freely. They are not even sure whether Joestar is in the city.

However, after the officiating master completed the arrangement, he did not leave directly while the guards were relaxed, but instead entered the secret city in the opposite direction. Could it be that he was still playing another big game?

But now there are no traces of the war priest's actions.

Does it mean that his game of chess has not been achieved yet?

So, he is still lurking somewhere in Aodu, waiting for an opportunity?

The Queen tried to make speculations and use prophecy spells to prove it, but all failed.

I used to use magic to open up the entire map, but now the gods force me to make all living beings equal. It’s really hard to play!

She could only continue to push the task to Roger: "This man has committed a heinous crime. If you find any trace of him, kill him as soon as possible. There is no need to hold back."

Roger agreed: "As ordered, as long as he is still in Aldun, I will not let him leave alive even if I trade him to the limit."

[As long as I die once, I will be free. Punishing the real culprit of Odu Blood Night is worthy of those soldiers and civilians who died...]

Queen Yong Ye heard his words and snorted secretly.

I finally caught you, how could I let you go so easily?

Don't worry, just play with him.

Let the young man be happy for a while, and then finally realize that he cannot escape from my grasp. This scene must be very interesting!

The Queen waved Roger off.

Then ask Mrs. Mosconi to notify Margaret and the Minister of War and others to hold a pre-war meeting.

Although what he told Roger was to capture the believers of the Goddess of War and obtain conclusive evidence before sending troops.

But Queen Yongye can no longer wait for her imperial commander to conquer in person.

Since the founding of the empire, how had she ever experienced such cowardice and having a murder committed right under her nose?

When she saw the power of the God of Nature, she went straight to the incarnation of the God.

Although she recklessly joined the wrong group, she also thought that she had to be steady and wait patiently for Roger to confirm the true culprit of Odu Blood Night...

But the queen thought about the logical chain that Roger gave at this moment. The more she thought about it, the more reliable it became. She felt that it should have a 98% stability rate.

The remaining 2% is left to the river of destiny full of infinite possibilities.

In this case, there is nothing wrong with making preparations for the war first, and choosing the Orc King's Tent, the largest parish of the Goddess of War, as the target?

The combat strategy also needs to be thought out in advance, so that after the target is truly determined, the fight can be successful.

The Queen of Evernight summoned the entire map of Evernight Continent, and then drew a blood-red straight line between the Mysterious City and the Orc King's Tent...

Well, let's simply arrange a direct attack on Huanglong first, and then think of the second move when it doesn't work.

As for the Queen of Evernight, who has swept through the seventeen countries and is known as the invincible God of War, she has not yet had a chance to think of a second move.

Just outrageous.


Soon a group of military ministers arrived.

It was a bit strange that His Majesty summoned himself and others just a few hours after the cabinet meeting ended.

But they really have nothing to do at the moment.

Roger took charge of the manhunt. The target of the war had not been determined yet, but the preparations had been done in the previous wave. They could only wait for the news.

For those who have been waiting for the five spines and six beasts, it would be nice to be called back by the queen.

Maybe we can chat more and have a dinner party.

Roger felt that the royal banquet in the palace was just that, but to the outsiders of his generation, the cooks in the Queen's Palace were at a T0 level.

When she came to the political hall and saw the strategic map floating above the Queen's desk, Margaret was the first to react:

"Could it be that Dior's madman has confirmed that the real mastermind is actually the goddess of war?"

The main belief in the Orc King's Tent is the Goddess of War, and those barbarians whose muscles grow to their heads are also rich in fanatical believers. This is common knowledge in the mainland.

Queen Yongye nodded slowly: "Yes, Dio Qing used the 'deduction method' to find out the real murderer last night."

Anyway, she had plenty of time, so she reviewed Roger's previous explanation to a few people.

She also tried this thinking mode by the way to see if it was possible to promote it.

There is no fool who can join the cabinet of Queen Yongye and sit in the political hall at the moment.

Everyone has a brain, they just don’t use it on a daily basis.

Just like in the landline era, everyone can recite commonly used phone numbers, and there are even TV programs that compete in reciting numbers.

But then everyone has a mobile phone and hundreds of phone numbers in their address book. How many people can memorize a lot of phone numbers?

The same goes for the Imperials.

Why do you have to think for yourself when you can use magic to search for the truth of a case with one click?

It wasn't until this wave encountered the shield of the gods and all the magicians were paralyzed that the superiority of Roger's new thinking mode was revealed.

So Roger was playing deductive reasoning there. After everyone caught up with the idea, they found that this was indeed a good thing.

It's easy to learn but hard to master. If you use it well, you can learn a lot of things that people usually ignore.

This time Roger did use this method to solve the case in the shortest time.

Otherwise, if it drags on like this, even if it takes a lot of effort to search the whole city, nothing may be accomplished. In the end, those believers will still be able to escape under the protection of the gods.

After listening, everyone agreed that the real culprit behind the bloody night in Odu was the Church of the Goddess of War.

It is also in line with her family's usual style.

However, the conclusive evidence still has to wait until Sir Roger successfully captures and obtains the followers of the Goddess of War. It is best to capture the war priest Joestar. This will be the best reason for the empire to start a war.

"I wonder when Mr. Brando's search for followers of the Goddess of War will yield results?" the Minister of Military Affairs asked impatiently.

"The stage should have been set. It just depends on how loyal those believers are to the goddess of war."

Queen Evernight recounted Roger's crooked idea and couldn't help but smile.

Of course she felt very relieved.

It not only lured the snake out of its hole, but also severely damaged the face of the goddess of war.

After listening to this, all the cabinet ministers thought of the image of the goddess of war in close contact with the breeding pig, with different expressions.

A bit outrageous, but also very effective.

"There really is no need to search and arrest this time. Those fanatic believers will jump out on their own."

"So that guy wasn't bragging, but he had already thought of this trick during the cabinet meeting?"

"Damn it, Dio really tricked him!"

"This kind of madman who takes advantage of people's hearts to the extreme must have a reason to be mad..."

To be honest, although the cabinet ministers are dedicated to serving the country, they are still looking forward to seeing Dior's jokes.

After all, anyone who is criticized so publicly can't help but have a little temper.

What's more, who is not a genius boy/middle-aged when he joins the cabinet?

As a result, the fact before us now is that Dior did not brag.

Not only did they confirm the camp of the real culprits as quickly as possible, but they also successfully fulfilled their promise that there would be no need for a search.

The slap in the face came so quickly and was so ruthless that several high-profile cabinet ministers wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

"Okay, you don't need to dwell on what has happened. What we need to do now is to think about how to capture the Orc King's tent as quickly as possible."

Queen Yongye admired the mixed expressions of her ministers.

She was also very proud and proud.

My people can do it; you can’t!

She single-handedly promoted Roger to the cabinet. The better he behaves and the brighter he shines, the more it shows Her Majesty the Queen's ability to recognize people.

"According to the order!"

The cabinet ministers did not dare to slack off and used their brains to make serious plans with all their strength.

Previously, everyone was ridiculed by Roger's self-explosion, but they were just angry and vindictive, and were ready to encourage Dior to the outside world, so they united.

Subconsciously, they felt that such a reckless little guy would definitely not be able to grasp the complex political situation of the empire.

He was just brave and wrote the historical data truthfully. How could he know how to be a cabinet minister?

As a result, the murderous murder case in Odu suddenly came to light. Roger came to the front line and completed the task that everyone was afraid of in a few hours.

This is a real proof of ability, that guy is really more than just brave.

Now Dior poses an even greater threat to everyone, from a catfish to a big shark.

Not to mention intrigues, everyone used their best tactics to respond to every question from the Queen in their best condition.

This cabinet suddenly rolled up!

You must know that there is a vacancy for the Minister of Finance at the moment, which is attracting everyone's attention.

That was a very high-ranking position in the cabinet, and they didn't want the Queen to assign Dior to it in the end.

The lowest minister of history is already embarrassed.

When you become the Minister of Finance, with Dior's words and deeds like a lunatic, you are not allowed to ride on top of them and do anything?

The current order of the Ivy League cabinet is the Right Prime Minister, the Left Prime Minister, the Secretary-General, the Chief Magical Advisor, and the fifth in line is the Finance Minister.

Because financial issues are indeed a top priority for a country.

If Roger performs well, he will most likely be assigned to that position...

So these old-timers don’t want to lose face?

So this cabinet meeting is more efficient than before.

Everyone worked hard and rushed to take on difficult tasks that they had to shirk several times before.

Especially Margaret, she knew one more thing than others, which was the action of posing as the Nationalist Army first proposed by Dio.

This shows that Dior also has great talents in the military field!

Isn't this the secret of luring the snake out of the cave to coincide with the art of war?

The other ministers were afraid that Dio would usurp the position of finance minister.

She thought a little more, what if the Queen of Eternal Night admired Dior and directly replaced herself with her?

When it comes to bad ideas, it’s clear that Dio is even worse than her!

That kid is full of bad things!

So she also tried her best to use her little brain and showed the best level in her life.

The monarch and his ministers worked together and quickly agreed on a detailed battle plan to attack the orc king's tent.

Feeling the "high morale", Queen Yongye couldn't help but feel proud.

I must give him a big thumbs up for my imperial skills!

Although the current Ivy Empire suffered heavy losses in the Aodu Blood Night, it is still in a good situation that has rarely been seen since the founding of the country.

Everyone in the cabinet ministers served, the die-hards in the parliament were brutally slaughtered, the nobles to the citizens of the empire were all in high fighting mood, and the people of the seventeen countries turned to the empire.

Her control over the empire reached an unprecedented new peak.

Of course, a very important point is that her strength has also reached a new peak.

With so many favorable conditions, even if the target is the most important diocese of the goddess of war, Queen Yongye held her breath in her heart and wanted to step forward to test the damage on her side...

At this time, clouds accumulated in the sky, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

Queen Yongye stood up and said excitedly: "Is the goddess of war angry? I want to see your incompetent and furious side!"

Just as Queen Yongye Fengfenghuohuo had started the pre-war meeting, Roger, who returned to the headquarters of the city defense army, was still calmly preparing his plan to lure the snake out of the cave.

His vision of imperial war is actually a series of plans:

After catching the irrefutable evidence that the Church of the Goddess of War was secretly doing something tricky, he released news to create domestic public opinion;

At the same time, he hired a navy to announce that it was the God of Nature who framed the Goddess of War, so that the Queen would show hesitation;

At this time, based on the several secret intelligences he had in the game plot, he provoked the relationship between the orcs and the elves, who already had a feud.

At that time, even if the two countries did not fight directly, they would definitely enter a state of confrontation and involve each other's energy;

At this time, the Qingteng Empire showed that the evidence pointed to the God of Nature, and the voices of declaring war on the Elf Empire in the country surged. In fact, it was a sneak attack when the orc king's tent was relaxed...

If it was finally confirmed that the God of Nature had a brain seizure and changed his style, he would reverse the last step.

Roger believed that after this series of sleight of hand was released, the empire's inherent advantages would be infinite, and he would achieve his desired strategic goals at the lowest cost.

But because his brain circuit was too normal, he felt that war was a very cautious matter, so he did not discuss it with the Queen of Eternal Night in advance.

Naturally, he would not have thought that in the palace, the Queen of Eternal Night had already drawn a simple and rough straight line between the two countries.

In the game, the protagonists were in high spirits, and the empress went to war at the end of the empire, so they naturally had to make adequate preparations and choose the right opponents.

But now the empire is like the rising sun, and the morale is high. The strength and spirit of the empress and the people are different, so Roger was misled by the game.

Roger's biggest wish now is to find the war priest Joestar and kill him.

He also deduced that Joestar must have other goals when he went to the inner part of the Secret City, and it is highly likely that he did not leave at this time.

As long as that guy dared to show up, Roger would have prepared a series of traps for him.

In this regard, the Yongxue who once controlled the protagonists to serve the gods had some strategic initiative in intelligence.

Although the plot of the game was officially opened and reached its peak ten years later, the gods began to lay out their plans very early.

At this moment, in the Secret City, several bases used by the protagonists already exist or are under construction.

Roger also knows the places and routes that believers like to appear, and several specific coordinates for exchanging intelligence.

After all, he served as the vanguard of the Tianming Army, carried out many underground activities in this mysterious city, and personally disintegrated the giant Qingteng Empire...

So, he is an insider from the future. Do you think this is a big threat to the church?

At the headquarters of the City Defense Army, after Roger brought back the recognition and commendation of the Queen of Eternal Night, everyone's work enthusiasm instantly soared by 200%.

And the recognition and loyalty to Roger also increased by 150%.

In the past, the City Defense Army was a tiankeng, doing all kinds of dirty and tiring work, and it was the kind of work that had no sense of existence when done well, and was particularly conspicuous when done poorly, and would be criticized by a lot of officials in Aodu.

As for the commendation, it always belongs to the expeditionary army that has made great contributions outside and expanded the territory for the empire.

In addition, the ability of the former chief of the City Defense Station was mediocre, and there was no pursuit or ambition, so everyone also lived a hard life for several years.

As a result, Lord Dio came only a few hours later, and directly made a big progress in the Aodu Bloody Night case.

After a trip to the palace, he brought back the Queen's commendation, and more funds will be given to the city defense army in the future.

With such a leader, everyone will naturally follow voluntarily.

The Queen's fans are the largest fan circle in the entire empire.

To get her recognition, the city defense army feels that no matter how hard it is, it is worth it.

Therefore, at this moment, Lord Dio's casual small order has unparalleled appeal among the city defense army.

Everyone is not working with the mentality of "finishing the work obediently and he will take the blame", but giving full play to their subjective initiative, completing the work as quickly as possible, and waiting for the next round of commendation from the Queen.

The entire city defense army headquarters is so excited that it doesn't seem like work, but rather elementary school students before a spring outing.

Driven by this atmosphere, Roger is almost ignited.

No, I have to lie down, and my state of mind as a slacker cannot be broken!

He took a deep breath and stabilized his emotions.

Although the bloody night of Aodu has greatly touched him, he would rather not lie down these days and do something for the Dan Empire.

But if it is not necessary, he still hopes that his emotions will be stable, and he will rehearse for the leisurely life after getting out.

Even if he helps the queen to govern the country, he can do it while lying down!

Therefore, Roger earnestly persuaded the subordinates of the city defense army:

"Calm down, calm down, everyone should work and take care of their bodies."

"Remember to drink more water, you can apply for rotation if you are exposed to the sun for a long time."

"Alas, the statue is too heavy, you can call a few more people to move it slowly!"

"Don't be busy yet, come and eat watermelon!"

Unlike other leaders who can't wait to whip people with a small whip and force their subordinates to work faster in exchange for their own achievements.

Roger is doing his best to help them stabilize their development, so there is no need to rush the progress so hard.

People who have worked probably have the experience that if you complete the work ahead of time appropriately, you can get some time to slack off.

But if you complete the work too much ahead of time, the leader will know and will only assign you new work.

Working hours are limited, but the content of work can be infinite...

Exploitation is inevitable, and it will become worse because your ability is too strong.

But his attempts to delay his own steps only made the city defense army more recognized of Lord Dio!

Most officers in the empire are nobles. Even if they are well educated, they will not treat civilians very well.

There are also many officers who are not very capable and will only find ways to make things difficult for others. They will scold their subordinates at any time.

In the empire, it is not uncommon for superiors to punish their subordinates.

After all, there is no free movement here, and nobles naturally have all kinds of privileges.

So Dio seems too gentle to others.

He always thinks from the perspective of the most ordinary soldiers, paying attention to their bodies, rather than considering completing the task as the best consideration...

This must be the best leader in the world, capable and considerate!

Many female officers and female subordinates in the city defense army looked at the handsome figure of Lord Dio, and their eyes were full of stars.

In this huge city of mystery, he is a unique landscape and a guiding light for everyone to serve the queen!

When you meet such a good leader, don’t you work hard to repay him? Will you watch him work without results and be replaced by other garbage officials?

We can’t accept it!

So the more Roger persuaded, the more enthusiastic the city defense army, from officers to soldiers, became.

"Sir, the breeding pigs have been delivered."

"Sir, the statue has been brought here."

"Sir, the crowd has been arranged."

"Sir, the magic photo shooting team is in place."

"Sir, the reporter from the Long Live the Queen is here."


The information was reported back one by one, and all the instructions issued by Roger were arranged in the shortest time.

Calculate the result!

Roger was helpless, he really wasn't playing hard to get!

He really hoped that everyone could take care of their bodies and not work so hard!

But the preparations were completed, and he couldn't delay it.

"The pig control team is ready to charge the statue, the plainclothes team will blend into the crowd to find the target, and the other teams will be on standby to hide and do a good job of defense to prevent civilian casualties and prevent believers from escaping after making trouble!"

Roger Bin's orders were conveyed one by one, and the city defense army arranged it flawlessly, and a big stage specifically for the believers of the goddess of war was set up.

There are pitfalls, but as believers, can they choose to turn a blind eye?

Everyone knows it well.

A wooden statue of a god that is more than ten meters high was pushed to a small square in the busiest commercial district of the Mysterious City.

This is the statue of the goddess of war that the border guards just snatched from a small orc tribe. The carving is not too delicate.

But anyway, the full-face armor blocks the face, and only from the figure can we tell that she is a very heroic goddess.

The signature sword and shield are shining with golden light. This small tribe is loyal enough to believe and dare not save money.

But the most important thing at this moment is that the statue is surging with a faint breath of divine power. It is a statue of the goddess of war blessed by the church priest.

Just like a mobile phone needs to obtain network access permission, praying to the gods is not just chanting the name of the gods casually. It must be a statue blessed by a regular priest to be effective.

Correspondingly, if you do some blasphemous acts, the goddess of war can also sense it and even respond.

Although the Empire officially issued an order to completely ban the Seven Gods Church from preaching a month ago, the Queen has disliked the gods for a long time, and Aodu has been expelling the church for a long time.

The citizens have not seen the statue of the gods for a long time.

At this moment, a statue of the gods suddenly stood up in the troubled area, and with the help of Roger who had already hired him, it soon attracted more people to watch.

The mentality of joining in the fun and watching the new melons is engraved in people's DNA, regardless of the earth and the other world.

Soon the crowd automatically separated a path.

A group of rude farmers drove dozens of breeding pigs to the statue of the goddess of war.

They were fat and strong, aggressive, with fierce eyes, and their bodies were a circle larger than ordinary pigs.

"Gods, none of them are good things, fuck her ass!"

The farmers pointed at the statue of the goddess of war and shouted angrily.

This most vulgar and popular imperial swear word immediately resonated with the onlookers.

The ruins of the Bloody Night of Aodu are still there. Even if no friends or relatives died in it, if the believer who blew himself up came to his doorstep, he would inevitably hate the believers and the gods.

"Fuck her! Fuck her ass! Go, go, go!"

The onlookers also got emotional, and the more they looked at the statue of the goddess of war, the angrier they got.

The farmers waved their whips and whipped the pigs to rush towards the statue.

Pigs are delicious when cut open, but they can also be very fierce when alive.

Especially these pigs, who usually get enough exercise and eat well, and they really have some of their ancestors' fierceness and temper.

They rushed forward and knocked down the statue of the goddess of war.

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter on the street, and a happy atmosphere filled the air.

The city defense army did a good job, they deserved a reward!

The goddess was pushed by the pigs!

Under this amateur picture, the fear and deterrence caused by the believers' attack before were inexplicably weakened.

The so-called gods are just like this, they can't even suppress pigs!

The believers tried their best to maintain the majesty of the gods, but the gods couldn't stand up!

The farmers' orders continued.

Stimulated by alchemical potions and magic, the breeding pigs began to launch another form of extremely skilled charge against the statue of the goddess of war.

Wild boars charge!

Wild boars charge at super speed and super force!

The wooden statue of the goddess of war kept making strange creaking sounds.

The power on the statue reacted, releasing electric currents to fight back against the pigs, but they were all blocked by the magicians equipped by the city defense army.

"Oh, that big flower is very smart, it really hit the goddess's ass!"

"Don't let go of the nostrils, mouth and eyes, I want to see the goddess of war covered with pigs!"

"The gods are a joke, and our queen is still the best!"

The statue of the goddess of war lit up a light and rushed into the sky. Then the clouds in the sky gathered, and thick lightning was accumulating.

The onlookers suddenly panicked. Is this the wrath of God?

So scary!

In the direction of the palace, a magic circle suddenly lit up, and the elegant figure of the Queen of Eternal Night appeared in the air, and she said to this side:

"My people, don't panic!"

The people cheered immediately, and their cheers were full of excitement.

Is their queen going to confront the power of God head-on?

"Long live the queen!!!"

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