In the void, the Kingdom of God, the Conqueror's Canyon, staged an eternal battle.

On the Kowloon chariot, the war goddess Tabela suddenly sensed something, her face was filled with anger, and her eyebrows were raised: "Queen of Evernight, how dare you!"

Somehow, she sensed dozens of breeding pigs through the statue, and they were riding "her" to charge continuously.

The gods are based on faith, and they have already played tricks on this power.

Plagiarism and perception are child's play. If necessary, you can directly occupy the believer's body to exert your ultimate combat power.

The idols blessed by the priest, with divine power attached to them, can become the five senses extended by the gods and exert some supernatural powers...

But if it is operated in reverse, it can also force the goddess of war to experience the powerful impact of the pigs.

Tabela and the other seven gods have spread their glory in more than a dozen worlds, and they have never been so insulted or provoked by any mortal.

Her anger rushed straight to the Tianling Cap, causing her power to go out of control, and countless golden rays spread from her center.

This golden light was like rain, sweeping across hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of the Kingdom of God.

Countless intelligent races and monsters in the battle turned into blood and evaporated directly...

Of course, the next second, they were reborn under the rules of the Kingdom of God, preparing for a new round of war.

They are petitioners in the Kingdom of God. They were devout believers of the Goddess of War during their lifetime. After death, they were able to ascend to the Kingdom of God and gain eternal life.

It’s just that the petitioners cannot leave the Kingdom of God, and at the same time they have to be enslaved by the gods to complete various tasks of the Kingdom of God, defend the Kingdom of God, and participate in the war between gods...

I don’t know if this kind of “heaven” is what believers expect when they pray on earth.

And Tabela's anger dissipated along the connection with the god statue, and spread to the world of eternal night, like the black clouds rolling over the mysterious city.

"This woman is trying to cut my face, so I must also give her some face, and let her know that the gods cannot be offended!"

The power of faith in the palm of the goddess of war began to burn, pushing the clouds that were originally just a threat, began to carry her divine power, and gained actual damage capabilities.

She was ready to work hard to consume her accumulation and make the increasingly arrogant Queen Yong Ye stumble.

Otherwise, with the current situation, she is afraid that the Queen of Evernight will be destroyed, the Ivy Empire will be disintegrated, and the lambs on that land will also forget her reputation as the goddess of war!

So how can she preach?

Then she was working hard behind the scenes to plan, couldn't she just provide assists to the other six gods?

She, Tabela, is the smartest among the Seven Gods. She has always been the only one with a K-head, but she has never worked for free.

Tabela was determined to suppress the arrogance of Queen Evernight and let the people of the empire see clearly that the reason for the empire's misfortune was that Queen Evernight was not the son of a human being.

In this way, their loyalty to the Queen will inevitably decline.

Therefore, dark clouds overcame the city of mystery.

As if it was a sign that the end of the world was about to come, Sunset, who had just put most of his face on the ground, seemed to have sensed the majesty of the gods and hid completely.

The whole city instantly became as dark as the middle of the night.

Moreover, there are no stars or moon, only the scurrying thunder snakes, projecting a dazzling light, constantly flashing, but it makes people feel more awe.

The wrath of the gods, the power of heaven and earth, the power of the gods is like the sea, the sky will collapse!

The imperial capital with a population of one million is enveloped in an aura of doomsday.

At the Second National Welfare Institute, the girl with twin tails who was mixed in the crowd to greet Angelina, the Right Chancellor of the Empire, suddenly had her eyes twinkling.

She looked at the sky and whispered softly: "Why is the goddess so angry?"

A certain chamber of commerce, in a secret room.

The man in fine clothes kept tears of blood in his eyes. He knelt down in front of the statue of the golden-armored god and shouted in fear: "Goddess, forgive your incompetence of the lamb. Give me your heart. I will also destroy this evil empire!"

In a slum on the edge of Odu, a skinny young man with no hope in his eyes suddenly showed an angry look on his face: "This world is dirty again!"

He stood up unsteadily, and lying beside him were many low-level coolies who had not found a job, and therefore lacked enough food, lacked strength, and could not even find a meal.

They can only sleep more to reduce consumption and wait for possible work...

The boy's jaw suddenly detached from his face, grew more than ten times, and swallowed a person alive.

His body quickly expanded like a balloon, and his strength level also rose several levels.

Then, he looked towards the next target.

Compared to the believers of the Goddess of War scattered throughout the city, they felt the anger of their own gods.

The citizens of the imperial capital noticed the unusual changes in the sky. After the initial panic, they resumed their daily lives.

Because they saw Her Majesty the Queen rising into the sky against the black clouds, showing no fear in the face of the changes in the world.

Her figure illuminated the whole city, and she spoke softly, telling the people not to panic.

The people of the Empire believed in the Queen, so they naturally did not panic.

Even if the sky really collapses, Her Majesty the Queen will definitely be able to patch it up again!

Because the sky that the Ivy Kingdom collapsed in the past was re-supported by Queen Yongye's own efforts.

She is the battle flag flying in the hearts of the people of the Empire, a miracle of bloody counter-attack. As long as the Queen is alive, no matter how difficult the situation is, the people of the Empire still believe that there is hope for a comeback.

As for Queen Yong Ye herself, she is naturally more confident and even looks very expectant.

It’s been a long time since we had a well-matched opponent.

A sneak attack on the incarnation of the God of Nature is not satisfying at all. I hope the Goddess of War is powerful enough to allow me to experience the intensity of the gods head-on!

Of course, this is also because the City of Mysteries is her home turf.

There is an upper limit to the carrying capacity of the Eternal Night World. If the gods do not prepare sacrifices in advance, their ability to interfere with the world will be greatly limited.

In this situation, sending one incarnation is already the limit. At this time, it is absolutely impossible for the goddess of war's true body to enter the world of eternal night, crush the queen of eternal night, and destroy the city of mystery.

Now that we know that the enemy is a paper tiger, what does Queen Eternal Night have to fear?

The thunderclouds in the sky look extremely scary, but in fact they are just a common trick used by the gods to show their majesty. Their true power is just that.

So what if the goddess of war is angry because her statue was desecrated?

It’s just an incarnation at most. Can I still be bullied in my own territory?

At this time, thunderclouds rolled in the sky and electric snakes scurried around, forming the iconic image of the goddess of war wearing armor, holding a gun and a shield.

Queen Yongye showed a trace of disdain.

Just a projection?

You can't even part with your incarnation. Do you think I'm scared?

Of course, ordinary people in the empire cannot tell the difference between projection, incarnation, and true body.

But when I saw that the war goddess, who was 70% similar to that statue, really appeared in the world, I thought it was a divine descending. I unconsciously became nervous and worried for my majesty.

Of course the Queen is invincible.

But she was facing the gods. As we all know, the gods came from the sky.

The world is invincible and cannot defeat the visitors from heaven. This is understandable...

For a moment, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the gods were furious, mortals were trembling, and the Queen of Evernight held her head high proudly.

In the peerless painting, only the breeding pigs are still outputting, still playing A, and have not given up yet!

Under the stimulation of drugs and magic, the goddess of strategy is their only target.

The collective fanaticism will not give up until the statue of the god is shattered!

It is precisely because of their efforts that the gods have created a majestic, mysterious, and aloof image over tens of thousands of years...

Seems a little funny.

Roger was thinking about it. While being fucked by pigs, you are showing off to mortals at the same time. Where did you, a goddess, get the confidence to put on such a arrogant and criticizing face?

With the thunderclouds as the background, the war goddess Tybela's head was slightly lowered, her eyes were filled with fire as she looked down at the world, and her voice was cold and arrogant:

"Queen of Evernight, please stop your madness and rudeness, otherwise you will bring unbearable disaster to the empire!"

"Tebela, come and have a fight if you can, and don't talk about other useless nonsense."

Queen Yongye snorted coldly, "The Ivy Empire has developed honestly before. Do the gods tolerate the empire anymore?"

The underground ghosts of the kings of the seventeen countries: You want to destroy other countries and ask them to develop honestly?

Tabela responded: "If you obey our plans and orders, the Ivy Empire will also be blessed and will last forever in the world."

"Plans and orders?"

Queen Yong Ye took a step forward, raised her head proudly, her starry eyes were like lightning, and she looked at the eyes of God that looked down at the human world without flinching:

"Oh, I think that should be called the survival rule of being a dog, right? Multiple human sacrifices a year, in conjunction with your continuous wars, and to ensure that many citizens are washed away by faith and have no reason to do so for tens of thousands of years. A tool to steal the source of faith?”

The Imperial people showed a bit of confusion and confusion.

Aren’t gods symbols of love and peace? How could they deliberately provoke war?

Tabela shouted angrily: "Octavel, you are trying to talk nonsense about the gods! We protect this world from being invaded by foreign enemies, and sacrifice countless lives in exchange for the faith of some mortals, and become the sustenance to protect their souls. This is The destined relationship between God and man.”

The thunderclouds in the sky rolled more violently, and countless lightning bolts as thick as water tanks, mixed with golden javelins, fell towards the Queen of Evernight.

Tabela felt the situation was getting a little out of hand.

She came down to announce that the empire had been punished by God, that Queen Yongye had committed a heinous crime, and that everyone else was being dragged down by her.

But within a few words, the Queen of Evernight took the lead and revealed the biggest secrets of the gods. Naturally, she became furious.

It is said that Queen Yong Ye will do whatever she refuses and never likes to talk nonsense.

Why did we find out during our exchange today that he was very articulate and a master of rhythm?

If Queen Evernight could hear Tabela's question, she would tell her mercifully that because she was complained and deceived by someone who didn't mean what she said every day, her laning ability had greatly increased.

Queen Yong Ye has always understood people's hearts, but she is too lazy to use her brain.

She really used her brains and scheming, and even the green tea bitch won it directly.

Fortunately, Tabela was quick to change his tactics and could not get any advantage with his words, so he immediately turned to using force to suppress others.

Facing the rolling thunderclouds and the sky filled with golden light, the Queen of Eternal Night secretly came at a great time!

It’s time to show off my acting skills!

"I hate ridiculous destiny the most!"

She waved her robe sleeves, and a shield as thin as cicada wings appeared in front of her, but it easily withstood thunder and lightning and javelins.

After the vast divine punishment, the figure of Queen Eternal Night reappeared without any scars.

Deafening cheers erupted throughout the Mysterious City.

Voices of "Long live the Queen" kept coming and going.

Does this mean that their Majesty the Queen is invincible in the world?

The powerful people in and outside the city who had the means to watch this confrontation between humans and gods from afar suddenly discovered that the level of power wielded by the Queen of Evernight was no less than that of the gods!

Tabela was also secretly surprised. The Queen of Evernight has grown to this point without knowing it?

This woman must not be kept!

The situation was once again beyond her control, and the goddess of war was unable to get off her feet.

With only one projection, she could only exert 10% of her strength and could not suppress the Queen of Eternal Night.

Then she would not only waste the power of faith in vain, but also lose a bigger person.

But if she invested more power of faith to summon the incarnation, it would be equivalent to paying a greater price...

She was a bit like a gambler who had lost all her money, thinking about whether to continue to raise the bet.

The Queen of Eternal Night did not give her the opportunity to hesitate, and took another step forward, raising her slender hand slightly.

A six-pointed star magic circle covering the entire Mystery City lit up.

"The world is ruthless and desireless. You have proclaimed yourself as the sky and set the so-called rules. Have you asked me for my consent? Have you asked the people of the empire for their consent?"

The voice of the Queen of Eternal Night spread throughout the city, and at the same time, she pointed her sword at the endless black clouds above her head.

Suddenly, the tops of the magic towers and special buildings throughout the city shot out pillars of fire, piercing through the black clouds, and stirring wildly at the same time.

The black cloud representing the divine punishment slowly evaporated, and the blue sky reappeared above the head of the Mystery City.

The golden sunset cast down the last ray of powerless afterglow, just like the impotent fury of the goddess of war at this moment.

"Tell the gods that I don't agree!" Her voice was faint, but firm as a mountain.

"Tell the gods that we don't agree either!"

The people of the imperial capital roared with her.

They actually didn't know why the Queen of Eternal Night was so determined to resist the gods.

Ordinary people couldn't understand the dark erosion of the gods that led to the destruction of the world.

But just one bloody night in Aodu was enough for the people of the empire to remember the grudge.

In addition, the queen's prestige was unparalleled at the moment. With one order, the empire really dared to charge at the high gods.

Roger couldn't help but feel his heart swaying.

He really didn't expect that the Queen of Eternal Night could be so domineering in her heyday.

The Qingteng Empire in the game was dragged by the gods in the illusion of mutual attack and killing in its most prosperous period, and then problems began to arise internally, involving the energy of the Queen of Eternal Night.

When the gods and the Queen of Eternal Night really confronted each other, the Queen of Eternal Night was still crazy and brave.

But compared with the heroic spirit of "asking the gods with hands behind their backs and shaking the heavy clouds with one finger" at this moment, it was several levels lower.

He suddenly felt a little lucky.

He traveled ten years earlier, but it was really enjoyable to see the Queen of Eternal Night representing the human race and not bowing to the gods!

[With this scene, even if Blood Mom died in battle ten years later, she would be famous in history...]

Queen of Eternal Night: Who are you cursing, little bastard?

In mid-air, the face of the goddess of war was uncertain, but the projection became more and more solid.

She was summoning an incarnation!

She was anxious and prepared to fight the Queen of Eternal Night head-on.

There are many truths in this world, but the biggest truth is that the fist is big enough.

The expression of the Queen of Eternal Night became serious.

She acted relaxed, but in fact it was all pretending. In fact, she had suffered a lot of hidden injuries.

The gods have accumulated too many years, and she is still far behind in a head-on confrontation.

She now understood that she had only just reached the threshold of breaking the defense.

The Queen was sure of her fighting power, so she didn't want to continue fighting...

But the goddess of war in the sky was obviously ready to fight for real.

Just as she was thinking about how to break the situation, a vine suddenly emerged from the void and hit the goddess of war on the forehead.

Instantly, the half-summoned incarnation of the goddess of war was shattered!

"Emnetcher!" A smug low laugh came from the void.

The Second National Welfare Home.

Joestar, who was in the image of a twin-tailed girl, looked at the goddess' figure in the sky and disintegrated, lowered his eyes, and his eyes were full of anger.

The evil queen of the empire dared to disrespect his goddess!

Soon, Joestar raised his head and returned to his innocent look.

His eyes swept over the two legendary bodyguards around Angelina, thinking secretly:

"There is no good opportunity to take action now, I have to plan carefully to help the goddess get back her ground."

Jostar's little figure quietly slipped out of the crowd and walked towards the kitchen.

The imperial people cheered the queen's "slaying gods" feat, and no one noticed the abnormal behavior of a four or five-year-old girl.

ps1. Has anyone posted it? Has anyone posted it? If so, please let me know!

ps2. Thanks to the following friends:

[Future Wife] 100 blades, 5880 rewards

[Sumuz] 100 blades

[Tianjiu] 73 blades

[jwC] 11800 rewards

ps3. The first order exceeded my own psychological expectations, and my heart, which had been uneasy for half a month, was relieved... a quarter.

Theoretically, the update speed will be faster in the future. Of course, it's just theory, and I'm a little unsure of my status.

But I guarantee that I will spend a lot of time coding every day.

ps4. Bounty progress (4/30)

The format is (number of chapters to be updated/total number of chapters owed)

ps5. As we all know, Shuke's day starts at 6 am, so I fulfilled my promise of five chapters a day, and even exceeded it by one!

Six-update giant, proud and proud, please vote at me!

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