In the city of mystery, the atmosphere of carnival continued to spread.

Under everyone's witness, their invincible queen defeated the powerful enemy again and again and protected the city of mystery!

"The Queen took out a small green whip, a crack, and guess what? The goddess is gone!"

The bard vividly explained the battle that took place at dusk to the citizens who missed the battle of "the Queen defeated the goddess".

"Long live the Queen!"

Then there was a lot of heart-wrenching roars from the people of the empire, leading everyone around to roar together.

On this day, the city of Aodu was like a wolf's den, and countless people roared until their voices broke.

The Amti Chamber of Commerce may become the biggest winner by relying on the throat lozenges that were stockpiled in advance.

It has to be said that this is a wonderful misunderstanding that is taken for granted.

At the last moment, both sides were full of momentum, and the sky was so quiet that there was not even a bird. Only the Queen of Eternal Night and the Goddess of War were confronting each other.

Then the Goddess of War was gone, evaporated.

It must be that the Queen of Eternal Night crushed the Goddess of War with her eyes!

Therefore, in the hearts of the imperial people, the Goddess of War is no longer a goddess, but a hot weapon of the imperial pigs!

In mid-air, the Queen of Eternal Night made a "basic operation, don't be silly" gesture, and made a transcendent expression that everything is under my control, to appease the enthusiasm of the imperial people.

She was very confused in her heart. What happened just now?

Even though she knew she couldn't win, she felt a pity that she had agreed to fight until dawn, but the opponent suddenly lost power.

She is not a Bulbasaur, and she can't learn the vine whip. It's obviously not her output!

Besides, she is just a rookie who can just break the defense of the gods. The road to killing gods is long and difficult. How can she kill the incarnation of the goddess of war in one second?

She subconsciously looked at Roger.

Unconsciously, the queen has developed the habit of "when indecisive, free Roger".

As expected, this guy looked at the sky, thinking, and was explaining the current situation:

[Well, this line... is confirmed. The Goddess of War has made the God of Nature angry, so even Mudunzi couldn't help but stand up and stab him in the back. ]

[The Goddess of War has suffered a lot this time. She spent a lot of faith power, failed to defeat His Majesty, failed to establish her reputation, and was tricked by the God of Nature. Isn't the little bitch angry? ]

[Although the seven gods are in the same group, I think the God of Nature will be very interested in the matter of tricking the Goddess of War. Maybe there is a chance for cooperation? ]

The Queen of Eternal Night took advantage of Roger's analysis and nodded secretly. Well, I solved the case.

Alas, this feeling of not having to use my brain, needles don't poke!

I will arrange for Margaret to secretly contact the God of Nature to see if there is any opportunity for cooperation!

I am so wise and powerful!

Unknowingly, the Queen of Eternal Night has also changed.

In the past, even if she didn't publicly declare that this was Roger's idea, she would have secretly given him a reward.

But after she found out that this guy was an ungrateful person who didn't know how to be grateful for the best rewards, and just wanted to lie down, she began to have no psychological pressure to get free stuff.

The emperor gave rewards in order to gain the loyalty of his subjects.

But the loyalty of the other party was locked, he had no sense of honor, he was lazy and had only the courage to be lustful...

What can the queen do? She can't turn into a female bodhisattva and give benefits every day, right?

So she also figured it out. The policy of appeasement doesn't work, right? Well, then use the handle to clamp him and don't give him a chance to get away!

The Queen of Eternal Night resisted her fatigue and finished the finishing work here. Finally, she sent a message to Roger: "Be careful of the followers of the Goddess of War."

Roger didn't have the ability to send a message directly. It was not appropriate to shout with a lot of people in the middle. He could only pretend to be itchy and stroke the words: "I obey your order."

The Queen of Eternal Night nodded slightly, without stopping, and teleported back to Fengling Yueying Palace, announcing that all visitors would be temporarily refused.

Roger watched the figure of the Queen of Eternal Night disappear in the air, and realized something.

After all, the Goddess of War is an old-fashioned god. The Queen of Eternal Night fought with her projection, but she was calm on the surface. I'm afraid she suffered a lot in secret...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but admire her.

The Goddess of War was killed by the pig and she didn't change her face. The Queen of Eternal Night was seriously injured but her expression was normal...

How can these women be so good at pretending?

In comparison, wearing stockings on the street in the coldest days of winter, wearing a hat because you haven't washed your hair for a day, and stuffing 150 pounds of flesh into XS size clothes are all basic operations, right?

Roger felt that he had exhausted all his skills in playing a "cabinet madman", while the women had already integrated the performance into their daily lives.

They maintained their image, intrigued, and used all kinds of means, and they did everything they could!

They were all very scheming!

Fortunately, Dio's identity was about to be reborn, and he was about to get rid of this vortex of intrigue.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. It is too dangerous for an honest man like me to always be exposed to these scheming women.

In order to ensure that the believers of the goddess of war will be ruthless to him, Roger is ready to personally come forward to attract a wave of hatred.

After all, the believers are lurking in, and the number is limited.

This wave of super god pigs performed outstandingly. If you want to overshadow them and ensure that the believers give priority to killing the chief of the city defense station, you must do some extra operations.

Just acting with the pigs is not enough to reduce the mortality rate.

With Roger's steadiness, he felt that he should at least let the believers know that he was the chief planner of this magnificent show.

In case the believers fail, it is unknown who will be the primary target.

At this time, the pigs were exhausted, leaving some mottled marks on the statue.

They panted and leaned against the statue of the goddess of war, looking reluctant to leave.

In the limited memory of the pigs, this was a particularly enjoyable and happy release.

It feels so good to be a god, and the pigs want to be a god!

Roger walked up to the high platform in the center of the small square and called the citizens who were dispersing one after another: "Everyone, taking advantage of the Queen's victory, I, Dio Brando, want to announce a great news!"

He was wearing the uniform of the chief of the city defense army, and the large star on his shoulder was dazzling.

Although the Aodu City Defense Army was a scapegoat, it was after all to maintain the security of the capital of the empire, and its level was not low.

Roger was airborne again, and he should have the treatment he deserved, and he was qualified to have a star on his shoulder.

Such a young general, and so handsome that people can't take their eyes off him, immediately many people stopped to see what this guy was going to announce.

Although I don't want to admit that this is a world that values ​​appearance, a handsome guy or a beautiful woman appearing in front of everyone is always more attractive.

And why does the name Dio Brando sound familiar?

Soon someone remembered that this was the upright historian who compiled the history of the empire?

Although Dio only compiled the tenth volume, because the previous five all ran away and were not qualified to sign the history of the empire, the citizens of the natural empire only remembered Dio.

This is the proportionality between risk and return. Dio risked losing his job and being beheaded to compile the history of the empire, and the credit of those cowardly predecessors naturally belonged to him.

Seeing everyone stop, Roger also showed a satisfied smile.

The more people stayed, the faster the news spread.

The more heated the discussion, the more the believers of the Goddess of Natural War hated themselves.

The plan worked!

Roger was the first to reveal his cards:

"I am the chief of the city defense station. It is the first day that I take over the city defense army. Thank you for liking my small program. My hard work in carefully selecting pigs has paid off."

The citizens laughed. Did you find these breeding pigs?

"Lord Brando, you are awesome!"

"Please do it more often! We haven't seen enough!"

"I will donate military funds to the city defense army and buy more pigs!"

"Donate military funds to buy pigs? Please be a human being and let the goddess of war take a break."

"Go, go, go! Fuck the goddess of war!"

The citizens all laughed.

Roger smiled with satisfaction.

Now everyone should remember that I am the chief planner of the Japanese pigs. Let's discuss it and help me spread it to all the believers!

Of course, this is not the end.

Roger took out a magic scroll, opened it, and projected the new icon he commissioned Sophie and Amti Chamber of Commerce to design on the square:

A golden shield with a simple drawing of the goddess of war on it.

However, her charming head was replaced with a pig's head.

The painting style is simple but vivid, with a sense of humor, but unique recognition, which can make people remember it at a glance, and then think of the two or three things that must be said between the goddess of war and pigs...

Don't look at the simplicity of this icon. Roger was cheated by Sophie for 500 gold coins and hired a master painter to achieve this effect.

Facts have proved that the only disadvantage of expensive things is that they are expensive.

The citizens present saw the spectacular scene of pigs charging in the square with their own eyes, and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

But they were still a little confused about what this young man wanted to do.

Just draw an icon to make fun of the goddess of war? Sell commemorative peripherals of this incident?

It's unnecessary to spend this kind of sentimental money, sir?

Seeing everyone's curious eyes, Roger didn't keep them in suspense and explained with a smile:

"Thanks to the cooperation of the Goddess of War this time, everyone fully realized how strong our pigs are and how long their physical strength lasts. Later, we will cooperate with the Amti Chamber of Commerce to invest in the construction of the Saint Tybella pig farm, so that more citizens of the empire can also share the fruits of this victory!"

Santa Tybella... pig farm?

The citizens of the square were stunned for a moment and burst out laughing.

It's amazing, the name of the goddess of war is Tybella!

And you named a pig farm "Holy"?

Will the believers of the Goddess of War go crazy when they see this?

Sharing the fruits of victory means eating the meat of the Sun God Pig or its offspring? interesting!

"Lord Brando is great!"

"For my parents who died on the night of the blood of Odu, I will only eat pork from Saint Tybella in the future!"

"Will eating this pork last as long as the pigs? Here, I want to buy a password for my husband!"

The citizens laughed again, and the atmosphere was even more lively than before.

The idea of ​​Lord Dio Brando is a bit vulgar and a bit vulgar...

But we like this kind of vulgar and vulgar stuff!

Dio felt the high spirits of everyone, showed a charming smile, and said excitedly:

"I assure you that the Saint Tybella Pig Farm was established for the Empire to fight against the gods. After deducting the expenses for maintaining daily operations, all profits will be donated to the Imperial Military!"

"Lord Brando is awesome!"

"I assure you that every piece of pork sold at the Saint Tybella Pig Farm is the offspring of today's super-god pigs!"

"Lord Brando is awesome!"

"I promise you that the breeding pigs of Saint Tebella Pig Farm must charge at the Goddess of War for more than one hour to be qualified, and this standard will never be lowered!"

"Lord Brando is great!"

"I recommend a dish to you, shrimp and pig heart, the essence of super pigs! Thank you for giving us your heart!"

"Lord Brando is great! Great! Great!"

The imperials were almost laughing like crazy.

As we all know, the core slogan of the believers of the goddess of war is "give your heart to the goddess".

But now we imperials are eating the pig hearts you gave us directly, what do you think, believers?

Is it arrogant? But our Queen of the Eternal Night defeated your goddess, so she can be so arrogant!

At this moment, the imperials in the square, even the soldiers of the city defense army and the employees of the Amti Chamber of Commerce, all think that Lord Dio is too charming.

We would like to call him the first person in Aodu!

Who would have thought that the goddess who was not provoke before has now become a hot weapon for the imperial breeding pigs and the gold standard for testing business capabilities!

When the pork produced by Saint Tebella is on the market, what will be served is not a delicacy, but a plate of jokes about the goddess of war!

Even the imperial people who don't like pork think they can buy some and have a little fun.

Seeing that the time is almost right, Roger ordered his men to put on red robes for the pigs, put big red flowers on their chests, put the Saint Tebella pig farm logo on their buttocks, and put them on flatbed trucks.

The magicians have quietly used magic to restore their physical strength. At this moment, they look majestic and imposing, and they will definitely give birth to the most delicious piglets!

Although it was getting dark, the city defense army stood by with magic crystal lamps, and the military band played the wedding march, which made the pigs shine even brighter, and the whole city could see them!

Roger announced loudly:

"Although the wedding night is advanced, the city defense army is willing to make up a ceremony for the grooms, and walk around the city. Let's celebrate His Majesty's victory together!!!"

After praising the pigs for a long time, Roger finally gave the glory to the Queen, further igniting the enthusiasm of the imperial people!

Although the pig team made great contributions today, the Queen is the MVP, a thigh-level mage with 99% output.

If you don't praise the Queen, how can you be called an imperial person?

The pigs' parade team moved forward, and Roger naturally followed.

He dispersed all the city defense troops and set up an iron barrel formation without dead ends to fully protect the pigs' parade team.

No one doubted this order.

Everyone knew that the real purpose of today's action was to lure out the believers of the goddess of war, and the super-god pigs were bait.

Spreading the formation, walking around the city, and actively creating an environment that is convenient for those fanatics to take action, can they bear it?

As for the reduction of the protection force around Lord Dio...

The ordinary soldiers were too excited and didn't expect it.

All of this was in Roger's calculation.

He took the initiative to stand up and draw hatred, just to make the believers of the goddess of war hate him to death.

The conspiracy can lose, but Dio must die!

As the founder of the Saint Tybella pig farm, he hopes that those fanatics will learn their lesson and never let him go.

Please give me a quick death and end this sinful life.

Otherwise, he will definitely open Saint Tybella pig farms all over the empire, so that the statues of the goddess of war will not be enough!

And the fanatics also targeted this team as he thought.

In a private house, a handsome and sturdy boy, with a huge body and a small head, frowned and said: "Haven't you contacted Lord Joestar yet?"

"All the agreed divine circuits are useless." The man in gorgeous clothes responded with a wry smile.

The handsome boy slapped the table and said: "No more waiting, kill that Dio Brando first, he is the one who makes up jokes about the goddess, and his heart is the worst!"

Moreover, he dares to be more handsome than me!

Can such a person be kept?

Soon, more than a dozen believers ranging from high-level magicians to legendary strengths dispersed into the darkness and ambushed the pigs on the road they had to take during the parade.

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