The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 55: Tai Bella refuses to taste shrimp and pig heart (1/2)

In the void, there is a giant tree whose height and width are unknown.

The giant tree is lush and leafy, and on the trunk as thick as a post road, there are different kinds of exotic flowers and rare medicinal herbs. It is unknown how long it has grown.

In this vibrant giant tree paradise, there are strange creatures and monsters from different worlds living in it...

Sleeping soundly.

The rich divine power slowly expands and contracts, with its own hypnotic effect. All creatures enter a sweet dream, dreaming that they are in a beautiful world with everything...

Sleeping soundly.

Well, this is a nesting doll kingdom of God, "Once upon a time there was a mountain and there was a temple on the mountain", the realm of the God of Nature, "Boundless Dream".

Perhaps, this can become the paradise in Roger's heart.

The giant tree that constitutes the boundless dream is the body of the God of Nature, Orseya.

As a tree, she is naturally quiet and does not like to move. Her ideal is to be the golden willow by the pool, watching the sunrise and sunset, and watching the flowers bloom and fall.

However, some gods did not want her to sleep, and used her name to stir up trouble in the world of eternal night, waking up Orseya.

Even an old tree without temper would have a bad temper when waking up.

Moreover, this was not the first time.

The King of Gods ordered the seven gods to compete on the surface and cooperate secretly to develop believers in various worlds.

Everyone followed the order honestly, but when it came to Taibella, this order became her amulet.

Doing bad things behind others' backs is "pretending to compete".

Grabbing others' benefits is "sincere cooperation".

Anyway, the pot is others', and the benefits are yours.

Relying on this "double standard", Taibella took advantage of many honest gods.

Orseya, who was lazy in character, became Taibella's number one target for fleecing because she didn't like to move her body or her brain.

This time, Orseya was sleeping in the kingdom of God, and the pot came from the sky. She was forced to lose an incarnation by Taibella, and she ran away and rushed to Taibella's kingdom of God to argue.

However, due to her limited ability to express herself verbally, she was completely defeated by Tai Bella and finally returned empty-handed.

Orseya wanted to pretend that nothing had happened, but when she closed her eyes, she saw countless times in the past when Tai Bella took advantage of her.

As the saying goes, if you endure for a while, you will get angrier and angrier, and if you take a step back, you will lose more. She suffered from insomnia.

Insomnia is very painful. Orseya had nothing to do, so she took another look at the Qingteng Empire.

Oh, there was an unexpected gain!

She saw the statue of the goddess of war being charged by pigs, saw the projection of Tai Bella being suppressed by the Queen of Eternal Night, and saw her preparing to summon an avatar...

Orseya couldn't help it, so she swung the small whip in her hand.

She was really not the kind of tree that would attack people from behind.

It was just that Tai Bella had her back to her, and the angle and position were too suitable, and the timing was just right.

She only needed to create a little disorder of divine power to make the faith power invested by the goddess of war go to waste.

It was equivalent to a bubble explosion of 100 million yuan with 100,000 yuan.

This hundred thousand is just a splash, and it's a particularly loud splash, isn't it?

So there was the scene above the Mystery City.

"Ortheya, come out and explain which side you are on?"

Taibella came to the Infinite Dream with a fierce momentum and shouted loudly.

She had spent a lot of money to deal with the Queen of Eternal Night, but an incarnation was cheated at the critical moment of summoning. I just want to ask you if you are angry?

The beautiful elf priest in a moon-white robe responded: "Master Taibella, my master has fallen asleep. Please come another day."

"Hehe, fell asleep so quickly?"

"Yes. The master stayed up all day yesterday and couldn't sleep. Today, she was dizzy and her eyes were split. She went to sleep quickly with guilt."

"Split? With guilt? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?"

Taibella was so angry that her chest swelled and she almost vomited blood.

Is it true?

Orseya, you have plotted against me, and you can come up with such a clumsy and low-level excuse!

God chopped it off!

The Queen of Eternal Night and I are facing each other, and we haven't fought each other yet.

There are so many miles between us, and a god said he can chop it off?

This is outrageous, okay?

This is bullying an honest person, okay?

"Whether you believe it or not, my master said so. You can wait until she wakes up and ask, or go to the God King to argue."

The elf priest responded indifferently.

Tai Bella was suddenly speechless.

Because if this matter is investigated, no one will believe that Orseya chopped it off, and naturally no one will believe that she forgot to pass on the message.

In the final analysis, this is a mess of hurting each other.

No matter how partial the God King is to her, he can only give each of them fifty slaps and put aside the dispute.

Hiss, this disgusting routine, why is it so familiar?

Oh, this seems to be the trick I used to deal with Orseya...

Damn, I was actually stolen by someone!

The more Tai Bella thought about it, the more upset she felt.

I never thought that Orseya, with her thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also learn to be a bitch!

She was also a ruthless person. She crossed her arms and said coldly: "Okay, I'll wait here for her to wake up!"

This elf priest is eloquent, so she will wait for Orseya to wake up and confront the idiot who can only say one line.

She must be talked into being speechless and compensate for her losses.

"Please do as you please, sir." The elf priest nodded, turned around, and left.

Tai Bella's eyes widened in anger.

You, the Infinite Dream, are too rude. You left a god here to wait for nothing, and you don't even have tea or snacks?

No, the elves are an elegant, ancient, and polite race.

The clever priest came back and brought a strange "stool" for Taibella.

The back of the chair was very large, taller than a person, and was covered with strange words such as "Route 50", "Route 4396", "National Power Station", "Eight Strongest Station", etc.

There was a small shed on top to protect against the sun and rain, and there was only a small horizontal bar where people sat.

In case Taibella was bored, a projection device was thoughtfully prepared to play the propaganda of Dio Brando for the Santa Taibella Pig Farm in a loop.

" are going too far!"

Taibella's straight nose was crooked with anger.

After all, she is also a god, who has seen many different worlds and knows that this is not a stool, but a bus stop sign.

So this implies that she is a bus?

And what the hell is the Santa Taibella Pig Farm? Hey, hey, hey!

The elf priest came over at this time, respectfully holding a plate of delicious food:

"My lord, please taste the shrimp and pig heart of our Infinite Dream."

"Go away, go away, go away! Oh, this is your home... I'm going away!"

Taibela trembled all over, and was so angry that she was confused!

She broke through the void and returned to her kingdom of God.

This damn Infinite Dream, I don't want to come again in my life!

Compared with the aggressive coming, she can be said to be running away with her tail between her legs.

Taibela also felt unbelievable. How could Orseya, who used to be pinched in the palm of her hand and played with it, become as disgusting as herself after not seeing her for a night?

Just after the goddess of war left.

The elf priest said to a little devil with silver hair and red horns: "Lord Margaret, Lord Orseya invites you."


Margaret followed the elf priest, walking with a step that didn't recognize any relatives, and her tail with arrows swung behind her.

That little look, don't mention how proud it is.

May I ask who is the most capable, smartest and most versatile prime minister under the Queen?

It must be me, Margaret!

Although this is a diplomatic relationship that will inevitably collapse in the future, but the first mission has increased the favorability wildly, so who else is there?

Who else?

Of course, all my achievements are based on the wise leadership of Her Majesty the Queen!

And the speech that Dio gave in the square is also very interesting...


Margaret suddenly realized something and stopped wagging her tail.

No, from this speech, Dio Brando is very knowledgeable about the ways of the world, and his ability to mobilize emotions is absolutely first-class in the empire.

This is not the emotional intelligence level that he showed in the cabinet meeting, offending everyone!

So, just like the performance in the square, are the "cabinet maniacs" these days also acting?

So, his real identity is to cooperate with His Majesty and mobilize the enthusiasm of the cabinet!

Therefore, this guy's strategy level is more terrifying than I expected...

Margaret quickly caught many contradictions in the character of "Dio" from a little suspicion.

She quietly sent an order to her subordinates.

"Go protect Dio Brando, he can't be in trouble!"

Since it is confirmed that Dio is acting, and the reason why he is still alive despite the performance is that he is only executing the Queen's order.

And it is the kind of execution that does not care about his own future.

Such a huge effort made Margaret's favorability towards Dio soar.

So you are also a toxic fan.

As long as the Queen is happy, the whole world can be destroyed, right?

At this moment, Margaret completely agreed with everything Dio Brando did.

Whether it is editing the history of the empire, the cabinet meeting, or building a pig farm, as long as it is the Queen's order, he will execute it unconditionally.

Naturally, Margaret also has a sense of urgency.

Compared with what Dio did for the Queen, I still have a long way to go to become a qualified toxic fan!

Not afraid of sacrifice! Face the challenge head on!

Margaret will also work hard to become stronger today!

At the same time, the Second National Welfare Home.

Because she was distracted by the strange phenomenon and the battle in the sky, Angelina spent some extra time to complete the condolences and comfort of the newly admitted orphans.

After confirming that the newly admitted orphans have been properly placed, she finally felt at ease.

Naturally, a large amount of investment was added to this side.

This gentle, beautiful and unpretentious right prime minister was loved by the children from the bottom of their hearts.

Everyone took the initiative to follow her to the door and reluctantly sent her away.

Some children gave Angelina their handicrafts.

Angelina took it and encouraged with a smile: "Little Maen is getting smarter and smarter!"

For various reasons, a large proportion of children in the welfare home are born with physical defects.

Little Maen is mentally retarded.

This kind of defect can be cured by magic, but it is very expensive.

If it is a healthy child, it is a labor force if you grit your teeth and raise him up.

But if the child is born with a disability, the poor family can't bear to kill him, so they can only abandon him and pray that the child will meet a kind person.

This is a major reason why there are many orphans in the empire during peacetime.

After all, the country is not strong enough.

Angelina advocated the construction of the welfare home, of course not for corruption and kickbacks, nor would she allow the director to spend limited financial resources on gifts to please her.

But Angelina felt that the handicrafts and snacks made by the children were a kind of thought.

There is a room in Charles's house, which stores a lot of these things that look very rough and simple at first glance.

"Sister, this is the snack I made, you eat it!"

Another four or five-year-old girl with twin ponytails came up, her cute little face was flawless.

"What a beautiful snack, you are beautiful too!"

Angelina's eyes lit up slightly, she accepted the snack, took a small bite on the spot as encouragement, and poked the little girl's face.

She inexplicably remembered that her younger brother was forced to wear a little skirt when he was a child, and he was also so beautiful... hehe.

The two legendary wizards who had been following Angelina did not have any doubts, and there were gratified smiles on their faces.

Their adult had devoted all his energy and wisdom to the empire and paid a lot. There were countless things to think about all day long.

After the sudden bloody night in the imperial capital, she had to lead the overall reconstruction of the disaster and prepare the logistics for revenge against the church.

From yesterday to now, she has been frowning.

Only when he was among these innocent children would the right prime minister show a relaxed look and temporarily forget those sorrows.

Carrying a lot of gifts, Angelina left the National Welfare Institute.

The children also dispersed.

A few older little girls surrounded a slender little figure in a corner rarely seen by people.

"Jinx, you are so scheming. When did you start to learn to make snacks secretly?"

These little girls are usually Jinx's "friends".

Today, she suddenly took out a snack and won the smile of Lady Angelina, and was praised by the maids.

The ship of friendship capsized.

In the shoving, Jinx, or Joestar, fell to the ground.

The leading girl showed a broken porcelain piece in her hand, and the sharp broken edge pressed against Joestar's delicate little face.

The world of children looks innocent, but they have already understood negative emotions such as jealousy, anger, and envy.

But because of their limited understanding of the world, they don't know the possible consequences of their actions.

This kind of behavior that does not know how to restrain and vent emotions can sometimes be quite cruel.

At the beginning of life, there is no good or evil. It is only because of the living environment that is stained with the color of adults that they imitate poorly.

What's more, this is a group of orphans.

Most of the children who returned from hell had seen the warmth and coldness of human nature in advance and had their own survival wisdom.

If an excellent seedling who stole their limelight appeared around them, destroying it would make them more competitive and get more resources.

Or, the possibility of being abandoned again would be reduced.

This is a very simple and plain survival philosophy.

Joestar was pressed to the ground, and faced with the big girl who she could not fight with her little arms and legs, she showed a bright smile:

"Hehe, human cubs, you are so naive and stupid, have you learned to fight at such a young age?"

"What are you talking about? Beg for mercy!"

The leading girl pressed down the broken porcelain pieces.

A bright red blood bead appeared on Joestar's face.

"But unfortunately, you haven't learned to choose your target yet, hehe!"

Jostar was still laughing, but against the background of blood, the laugh looked crazy and evil.

"Mad man, you are crazy!"

Several older girls were frightened by her like this, and their backs felt cold and they wanted to escape, but they found that their hands and feet were sore and weak.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it won't hurt at all!"

Jostar inserted a small hand into the chest of the leading girl.

Blood gathered towards Joestar's hand, and his weak state gradually became stronger.

The leading girl lowered her head and found that there was a hole in her chest, and her heart was gone!

If there is no heart, she will die, right?

But why can't she feel any pain even though her chest is empty?

The other children were also scared.

They wanted to call for help and scream, but no sound came out three steps away.

Soon after, several older girls walked back to their rooms with empty eyes.

Only when they undressed, they would find a shocking hole in their chests.

Jostar sat on the fence, swinging his legs, and burped with satisfaction.

"The energy is replenished, and then it depends on Angelina, when will she meet Master Roger."

She seemed to have two worlds in front of her.

Half was the welfare home in front of her, and half was what Angelina saw in front of her.

A few blocks away, the sweet wedding march suddenly stopped, and there were shouts and explosions, as well as shrill pig calls.

Joestar frowned: "The lambs' emotions have been provoked. Now, only I can continue to be loyal to the goddess."

ps1. The sequence number of this chapter is finally correct!

ps2. Thanks to Mu Tian... Mu Yufeng for the 45,000 reward

ps3. Reward progress (6/38)

The first order is about 7,500, the basic value is 1,500, 6,000 higher, and 12 chapters are contributed.

5 chapters for monthly tickets, 5 chapters for rewards, and 16 chapters for blades.

By the way, due to the ratio setting problem, the output of blades is 1.5 times the reward.


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