On the wide long street, pigs were running, horses were screaming, and people were fighting.

It was a pity that there were no women singing.

Blood flowed slowly along the cracks of the blue bricks.

As if because he had seen the death scene in the camp in the north of the city, he seemed to have been prepared for the battle. Roger was calm this time.

He calmly commanded the city defense army to cover the civilians and protect the pigs.

He was like a real general, commanding with confidence, trying to keep all the fanatics who rushed in.

The Empire and the Church of the Goddess of War have already started a war. Every fanatic in the city will become a time bomb, and lurking may cause greater damage.

In particular, there are not only orcs inside, but also the Empire people have become the lambs of the gods, fearlessly drawing their swords at their compatriots.

Both sides fight for the "beliefs" they hold.

It's just that some people's belief is to protect their homeland behind them, and some people's belief is to exchange for promises such as money, power and the afterlife.

One by one, the believers of the Goddess of War are exposed.

This time they did not pretend to be the power of the God of Nature, and their personal combat power was taken to a higher level, quite brave.

But this is the Empire's home court after all.

The city defense army is not the main combat force, but it is well prepared, fishing law enforcement, equipped with a large number of magicians to form a military formation, and activated the group's halo-type props. No matter how elite a single person is, it can't break through the defense line they formed.

At the cost of several injuries, the city defense army has killed fifteen believers of the goddess of war.

On the roof, the middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes snorted: "But their defense line is also completely pulled apart, and the defense of the central army is getting weaker and weaker."

The handsome boy nodded: "Indeed, they thought we were going to kill the pigs, and they didn't think we were going to kill the evil people who forced the pigs to do these things."

"That's right, the pigs are so cute, how could they do such blasphemous things to the goddess?"

"It's all Dio's fault!"

"Two breads with cheese, kill Dio in seconds!"

"Let's unite!"

At this moment, the carriage where Roger was was passed by the place where the two were ambushed!

The middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes began to chant spells, and the magic circles that had been arranged around him were activated.

The huge magic power of the mage level was poured out like money, and hundreds of demons began to rush towards the middle of Roger's team!

And the handsome boy's body, which was already muscular, became taller and more sturdy as one magic after another was applied to him.

The outside was broken, leaving only a pair of bear panties close to his body, revealing a strong body full of muscle bumps.

A real priest is a tough guy who can wear heavy armor and wield a flail!

Only the kimchi priest is a long-legged lady in revealing clothes!

However, his face is still so handsome, and with a body nearly two meters and five meters tall, he rushed out, a bit like the governor holding a ping-pong ball.

Coupled with the overly cute panties, Roger lost his sanity at first sight...

Sure enough, faith makes people gradually become BT.

Bronze body, white face, this is outrageous!

But the undoubted legendary strength of the handsome boy still surprised him very much.

Great! It's a strong man! My life is finally going to end!

"Send a signal for help saying that a legendary strong man and a demon have appeared here. Everyone, please dodge. I'm going to play with him!"

Roger ordered the last team of guards who were protecting him to retreat.

He can be reborn, but his subordinates can't. They can't kill him in vain.

"Sir... we will definitely come back with reinforcements immediately!"

This team of guards was so moved that they were about to cry.

Where can we find such a good leader!

He is capable, gentle and considerate, and willing to cover for his subordinates!

What we can give him in return is to inherit his will and live as long as possible!

The guards quickly formed a formation and rushed towards the demon, preparing to break through from that side!

Looking at their backs without looking back, Roger felt a little strange.

Although he asked them to retreat, everyone was so determined to leave, which still made him feel that he was not important...

Oh, why think so much!

With a legendary strong man charging head-on, even if little Joey exploded, he couldn't save him this time!

"Give me your life, you dog official of the empire!"

The handsome boy's ping-pong ball head had a distorted expression, and he punched Roger with anger!

Roger straightened his chest, ready to play the role of a fearless and perfect cabinet madman.


The sound was like a huge bell and lasted for a long time.

Roger thought to himself, it was worthy of a palm from a legendary strongman.

The one who hit was Tianling, and even the eardrum was hurt...

Wait, it seems that only my eardrum hurts?

"By order of Madam Mosconi, anyone who wants to hurt Lord Brando tonight must first step over my body!"

A man like a black tower carried a huge tower shield, stuck it into the ground, and blocked Roger.

Then he kept casting defensive spells on the shield like singing rap.

"A shield?"

Roger recognized this as a very difficult little boss in front of Fengling Yueying Palace in the game.

Originally just an ordinary guard, the Queen of Eternal Night taught him a few defensive spells, and then he became addicted to studying them, and unexpectedly discovered his true talent...

Turn his shield into an iron turtle shell!

Mage at the peak of his power, only knows a variety of defensive spells.

Give him five seconds to cast spells, and he can create a defense that ordinary legends can't get through.

Although the only attack method is flat attack, this indestructible iron turtle is really difficult to deal with, and it takes a lot of time to fight.

This person is guarding the gate of Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace and obeys the orders of the Queen's Chief of Guards... Is this reasonable?

But what about my Nirvana plan?

The legendary strong man has been waiting for a long time, but he can't break A'dun's defense!

Mrs. Mosconi, thank you very much!

[Fortunately, there is still a demon army. A-Dun's defense is flawed, that is, it can only defend in one direction! 】

Roger turned around and saw the demon army approaching the carriage, feeling a little relieved in the cold wind.

Although it may be painful to be torn apart by these things, at least it is a way of nirvana...

"Nine-blade dancer Ariel, by the order of Lady Angelina, my blade is your will!"

A slender woman sprang out of the shadows, with nine blades flying around her. As her figure flickered, she quickly harvested the demon's life with extremely silky smoothness.

Roger was shocked and asked subconsciously: "Why are you here?"

This is the strongest battle mage in the empire, a legendary powerhouse, and one of the bodyguards around Angelina.

Why did you suddenly spring out to protect yourself?

Ariel replied: "Lord Angelina said that Lord Dio Brando is devoted to the country, and must only complete the task and forget about his own safety... After meeting him for one day, it is indeed true, and my subordinates admire him."

Roger almost vomited blood, you admire me!

This is all a deliberate arrangement, why don't you forget about your own safety...

But the requirement for Nirvana Blessing is accidental death, and there can be no suspicion of insurance fraud.

He definitely can't tell Ariel to get out of the way, I'm going to die!

At this moment, Roger's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because these demon legions were quite cooperative and entangled Ariel, several fish that slipped through the net rushed towards him.

There's a show, devil, please tear me apart quickly!

"Ariel, let me cooperate with you to slay the demons!"

Roger shouted boldly and took the initiative to charge towards the demon.

He wanted to shorten the time to prevent another change that would lead to his death and failure.

"Ariel, you are really stupid. You can make mistakes in something as simple as protecting someone. Don't you know that these summons are commanded by someone?"

Several rays of cold light shot from a distance, directly nailing the demons that broke through Ariel's defense to the ground.

Then there was another cold light, which directly killed the middle-aged man in fine clothes on the roof and fell to the ground.

A woman carrying a long bow of the same height as herself, with gray eyes and a cold air constantly exuding from her body, walked up to Roger and bowed lightly:

"Simon Haiya is at your service tonight under the orders of Lady Margaret."

Roger sat down on the ground.

This man is also a famous and powerful man in the empire.

The Gray Death, the Blind Arrow, and the sniper in the magical world are also legendary powers.

He just doesn't understand. Shouldn't Margaret hate herself to death for starting a group of queens?

Why would you send such a strong person to protect yourself?

But to clean up the remnants of the fanatic believers, I have two legendary strong men and a peak mage beside me...

Which believer can kill me?

What nirvana plan...

With these three bodyguards following me, there are offense, defense and recovery. It is clear that I am unparalleled in Aodu tonight!

City Defense Army Headquarters.

With the fishing law enforcement coming to an end, Roger naturally no longer needs to take the pigs on a parade.

In the end, a total of seventeen believers of the Goddess of War were killed, five were seriously injured on the empire side, and more than twenty were slightly injured.

These are injuries that can be healed quickly with magic.

Only the psychological trauma suffered by Roger could not be healed in a short time.

In addition, three pigs were killed by AOE explosions by fanatic believers during the war. The citizens were furious and strongly condemned the believers of the Goddess of War for not practicing martial ethics.

Although those believers of the Goddess of War would never surrender until death, the magicians of the city defense army also obtained a lot of useful information by extracting their memories.

First of all, there are not many followers of the Goddess of War lurking in the city, but Joestar, the most powerful war priest, is still at large and has not participated in their actions.

Secondly, we got a frontal view of Joestar, but we couldn’t confirm whether he was disguised or not.

Finally, it was learned that Joestar entered the mysterious city from the camp in the north of the city, seemingly to find the "wise man" who helped the Queen of Evernight plan an operation to pretend to be the Restoration Army.

After hearing the information reported by the adjutant, Roger fell into thinking.

The wise man who planned the operation of pretending to be a restoration army for the Queen, wasn't that the Queen herself?

If a chief priest Joestar could target the Queen, not to mention killing indiscriminately in the Mysterious City, he would have turned the auxiliary orc king's tent into a large orc empire long ago, instead of the current scattered tribes.

So the person Joestar came to the city to find was definitely not the Queen of Evernight.

It is a target that is within the range of his strength.

Roger thought about the various characteristics of magic and divine arts, as well as the monitors he had access to. Many times, there was only a picture but no sound...

If someone used prophecy to go back to the time when the Queen of Eternal Night was chatting with him, would he not blame me, an innocent tree hole, for this?

I didn’t say anything about how convincing I was!

They just talked a lot of nonsense. This pretending to be the Nationalist Army really has nothing to do with me!

But it's quite possible.

Although the Queen of Eternal Night is not a god, she definitely has the means to prevent prophecies and blur the trajectory of her own destiny.

Otherwise, with the level of hatred she attracts, meteorites will be aimed at her and fall down wherever she goes?

And Joestar should be full of confidence in targeting Roger Charles, the useless young master, and he has already started planning to hunt me down...

Roger stood up suddenly.

He remembered a report from the servants in the mansion that his teleportation array broke down yesterday.

So he took a carriage home from the north camp of the city.

And the magic array that he built with 5,000 gold coins was very powerful, so it shouldn't have gone wrong in such a short time.

In other words, is Joestar really targeting me?

"Sir, is there any problem?" the adjutant asked with concern.

Although the city defense army has not caught Joestar now, they have successfully confirmed the real culprit behind the bloody night in Odu and killed a large number of believers of the goddess of war, which is definitely a great achievement.

But why is Lord Dio not happy and his face is getting worse and worse?

Roger took a deep breath and told himself to calm down.

Isn't it a good thing that someone is targeting me?

The sooner you die, the sooner you will be reborn!

It was only because of the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm that he became nervous for a while.

After calming down and thinking, although this Joestar is smart and ruthless, he is not perfect.

At least, he does not know the relationship between Roger and Dio.

Destroying the teleportation array is obviously aimed at Roger's arrangement to read books in the library.

And this Joestar dare not enter the library, nor dare to kill people directly in Charles's house, so his frontal combat power is limited.

So he can only destroy the teleportation array and fight with me on the road, playing dirty.

It happened that I have been acting as Dio, so Joestar should have waited in vain last night.

"Check the search records of the streets near the library last night, check the search records of the route from the library to Charles's house, and call all the soldiers involved in the search in that area!"

Roger felt that he had grasped the key information.

Soon, everyone found a contradictory information.

The owner of a small restaurant was found to have died suddenly at home at night.

And the city defense troops who were investigating that area said that the restaurant was open until the early hours of the morning.

Another magician used prophecy to verify: "The spell shows that the store owner mainly sells breakfast and lunch, and will not open at night, so the person the city defense army saw is..."

"War Priest Joestar! He has the ability to change his appearance! He can also disguise himself as someone else! I'm afraid the sudden death of the store owner is also related to him!"

Roger exhaled a foul breath viciously.

This kind of enemy who can change his appearance and personality will be very, very troublesome.

But at least, he has caught Joestar's tail and confirmed that he is still in the city.

The magician used prophecy to determine the witnesses of that time period, and then searched their memories.

Soon pieced together Joestar's movement trajectory.

After he appeared near the Second National Welfare House, he disappeared like a stone and could not be traced!

"It seems that he is hiding in the Second National Welfare House at this moment!"

"I will take people to search now!" A group of subordinates shouted excitedly.

Lord Dio is simply amazing!

Based on the irrelevant information provided by the believers, in such a short time, reasoning + magic, directly found the hiding place of the elusive Joestar!

Who dared to think that this Joestar would dare to hide in the welfare home in the downtown area? Who doesn't go to remote and chaotic places to search for fanatics?

"Wait, there are many innocent people there, and they are fragile children. Don't act rashly! I need to think about it carefully..."

Roger felt that he had missed something.

This Joestar planned before acting, and he would definitely not choose a target casually.

So he asked for all the information of the Second National Welfare Home...

Then he stared closely at one: Angelina, the right prime minister of the empire, inspected the Second National Welfare Home.

He was instantly horrified.

It seems that Joestar deliberately waited at the Second National Welfare Home, first controlling Angelina, and then targeting Roger, and wiping out Charles' family?

This man is so scary, I must kill him quickly!

ps Sorry for writing some unpleasant plots at the end of the last chapter. I was just so excited that I remembered some news in the past. The core is to portray the fanatics as unscrupulous, and there is absolutely no whitewashing.

Now that I think about it, there is actually no need to add so much extra information, and no one will have any doubts about directly killing the suicide leader...

I will adjust it as soon as it can be modified.

Add another 4K as an apology.

ps2. Bounty progress (8/38)

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