Due to insufficient information, Roger obviously overestimated Joestar's ability to plan, and regarded many luck factors as his ability.

For example, Joestar just randomly chose the Second National Welfare Institute, trying to play the reverse thinking of hiding in the city.

He actually gave up on targeting Roger, and just wanted to escape from the Secret City after the storm.

As a result, it seemed that there was a will of heaven, and Angelina's investigation target happened to be there, and bumped into him.

Fate, wonderful.

Created a fateful intersection.

Now Roger has deduced Joestar's whereabouts, and after analyzing Joestar's choice at that time, he felt that the other party had calculated everything.

Most of the time, he tends to be a stable character, and subconsciously raises the enemy's danger level to the highest.

And such a dangerous enemy, of course, must be eliminated steadily with the most comprehensive layout, and he must not be allowed to take the initiative.

Roger informed the Nine-Blade Dancer Ariel of the possible hiding place of the war priest Joestar, and asked her to secretly ask the guards around Angelina to confirm Angelina's condition.

Ariel's expression became serious when she heard that her protection target had been exposed to the senior shepherd of the goddess of war.

Legendary strongmen have their own secret ways of communication. Without alarming Angelina, Ariel confirmed that the right minister was still working and did not show any abnormality.

The two guards said that when they inspected the Second National Welfare Institute, they did not find any suspicious targets.

"The two legends did not know that Joestar was nearby at the time, so their vigilance was not very high, and they might have missed information."

Ariel breathed a sigh of relief, but not completely.

"Thank you, Miss Ariel." Roger asked her to leave temporarily.

"If you need me, I will be at your service at any time."

Ariel was very polite, and her blue eyes did not hide her admiration for the chief of the city defense station.

In her opinion, Lord Dio is quite extraordinary. Not only does he not care about his own safety for the country, but he is also very capable and incredibly smart.

He can use the most basic spell combination to find out information that others ignore, and then accomplish things that even legendary prophecy spells cannot do.

His grasp of the enemy's actions and situation is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

In particular, his brain circuit is unique, and he can always come up with crooked ideas that ordinary imperial people can't think of.

Whether it is the Saint Tybella pig farm or the pig parade, it has achieved an excellent strike effect on the goddess of war and her church.

Now he attaches so much importance to this Joestar, obviously he is not a simple person.

Angelina is involved again, and Ariel is willing to cooperate with Roger.

She believes that this lord has the ability to lead everyone to the most satisfactory ending.

Simon Haiya, A Dun, and the officers of the city defense army are also patiently waiting for Roger's orders.

In a short time, Roger has established enough prestige in the hearts of these people.

After all, the passive situation that was originally helpless, after Roger joined, the city defense army quickly scored a large lead of 17:0.

If you don't hold on to such a thigh, are you going to give yourself away?

If you can't even lie down, you don't have the qualification to mix in a place like the Secret City where Crouching Tigers and Hidden Dragons are hidden.

Young Master Roger, who just wants to lie down, feels the trusting eyes of the legendary strongmen, and is also quite helpless.

MD, why is all the pressure given to me? I really don't know if I can lead this wave!

You are the seniors, shouldn't you give me some advice?

But it is related to Angelina and the Death Star and plot killing above his head. No matter how big his head is, he can't avoid the issue of Joestar.

Roger began to analyze the current situation comprehensively:

[First of all, Joestar is a patient, experienced, and unyielding hunter. My sister looks safe now, but it is very likely that she has been cast a divine spell, which will be activated as soon as I appear. ]

[My sister looks safe, but she is actually a hostage. Even the entire welfare home and the surrounding area are hostages of Joestar! ]

[Whether it is to use these hostages to threaten the empire or to attack me who should be unprepared, both are highly feasible plans...]

[And my advantage is that because of the thinking of a time traveler, I use means other than magic to break through the information shielding of the gods and know the purpose and possible layout of Joestar. ]

[Then the key to breaking the situation is not to be led by the enemy. I will choose the battlefield and find external aid...]

Roger's eyes flashed with some helplessness.

Otherwise, although it is a different historical trend, Joestar still killed Roger. Is there no way to avoid this fate?

Does this world have so-called restraining force, plot killing, and destiny?

It turns out that at the crossroads of life, the road ahead is not right or wrong, but bad or worse.

Even so, there are always some things he must do. He can't watch Angelina just die like this, and he can't watch Joestar get what he wants smoothly.

It's just that he wanted to get rid of the identity of Dio, but he didn't expect that under the guidance of the situation, he had to become Roger again at this time...

A complete action plan gradually formed in his mind.

Roger took a deep breath, first pressed the positive character on his leg, communicated with the Queen of Eternal Night, and explained to her that Angelina might be in danger and his countermeasures.

After all, at this time, the only one who knew his two identities was that majesty.

In order to avoid the uncontrollable butterfly effect, he could only ask her for help.

The Queen of Eternal Night responded: "In my current state, if Joestar forcibly blocks the space, I may not be able to land and support in the first time."

Roger said in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter, the code name of this operation is... Your Majesty, fire at me!"

The Queen of Eternal Night was stunned for a moment, and then chuckled: "It seems that the war priest chose the wrong target and underestimated the deep love between the siblings!"

There was a kind of relief in her laughter that Roger did not understand.

The Queen of Eternal Night knew that Roger had taken the Phoenix Blood Marrow and had the Nirvana Blessing on his body.

She also knew that he originally wanted to use this ability to get rid of the identity of Dio.

But now he has decided to use this precious rebirth to save Anjie, so there will be no such easy chance to get away next time.

In the end, Roger still took such a key step.

And in order to avoid Angelina and the Second National Welfare Institute from being harmed, and to offset the possible means that Joestar might launch as much as possible, Roger launched a tit-for-tat layout.

From the Queen's perspective, this bastard has all kinds of problems, but when he is stimulated, he really bursts out energy that ordinary people don't have.

Although this is a false "fearless".

But when such things happen again and again, with the trust and dependence of others, if similar things happen again, even if you know it is dangerous, you can't retreat so easily...

This is the road we can't avoid.

For the last thing you care about, you can only keep moving forward, and there is no way back.

The Queen of Eternal Night sighed and got up from the strange bath liquid with dark green color, vitality and destructive power.

Her perfect and proud figure was exposed to the air, and golden dark lines were seen, like poisonous insects moving faster and faster under her skin, as if she had regained her vitality.

These are the remnants of the Goddess of War's divine power, colliding with her own huge magic power.

Two different sources of power are fighting in the body. If someone else talks and thinks calmly like the Queen of Eternal Night, I'm afraid he will faint directly from the pain.

The divine power exerted by the gods themselves is hundreds of times purer than the self-explosion of fanatics, and it cannot be removed at will.

Even the Queen of Eternal Night needs to rely on external forces and spend a lot of time to remove it from her body bit by bit.

But now she chose to interrupt the treatment, walked out of the bath, and with a move, the golden and two-color robe covered her body, blocking the terrifying scene of the divine power rushing.

She walked out of the hidden hall under the Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace and walked to the ground.

"Your Majesty, why did you end the medicinal bath early? Lady Lydia said that it would take at least 36 hours to completely remove the divine power, otherwise it would leave hidden dangers..."

Mrs. Mosconi immediately came up worriedly and blocked the Queen of Eternal Night from letting her out.

The Queen of Eternal Night stretched out a small white hand and shook it in front of Madam Mosconi:

"You see, I'm fine now. Delia is just a magician. How can she know more about divine power than a legend like me? Her estimate is inaccurate."

"But I still want to believe her. At least she didn't deceive me, a little old lady. Please continue to soak in the medicinal bath." Madam Mosconi stared at the Queen of Eternal Night righteously.

"Madam, you will lose me if you hold a grudge like this..."

The Queen of Eternal Night sighed helplessly, and her figure flashed and disappeared.

"This child! It started again!"

Madam Mosconi was so angry that her temples throbbed.

It's never easy to be an invincible woman.

Not only did the Queen of Eternal Night use meditation to replace sleep, she often fought hard despite her illness.

Although her combat power has always been at its peak, she actually used advancement to hide the hidden dangers of her body.

At least her life span is far less than that of ordinary legendary wizards, which can last for three to five hundred years.

Ms. Lydia, the second consultant of the Secret Society, specializes in potion science and loves all kinds of human body transformation.

She once judged that the remaining life of the Queen of Eternal Night might be much shorter than that of ordinary people.

This is one of the prices that the Queen of Eternal Night paid for gaining power.

But the Queen never cared.

For the Queen, the length of life has no meaning.

She only cares about what kind of glory she can create in a limited time.

Especially after learning from Roger that she might only have ten years left, and the empire might only have ten years left, she became even more unscrupulous.

If she was targeted by the gods and died, what would be the use of having more life left?

It would be better to do more for the empire in a limited time.

So she accelerated the purge of the stubborn nobles in the parliament.

So she hoped that Roger could embark on the heroic path she expected.

So she agreed to provide support to Roger without hesitation.

All because she felt that there could be no Queen of Eternal Night in the world, but the Qingteng Empire should always exist proudly.

In this empire, humans can do what they recognize and yearn for under the starry sky, pursue the truth hidden under the prosperity of the world, and explore the magnificent scenery of infinite planes.

Instead of being the cattle and sheep of some existence, like a puppet, repeating the boring hegemony of the past generation after generation, nourishing the invincible gods with flesh and blood and faith.

The Queen of Eternal Night has a big heart, but there are only a handful of people in this era who really have vision, jump out of the royal power and become stronger, and understand her.

There is only one Roger around her who can barely understand the country she longs for because of the era he was born in.

So, she is waiting for him to grow up and is willing to pay a price to protect his growth.

The chat under the starry sky is definitely not just an imperial mindset to exchange loyalty.

One of the seven central magic towers of the huge magic circle underground in the City of Mysteries, the Queen of Eternal Night silently appeared in the secret hall on the highest floor.

She gently wiped a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth, sat down on the throne that would only be opened for her, tapped the armrest, and waited for the signal from that bastard.

On the outskirts of the mysterious city, Abyss Mill.

Although the name is eerie, in fact, this is the most luxurious and extravagant place for romance in the empire, similar to the ancient Jiaofangsi and the modern entertainment circle.

A veritable gold-selling cave.

This was formerly the Cathedral of St. Amalia, the God of Music, which took thirty years to build by Shelley I.

The style is gorgeous and complicated, and there are many miracles that can only be achieved with the help of divine power.

For example, incredible sound insulation effect, wonderful folding space, etc.

What was once a miracle for believers to appreciate beautiful music is now a fig leaf for LSPs to indulge in indulgence.

The most famous sign of Abyss Mill is the Twelve Succubi Group.

Legend has it that each of them can stir up the craziest desires in the hearts of guests, bringing them near-perfect sensory enjoyment, and the damage they can cause to guests is strictly limited by magic.

Of course, the succubus tour is very expensive, and only one person will receive guests every day.

Abyss Mill says it is to ensure service quality, but in fact it is a simple but very effective hunger marketing.

Roger returned to his original appearance and walked out of the teleportation array reserved for distinguished guests.

The well-trained waiters immediately came forward diligently to entertain the young master of the Charles family.

Although it was his first time here, he had a sister who was the Right Chancellor and was a Marquis personally conferred by the Queen. His portrait had already been spread to all high-end places in the city.

As soon as he arrives, he will automatically have the highest level of VIP and enjoy the most distinguished service upon landing.

"I want to take over today's succubus group." Roger said in a dandy manner.

The waiter looked troubled: "Master Roger, it's unfortunate that you're here. Miss Mina has already made an appointment today, why not..."

"I want her, let the guest be replaced." Roger said domineeringly.

The waiter cannot make the decision and can only ask his superiors for instructions.

After making a decision, the owner of Abyss Mill decided that the Charles family, who was in good health, could not be offended.

So, he ordered Mina to accompany Roger.

Prepare to come forward personally to appease the guests who originally booked Mina...

But before he took action, he heard a panic report from his subordinates:

"Boss, what's wrong, Master Roger and little Master Erwin collided!"

"What did you do? Didn't you let that good-for-nothing brother come into the suite quickly?"

"Master Roger said he wanted to appreciate the cultural relics of the cathedral first. He was taking Mina on a tour, and little Master Erwin came..."

The mill owner hurried to break up the fight.

But little Erwin was robbed of his reservation and was ridiculed wildly by Roger. The situation suddenly became tense.

Abyss Moulin called the two of them into a box to discuss, but neither of the two young men was willing to give in. They both wanted Mina. Even the company of two succubus heavenly groups could not calm down their anger.

"These are two stubborn donkeys. We can't resolve this conflict. We have no choice but to inform the parents on both sides!"

The boss reluctantly ordered.

He could see that these two men were not here to find women, and were obviously more interested in fighting spirit.

Soon, Angelina arrived with a cold face and entered the box where the two young masters were trying to kill each other with their eyes.

She felt that her brother had gone too far this time. The City of Mysteries had just experienced a bloody night, and she had relaxed her discipline on him, but he actually ended up in a place like this!

Joestar saw this scene through Angelina's perspective and felt that Roger was going too far.

I waited all night outside the big library and was forced to become a noodle cook, but this guy was actually happy in this top-notch gold selling cave!

"But it's convenient for me to do it here."

Joestar felt the faint echo of the remaining miracles of St. Amalia Cathedral and felt that the wave was stable.

The divine power is in the face, the absolute home of the believers, he doesn’t even know how he can lose, okay?

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