Erwin Rommel, known as Young Master Erwin in the upper class of the Secret City, was born in a traditional magician family in the southern part of the Ivy Kingdom.

His childhood dream was to become an alchemist, but the Ivy Kingdom was in ruins, and he followed his father's wishes and joined the Volunteer Army for the Protection of the Nation called by the Queen of the Eternal Night.

After that, because of his outstanding performance, Young Erwin began a miraculous promotion path, and became a major general at the age of 26.

He is a model of the new generation of soldiers in the empire, and the youngest general before Dior.

He is actually strict with himself and very affectionate with his fiancée. This time he actually received an order from the Queen of the Eternal Night to cooperate with Roger.

This young handsome guy nicknamed "Empire Fox" has very realistic acting skills. He acted with Roger on the spot and hid it from everyone present.

One is the young master of the Charles family, and the other is the youngest general in the empire.

Although it was unexpected, it was reasonable to fight for a breath.

Both of them are the chosen ones of heaven, and the little Charles is pretty good-looking, but it's a pity that he has a big mouth.

When the owner of the Abyss Mill went to invite Angelina, Roger's prelude to the plan was declared successful.

He and Erwin exchanged glances, and the two of them felt a sense of mutual admiration. This feeling of deceiving the whole world...

It's so cool, isn't it?

Next, Roger will give up the stage and look forward to the appearance of the war priest Joestar.

In the previous analysis, Roger only speculated that Joestar left a hidden hand on Angelina.

After all, the two legendary strongmen did not find anything unusual.

But this in turn also means that the magic is powerful and hidden enough, belonging to the level beyond the legend, and he has to guard against it.

So Roger must meet Angelina as soon as possible to confirm her safety.

No matter what Joestar arranged, the original intention was to target him, an innocent tree hole, and he knew that there was a minefield ahead but he had to go clubbing.

When he sees him, if Joestar has left a hidden hand on his sister, he must activate it.

Knowing this, Roger made a plan.

The choice of location is very particular, and it cannot be beneficial only to oneself.

Joestar is a hunter who is good at holding his breath. If he feels a little unsafe, he will continue to lurk and wait for a better opportunity to take action.

So Roger specially chose a safe and convenient place for him to take action, which is easy to escape and difficult to refuse.

At the same time, this place will not affect innocent people around.

After looking at the mysterious city, Roger finally decided on the Abyss Mill.

This place was formerly the Cathedral of the God of Music, which is naturally beneficial to believers, and there is a folding space to suppress the impact of the battle.

He is also a playboy and a useless brother. It is in line with his personality to have conflicts with others in such a place.

Angelina did not doubt it, and Joestar would not doubt it even more.

Inside the box, Roger and Angelina also had a conflict:

"Roger, how could you do such a disrespectful thing to General Rommel? He has an appointment in advance, please apologize to him and go home with me!"

"Sister, what you said makes sense... But I refuse!"

Roger turned his face away, and put on a stubborn look as if he was in his rebellious period and he would crush him to death.

Angelina was so angry that she wanted to beat the dog head of this stinky brother.

But with outsiders present, she still cared about her gentle reputation and said to little Erwin:

"General Rommel, can you please step aside for a while? The Charles family will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to what happened today."

Little Erwin stood up gracefully: "I believe in Angelina."

He left, and Angelina and Roger were the only ones left in the box.

The two siblings began to quarrel. Roger, who was usually obedient, kept talking back, and Angelina was on the verge of rising from convincing others with reason to convincing others with reason.

Joestar, who was secretly observing all this, could no longer hold back his desire to take action.

He felt that his luck had been so good since he entered the Second National Welfare Institute.

First he met Angelina, and then a delicious human cub was sent to him to replenish his consumption.

Finally, he got a chance to be alone with Roger in the Cathedral of St. Amalia.

This box is the largest and most luxurious one here. It used to be a small concert hall for entertaining VIPs. It is essentially an independent half-plane.

Close the door and it is another world, which is very suitable for something to happen.

Angelina has two legendary guards who are always with her, which has always made Joestar very careful and dare not act rashly.

But the good news is that the guards around little Erwin are stronger than her, with two legends and a peak magician.

Both sides showed respect to each other and left their guards outside the box.

Isn't this the perfect place and time to take action?

Joestar simply couldn't think of any possibility that Roger could survive.

This wave, I will kill him!

Just as Angelina was so angry that she felt dizzy, Joestar performed a clever illusion.

This made her lose consciousness for a moment, and what she saw in front of her was not her beloved brother, but a ferocious and terrifying large demon dog, rushing towards her with its fangs and claws bared!

"Don't come over here!"

Angelina picked up the vase on the table and smashed it on Roger's head.

Roger's head immediately bled and he fell to the ground.

Angelina saw the "demon dog" fall to the ground and twitch, and while calling for the guards, she picked up the broken porcelain pieces on the ground and finished off the "demon dog".

Although she had no magic or martial arts, she was quite agile and merciless.

After all, she was a survivor of the Patriotic War.

Just as she was retaliating in fear, the illusion ended.

Angelina was stunned. She saw Roger lying in a pool of blood, and she was holding a sharp broken vase fragment, stabbing his abdomen and bleeding.

"Brother? I didn't mean it... Roger, hold on, someone, come quickly!" Angelina was shocked and threw the fragment away as if it was hot.

Seeing her brother like this, she was no longer as calm and elegant as usual. She knelt on the ground and hugged his head, and burst into tears instantly.

How could this happen? Why did I regard my brother as a demon dog?

Someone must have been playing tricks, but saving my brother was more important now.

Roger looked remorseful, and said with a weak breath: "Sister, you need to be free..."

"Nothing will happen to you, someone come... someone is coming!"

Angelina shouted at the top of her lungs.

It's a pity that this box is designed for soundproofing, and it won't work even if she screams at the top of her lungs.

In the welfare home, the little girl with twin ponytails sitting on the railing shook her legs proudly, covered her mouth and chuckled:

"It feels good to kill your own brother with your own hands, right? Humph, hypocritical little empire girl, you will live in regret and guilt for the rest of your life!"

Jostar savored this scene repeatedly, and the expressions of the two siblings made him feel extremely happy!

Not only did he complete the task assigned by the goddess, but he also used such a wonderful way, which was also a gorgeous way of revenge in his hunting career!

Cry! Tremble! Regret! Be confused!

Damn pagans, this is the end of you who don't believe in the goddess, wakaka!

At this moment, Joestar saw through Angelina's tear-blurred vision, and Roger's pale and weak face gradually regained its color.

This useless brother showed an ambiguous smile.

Roger suddenly understood that I was dead.

Uh, I said it wrong. It was Roger in the original plot line who was accidentally killed by Angelina.

What a miserable child.

No wonder Angelina hated Joestar so deeply.

But this time I took the initiative to step into this trap. The same trajectory will have a different ending!

Roger raised his hand, gently wiped the tears on Angelina's face, and asked softly: "I'm waiting for the treatment of the Deep Sea Heart Amulet. What are you waiting for?"

His eyes were deep, as if he was comforting Angelina, and also seemed to be mocking the sinister and vicious high priest behind him.

Angelina was stunned and shouted in surprise: "Thank you, Your Majesty, praise Your Majesty!"

She didn't care that Roger's face was covered with blood, and hugged his head and kissed him several times.

Joestar was furious when he heard this: "The Queen of Eternal Night ruined my plan. How could she give such a divine weapon to this loser!"

Watching Roger's wounds gradually heal, he was no longer in danger of death, but the scene of losing a lot of blood was a bit scary.

Jostar realized a serious problem.

Although the divine art he left on Angelina was extremely costly and sacrificed half of his blood.

But the most important energy was used to block the perception of the legendary strongman.

And at this moment, the function of this divine art is limited, just sharing the five senses and simple mental suggestion.

He planned it based on the fact that Charles and his sister were not extraordinary people, and he did not expect Roger to have a divine artifact that enhances recovery.

And because of the existence of this divine artifact, no matter how he hinted, Angelina's weak attack power, as long as he could not kill Roger instantly, he could not really kill Roger...

"I am so annoyed. I have to kill a useless brother myself."

Jostar's face wrinkled into a ball.

But think on the bright side, that's the former church of the God of Music, and it's also a half plane, so he can retreat calmly after making a move.

Humph, as expected, lust is a knife above his head. This useless brother can't even keep the artifact because of a woman!

Unlike me, I can only be moved by the goddess...

She pushed with her little hand and jumped off the wall.

Before landing, a space crack supported by white bones opened under his feet, and his small body fell directly into it.

The next second, he appeared in the box where Charles and his sister were.

Just as Joestar was thinking, Roger had stood up with the help of Angelina, ready to open the door and call for someone to check Roger's body again.

Angelina's eyes blurred and saw a little girl with twin ponytails appear in front of her.

That innocent and pure little face seemed familiar.

"Sister, tear it open outside."

Roger stuffed a small scroll into Angelina's arms, opened the door, and pushed Angelina out fiercely.

"Don't even think about running!"

Jostar kicked the door with his short legs, stretched out a hand to grab Roger's shoulder, and tore off one of his arms.

It doesn't matter if Angelina runs away, Roger must die!

He shouted a short syllable with no meaning, and the door was completely locked, and it couldn't be opened from the outside in a short time.

Roger was dizzy with pain.

But under the effect of the Deep Sea Heart Amulet, the bleeding stopped instantly, and the granulation tissue on the wound began to grow.

"I didn't expect that killing a waste like you would drop such a powerful artifact. I accept it with a smile, hehehehe!"

The little girl with twin ponytails showed a crazy smile that was completely inconsistent with her age. She reached into Roger's arms and took off the Deep Sea Heart Amulet.

Roger looked at Joestar's appearance, which was completely different from the information, and thought that he was really good at disguise.

Disguised as a girl, unless Angelina's guard was an alchemist, who would keep staring at her?

He asked: "Master Priest, is this a disguise or did you steal someone else's body?"

Jostar played with the azure gem in his hand and said proudly: "Of course I stole it. It's very concealed, right? You humans are really too little vigilant against cubs!"

It's like there are many child soldiers in a war zone. If they explode and hurt people, even elite veterans may be tricked.

Roger asked: "Is she dead?"

"You are so stupid, of course she is dead, completely dead, her soul is very sweet!"

"That's easy."

Roger walked towards Joestar, pressed the word "正" on his leg with his only remaining hand, and shouted:

"Your Majesty, fire at me!"

Jostar: "Oh, interesting, you didn't run away, but walked towards me?"

Then he noticed something unusual.

The brilliant and huge pure magic energy, from the void, followed the magic beacon on Roger's body to this half plane.

The combination of magic elements of different sequences collided into extremely terrifying energy, madly releasing destructive energy. It compressed and hit this small space at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Outside, a terrifying magic tornado blew up, but this was not a calm eye of the storm, but a dead place that could collapse at any time!

Joestar showed surprise and panic: "You useless guy, you actually want to drag me to be buried with you?"

Although he now holds the Deep Sea Heart Amulet, he also realizes that this power exceeds the legend and has touched the edge of the realm of God, enough to kill him a hundred times in a second.

In the great Qingteng Empire, there is only one person with such strength.

The Queen of Eternal Night!

He suddenly became extremely panicked. If Roger had secretly contacted the Queen, didn't it mean that he had already laid out a plan and waited for him to jump in?

He guessed that his target was him?

How could he break through the goddess's shielding of prophecy spells and know my existence, my location, and my purpose?

Perhaps, this kid offered a plan to pretend to be a restoration army, and this is his terrible thing?

Jostar suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Because of the impending death and destruction, and because Roger's seemingly weak appearance, but hidden wisdom to see through all his actions!

"Impossible, I'm the most experienced hunter, I can't lose this time!"

Jostar's body broke through the little girl's disguise in a rage, and his muscular arms grabbed Roger's neck fiercely, "I'll kill you first!"


A crisp sound.

Roger's cervical vertebra was broken.

The light in his eyes gradually dimmed, but there was a hint of satisfaction and mockery at the corner of his mouth:

"I accept your last assist..."

Finally perfect.

If I die in the AOE of the Queen of Eternal Night, there may be suspicion of faking death and I can't be resurrected.

But Joestar took action, with this last assist, I can feel the Phoenix blood burning in my body!

The next second, the space shattered.

Roger and Joestar's bodies were instantly torn into countless pieces.

The war priest of the orc king's tent, the mastermind behind the bloody night of the imperial capital, and the fanatical believer of the goddess of war, Joestar, die!

Only the Deep Sea Heart Amulet ignored the terrifying energy storm and flashed a deep and attractive blue light in the void.

After a long time.

A figure gradually gathered.

Roger stood in the void, feeling the pure fire element gathering towards him.

High-level fire element affinity!

Then he suddenly found an embarrassing thing.

All the clothes were destroyed in the energy storm, and now the wind blows on his balls and they are so cold!


The words on his legs were slightly hot, and a set of men's suits were teleported in front of him.

Roger was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that the magic beacon left by the Queen of Eternal Night would still exist after rebirth?

"This evil spirit will haunt me in the future... But this time it came in time."

He showed a smile that he himself didn't understand.

Perhaps it should be admired, this is the power of touching the realm of God, so powerful!

He put on the suit and found that it fit him unexpectedly.

After another moment.

The Queen of Eternal Night came across the air, took Roger's hand, and took him back to the Abyss Mill.

Everyone knelt down immediately: "Your Majesty!"

Angelina, who was worried and hesitant, saw the Queen of Eternal Night and Roger appear together, and she realized something in shock.

The Queen raised her hand to let everyone stand up, and proudly announced: "The culprit of the Bloody Night of Odu, the head priest of the Church of the Goddess of War, Joestar, has been killed by me personally. The specific process, Lord Roger, you will explain it."

Amid the cheers and praises of the crowd, the Queen's figure flickered and disappeared gracefully in front of everyone.

In fact, the Queen of Eternal Night was thinking: I'm going to vomit blood, the damn Goddess of War stopped me from pretending!

One day, I must kill her with my own hands, I must!

Angelina looked up and down at Roger, who was intact, and vaguely felt that something was wrong.

She was responsible for customizing Roger's clothes, but she didn't remember such a style.

There was no blood on it.

If she thought about it more carefully, she might find that Roger was wearing the Queen's clothes.

But now Angelina is more happy that her brother is still alive and what he did today.

She threw herself into his arms:

"My man has grown up, he is taller than me, and he can protect his sister, but I still hurt you..."

Roger didn't need to say more. The little girl who appeared strangely, the queen said that Joestar was killed. As smart as she was, she didn't understand that she was trapped by the enemy. Roger did all this to save her.

That vicious fanatic almost killed her own brother!

Fortunately, he is dead, otherwise I really would...

Roger patted his sister's vest and felt her fear. Some hot and wet liquid wet his clothes.

My sister looks weak, but she is strong. She cried twice today, and she really values ​​herself...

Roger is also very proud of his performance today.

"Ding, lie down, the system detected that the host was emotionally satisfied yesterday, and obtained ten random treasure chests. Do you want to open them?"

At this moment, a familiar reminder that was a little different from the past sounded in Roger's ears unexpectedly.

The long day with countless things happened, and it ended at this moment.

The ten-game winning streak that was interrupted before was unexpectedly achieved at this time.

Roger couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, lying down can not only calm your mind, but also actively pursue things that satisfy your heart.

He stretched out his arms to hold Angelina's trembling body, and comforted her softly:

"Sister, no matter how difficult and tortuous the process is, it doesn't matter, as long as there is no regret in the ending, it is always good, right?"

Roger's eyes seemed to pass through the gorgeous hall of the carnival in front of him, through those well-dressed noble beauties, and saw the vast and bright night sky.

And under the starry sky, there was a dreamlike figure who hoped that he would embark on a heroic road.

Perhaps, my wish is really to build an empire I want and clean up a world I yearn for...

Then no matter how much effort I put into this wish, I can get continuous rewards from the system, right?

My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is to lie down!

This is my way to lie down, gods, have you guessed it?

After tasting the first taste of breaking fate, he found that he had the chips to fight against the restraint. He found that this was inexplicably addictive...

The efforts that were not completed in the game, try again in the real world with unlimited freedom.

Even if he was laughed at by thousands of people, what if that goal was achieved?

At this moment, he finally agreed:

In this world, the land under his feet is his empire!

(Volume 1: Lying down and wanting to be flat, but the wind does not stop, the end!)

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