In the void, the kingdom of the goddess of war, Conqueror Canyon.

Taibella came back from the endless dream angrily, and she couldn't even get excited about fighting with her favorite brother. She slumped on the Nine Dragon Chariot.

Her expression seemed to be played bad, and she doubted the life of God.

Not only was she calculated by that wooden block of Orseya, but she was also mocked by her to the point that she couldn't say anything back. How angry!

Everything is the fault of the Queen of Eternal Night!

If she hadn't expelled the Seven Gods Church, she wouldn't have made trouble, and if she didn't make trouble, she wouldn't have lost her clone...

So, she must never let the Queen of Eternal Night go, and she must never let the Qingteng Empire go.

Sooner or later, I will turn you into the Qingteng Brother Kingdom, and the whole country is not allowed to eat pork!

She was thinking about provoking that god to anal the Qingteng Empire.

At this time, she sensed some interesting pictures.

Watching, Taibella couldn't help but smile.

Relying on the induction between the core believers, when Joestar was extremely happy, the goddess of war also appreciated the scene of Angelina "killing" Roger.

She couldn't help but reveal an intoxicated smile.

Brothers killing each other, Joestar is really good at playing!

Yo, look at the regretful expression of the sister!

Tai Bella's evil taste was greatly satisfied.

But she felt that Joestar was still rough.

If it were her, before killing him, she would definitely arrange some orthopedic plots, so that the living one would be more uncomfortable and more desperate...

But on this extremely unlucky day, there was such a wonderful performance, and she should be satisfied.

Tai Bella's mouth was full of a smile, and when she was thinking about how to reward Joestar, the smile suddenly froze on her face.

Roger took out the Heart of the Deep Amulet, Joestar was forced to teleport, and then was bombarded by the Queen of Eternal Night.

Then, Roger was reborn in the ashes!

After that, because Joestar was dead, she couldn't see any broadcast signal.

"Waste, waste, waste. You are given so many abilities, but you can't even kill a useless brother!"

Taybella was so angry that she hammered through the bottom of the chariot.

I wanted to see the joke of the Qingteng Empire, but I found out that I was the clown?

All of Joestar's actions were calculated by others!

This Roger Charles is something!

Taybella regained her composure.

After all, he is also a god. Although today's bad things happened together, as long as his strength is still there, there is a long way to go!

So what if Roger is smart.

There are also many talented people in her church!

For example, the father of the war priest Joestar, the high priest old Joestar, can also be called Joestar II, is a very smart blue man with no hair...

Oh, I said it wrong, it is a very smart and extremely insidious old thing.

And it was precisely because he was too insidious that he posed a threat to other believers. Even Tai Bella couldn't control him, so she could only lock up old Joestar in the bottom of the God's Prison in Conqueror Canyon to calm him down.

But now, against the Qingteng Empire, isn't this old thing just in time for great use?

I'm giving the man a headache, let the Queen of Eternal Night give him a headache!

She smiled like a flower and appeared in a closed room, frowning at the man lying on the ground, admiring the fight between two nests of ants.

Tai Bella asked: "There is bad news and good news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"The bad news I care about is probably that one of my little guys died? As for the good news, you are going to let me go out to bite people."

The man with a beard and a cowboy hat turned around.

His angular face showed how handsome he was when he was young.

But he didn't seem to have much respect for the goddess of war.

Taibella was not angry, but laughed: "It seems that being locked up here didn't make your brain broken. All the answers are correct, but it's a pity that there is no reward."

"Being recognized by the goddess is the best reward for me."

Old Joestar bowed to Taibella, his eyes showing his desire for the goddess.

Jostar only dared to rush to the goddess secretly, but his father was sure that Taibella could use him, and his desire was clearly written on his face.

Taibella sneered: "Hehe, if you can solve that empire, what's wrong with agreeing to date you once?"

"Believe in my charm, once, there will be countless times." Old Joestar patted his chest.

"You solve the problem first."

Taibella raised her little foot and kicked the soul of old Joestar out of the kingdom of God.

Green Tea Goddess vs. Sea King Follower, masters fight, just enough.

But in the end, the fist won.



Earlier, the City of Mystery.

After Roger pushed Angelina out of the box, the scroll she tore open was a message to the city defense army and the secret society ambushing near the Second National Welfare Home.

Knowing that Joestar had appeared in the Abyss Mill, the soldiers and magicians took control of the entire Second National Welfare Home.

They followed Roger's orders to protect the safety of the children and staff of the welfare home.

And to rule out the possibility that Joestar buried weapons of mass destruction nearby to prevent the occurrence of horrific events like the Bloody Night of Odo in this area.

The staff of the welfare home were awakened from their sleep, trembling at the sight of the fully armed and highly alert soldiers and magicians, and trying to comfort the frightened children.

What, there are fanatics of the goddess of war lurking here?

What, that fanatic is also the highest-level war priest in the city?

What, he stayed here for more than twelve hours?

The director of the welfare home, the head of security, and others were terrified.

They were unaware of the fanatics who had infiltrated, so they must take the blame.

But the most important thing at the moment is that everyone has to evacuate here...

Everyone is afraid that the welfare home will explode suddenly!

Who knows what bad ideas those fanatics are thinking!

But the city defense army did not ask them to leave.

Who knows if you have become weapons of the fanatics, all of you should be checked here obediently!

In this way, the city defense army and the secret law association conducted a carpet search of the welfare home.

They really dug three feet deep.

As a result, they did not find that Joestar had prepared any backup here, but they did find several little girls who had lost their hearts and were on the verge of life and death.

Under the influence of divine magic, they maintained weak vital signs.

This is a very incredible thing on Earth, but in a world with magic and gods, it is not outrageous to use divine magic to maintain life for a period of time without a heart.

This was an operation that Joestar made to prevent his murder from being exposed.

But it gave the magicians of the Secret Society a chance to treat these little girls.

Because they had divine magic to keep them alive, they didn't need too high-end healing spells. They just needed to continuously use "treat serious injuries" to ensure that the heart and blood were successfully regenerated.

As the saying goes, divine magic treats the symptoms, magic treats the root cause, and the combination of gods and demons can treat the symptoms...

Uh, something seems to be wrong.

Anyway, several little girls were rescued from the brink of death, but they will definitely be weak for a while.

Everyone also learned from their stories that Joestar was indeed extremely insidious and shameless, and actually took away the body of a little girl.

Is this something a normal person can do?

But this time, everyone will be more careful about the unpredictable methods of believers in the future.

Soon after, the Secret Society also announced that it had confirmed the safety of the Second National Welfare House and found no safety hazards arranged by Joestar.

The blockade was lifted.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

No one wants to see the heavy losses like the bloody night in the imperial capital again.

From the perspective of the results, Roger overestimated Joestar a bit.

Mainly, he also overestimated the morality of the rulers of this era.

This is not an era where reporters are always watching the hot searches to report scandals in your country. The only newspaper is still controlled by the Queen's Secret Law Society.

So Joestar and La Deng have similar goals, but the means are still different. They never thought of using a group of civilians and orphans to threaten the empire.

Because this level of hostages cannot be exchanged for the life of a marquis, it will only force the empire to do its best to deal with the person who created the threat.

The upper class who is kind and has a high moral level like Angelina is really an anomaly.

Not long after, news came from the Abyss Mill that Joestar had been killed by the Queen herself.

Everyone couldn't help cheering.

The threat brought to the Mystery City by the Church of the Goddess of War was temporarily lifted.

But the entanglement between the Empire and the Church of the Seven Gods is far from over.

An imperial army has been heading towards the border.



Charles Mansion

Roger was lying on the bed, a little too excited to sleep, and he opened the first random treasure chest ten-draw after crossing.

After the bloody night in the imperial capital, he understood that strength should be transferred to himself as soon as possible, and there was no need to hoard it.

But before he had time to check the list that was swollen on the screen, he heard a knock on the door.

After he allowed it, Angelina pushed the door open.

"I saw you had the light on, so I came to see you..."

The blue-haired girl with eyes swollen like peaches showed an expression that insomnia was really uncomfortable.

Without waiting for Roger to say too much, she sat on the bed and stretched out her hand to touch Roger's face.

Her movements were so gentle, as if she was afraid that if she exerted a little more force, this stinky brother would burst like a bubble.

Although in this world, she was not under the control of Joestar after all, causing an irreversible tragedy.

But that scene was too bloody, and as long as she closed her eyes, she would see Roger stabbed and covered in blood.

"Did it hurt at that time?" Angelina murmured and asked.

"I have long forgotten. I was just focusing on my acting skills."

Roger grinned. He knew what time she was asking about without further explanation.

But a mature man should learn to take on everything by himself.

Could it be that my sister can defeat the gods by crying on her knees?

Angelina also had the face-saving expression of a man, and poked him on the forehead with a smile:

"Look at how proud you are... When did you contact His Majesty for help?"

Although Roger had reviewed the process of harvesting Joestar under everyone's curious questioning before.

He did not say who completed this layout, and many details were omitted.

Of course, ordinary imperial people did not care.

They only needed to know that Roger found Joestar and provided the invincible Queen with an opportunity to kill the enemy.

Queen, strong!!!

But Angelina would think that the less Roger said, the more dangerous it was at that time, for fear that she would worry.

Even Joestar could beat Roger to the point of death by remotely controlling himself, let alone facing the murderer himself.

Roger also felt a little warm in his heart.

Others only care about how high you fly, but only those who really care about you will ask if you are tired from flying.

But he is now an old double-faced man, and only told a certain degree of truth: "It was Lord Dio who deduced the location and purpose of Joestar, and contacted His Majesty to make a layout, and I just listened to the actors who followed the group three, two, and one."

"It's Dio... Our Charles family owes him again."

Angelina's eyes flashed with a little light.

Roger looked strange, is he going to receive another "thank you gift" from his sister?

Ahem, why does it feel like Dio is going to be the great benefactor of the Charles family?

Angelina put her legs on the bed and kicked Roger.


"By the way, are you moving into the bed?"


"I'm too lazy to go back to the room, hurry up, I'm so sleepy!"

Roger's expression was a little stiff: "Sister, if you are my age and my age, I'm afraid..."

"Even if you are 800 years old, you are still my brother, go in!"

She pushed Roger hard.

Seeing her firm attitude, Roger had no choice but to roll in and make enough space for Angelina.

He also gave her half of his pillow.

After all, what happened last night was quite special, so it was understandable that she suddenly became clingy.

Fortunately, the bed at home was quite big.

Angelina showed a satisfied expression of "you are very smart", turned off the magic crystal lamp, lay down beside Roger, pulled the quilt over her without any hesitation, and hummed: "Good night."

"Good night."

She looked back at Roger's vague outline in the dim moonlight, and found that the handsome boy before was now more angular.

The stinky brother will grow up too.

He is taller than his sister, and maybe one day he will be more powerful than his sister.

Thinking about it, Angelina's tense nerves gradually relaxed, and soon she fell asleep with even breathing.

She was really tired.

There are so many things to worry about in the empire, and then there are the ups and downs of emotions, which are all very mentally exhausting.

Roger loves to sleep late, and there is another person around him, which makes his bed a little strange.

He doesn't know how his previous life got along with his sister, but he is an only child.

He has countless wives, but they are all paper.

This is the first time that a girl of the same age is lying on his bed.

She is also very beautiful.

But smelling her fragrance after the bath, Roger did not have any distractions, anyway, he felt quite at ease.

This is a relative.

He gradually felt sleepy.

Suddenly Angelina turned over.

His arms sank and he was hugged by Angelina. At the same time, a few strands of hair brushed his face, itching.

The key is that soft and slightly hot body, tightly pressed against him, can feel the exquisite curves.

Angelina has a slender and well-proportioned figure, but the places where it should be developed are not lacking in nutrition.

Soft and elastic.

Just, there is a tendency for the family relationship to deteriorate...

Angelina suddenly trembled, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she said vaguely:

"Mom and Dad, don't go... Don't be afraid, brother, I will protect you..."

Roger reached out and gently stroked her frowning brows, knowing that this was a nightmare.

Suddenly, he understood why Angelina would invest so much energy in building the welfare home.

Because she was also an orphan!

When the Earl and Count Charles died, she should have been only seven or eight years old, right?

Although she was taken care of by the royal family, a little girl used her thin shoulders to support a family to its current prosperity...

She silently bore all the hardships and coldness in it.

I'm afraid that Angelina is very afraid of losing her last relatives and becoming a lonely person in the world because of what happened today.

At that time, no matter how big and luxurious the Duke's Mansion was, there was always a part of her heart that could not be filled, right?

"Don't be afraid, it's my turn to protect you now."

Roger patted her back and whispered gently like coaxing a child.

Angelina seemed to sense it, her brows gradually relaxed, and she stopped hugging Roger so tightly.

After being tossed around like this for a few rounds, he had no thoughts and his eyelids were heavy.

Finally, he slept peacefully without dreams.

Some emotions are always more lasting than temporary hormones.

ps. Bounty progress (10/41)

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