The next day, early morning.

Roger was fully dressed, and instead of taking the repaired teleportation array to the library, he jumped into Angelina's carriage.

"You want to go into the palace with me?" Angelina asked unexpectedly.

Roger nodded: "Yes, I'm almost finished reading. I'm going to ask for an official position from His Majesty."


When Angelina was mentioned by Roger about the Queen, her casual attitude and bold speech scared her to the point where her brain stopped spinning.

In the great Ivy Empire, the Queen is the only one who dominates her. Who dares to ask for an official position from the Queen?

Everyone just enjoys what the Queen gives me, okay?

The Queen of Evernight is not headstrong, but she is not a follower of the good either.

Whoever dares to make arrogant remarks and challenge His Majesty directly will most likely be reduced to rubble by a finger of death and five minutes of meteor waterfall.

Angelina pretended to be relaxed and said: "Begging for an official position? Why bother Your Majesty with a trivial matter? I can arrange it for you."

"Sister, I don't want to dig coal or sweep the streets. You can't arrange the official position I want to be."

Angelina is not convinced, what kind of high official do you want to be, your good-for-nothing brother? I, the right minister, can't arrange it?

She hummed: "You have to be down-to-earth and don't aim too high. You are young and have no political experience. Do you still want to be a cabinet minister? For someone like you, it would be good to go to the sanitation brigade to sharpen your temper~"

Roger smiled mysteriously.

I really want to have a showdown with her. Who is not a cabinet minister these days?

He smiled: "I don't want to be a cabinet minister, and I don't need to be a high official. It's just that the responsibilities of this official are quite special, and I have to get His Majesty's permission. Sister, just leave it alone and let me ride with you."

But Angelina's character couldn't ignore it at all, and she was earnestly persuading her all the way:

"Roger, you don't understand your Majesty's character. Although she has never been stingy about rewarding ministers, but she takes the initiative to ask for an official position... Hey, you didn't learn from Dior, did you? He is very talented."

I’ll leave out the second half of this sentence. He is a dragon and a phoenix among men. You are a good-for-nothing brother. You will die if you imitate him!

Sister, I really won’t lie to you!

Roger thought to himself that I know the Queen very well, and I also know her lingering, hot-and-cold temper.

Angelina tried to persuade him for a long time, but she was helpless when she saw that he was unmoved.

This little brother has grown up and is no longer as easy to control as he was when he was a child. If he is asked to wear skirts, he will wear skirts.

I have started to have my own ideas...

Although she is not the kind of strict parent who must make her brother become her ideal look.

But I also feel a little sad that I am drifting away from my brother.

But after all, he is his younger brother, what else can he do?

Pamper me!

If he couldn't be persuaded, he continued to exhort him earnestly and explain some precautions:

"Then if His Majesty refuses, don't force it. Just say a few nice words and brag about the Queen's heroic deeds. It should be fine..."

Maybe die a quick death?

Although Angelina has the dual identity of best friend and right minister, she still feels that her brother is playing with fire.

Roger looked amused when he heard this, but it’s really hard to explain. My relationship with His Majesty is really a little closer than you think.

You can't show your sister the word "正" on your leg and tell her that it was written by the Queen, right?

Not to mention whether he would be beaten to death, it would be shameful...

That queen really loves to make trouble, and she doesn't understand the profoundness of Chinese characters and uses them every day.

Can the orthographic characters on the writing paper and the orthographic characters on the writing leg be the same?

Hey, it’s so hard to be a man.

It’s even harder to be a man with a complicated identity and the weight of an empire!

Fortunately, if today's operation is successful, it should be able to resolve many previous hidden dangers.

On this morning, the Minister of History, Dio Brando, did not attend the cabinet meeting.

The ministers were not surprised, because the city defense station was very busy, and the chief general must have a lot of official business to deal with.

The Queen was not surprised because Roger had seven days of annual leave.

It was so hard work to kill Joestar that he left a message on his brainwave in the morning to apply for a vacation, and she readily approved it.

Of course, the adjutants of the city defense army were not surprised either.

Mr. Dio also has the important task of being a cabinet minister, and he will definitely have to deal with more urgent national affairs in the morning.

Everyone's helpless mission to hunt down the believers has been successfully completed under the wise leadership of Master Dio, and the rest of them feel that they have nothing to fear.

Everyone is used to doing the aftermath (wiping butt) work, and can achieve 99% without the command of the chief.

The remaining point is to give the boss some face so as not to make him look too useless.

In this way, Dio had a perfect alibi.

So when the cabinet meeting ended and Queen Eternal Night heard Angelina telling her that her brother asked to see her, she thought about it for a while.

Didn't Roger take a leave of absence already? How many good brothers do you still have?

After sensing it through the magic beacon, I found that it was really Roger waiting outside the political hall.

Queen Yongye was full of questions, but she still cooperated and said: "It doesn't matter, let him come in."

Angelina carefully observed the expression of Queen Eternal Night, and found that she was not angry, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Normally, a noble without an official position cannot meet the Queen casually, but now Roger got the opportunity through his own back door.

But next, Roger seemed to be telling his Majesty some secret, and she was not allowed to listen.

Even if he was very, very curious, he could only exit the hall.

She glared at Roger as if warning.

Don't cause any conflict, my stupid brother!

Although she left the palace, Angelina did not leave, but waited outside for a result.

Seeing her fidgeting, she felt like a young mother who was sending her silly son to kindergarten for the first time. It was the first time for her and her son to be separated. She wondered if he could adapt to the dangerous young mother outside...

Alas, the eldest sister is like a mother!

In the Council Hall, only the Queen of Eternal Night and Roger were left.

The Queen of Eternal Night said with a smile: "Now, can you tell me what you are up to?"

She had already asked for leave, but she still entered the palace. She was very curious about what this bastard was selling?

It must not be an ordinary matter, so she could just leave a message through the magic beacon.

He ran into the palace specifically and asked Angelina to arrange it. With this kid's personality, it must not be a simple meeting with the emperor, but he had other intentions!

So she looked very open-minded and said that she was innocent, but she was actually eavesdropping on Roger's thoughts.

You may not tell the truth, but can you still disguise your thoughts?

Roger smiled and bowed: "Your Majesty, I came to the palace today to ask you for a small official position."

[Hehe, what does Dio's leave have to do with me, Roger? Looking at the confused expression of Blood Mom, you must not know what I will do next? ]

[I am here today to remove the handle that you have crushed to death and lie back to my dandy young master! ]

"Hmm? Lord Roger is the historian, the minister of history, and the chief of the city defense station. He still has the energy to contribute more to the empire?"

The Queen of Eternal Night has made up her mind. No matter what official position you ask for next, I will not agree.

Unexpectedly, I have predicted your prediction this time!

You want to jump out of my palm by asking for an idle position, so that Anjie will no longer doubt your identity. Who are you looking down on, stinky brother?

I am a king who has never appeared in the world. How can I let a little chicken succeed?

Roger calmly replied: "The Imperial History has just been edited, and the historian only has to sort out the work; the historian records the daily life of Your Majesty, and anyone can take up the position; the chief of the city defense is only a temporary position and will eventually be returned to the military. So I really have the energy to display my talents on a more appropriate stage."

"Arrogant! Are you implying that I don't know how to appoint people to the right positions, and that the position I arranged is unfair to you?"

The Queen of Eternal Night slammed the table several times.

Angelina outside shrank her neck in fear.

It's over, it's over, my brother offended His Majesty with just a few words?

She hasn't slammed the table for several hours since she caught Joestar, but now her brother is kneeling?

Should I rush in to save him?

In the palace, Roger showed no fear, but said innocently: "Your Majesty, I dare not have any sarcasm... I said it openly!"

The Queen of Eternal Night could not help but nod slightly. It was indeed right. What she said just now was not her inner voice, but was spoken directly, not a sarcasm...

Wait, saying it openly, isn't that even more excessive?

In the past, I just thought about it in my heart, and at most I accidentally brought out my thoughts under the effect of truth suggestion.

Now this brat is so bold that he dares to directly complain about me when his brain is clear?

You have never been hung up and beaten by me, right?

The Queen of Eternal Night looked icy: "Good Roger, it seems that the cabinet ministers have wronged you. It seems that I have to make you a regent? Or give you the throne of the stars?"

Roger was terrified: "I dare not have such delusion. The suitable stage in my mind does not lie in the size of the official position, but in the right place, so as to achieve the effect of using a little force to achieve a great result."

The Queen of Eternal Night was slightly surprised and pondered: "Using a little force to achieve a great result? This is a clever metaphor. Tell me, what can you really do to achieve a great result with a little force to help the empire?"

Although she was angry, she was also attracted by what Roger said and asked curiously.

"I promised your majesty that we would build the empire together. After that, I couldn't sleep at night and thought hard about the strategy of governing the country. I think the biggest hidden danger of the empire now is the seven gods!"

"Nonsense! After the bloody night of Aodu, passers-by know this."

"Then does your majesty have a way to defeat the seven gods?"

"No, do you have it?"

The Queen of Eternal Night was numb with anger, but she also had some self-knowledge.

Although she was always shouting about killing gods, she knew the gap was huge after a head-on collision with the projection of the goddess of war.

Let alone seven of them coming together, she couldn't handle them one by one.

And she was already the strongest fighter in the empire. Apart from her, there was no one around who could break the defense of the seven gods.

Now that the empire has attracted the attention of the seven gods, the Queen of Eternal Night is determined to fight head-on, but how to fight and how to win.

Sorry, I haven't thought about it, just do it (justified)!

In her opinion, Roger asked her if there was a way to win. Isn't it forcing me to answer the college entrance examination paper when I know that I am a sports specialty student and a national athlete?

What a pot is not open!

Is his heart worthy of death!

At this time, Roger smiled and said, "I have a way, but not completely."

"Yes, yes, no, no, are you kidding me?"

"I don't have the heart to kid your majesty, but the matter is too important, so I dare not speak nonsense or brag."

Roger paused and added, "I want to tell your majesty a little story."

He put the story of Tian Ji's horse racing in a Western background, pretending that it was a story from the Veronica Dynasty, and told it to the Queen of Eternal Night.

"This Abin Sun is a genius. He gave up his weaknesses and played to his strengths to win a strategic victory. This is somewhat similar to the game you mentioned before... But what is the strength of the empire at this moment?"

The Queen of Eternal Night is also very smart and heard the truth contained in this story.

Roger replied: "We have nowhere to retreat and are in this world."

The Queen was puzzled: "Isn't this a fatal weakness?"

Roger smiled: "The Seven Gods are super strong and no one can resist them; but there are only seven of them, and they cannot take care of the battlefield of the entire multidimensional plane."

Roger's words awakened the Queen of Eternal Night.

Don't look at the goddess of war lying in the kingdom of God every day to watch her brothers fight, but she actually has many incarnations at the same time, sitting in other planes to plunder faith.

At the level of the Seven Gods, they have transcended the ordinary three-dimensional space and have many behaviors that go against the understanding of ordinary life.

What ordinary humans can observe is just a point left in the long river of time and space of God.

They will have emotional fluctuations because of temporary gains and losses.

But how much power to invest in the end depends on the overall strategy to make a game and trade-offs.

Although the Eternal Night World is large, controlling the power of harvesting faith and the source of life is of great benefit, but it is not the only one for the gods.

Going all in the Eternal Night World will win, but it is not necessary.

The Seven Gods must also take into account the interests of other worlds and choose the solution with the greatest strategic advantage.

But the Qingteng Empire was established here, and there is no way to retreat, so it must go all out.

"Using Tian Ji's horse racing analogy, the Seven Gods are the top horses, the church is the middle horse, and the vassal states are the lower horses; now the top horses cannot be sent, and the middle horses are just starting to work. The Qingteng Empire has only one middle horse, that is Your Majesty, but we have 400 million lower horses."

Roger said, "I don't have a way to win against the Seven Gods, but if the Empire uses the 400 million lower horses to arm the middle horses as much as possible, the Seven Gods will have to pay too much to control this world, and they should give up this world, because they can conquer multiple worlds of the same level at the same price."

The Queen of Eternal Night pondered Roger's words, her eyes getting brighter and brighter.

This is really a path she had never imagined!

She only thought about fighting the Seven Gods first, but it turns out that there is a way to win without fighting?

"But, isn't this a fake draw?" The Queen of Eternal Night asked hesitantly.

"Your Majesty, you are facing the Seven Gods head-on, so there is no suspicion of sending it away?"

"So it's a bad road, and a worse road?" The Queen of Eternal Night sighed and asked another key question, "Then how to arm 400 million inferior horses into medium horses? Not everyone has magic talent."

For example, a useless brother before Nirvana.

"Transfer magicians from the combat sequence to production and R\u0026D positions, lead technological changes, open the road to magic industrialization, and let every civilian use alchemical weapons." Roger's expression suddenly became excited, "Magic should be the primary productive force, not combat power!"

The Queen of Eternal Night listened to this and suddenly became stupid.

Because she read a lot of incredible pictures from Roger's inner voice at this time:

On a ship, ordinary people drove an iron lump that could not flap its wings into the sky;

An iron pillar spanned thousands of miles, accurately hit the target, and exploded a huge mushroom cloud;

The shining round cake hit the huge star, causing the magic energy of the whole world to be disordered;

The huge human-shaped decisive battle weapon threw a spear to nail the apostles who invaded from the outside world...

These are all scenes of destruction beyond ordinary forbidden magic, but ordinary people did it?

This earth has something!

This Roger is really my treasure boy!

"So, Lord Roger, you want to be the chief designer of this magic industrialization?" The Queen of Eternal Night asked with surprise and expectation.

If he can make these things, and then combine them with magic, so that ordinary people can also have the combat power of magicians...


Then I will definitely beat the dog brains of the Seven Gods Church and the vassal states!

Roger almost vomited blood.

Your Majesty, I am dedicated to serving the country, why do you hurt me?

He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Your Majesty thinks highly of me. I don't know magic or alchemy. I can only throw out a brick to attract jade and open a magazine called "New Arcane" to inspire countless geniuses in the empire to compete with each other and let them practice the most suitable path for the industrialization of magic."

"New Arcane? What a good name! I appoint you as the president and take full responsibility for this matter. Just ask for anything you need. I order the whole empire to cooperate with you!"

"Then the historian and the minister of history..."

"It's time for the empire to look forward. You don't have to waste time in the pile of old papers!"

The Queen of Eternal Night said proudly.

"Your Majesty is wise. I will do my best to be the president of "New Arcane"!"

Roger knelt on one knee, and his excitement was not fake.

[Great! The new official position is in hand, and the provocation method is a great success! ]

[As the president, Dio can temporarily hang up, and he is not afraid of exposing his identity to his sister! 】

【I can also make the empire move a little closer to my ideal...】

The Queen of Eternal Night was delighted to find a possible way to defeat the Seven Gods, but suddenly her expression froze.

Yeah, I was determined not to accept his new position at first?

Fuck, this guy is waiting for me here?

So in the end, I let him succeed in his request for an official position, and I even suspended his positions as the historian and minister of history?

Although the king never jokes, the Queen can be a rogue...

Forget it!

The Queen thought about the many benefits after the release of "New Arcane" and gave up letting Roger play barrages during her meetings as the Minister of History.

It was indeed a waste of talent!

However, it was already uncomfortable to be provoked, and I heard him openly commenting on me...

This was even more uncomfortable.

It seemed that I was very incompetent and was being coerced by him!

"Go away, and report to me after this matter is settled!"

The Queen of Eternal Night was irritated and wanted to drive Roger away. She didn't want to see him for a while.

I thought I could seize the opportunity by hearing the inner voice, but it turned out that this inner voice became his murderous heart-breaking attack on me...


"Your Majesty, in order to cooperate with the first issue of "New Arcane", I still have something to discuss with you, and only your cooperation can do it!"


The Queen of Eternal Night gritted her teeth a little.

You are still haunting, right?

You are always hesitating about something, and it's endless!

If possible, the Queen really wants to yell that I don't want to listen, and I don't want to hear it!

But the New Arcane is of great importance, and she really dared not disobey...

Damn it, when have I ever been so passive in front of a man, and whatever he says is what it is?

Forget it, this is all to give face to the New Arcane!

In order to avoid twists and turns in the preparation of this magazine, which is still in its infancy, for the sake of the empire, I will just put up with it.

It's not because I need to use Roger's talent and crooked ideas!

Let him be Luo Zihao and Kuang Xiaojie for a while, and I will cooperate with his performance.

When the New Arcane is done, I will let you know who is the king who has never appeared in the world, and who controls thunder and lightning!

In short, this is the fault of the goddess of war, so I will arrange for her to be fucked by a pig ten thousand times ten thousand times!

In the Conqueror Canyon, the goddess of war suddenly had a warning sign.

But she couldn't predict the source of danger, it was all blank...

"Damn, who is thinking about me? I've been so unlucky recently!"

The little bitch is wronged.

Who would have thought that she would have to take the blame when a couple had a quarrel?

ps. "Awakening Age" is so good! !

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