Last night, in the military sanatorium in the Secret City, little Joey immediately started packing his luggage after hearing that Joestar was killed.

At this time, a best friend came to see her.

Her superior in the Restoration Army, her best friend after joining the army, and her comrade who narrowly escaped death in the trenches of the Seventeen Kingdoms, was Montgomery.

This is a typical aristocratic beauty. The wind, frost, rain and snow in the military have not changed her sickly pale complexion. Her figure is slender, and her movements are always just right and elegant.

Unlike little Joey Barton, who was born a commoner in the Ivy Kingdom, Meng Mary's father was a minor noble from the Seventeen Kingdoms, but he yearned for the Ivy Empire very much.

After the country was annexed, her father sold the family castle, took the initiative to move to the Mysterious City, turned to business, and finally succeeded in taking root in the center of the empire.

Montgomery also took the initiative to join the imperial military when she came of age.

Her family atmosphere and growing environment were much more complicated than where little Joey grew up.

The imperial policy is to encourage the integration of the seventeen countries, but the anti-foreign sentiments of the people will always exist.

The army seems innocent, but Montgomery also encountered unfair treatment due to racial issues.

But Montgomery had a high emotional intelligence and strong abilities, and she caught up with the operation of pretending to be a restoration army. Her disadvantages turned into advantages, and she became an important leader of the restoration army.

She seized the opportunity and her dream of being a marshal when she was young became possible.

But she felt that the biggest gain from this operation was not her promotion in military rank, but getting to know Joey Barton, a young colonel with endless potential, a simple mind, and always a fire in his heart.

In front of outsiders, Montgomery is smooth, smooth and realistic, but she takes great care of little Joey and talks about everything.

The relationship between the two girls is far beyond that of ordinary comrades.

Montgomery felt that if she had a sister, she would be like little Joey.

Montgomery tried to dissuade little Joey from retiring from the army to follow Dio Brando, but he couldn't stop it.

At this time, when she saw her friends packing their bags happily after hearing the news, Montgomery felt complicated.

She leaned against the doorframe and said in annoyance: "I really regret that I encouraged you at the celebration party."

Little Joey turned around and showed a confident smile: "When I get married, I will get twice as many wedding candies."

Montgomery sighed in an exaggerated drama tone: "Wedding? Little Joey, are you really trying to seduce a sheep into a tiger's mouth? You have only met him once, and his attitude towards you that night was obvious to everyone. He was simply indifferent. That's why. As a civilian, you want to give up the military honors and military ranks you have earned through life and death to serve as his guard? "

"Both sides!" Little Joey corrected seriously, "We met again in the nursing home and we had a good chat."

Her expression as if she had found a treasure almost made Montgomery so angry that she had brain congestion:

"Oh my God, my silly girl, he came to investigate the case and came to see you, not for a special visit. Can you remember this?"

"He was so busy investigating the case that he still took time to see me. Of course I was touched."

" are hopeless!"

Montgomery gasped for air to prevent herself from impulsively tying the girl into the basement.

It's better to take advantage of yourself than to be ruined by that stinky man!

She stepped forward and clamped Little Joey's hand to prevent her from packing her luggage. She begged: "Little Joey, even if you really like him, you can't be so hasty. You don't have a family to back you up. In the military, Your bright future is your biggest bargaining chip. Now you want to give up all this and fly into the flames for a man you don’t understand at all?

I know that women who have never been in love are scary, and you won't listen to anything I say, but you really need to be on the safe side and first understand his personality and find out what his attitude is towards you. Isn't he now the chief of the city defense station? You go to the city defense army and serve as his adjutant.

Work and date for three months, and then you will be sure that he loves you. Don't say you retire from the army and work as a bodyguard for him. I will give my blessing to you even if you get married and have children immediately. But that’s not possible now! You will definitely regret it later! "

Montgomery looked at little Joey, her eyes full of sorrow and anger for her misfortune.

I still hate that I am not a leader!

Just a little fool like this, with some tricks, he would have unlocked the entire illustrated book by now, right?

Little Joey blinked his misty eyes, his long eyelashes fluttering, and said funnyly: "If an outsider saw it, they would definitely think that you were deceived by a scumbag, and that's why you are so angry."

"You're still laughing? You're still laughing? You are a 21-year-old colonel. You just resigned with just words, and you can still be so calm?" Montgomery was about to cry in anger, and kept sighing, "The world has changed, people have gone crazy. , I really don’t understand, are you stupid or am I behind the times, is this the dignified Imperial Colonel?”

She thought of her bitter first love and already thought she was stupid and didn't want to be worthy of anyone else her whole life.

But compared to the efforts of little Joey, who would risk everything without even hearing a word of each other's vows, he felt like he was the most popular person in the world.

Little Joey put down his luggage, hugged Montgomery, pushed her slender body onto the bed, curled up on her chest like a kitten, and spoke in a sweet voice, as soft as a sleepy whisper:

"You know I command the heavy cavalry. The heavy cavalry charges very fiercely, but it is also very stupid. Often there is only one chance to attack in a battle. If it succeeds, it will change the destiny and win the victory. If it does not, it will fall into a pit. A living target. As for me, I consider myself a pretty good heavy cavalry general. I have good luck and good ability to seize opportunities. I am not really a fool."

"Then you were hit by Dio's black magic!" Mengge Marie suddenly realized.

"Listen to me. We have different perspectives and see different things." Little Joey covered her mouth, "I didn't expect him to fall in love with me after just seeing me twice. I guess he doesn't even like me now, right? Even if I risked my life to save him once.

But just like every time the heavy cavalry attacked, I was gambling that he would like me in the future. But the opportunity is fleeting, I can't keep it stable, and every time I attack, I must go all out."

Monge Marie sat up suddenly, pressed her under her again, and said viciously: "You are a perverted logic. You don't lack people chasing you, there is no need to go all in on Dio's garbage battlefield, what do you want from him?"

Little Joey smiled, pure and a little idealistic, so beautiful that Mengge Marie was shocked: "I want him to look like me in my teenage years Just like the heroes you admire... You also experienced the despair that night, but he, a high-level magician, was able to go against the current.

At that time, I was thinking that such a man, as long as he is not dead, will definitely shine brightly. If I don't catch him now, there will be no chance in the future... I am a colonel with a bright future, but I am just a colonel. Even if I become a general, I am still a rude woman in the end.

Standing with those real princesses and saints, with appearance, temperament, and talent, you can't even be considered a fire-making girl, right? Think about it, he is now a cabinet minister. When he really shows his talent and even you can see his good points, how many people will be around him? Do I still have a chance? "

Mongo Mary was stunned, looking at this silly and wise little Joey.

After a long time, she slowly said: "What if you are wrong? He died halfway, or was lost in the crowd?"

Little Joey also thought for a long time, and said word by word:

"I would rather be wrong than miss it."

Mongo Marie sighed, hugged her bestie tightly, and gritted her teeth and said:

"If he treats you badly, or doesn't know how to work hard and let you down, I will tear him into pieces when I become a marshal!"

This is the conversation between Little Joey and her best friend before she entered the Ice Drinking Manor.

This is a simple, stubborn, incomprehensible, career-risking forward flash.

Some encounters seem to be fate.

How do you know that it is not a look back that someone has been persistently looking forward to, waiting for five hundred years, and planning for a thousand years.



Ice Drinking Manor.

Some people are dwarfs in practice. They have been taught by countless teachers and think that their theoretical accumulation is invincible in the world, but after subconsciously hugging that soft and warm body, their brains are blank.

Some people are born generals, self-taught kings, and they attack without hesitation and conquer cities.

So in the end, the man kept retreating, and was pushed against the wall by the woman, and could only respond passively.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Little Joey scratched someone and hurt herself, so she pulled her claws away and took a step back.

Her eyes were bright and watery, and there was a mischievous smile at the corners of her mouth.

According to regulations, subordinates are not allowed to kiss their superiors.

So she launched a surprise attack before officially joining the company and seized the best opportunity.

Just like the previous miraculous victories, this time it was Little Joey's improvisation that seized the fleeting opportunity, rather than deliberate planning.

She just felt that she could succeed if she went A, and then she succeeded.

Now that she has confirmed that Roger is not a homosexual and does not have no feelings about her body, she feels that she can work here with confidence.

She stood up straight and saluted, looking at Roger eagerly: "Little Joey Barton, magic consultant and captain of the personal guard, reports to Lord Roger Charles."

Roger touched his lips, his eyes complicated.

Little Joey was really a little crazy just now.

She just looked proactive, but in fact she was just as awkward and unsystematic as himself.

At the beginning, his lips hit his teeth several times, which made him still feel a little pain.

But this feeling of making progress together, finding a tacit understanding, and gradually getting better is indeed much better than realizing "how are you so skilled".

That kind of gap, just thinking about it makes me feel sour, no wonder it became a famous line...

"Allow you to join the team... Perform the duties of magic consultant first!"

Roger's eyes flickered a little, and he quickly assigned tasks.

He was afraid that little Joey would go crazy again.

He was also afraid that he could not help but continue to the next chapter of anatomy.

Just now he was too passive, and the rhythm was controlled by little Joey from beginning to end. He had the urge to get back and prove that he was a real man.

"Yes, sir." Little Joey bowed her head and responded obediently, and began to organize the scattered documents and materials in the office according to Roger's instructions.

There was a slight sense of pride at the corner of her mouth.

Fortunately, the boss was a little embarrassed, but not angry yet.

Even if according to Montgomery's calculations, women always suffer in this matter, she was also very proud.

She was shocked by Roger's initiative to confess his identity, but after accepting it, she understood that this was a symbol of his trust and respect for her.

There was no deception in this relationship, and she also had full right to choose.

The contrast between Dior and Roger's two identities was too great, and Little Joey never thought that these two identities were the same person.

If Roger didn't say it, she didn't know how long it would take for her to notice it.

Now that she knew the truth, and thought about the conversation with Montgomery last night, Little Joey suddenly felt that this was God's reward for her gamble with her life?

The person she chose to follow was not a commoner who got lucky, nor a short-lived cabinet minister, but the real top noble in Aodu, the Marquis of Stars who was personally awarded by His Majesty.

Although he was known as a useless brother, he was chosen by His Majesty as an undercover agent, so the word "useless" must be just a disguise.

Little Joey can't be said to be snobbish, but having love and getting bread by the way is double happiness, isn't it?

Her only worry is that because of the confidentiality agreement, she can't tell Meng Ge Marie about her surprise discovery.

But at least she can tell the friend who really cares about her that I didn't lose and don't need to change.

Fire element plane.

The different types and levels of fire elements in this world are really unlucky today.

Everyone was happily soaking in the magma and singing songs, but they were robbed by a woman who suddenly appeared.

The pure magic power accumulated for thousands of years was harvested like a tonic!

There are also powerful fire element lords who try to fight back. These guys have the combat power equivalent to the legendary level of the Eternal Night World.

With the home advantage and her own men, she can fight any legend!

But... the Queen of Eternal Night is not a legend!

She is a class above the legend, and has already stepped half a step into the realm of God. She walked through the army of the Fire Elemental Lord like a leisurely stroll.

Looking at the smile on her lips, she seemed to be thanking the lord for gathering monsters for her.

A battle with too much disparity in strength can no longer be called a battle. It is like a young lady from a family coming to experience life and pick strawberries. The ferocious fire elements are the red fruits.

In this way, the Queen of Eternal Night fought three thousand games alone.

The dozens of blank magic crystals she carried with her were all filled with the purest fire magic.

And there was an unexpected gain.

She hunted a rare species of fire elemental lord, a special variation called the Thousand Night Candle Demon.

Because it is too rare, it is also called the Rare Wax Demon.

Ordinary elemental creatures are like a ball of air, and after death, they are constantly dissipating energy.

The candle demons are different. They have a unique gelatinous body. They will not dissipate directly, but can slowly burn and release energy like candles.

The Queen of Eternal Night chased and killed it all the way. Although there were some twists and turns, she still hunted it successfully.

Back in the Wanwei, she used the remains of the thin wax demon as the core to create a small magic space, injected the fire magic she collected today, and it became a space with a concentration of more than the fire magic that can continue to exist.

This concentration is definitely a holy place that fire beasts dream of.

With Roger's high-level fire element affinity, he doesn't need to practice in this environment, and he can quickly accumulate magic power even if he sleeps soundly.

"Let's call it the thin wax nest. I am really only good at strengthening and not weakening!"

The Queen of Eternal Night reduced her proud work and put it into the space ring.

After sensing it, I found that Roger was still in the ice drinking manor, and I couldn't help but feel a little moved.

The lying kid finally knew to work hard under my call!

It was late at night, and he was still rushing to finish the manuscript with his subordinates!

The Queen was very pleased, and she tore open the space, preparing to install the wax nest in Roger's office in the Ice Drinking House.

He must be very surprised and touched, right?

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