In the Kanbusak Desert west of the Qingteng Empire, there are dozens of orc tribes of all sizes, and the strongest tribe is called the Orc King's Tent.

The orcs in the Eternal Night World are not the rough men with green skin and fangs in the traditional Western fantasy world, and even women may have beards. They are more like humans with animal ears, tails, feathers and other features.

They are not necessarily strong and thick, on the contrary, many are slender and soft, and the proportion of handsome men and beautiful women is quite high.

The rich hair color and eye color are even more attractive to players than the Qingteng Empire, which is dominated by humans.

When the trailer of "Eternal Night" was released, some netizens said that the production team used XP to make the game, and the art of the game is quite understanding of people's hearts, especially in line with the aesthetics of the Great Chong Kingdom.

Players were also attracted by the beautiful characters and rich races at first, and gradually hyped up the popularity of this game.

The production team also uses the ultra-high degree of freedom and sandbox world as selling points, claiming that even the leeks can be pinched, all NPCs can be freely attacked, unique plots can be unlocked, etc. ...

But the more you play, the more you feel that this is a half-finished product.

It is true that the plot is rich and meaningful, and there are so many side quests, but the degree of freedom is far from what the production team claimed at the beginning.

Many cities are only half-developed. The young ladies are beautiful in appearance, and the character design is also super good. There is a favorability system, but the "overnight growth" module does not seem to have been made.

When Roger, the time traveler, complained that there were too many possibilities in the real world and he couldn't grasp them, the players on Earth were still waiting for DLC and waiting for the world MOD...

Sorry, I'm getting off topic, let's continue talking about orcs.

The orc king's tent in the world is called the Bell Tribe, located in the northernmost part of the desert, and most of its territory is in the extremely cold zone.

The Bell Tribe is a devout believer of the goddess of war. The racial characteristics are two round ears, bear-like strength, and love to drink. When they drink too much, they love to shout "Follow me with the sword."

The war chief priest Joestar is from the Bell tribe.

At this time, the capital of the Bell tribe, Srena City.

The royal palace, side hall.

The most beloved daughter of the current chief, who has half-beast and half-dragon blood, Her Highness Tashika Kachini, has been frequently meeting with various parties and having secret conversations with them since yesterday.

Including but not limited to military spies, tribal ministers, well-known scholars, priests of the Church of the Goddess of War, etc.

Obviously, her father is still in his prime, and Tashika's behavior can be regarded as usurpation.

But because she has been active on the front line and is strong, no one has questioned her behavior so far.

She has always been concerned about the people's livelihood of the tribe, and her reputation among nobles and civilians is greater than that of her brothers. Everyone calls her "Tequila Princess".

For the Bell people who love alcohol, adding the name of the wine before the name is a way for everyone to express their love.

Just like Kachini II, who led the Bell tribe to grow into the orc king's tent, although he did not ascend the throne to become an emperor, he was called "Vodka Emperor" by the people.

Today, Princess Tashika wore the traditional military uniform of the tribe, a long sword with a wide hand guard hanging from her waist, and a scarlet cape. She was beautiful, strong, and majestic.

Because of the strength of her mother's blood, she did not show the characteristics of the Bell people, but had two black dragon horns and long silver hair. Her appearance was perfect and delicate without any flaws.

Between her eyebrows, there was an overwhelming arrogance and indifference.

"Looking forward to your follow-up orders." The chief priest of the Church of the Goddess of War said goodbye to Tashika.

"Farewell, Lord Chief Priest." Tashika knocked on the back of the chair with a reserved manner, without any intention of getting up.

The maids in the hall were surprised to find that the Lord Chief Priest, who was usually domineering and did not even give the chief face, did not protest against the almost rude behavior of the Lord.

She performed the etiquette of a subordinate in a serious manner and left the side hall.

This chief priest was the last guest scheduled for today. After seeing him off, Tashika asked the maids to leave.

When she was the only one left in the side hall, Tashika's tense body suddenly relaxed and she complained angrily: "Being a princess is so tiring!"

She threw off her shoes and lay down on the chair with a big horse and a golden sword, without any of the perfect aristocratic demeanor in front of people.

Tick your toes and smell it...

Tsk~beautiful girls can also have smelly feet!

The famous Princess Tequila looked like a depressed middle-aged uncle at this time.

She is Tashika, but also Old Joestar.

After being kicked out of the kingdom of God by the goddess of war, he fell directly into Princess Tashika's body and took over the magpie's nest.

The soul of this princess herself could not compete with Old Joestar at all, and was suppressed in the depths of the ocean of consciousness, trembling.

She could only watch him control her body and do all kinds of outrageous operations.

Fortunately, in front of people, he still maintained the appearance of a princess.

From the princess's perspective, Mr. Joestar, who appeared out of nowhere, claimed to be the goddess's lover, the first lackey under the throne of God, and came to save the Bell tribe.

Although this guy's tone was very frivolous, Tashika felt a stronger aura from him than the church's chief priest, and felt that he might really be following the orders of the goddess of war.

Especially the church's chief priest did respect him very much.

Therefore, as a devout believer, she did not have much will to resist...

It is also my honor to offer my body to the goddessε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3

As a generation of old yinbi, old Joestar has a strong ability to analyze intelligence and soon has a deep understanding of the current world situation. :

"I never imagined that so many things would happen to humans during the years I was imprisoned. Queen Yongye... is so strong, I want to have sex!"

The goddess sent him here to prevent the further expansion of the Ivy Empire.

As for why he chose his daughter instead of directly being the chief of the Bell tribe, old Joestar also had a reasonable guess:

The goddess of war hopes to sacrifice the chiefs of the Bell tribe and more tribal chiefs.

When the blood and hatred arouse the orcs' hostility towards the Ivy Empire, they can take this opportunity to start the process of unifying the tribes.

Facing the unified Ivy Empire, a scattered orc tribe will inevitably fall apart at a touch.

The older generation will die soon, and Princess Tasika, who has a good reputation, has become a very good successor.

Queen vs Queen, the picture is also very beautiful, right?

Joestar can accept being a little girl, and his more sinister father doesn't care about gender issues at all.

In addition to the goddess's strategic goals, the other thing he spent effort to understand was Joestar's death.

A war priest died in a foreign country, and the church kept very detailed records.

Old Joestar wrote down the names "Erwin Rommel Jr." and "Roger Charles."

The Queen of Evernight who really took action was unable to deal with it and was ignored for the time being.

Although the father and son didn't get along for long, he was still his own child, and he felt very shameless when he was slaughtered like this.

"They are all good young people. It's a pity that they met me!"

Old Joestar laughed sinisterly.

Deep in the ocean of consciousness, Zhentashika looked helpless and distressed.

Don't make this expression on my face, it's so disgusting!

At midnight, the city of mystery.

Queen Yongye appeared in the open space outside the main building of Yinbingzhuang.

Looking at the bright lights in Roger's office, he showed a relieved smile.

Luo Jie is so diligent, so I can't slack off. I won't waste time when I go back tonight. It's time to review the government affairs!

When the expeditionary force arrived in the Kembusak Desert in two days and started a war with the orcs, she would have no time to deal with internal affairs.

Thinking of another war, Queen Yongye's mood at the moment was as high as that of a child weighing more than 200 pounds and about to go on a spring outing.

She walked towards the small building, planning to install the thin wax nest as soon as possible, have some fun with the boy, and then start working!

Inside the small building.

Roger was discussing with Little Joey the topic for the first issue of "New Arcana".

He didn't know if some of the actors had actually read the script all night, but with the enthusiasm the two of them had at the moment, they could really discuss the magazine catalog all night.

It's just that we sit a little close.

In addition, during the staged progress, Roger also experienced Sir Wei's joy of "it's done, let's kiss it".

So in addition to the sound of flipping through documents, there are also some strange sounds of liquid exchange occasionally coming from the office.

Is it okay to do some intensive training to improve tacit understanding and cooperation in the dead of night, alone and alone?

Roger deeply criticized that beautiful, well-behaved and intelligent subordinates like Little Joey made this job damn sweet.

Little Joey Barton can become a general in the future. Although he claims to have good luck in gambling along the way, he still has strategic vision.

After listening to Roger expounding the core idea of ​​"New Arcana", she immediately realized that applying magic to production, then starting the road to industrialization, improving overall national strength and then strengthening the army would be a thing that would benefit the country and the people.

Of course, in her current state, even if Roger said that the moon today is square, she would nod accordingly and reply, "It is indeed angular."

But it is undeniable that little Joey helped Roger tremendously.

She is an orthodox graduate of the Imperial Academy of Magic. Not only is she an extremely powerful magister, but her mentor is also a very rigid and rigorous person who understands the attitudes and views of traditional magicians in the empire very well.

Naturally, he knows better than the time-travelers how to provoke their anger and create a confrontation between the Arcane Faction and the Ancient Cultivation Faction.

Of course Roger hopes to attract the attention of more magicians and let them all participate in this process of clarifying the truth.

Little Joey couldn't help but lament that Roger came up with such a way to attract attention, it was so bad.

Imperial people who have never experienced the test of information cocoon rooms and XX confrontation will probably tremble in anger and cry when they see this routine for the first time.

This inexplicably gave her the feeling of working with Roger to do bad things...

Phew, it’s a sense of mission and responsibility to move forward with a heavy load and create a new era for the empire.

The two finally agreed that the first issue of "New Arcana" would be divided into three main sections and one interesting section:

[Light of the Empire] discusses how magic can be better used in all aspects of building the Ivy Empire, improving agricultural and industrial strength, or basic combat effectiveness, etc.

[Arcane Frontier] corresponds to the theoretical science on earth, invites big names to share their experiences on the secrets of the pinnacle of magic, and publishes the research on magic theory by the Arcana Society and the Imperial Academy of Magic, with the intention of guiding the development of magic more deeply.

[Magic Peak] corresponds to the applied science of the earth. Record the most peak mage duels and share actual combat skills. Whether it is personal battles, skills to gain military merit on the battlefield, or new alchemical inventions, as long as the original content is novel enough, you can publish it here.

Little Joey estimates that this section will become the initial motivation for magicians to subscribe to "New Arcane".

In addition to the three main sections, there is an [interesting section] filled with content based on the actual content of each issue, including the history of the development of magic, anecdotes, current magician jokes, and even beautiful illustrations that are eye-catching. Magical Photography Book and more.

Although this is a very serious magazine, Roger was born in an era where entertainment is enough to kill oneself. He believes that blind seriousness will inevitably lead to death, and insists on adding a certain amount of fun to "New Arcane".

Roger handled the Light of the Empire by himself, and the remaining three sections needed to be filled in by commissioned manuscripts, and professional editors were hired for review, typesetting, and verification.

After all, he really doesn't understand magic.

At this time, little Joey's connections in the military and the Imperial Academy of Magic played a very important role.

With the blessing of the Evernight Order, there won't be too many problems in this process, right?

No matter how fishy the author is, he wouldn't dare to delay the manuscript of Queen Yongye, right?

The two people also made a plan for the next stage of work.

"It's so late, go home and rest. If you need, you can take a day off tomorrow... Taking a day off means you have a whole day's vacation, and you can freely choose your vacation time within three months."

Roger saw little Joey's confused expression and explained to her the concept of time off.

Since he was lying flat on his own, there was no reason to exploit his subordinates for unpaid overtime.

However, sometimes work is time-sensitive and it is inevitable to extend working hours.

So with some flexibility, Roger decided that "New Arcana" magazine could work overtime, but if he worked a few hours of overtime, he would have to wait for a period of time off, plus three times his salary.

Employees who are willing to make extra efforts must be given adequate compensation to mobilize their enthusiasm.

"Thank you, President, you are truly the most generous and kind boss!" Little Joey smiled sweetly, then showed a troubled expression, "But I still have a problem."

"What problem?"

"I'm retired from the army and have no place to live in Aodu. It's so late and the agency won't be working, right?"

She wasn't lying.

After coming out of the military sanatorium, she went directly to Charles Mansion. Then she came here to do some operations, and she worked inexplicably late into the night.

I thought I could catch a fish or go on a date on the first day...

This led to the fact that until this minute, she had not thought about the issue of living in Aodu after she retired from the army.

Of course, inns and hotels can always solve the problem tonight, but pursuing the victory to consolidate the results is also a good choice, right?

Roger was not completely stupid. He noticed the cunning in little Joey's eyes and coughed:

"Ahem, there are a lot of empty rooms in Yinbingzhuang. I'll call the housekeeper... Ahem, it's too late, so don't bother him. I'll help you arrange it."

"Thank you very much, President."

Little Joey couldn't help but hold his arm, and the two of them were ready to leave the office like conjoined twins.

People who have just entered a state of love really can't bear to separate for a second.

The two people were about to open the door when they suddenly found that the office door opened by itself.

Outside the door, Queen Yong Ye was in a good mood, with a faint smile on her lips.

But his eyes, like the sea, suddenly became profound.

Inside the door, there were Roger and little Joey clinging to each other.

Little Joey looked up at Roger, his reflection in his eyes.

"See Your Majesty!"

The two of them had no idea that Queen Yongye would be here, and they saluted quickly.

[No way, the broom star has become Zhou Papi, and you are here to inspect the work at this hour? Isn't this too inhumane? 】

The smile on the corner of Queen Yongye's mouth became increasingly unintelligible.

Examining the man and woman in front of her, no one knew whether under her blue eyes was a depressing volcano or a frozen lake.

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