This is the first time that Joey has seen the Queen of Eternal Night.

But the new generation of the Empire grew up watching the Queen's portraits and statues, so they can recognize her at a glance.

The Supreme Magic Avenue is above, and it is indeed right to pursue Lord Roger. What he is doing now is a great cause!

The Queen is watching us!

Why didn't the Queen sleep at night and move to Yinbingzhuang?

It must be for "New Arcane"!

As a participant in this magazine, Joey is honored and extremely proud, and his waist is straightened a little more!

A pair of road wheels that look down on the Empire swayed gently in front of the Queen of Eternal Night because of this action.

The Queen of Eternal Night's eyes became deeper.

Is this showing off to me?

How could Joey have thought that his enthusiasm for serving the country could cause such a misunderstanding.

As an imperial man and a magician, Joey Barton is inevitably a fanatical fan of the Queen of Eternal Night.

As a fan who can serve her idol, she is now immersed in the joy of her fulfillment, and her thinking ability is declining!

A flash of career-risking, hugging the male god, and meeting the goddess she has been a fan of all her life.

I am the big winner in life!

I am a natural heavy cavalry command artist!

Who else can grasp this opportunity?

Looking at the Queen of Eternal Night, Xiao Qiaoyi was so excited that her brain was trembling.

Portraits and statues can't show one ten-thousandth of the beauty of the Queen of Eternal Night.

It was originally a completely unexpected encounter. Xiao Qiaoyi looked straight out the door and didn't think of avoiding it. She subconsciously stared at the Queen of Eternal Night for a few more glances.

So beautiful! So strong! Such a good temperament! Such a great figure! The clothes are so suitable for her!

This is a perfect woman without any flaws, worthy of being my idol!

God, look at her!

Xiao Qiaoyi turned on the fan girl mode, gradually lost the ability to think, and her fingertips were trembling slightly.

After instinctively shouting "Your Majesty", she stared at the Queen of Eternal Night.

Until Roger poked her secretly, she quickly lowered her head.

As a subject, she should remain humble in front of the supreme Queen.

Roger was used to the beauty of the Queen of Eternal Night, and also used to her lingering and elusiveness.

Even pretending to be Dio, she could be pulled out of the vast crowd in the library.

Seeing the Queen in the manor given by the Queen... Is there any problem?

The performance of these two people was recorded by the Queen of Eternal Night.

This was really a scene she had never imagined.

It was just, it was quite sudden.

The Queen of Eternal Night was in a complicated mood.

So complicated that she performed a small-scale time stop.

She needed a little time to calmly think and analyze this situation and examine her heart.

In order to prevent rashness and do something that would be ridiculed.

She was really scared of Roger's complaints. She had never been complained about in such a fancy way since she was a child. She was forced to learn to use time to exchange space and stabilize this hand.

The question that the Queen of Eternal Night was thinking about was why she felt uncomfortable when she saw these two people.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this!

Needless to say, Roger, this kid never knew what it meant to be humble in front of the Queen.

Politeness was all fake, and his inner little theater told jokes about the Queen every day.

I kindly gave him a wax nest and helped him improve the strength of the chicken who couldn't even beat a goose. He was so petty that he misunderstood that I was here to review his work progress?

This is too much of a hot pot dish!

I always trust people when I employ them, and I don't employ people if I don't trust them, okay?

If I entrust "New Arcana" to others, I will never give random orders and cause trouble, okay?

However, she would be angry when Roger complained, not uncomfortable, and even a little used to it...

If I didn't have this tolerance, this kid would have dried into bacon long ago.

So my anger should have nothing to do with Roger's inner thoughts?

The Queen ruled out this possibility and looked at Joey next to her.

This girl looks reckless and rude, but a closer look shows that her excitement is completely sincere. She is definitely not the kind of woman who is hypocritical, cunning, and has ulterior motives like Taibella.

Such a reaction is the normal behavior of loyal citizens of the Empire when they first meet the Queen.

Don't be stupid, my fans are all over the Empire, and I won't care about this level of rudeness.

So according to this analysis, the performance of the two ministers is a normal reaction, and there seems to be nothing wrong?

But why do I feel uncomfortable and irritated in my heart, as if something is blocking my heart.

Obviously, the two people in front of me are a handsome man and a beautiful woman, in their prime, and a very good-looking picture, but I only think that this picture is very dazzling and exudes a disgusting sour smell.

Looking down at Little Joey holding Roger's arm, she just wanted to tear these two people apart, throw one into hell, and throw the other into the abyss, so that they would never meet again in this life.

But, I have never stipulated that officials of the empire are forbidden to talk about love, and the marriage between nobles and civilians does not violate the current Daqing Law.

Naturally, she has no reason to break up the couple.

After the Queen of Eternal Night became emperor, she set a code of conduct for herself, and she would never punish her subjects without reason, so as not to become a tyrannical and incompetent monarch.

So after analyzing it in this way, it seems that nothing has been figured out, and the Queen is even angrier!

She is angry that she shouldn't be angry for no reason, angry that she can't find a reason, anyway, she is angry!

Vicious cycle.

Mentality exploded.

The Queen gave herself another time stop!

She is a person who will think about things that she can't understand.

If Angelina is here, and the Queen of Eternal Night is willing to be open and honest, her bestie will definitely tell her:

You are jealous because you like someone, and you are unhappy because of jealousy.

And because she has never expressed her love, there is no place to reasonably express this unhappiness, so of course she will be angry.

However, she does not know the true face of Mount Lu, because she is in this mountain.

The Queen of Eternal Night does not know the feeling of liking someone, and even if she knows, she can't admit it.

Even if she admits it in her mind, she can't tell Angelina.

After all, tsundere is the essence of the queen.

Therefore, this matter is stuck here in an endless loop.

Not only has she never liked anyone, she has never lacked any material or spiritual rewards.

So she understands what happiness, anger, sadness, worry, curiosity are, but she has almost never experienced the taste of jealousy.

It can only be said that she is really too good.

When everyone around her can only look up to her, what is there to be jealous of?

Everything in the world seems to be at her fingertips.

This seems to be a kind of equal exchange. The worry of gaining power is that she has not experienced many emotions of ordinary people.

When the Queen of Eternal Night encounters troubles that cannot be solved, she never admits defeat and does not want to take a detour.

She goes head-on, like Yugong moving mountains and Jingwei filling the sea, and uses the last trick of blind and barren analysis.

This trick is called forced blame.

If it is not her problem, then it must be the two people in front of her.

Xiao Qiaoyi is her fanatical fan. As we all know, fans will not harm idols, so it is definitely not her fault.


First, Roger committed the sin of laziness.

He was so disgusted with himself checking the progress, it must be because he was lazy and did not work, so he was guilty.

The second is Roger who committed the sin of deception.

He was so confident in what he said in the Council Hall before, but he started to lie down and fish again.

I, who was deceived, must be angry!

It is unreasonable not to be angry.

In summary, it can be proved that it is all Roger's fault.

As long as I can confirm that Roger didn't work, I will have a reasonable excuse to punish him. I will feel comfortable after punishing him!

I will expose the truth in front of Little Joey and let her see what kind of lazy guy her boss is!

He betrays the trust given to him by the Queen every day. He is not worthy of your following, my poor, deceived little fan!

Time stops and ends.

Roger and Little Joey only feel a strong magical fluctuation, and they don't know that the Queen of Eternal Night has directed and acted in a love brain war in her heart.

Time is a more complex law than space. If used well, it will cause quite confusing effects on three-dimensional creatures.

For example, the Queen feels that a long time has passed, but for Roger, this moment is still the moment of opening the door.

Queen Fengyun of Eternal Night walked into the office calmly, looked around and said casually:

"The development of the Secret Society's Mo Kela has been put on track. I came to see Mr. Luo Jie's work. If you have any difficulties or are you short of manpower, you can tell me in time."

Lord Luo Jie returned Mr. Luo Jie again. Women always like to use details to imply that I am very vengeful and very angry.

However, men usually don't realize it and just think she is talking about work.

So Roger answered respectfully. "The specific list of personnel and resources that need to be mobilized will be sorted out and presented to your majesty's palace after dawn."

[Your Majesty attaches more importance to "New Arcane" than I thought. I have to work harder! If I had known earlier... probably... um... that would be good... what a pity...]

Queen of Eternal Night did not comment.

Roger's delayed answer and the messy and negative speculation in his heart afterwards were all regarded by her as evidence that he did not work hard today.

If you don't check you, you don't want to work harder, right?

Are you going to fool me with a perfunctory order tomorrow morning?

If I am fooled by such a clumsy routine, how can I be the emperor of all ages?

Act, you keep acting!

I will expose you soon!

She sat in Roger's seat and picked up his work log.

Suddenly, the queen sensed that Roger's voice was getting more and more nervous, and her heart was completely confused.

This state of not being able to read specific thoughts can be simply summarized as... Look, he is anxious!

Guilty little devil, I caught the flaw, right?

In fact, these are all emotional fluctuations that Roger will inevitably experience before publishing his work.

Steady is actually a manifestation of pessimism and lack of confidence.

No matter how many successes he has had in the past, before the new manuscript is really recognized by the audience, Roger will jump back and forth between the two extreme states of "My new video must dominate the list, I am YYDs/I am a rookie, what the hell did I do again"

Schrodinger's up master is like a pufferfish that swells up with a like and shrinks with a bad comment.

What's more, the Queen of Eternal Night is not only a viewer, she is also the sponsor of "New Arcane" and has a veto power.

If Roger doesn't panic when this kind of existence suddenly checks the half-finished product that he has only finished half of, is he still a creator?

The Queen of Eternal Night opened the work log and first saw the directory structure of "New Arcane".

The three main sections of Empire Light, Arcane Frontier, and Magic Peak are planned reasonably and carefully.

Moreover, many possibilities were discussed for the selection direction of the first issue. Even if someone cancels it, it can ensure that the content of the first issue is rich and eye-catching enough.

In addition, there is an entertainment section that records historical legends and interesting photography, which is also quite fresh.

Seeing this, Queen Yongye couldn't help but raise her head and glance at Roger.

Is this the answer sheet he handed over in less than a day?

Even without the blessing of my halo, the quality of this magazine alone can attract enough subscriptions from magicians!

Although it is just a directory now, it has not been populated with content.

But this structure alone is worth thousands of dollars and has epoch-making significance!

After all, this is a country that has one and only one newspaper. The channels for everyone to obtain information are limited, and the means of entertainment are even less.

"New Arcane" takes both aspects into consideration.

Even if there is a big library and magicians can read all the classics accumulated by mankind, they are all outdated.

The most cutting-edge content, vague and inconclusive theory, usually cannot be written into a book.

But magazines are different.

It is updated every month, and even a budding idea, a bold guess, can be put on it.

Maybe we can gather everyone’s wisdom and find the answer in the next issue?

The Queen of Evernight soon realized that if the Light of the Empire was the recipe for a strong country she wanted, she called on the Empire's magicians to turn to the charge of scientific research and production jobs.

The two sections behind it, Arcane Frontier and Magic Peak, are to improve the overall level of the empire's magicians and create a broad avenue for sharing experience, exchanging progress, and exploring the mysteries of magic together!

Thinking about the virtuous cycle formed after the release of "New Arcana" and the changes it brought to the entire empire, Queen Evernight could no longer care about the little emotions in her heart.

She has a loving relationship with her children, but more than that, she is an emperor with an empire in mind.

Before her eyes, the imperial magicians displayed their wisdom, constantly proposed new ideas, and broke through the peak debate of magic boundaries:

"Anyone who has not been shocked by magic simply does not understand it."

"Magic energy is discontinuous!"

"Is the result of magic really inevitable?"

"Octavielle, the God of Magic does not play dice."

"Dean Hall, don't tell the God of Magic what to do."

Thinking of such a picture, the Queen of Evernight was on fire!

Behind this work diary, schedules such as drafting, drafting, and publishing are all arranged.

As long as they are executed in sequence, "New Arcana" will be born smoothly.

This is enough to show that Roger is really serious about working overtime here, and his efficiency is beyond the imagination of Queen Yongye.

More importantly, the answer sheet brought out made Queen Yongye feel unexpectedly happy, which was far more beneficial than what he had said before!

She put down the work diary and couldn't help but look suspicious: "Roger, this plan is so wonderful, why did you not want me to see it before?"

Roger smiled bitterly and said: "It's just a hurried draft without modification or refinement, for fear of dirtying His Majesty's eyes."

"Roger, my dear, excessive modesty is pride. Who advised me before that I should not just give a 100% answer, because life is a game every minute?"

Queen Yongye laughed, knocked on the table, and said, "Just keep the direction you decided on with "New Arcana" and continue!"

"Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty!"

Roger actually meant it.

Such a hard-working mother of the sponsor and the fairy party, I love it!

Little Joey next to him was naturally very happy.

The work I participated in has been recognized by the Queen!

Queen Yongye commended and encouraged the two of them. By the way, she also learned that Little Joey had just been discharged from the army and had no place to live in Aodu.

The two of them were going to decorate the room just now.

"There is no need to go to such trouble. Miss Barton can come back to the palace with me to rest tonight. We will continue to discuss your ideas about the Magic Peak. Tomorrow I will take you to visit the Secret Law Society to make any manuscripts. Are you willing?"

"Of course I am willing! Thank you for your favor!" Little Joey agreed without hesitation and was so surprised that he almost fainted.

Can I go to the Queen's palace by myself? The Queen wants to take me to visit the Arcana in person?

How can I be worthy enough to be so valued by His Majesty?

It must be all because of Lord Roger's face, and all because of "New Arcana"!

She completely forgot what she was going to do with her male god before, but she was just excited to go to Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace next.

Queen Yongye was naturally very satisfied, and the feeling of heartache disappeared.

I did not punish my ministers innocently. This is my affirmation of their work. This is a reward for their efforts!

I am truly an emperor through the ages and have great potential!

Roger was also quite pleased at first.

Little Joey chose to retire from the army in order to follow suit, giving up a promising future, and he felt sorry for her.

If I could get the Queen's appreciation this time, it might be said that something was lost and something was lost, and I didn't delay her.

Until the Queen of Evernight teleported away with little Joey.

Only then did Roger come back to his senses from the excitement of the Queen of Eternal Night's approval of "New Arcana".

He vaguely felt something was wrong.

The night wind blew past his lonely figure, and Roger suddenly reacted:

Hey, where is my girlfriend? A girlfriend who was so hot to me suddenly disappeared?

"It's okay not to attend a personal hygiene class!"

Roger was distraught and felt like a lonely old man abandoned by the world.

A Shura field where no one was was half time.

Three days later.

Roger and Little Joey worked separately on "New Arcana".

Although we are in the same city, we feel like we are in a long-distance relationship, and we almost never have time to be alone.

Roger recruited a team of editors to review, revise, and arrange printing and distribution channels at Yinbingzhuang.

Several old consultants who had compiled the history of the empire also came, and they were responsible for filling in the interesting sections of "New Arcane".

Nowadays, the interesting content that always attracts the attention of the people of the empire and makes them unwilling to miss it is naturally the interesting things about the Queen of Evernight!

These historical consultants who have compiled the tenth volume of the history of the empire will write a dramatized novel about the upgrade of the Queen of Evernight in the magic profession based on historical data, and then serialize it in "New Arcana".

The name of the first part has been decided, it is called "The Queen of Night and the Philosopher's Stone".

Little Joey took several assistants to and from the Arcane Society, the Imperial Academy of Magic, the Southern Magic Alliance and other places, holding the Eternal Night Order to urge those knowledgeable magicians to complete the manuscript as soon as possible.

This is another seven days.

After the Queen of Evernight publicly announced that Major General Rommel had led five armies into the Khenbusak Desert and was about to start a war with the orc tribe, she did not end her speech, but took out another thin booklet.

She introduced with a smile: "This is a magazine, which can be regarded as a monthly "Long Live the Queen". It is called "New Arcana".

ps. Please give me a monthly ticket. I want to be in the top ten of the new book list this month. Please help me.

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