Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace.

The Queen of Eternal Night ended the broadcast to the whole city and looked at Roger who was waiting outside the formation, asking if there was anything else to add.

Roger shook his head: "Your Majesty performed quite well."

The Queen of Eternal Night listened carefully to his inner voice and found that he was sincere...

It was a bit hard to adapt.

Although the "New Arcane" was announced to the public, she followed Roger's advice and did not introduce it too much, only saying that it was a platform specially prepared for magicians to explore more possibilities of magic.

Then there was the unique subscription method developed by the Queen of Eternal Night for "New Arcane".

And then there was nothing else.

There are obviously many points to promote and brag about, bastards!

They have paid so much for this magazine, but they can't explain it well (pretending to be cool in public), which makes the Queen of Eternal Night a little sad.

In her imagination, even if there are no friendly competitors to diss at the "New Arcane" press conference, she must make a magic projection and talk about all the advantages of the magazine.

Then we can organize some promotional activities such as lottery to boost sales enthusiasm. Is this foolproof?

But Roger gave him a mysterious route that could be called "cold style" and passed it by with a super vague introduction. She was very worried that even if she had her own appeal, it would not be enough to boost sales.

After all, many ideas of "New Arcane" were too advanced.

What if the magicians don't buy it? What if they oppose me? What if my attempt fails in the end?

Even if it is the unparalleled king, when the whole army is betting, there is a gambling element.

Because she is a king, she has worries and hesitations, and her heart is full of uneasiness. She can't talk to her ministers, right?

Just seeing the magazines piled up like a mountain in the center of the hall, only a few hundred copies have been reduced so far, and it took a long time to reduce half of them. She couldn't help but show her worry.

In order to publish "New Arcane", the Queen of Eternal Night superimposed a point-to-point item transmission array system on the basis of the city defense array of the Secret City.

A magician only needs to prepare five gold coins and chant a specific spell to them to receive the latest "New Arcana".

This experience is very similar to online shopping on Earth.

Click the link (spell), pay online, and have it delivered to your door.

Thanks to the existence of the item teleportation array, the timeliness is far superior to the logistics on Earth.

Of course, the price of five gold coins including shipping costs is really ridiculously high.

According to the original idea of ​​the Queen of Eternal Night, the Empire is not short of money now, so it is okay to give away the first issue for free.

But it was rejected by Roger.

He is very confident in "New Arcana" and insists that there is no need to promote users for free. After the subsequent arrangements are carried out, the magicians of the Empire will definitely not be able to refuse the charm of this magazine.

They must get used to the price of knowledge and cultivate the habit of paying in order to support some of their subsequent ideas.

Some twists and turns are still necessary.

Of course, the current scene is indeed not good.

After the most fanatical and wealthy magicians bought the "New Arcana" promoted by the Queen of Eternal Night without thinking, fewer and fewer magicians are willing to buy it.

Now it has dropped to a few copies per minute, and it is even slower and slower...

They prepared 50,000 copies of the first issue, but only 500 copies have been sold so far. This gap is too big. No wonder the Queen of Eternal Night is not calm.

After waiting for another ten minutes, only three copies of the "New Arcane" in front of her were sold. The Queen of Eternal Night decided to have a chat with Roger.

She coughed, pointed to the small mountain piled in the center of the hall, and asked: "Lord Roger, how about giving away the first issue of "New Arcane" for free?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry. The capital was not built in a day, and the new era will not come in a day. Let the sales fly for a while." Roger bowed.

[Interesting, does your Majesty also have a timid moment? Her worried little expression is really a bit cute...]

The Queen of Eternal Night's eyebrows jumped immediately.

I am not cute, I am a domineering general attack, okay?

I am just worried that you will mess around and bring down the good "New Arcane"!

If all the efforts are in vain, then I am the one who will not embarrass you, right?

The Queen said irritably: "If "New Arcana" cannot be sold and does not attract the attention of magicians, I will throw you into the thin wax nest and roast you for a month!"

That night, the Queen of Eternal Night only thought about how to separate Roger and Little Joey without violating her principles, and as a result, she forgot the purpose of her original visit to the Ice Drinking Manor.

The next day, the Queen of Eternal Night changed her mind and installed the thin wax nest not in the Ice Drinking Manor, but in Charles's Mansion.

Her thinking at that time was infinitely optimistic: if "New Arcana" developed smoothly, the scale of the magazine would definitely expand, and the president would stay in the office every day to practice...

What if there is a female employee who wants to take shortcuts? What if they make an appointment to read the manuscript overnight?

I can't accept it!

So, she decided to let this kid go home on time after work to avoid the appearance of scenes that are not suitable for children.

Of course, the explanation given by the Queen of Eternal Night was that at this critical moment when the empire was fighting against the gods, how could you be distracted by those messy things?

The empire only has ten years, and I only have ten years, you have to serve me wholeheartedly to benefit the country and the people!

So there is nothing wrong with me urging my subjects to be self-reliant, and this is what a positive and good emperor should do~

Roger never thought that the empress would have such a little thought when giving a gift, so he was naturally very grateful for the effect of the wax nest.

Thanks to the Phoenix bloodline talent, in a high concentration of fire magic environment, he can not only automatically accumulate magic without meditation, but also feel very comfortable.

Just like the iced watermelon in the dog days, the hot pot in the coldest days, the elf returned to the elf ball (not really).

However, the wax nest was built by the Queen of Eternal Night, and she naturally left a backdoor, such as being able to modify the temperature inside at will.

Although Roger will not be roasted to death because of the high-level fire immunity, the comfortable temperature range is also different from that of ordinary people.

But he will also feel uncomfortable if it exceeds 3,000 degrees.

However, Roger thinks that such a punishment is always more merciful than those emperors who always "bring their heads to see me" right?

So he also half-jokingly said: "In this way, if the sales are good, then His Majesty will not be stingy with rewards?"

The Queen of Eternal Night's worries were unconsciously eliminated by Roger's nonsense.

She snorted unconvinced: "When have I ever been stingy with rewards? If the sales satisfy me, you can make any conditions."

"Your Majesty is not joking, then I will remember it." Roger smiled.

[I guess this scumbag woman is thinking about money and power. In fact, as a Yongjia, what I really want is to let her change clothes as I wish. ]

[P station selection of kimono/bikini/bride/cheongsam/clothed big breasts, etc.]

Because of the excellent modeling, many players in later generations played the game into Yongye Nuannuan, and the queen is the well-deserved first heroine.

The pictures formed a massive information impact, white, white, and a large area of ​​white.

The Queen of Yongye was so overwhelmed that her brain was a little frozen...

The painting style is good, the pictures are good, and the clothing design is also good...

But if the heroine is not me, it will be great!

Why do I still stick with Angelina?

Why do I still stick with Angelina and Margaret?

You useless brother, in your dirty thoughts, you don’t even let your sister go!

The Queen of Yongye received the pictures that were flowing through Roger’s head at this moment, and her silver teeth almost broke.

This bastard has a lot of ideas for governing the country in his head, like squeezing toothpaste. When he thinks of colored waste, his mind surges like a flood!!!

This is outrageous!

What's the use of you?

Giving you some sunshine is too bright, isn't it?

The Queen of Eternal Night looked at Roger, who was about to be distracted by laughter, and a hint of an ambiguous smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "By the way, Madam Mosconi is going to help me make court clothes and daily clothes for the next season. Anyway, I have to wait for the efficiency results. Can you help me with the style and design, dear Roger?"

Roger's ears immediately perked up.

[Help the Queen of Eternal Night to consult on the style and design? Then, rounding it off, isn't it just dressing up Your Majesty as my XP? ]

[And in this process, can we still see Your Majesty changing clothes, wearing only close-fitting clothes in the middle, or accidentally exposing himself... Great! ]

"It is our duty to share Your Majesty's worries!" Roger agreed with a righteous face.

The Queen of Eternal Night summoned Madam Mosconi and whispered a few words in her ear.

Madam Mosconi was surprised and puzzled when she heard it, and looked at Roger twice more.

This made Roger a little nervous.

I am a boy accompanying the Queen to try on clothes. If the traditional Madam Mosconi knew about it, she would not be angry, right? She would not disagree, right?

Madam Mosconi is so scary!

But in the end, it seemed that the Queen had higher authority. Madam Mosconi nodded and asked Roger to follow her to a side hall that looked like a warehouse.

There were a lot of fabrics and semi-finished clothes here, and hundreds of tailors were busy.

With the prosperity of magic in the empire, these tailors were also magicians, and their efficiency was far higher than that of ordinary weavers.

Although the Queen of Eternal Night was not the kind of emperor who was extravagant and pursued personal enjoyment, she represented the face of the empire after all.

Due to the textile level of this era, many clothes could not be washed even with magic protection.

There were also many disposable clothes with magic special effects.

This resulted in many luxurious dresses. In order to look glamorous, the Queen of Eternal Night wore them once and then threw them away.

Even Tian Tian's classic golden and red robe (original skin) was made into more than a thousand sets and rotated.

Naturally, in order to meet the Queen's dress needs, a professional team is needed.

Although Roger has a straight male aesthetic, he has been influenced by the Internet era and has a vision ahead of this era.

He recalled the classic combinations in his mind and made a lot of clothes that even Mrs. Mosconi felt amazing.

Then the tailors carried out the next processing and adjustment according to the Queen's figure.

"Madam, Her Majesty, isn't she going to try on the clothes? No matter how good the design is, it will only be effective if you actually wear it."

After waiting for a long time, Roger didn't see the Queen of Eternal Night come in to try on the clothes. He was a little impatient to see the scene he was looking forward to.

"That's what Lord Charles said, but Her Majesty went to the Secret Council to deal with important matters, and she has other arrangements here."

She clapped her hands.

Five old ladies who were about the same height as the Queen of Eternal Night but obviously over 60 years old entered the side hall and began to dress in front of Roger.

Roger felt that he was almost blinded.

Aunts, please don't, please be merciful!

Ah, please be more reserved!

He asked with a pale face: "Mrs. Mosconi, what does this mean?"

Mrs. Mosconi's usually tense face couldn't help but show a helpless smile: "His Majesty said that as long as the maids look good, she will look better, so please keep working hard, Lord Charles!"

Roger felt that his body and mind were greatly hurt.

So the queen didn't change her clothes for him, but asked him to dress up the five maids?

This is not the picture I want at all!

At this moment, he suspected that the Queen of Eternal Night was playing tricks on him, but there was no evidence!



Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace.

The Queen of Eternal Night was lying on the bed, tasting the iced fruit peeled by the maid. After listening to Rommel's report on the front line, she saw Roger's broken expression.

She snorted: "That's it? That's it? Tong Er Jie also wants to show off his skills to me, who gave you the courage?"

After being complained about by Roger so much, she unconsciously learned the tone of speech of that guy's inner drama.

Although it doesn't conform to the etiquette of the nobility, it's interesting.

Now Roger was trapped in the side hall, and Madam Mosconi was supervising the five maids to match good-looking clothes. The smile on her face became bigger and bigger.

It was so fun to see him reluctant but unable to refuse!

Suddenly, an idea flashed in the Queen's mind.

She used magic to project several sets of clothes and sent them to Madam Mosconi.

She was going to make a few new clothes for Angelina and Margaret to dress them up, hehe!

In fact, not only LSP likes to buy skins for his wife.

Girls also like to play with Barbie dolls!

How much money does the Nuannuan series make?

Aren't the two prime ministers of the empire much better looking than those dolls?

It's pleasing to the eye and increases favorability. Thank you for the picture sent by the treasure boy Roger. I will accept it with a smile!

The Queen of Eternal Night said that this wave of free riding was successful and she was very happy!

She suddenly lowered her head and ran her fingers from her chest to her long legs, proud of her curves, and whispered softly:

"If "New Arcane" can achieve the expected effect, it's not impossible to try on one or two sets of clothes you like... I like some of them too!"

Everyone loves beauty.

After all, there are two P stations, one is full of contraband, but the other also has many normal works that girls will like.

The Queen of Eternal Night thought about the styles and designs of those clothes, and the works created by the masters, and she also yearned for them.

I'm going to be so beautiful that I'm bubbling, so beautiful that I'm beyond the times!

Her eyes flickered, revealing a slightly angry look of watching your performance.

She didn't realize that this is what women do to please themselves.

Someone's weight in her heart is getting heavier and heavier, and she cares about his feelings and wants to attract his attention all the time.

If this is not called love?



The City of Mysteries, the Imperial School of Magic.

By the blue lake, a girl with brown curly hair, pale face, and a somewhat unhealthy and thin look sat under an apple tree, eager to take out five gold coins and put them in front of her.

Then she showed a look of distress and hesitation.

The purchasing power of the imperial gold coins is very strong. Although the Imperial Magic Academy is free and provides subsidies and high scholarships to students, learning magic is still a bottomless pit that no amount of money can cover -

Looking at the girl's washed white magic robe, you can tell that even if her grades are perfect and she is admitted to Trinity College. After investing subsidies, scholarships, and even most of her living expenses in the magic experiments she likes, her life is still quite tight.

But Aishali Newton still decided to spend five gold coins to buy a copy of "The New Arcana" to read.

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