Azali's reputation in the Imperial Magic Academy is somewhat subtle.

Because she would put into practice the whimsical new ideas that were always ridiculed by her classmates, and because she loved to think under trees, she gradually got the nickname "Strange Tree Witch".

Early this morning, the Queen of Eternal Night spoke to all the citizens with the help of the city's protective magic circle in the Mysterious City.

Everyone is paying attention to the battle of the orc tribe in the empire, but Azali is concerned about the magazine that your majesty mentioned later.

A "Long Live the Queen" just for magicians? One issue per month?

Originally, many students were interested in this new thing called "magazine", but when they heard the price of five gold coins, they suddenly found it boring.

The latest popular version of "History of the Ivy Empire" only costs ten gold coins.

Spending five gold coins on such a book with no clear purpose is either a mine at home or a brain trap.

"If you want to promote a new thing, it should be free. In the beginning, the "Long Live the Queen" didn't cost any money either."

"Indeed, a magician's money is also money!"

"Your Majesty, although she is invincible in fighting, she really doesn't know how to do business."

The students discussed the new magazine for a few words, then ignored it and continued discussing Major General Rommel's possible results.

And the most anticipated and exciting...

When will the Queen of Evernight join the battlefield?

Azali silently left the crowd.

Even if a few boys deliberately talk loudly and show off their talents, it is to attract her attention.

But Asari had no interest in what they were talking about, and even thought they were noisy.

A group of barbarians who know how to fight all day long!

As His Majesty just said, we should explore more possibilities for magic. Magic should not only be used for destruction and killing!

It was precisely because she was moved by this sentence that after some struggle, Aisali squeezed out five precious gold coins from her little remaining living expenses.

Then she softly recited the incantation that the Queen of Eternal Night personally taught all magicians not long ago:

"Make magic great again!"

An ultra-small space magic circle stood in front of her and sucked away the five gold coins.

Then a sixteen-page booklet fell out.

The main body of this issue's cover is red, which is quite eye-catching. It shows the heroic figure of the Queen of Eternal Night who recently went to the fire elemental plane alone, facing the fire elemental lord and its tens of thousands of people alone.

Although it was just a figure from behind, it was filled with murderous intent and domineering power, which made Elsali fascinated by the sight of it...

Ahem, I obviously promised to explore more possibilities of magic, but why do I still think His Majesty is so handsome when he kills everyone?

But I don’t know why, when Issaly looked at this cover, whose painting skills, artistic conception, and printing quality could rank among the world’s famous paintings, she always felt that something was missing.

In the blink of an eye, I don't know if it's a printing error or something, but I feel like there's a faint green light coming from the Queen's head?

When I looked again, there was nothing.

"Metaphysics, everything is metaphysics!"

Shaking her head, Asari diverted her attention from the cover and began to look at the magazine carefully.

There are two hundred pages in total, which is only compared to books of the same price.

At the top are two ancient Eliza texts written by the Queen of Evernight.

The dragons and phoenixes are dancing, and the power penetrates the back of the paper. The translation is:

"New Arcana"!

Ancient Eliezers is the recognized origin of magician inheritance in the Eternal Night World. Most of the current magic spells are written in Ancient Eliezers.

A small number of them are in dragon language and elven language.

Only a very small number of the latest magics use the common language of the Ivy Empire.

After appreciating the inscriptions written by the Queen of Eternal Night several times, Aesari finally opened the magazine.

However, the very opening preface made her freeze in place as if struck by lightning:

"Learning Magic Can't Save the Imperials"

——Octaville Shelley

As we all know, this is the real name of Queen Yongye, so this preface must have been written by Queen Yongye herself!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, as the most powerful magician of our time, why do you say this? If learning magic can't save the people of the Empire, then what can save the people of the Empire?"

With a lot of questions in her mind, Aisali was completely attracted by this magazine...

On the treetops, small green apples that had just grown were swaying gently in the wind.

In a small town not far from the mysterious city, an ancient and gloomy castle was carved out against the rolling green mountains.

Under the shabby exterior, the interior is magnificent.

This is actually the oldest magic academy in the Ivy Kingdom, the Royal Academy of Magic.

The Royal Academy of Magic and the Imperial Academy of Magic have been competing for the title of the strongest in the empire. They are old rivals.

The current president of the Royal Academy of Magic, Earl Huntington Hall, is a legendary traveler of all realms. He is the magic enlightenment teacher of the Queen of Evernight and a legendary powerhouse from the older generation of the empire.

The Queen of Evernight randomly creates space teleportation spells every day, which is closely related to the good foundation laid by Dean Hall.

To this day, the Queen still addresses Dean Hall as teacher.

However, while possessing extraordinary magical power and rigorous academic spirit, Dean Hall is also a conservative aristocratic magician.

In his mind, people are different and there are distinct layers:

First class, noble magician.

Second level, civilian magician

The third class, nobles without magical talent.

The fourth class is civilians without magical talent.

The fifth class, aliens and other intelligent creatures.

Dean Hall is the extreme representative of the most traditional aristocratic magicians in the empire.

They are extremely loyal to the country and are willing to risk their lives for loyalty and glory.

But they are too lazy to look at people of the third class and below.

It is for this reason that the Queen of Eternal Night has invested more resources in the Imperial Magic Academy.

Because Dean Hall has always liked to recruit aristocratic magic apprentices, and has maintained an arrogant and neglectful attitude towards civilian students.

However, the Queen of Eternal Night knows that the empire is now too vast, and it is impossible to manage a huge territory with only a limited number of nobles.

So even with the teacher's affection, the queen cannot tolerate some of the old traditions of the Royal Magic Academy.

Dean Hall has been exploring the other world these days and only returned to the Eternal Night world at noon today.

He did not hear the Queen's speech in the morning, but saw a book "New Arcane" on the desk.

After listening to the secretary's introduction, the old man who was dressed meticulously and full of aristocratic elite style smiled: "Xiao Ao has come up with a new trick again, let me see."

Even if there are many differences between the master and the apprentice, that is also his proudest disciple!

Smiling as he flipped open the New Arcana, Hall's smile disappeared and his brows furrowed more and more.

He was extremely angry at the opening preface.

Learning magic can't save the people of the Empire?

Magicians have made countless contributions to the Empire and are the foundation of the Empire's prosperity. Your Majesty is going to give up magicians now?

Your Majesty, don't forget that you are also a magician!

But Hall felt that this disciple was not stupid, and there might be some misunderstanding. He suppressed his anger and continued to read the preface.

The opening line is a very sincere sentence:

"I had many dreams when I was young, but I forgot most of them later. Until today, the empire is thriving, and I have the right to dream again..."

However, the Queen of Eternal Night talked about the plight of the empire:

"...The threat of the Seven Gods to the empire is the current urgent matter. The power of magicians is the foundation of the empire's strength, but how can this strength benefit all the people? I am invincible in the world. If there is an enemy from the sky one day, what should I do?..."

"...How can the people of the empire be healthy and strong? If they don't have magical talents, most of the time they can only be meaningless materials and spectators for public display..."

"So our first priority is to change their current situation and provide weapons to all citizens who are willing to fight for the empire. For this weapon, the first thing I think of is alchemy Items..."

"...But alchemical items are too expensive, and the empire cannot afford them. Industrialization reduces costs and strengthens national strength, which is the primary responsibility of our generation..."

After talking about the power of the Seven Gods, the haze of despair lingered in Hall's heart. Suddenly, the Queen of Eternal Night changed her pen again:

"Yes, although I have my own great fear of heaven, when it comes to hope, it cannot be erased. Because hope lies in the future, I must not use the proof of my certainty to convince him of his so-called possibility. "

"I only hope that the 100,000 magicians of the empire will unite, and the 400 million people of the empire will unite. My generation may not change anything, but burning myself to light a possible path for future generations can be called no regrets. "

The article of more than a thousand words is not long, but Hall was quite moved after reading it, and his initial anger subsided a lot.

Xiao Ao really took a lot on for this country.

Her idea is good, but she just went in the wrong direction.

How can the sacred magic be used to help mud grow farmland and improve life?

Magicians are enough to protect this country, they are not afraid of any strong enemy! There is no need for low-level creatures who can't even use magic to help fight!

He felt that as the Queen's teacher, he must convince people with reason and correct the Queen's wrong ideas in time.

Hall suppressed his impatience and read the whole book "New Arcane", and wrote down the views that he thought could refute the Queen of Eternal Night.

After all, he couldn't beat his disciples physically, so he could only prepare more fully on the road.

He felt that "New Arcane" had some merits, but generally speaking, the road was narrow, and he had to lead the Queen back to the right path in time.

It is right to enhance the strength of magicians, and it is also right to have more exchanges.

But it would be better if the communication between magicians became stronger. There is no need to waste the precious time of magicians on producing and arming wastes who can't use magic.

If you have that time, wouldn't it be good to meditate on it?

After preparing a long and eloquent outline of thousands of words of persuasion, Hall snapped his fingers, and a space door appeared in front of him.

But before he stepped in, the space door closed again in front of him.

? ? ?

The old man's face became strange, and then he complained in anger like a lonely old man:

"She can't... at least she shouldn't, how can she not even want to talk to me?"

Hall tried to teleport to Fengling Yueying Palace, but the teleportation spell was unilaterally killed by the Queen of Eternal Night.

This means she refused to talk to him.

Could it be that he, a dignified traveler of all worlds, had to take a carriage to Fengling Yueying Palace to meet with the emperor?

Oh my old friend, this is too unmagical!

At this time, the secretary asked: "Dean, Roger Charles wants to see you."

"That useless brother? No!"

Hall was annoyed. He heard that he was a famous waste in the imperial capital. He was not even a junior magician so far, so he naturally had no interest.

The secretary added: "Master Charles said that he wanted to see you as the owner of Yinbing Manor."

"Master Yin Bing Manor? Isn't that the president of "New Arcana"? This... let him in!"

Hall slammed the table angrily and stood up.

This guy cooperated with the Queen of Evernight to create a magazine and published such treacherous remarks in order to mislead the magicians of the empire.

I can't see the Queen, and now this boy has arrived at my door. Guess I am going to wake him up by scolding him today!

The door opened and Roger entered the dean's office.

Roger was dressed very aristocratically today, with a dignified appearance and elegant demeanor, maintaining the "just the right amount of reserve" pursued by the imperial nobility.

Moreover, there is quite pure fire magic power flowing in his body, which has reached the level of a junior magician.

At his age, Roger is not considered an outstanding person, but at least he is a magician.

Still a noble.

And very good-looking.

This is the first-class person in Hall's eyes.

The old man immediately changed his mind about this famous good-for-nothing brother.

This Dean Hall is not only an arrogant old nobleman, but also an old man.

I don’t have children myself, but I like good-looking descendants.

One of the important reasons why he was willing to teach the little princess who was very low in the line of succession was that Octavian was more beautiful than her brothers and sisters.

This time Hall wanted to scold Roger, but because he was dressed quite pleasingly today, he changed his mind and prepared to persuade him first.

Roger's attitude was also very sincere: "Dean, the student is here to ask you to come out and publish an article in "New Arcana" to respond directly to His Majesty's "Learning magic cannot save the people of the Empire."

Hall was stunned and forgot about the speech he had planned. He subconsciously said: "Invite me? I can't write words of praise, and I support Xiao Ao's fallacy against my conscience!"

Roger smiled and said: "The New Arcana needs your insights. No matter what you say, as long as the logic is valid, we will publish it."

Hall was immediately confused: "Didn't you support Xiao Ao's point of view and make "New Arcana"?"

"No, I created "New Arcana" to make magic great again. Your Majesty's articles published in "New Arcana" only represent the author's own views. We are an absolutely neutral platform without any bias! On the contrary, we All magicians are welcome to speak, and as long as they have something to say, they can be published in the magazine.”

Roger put all the blame on the Queen, not mentioning that he was the originator of the magazine.

At this moment, in Hall's eyes, he was as innocent as a frail little white flower. It was entirely because of the Queen's oppression that he published those remarks that made Hall angry.

Hall was really interested after hearing this.

The Queen of Evernight didn't see him, so perhaps an open debate on this "New Arcana" would be a more intuitive and effective method?

Even if Xiao Ao is stubborn and refuses to repent, isn't it enough as long as the magicians of the empire recognize his point of view?

He asked with eager eyes: "Is it okay for me to refute the Queen in "New Arcana" and make remarks that are detrimental to Her Majesty?"

"Of course, we guarantee that the dean's article will not be changed word for word, nor will any sensitive content be blocked."

Roger's attitude is that if I run a magazine, I will let you scold me happily.

Dean Hall was instantly on fire!

He patted Roger on the shoulder hard and laughed loudly:

"You're a good kid, okay, I'll take this job!"

Roger resigned at the right time and smiled as he exited the office.

Look, doesn’t this water just get mixed up?

This wave of "casual requests" to Queen Yongye, what should I ask for?

ps1. Still more progress (18/46)

ps2. Server opening reward-Queen’s new skin optional package:





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