The Queen of Eternal Night is a good student who respects teachers and is also a tough girl who always confronts them head-on.

So even if she has different opinions from Hall, she will not refuse to communicate, but will try to refute him head-on.

So the one who hindered Hall's failure to open the door this time was Roger, the "good boy" he recognized.

He taught the Queen of Eternal Night, who can be as brave as 3-0 at 0-3 and is the easiest to catch in the world, bad things.

Three days ago.

The Queen of Eternal Night discussed with Roger that her teacher, Hall, the dean of the Royal School of Magic, would definitely oppose "New Arcane", and how to deal with it at that time.

She hoped to use Roger's tricks to give herself a theory that could convince Hall and avoid being ganked by the teacher.

But Roger opened up a path she had never imagined:

"Dean Hall is the most traditional and stubborn noble. The possibility that he supports the industrialization of magic is lower than that I will become a legendary wizard tomorrow. So why waste words, emotions and time on meaningless arguments?"

If you can't stand it, just change the line, girl!

Roger's attitude is quite sincere.

After all, there is also a time when a key comes and the 800 stupid netizens bow their heads.

After a lot of resistance, Roger found that reasoning can never convince the other party.

Only one party can shut up the other party with absolutely strong conclusions and achievements.

But even if you do this, you usually don’t get a "you are right" recognition.

The other party will disappear, stop playing with you, and find new topics to show their superiority.

So over time, Roger feels that language arguments are quite inefficient.

Especially when you become an up master, you either slap the face with iron evidence, or get away with it, or turn a blind eye, otherwise you will never face the line.

Those who support you don’t need reasons, and those who oppose you can always find ten thousand reasons.

Seeing that the Queen of Eternal Night is still hesitating, Roger added: "You don’t have to worry that Dean Hall will be angry. "New Arcane" will give him a chance to vent his dissatisfaction with you, which is also a way for us to attract the attention of the world."

"Are you going to use my teacher as a gun?" The Queen of Eternal Night looked unhappy.

"Dean Hall will scold me anyway, in person or in the magazine, the choice is yours."

The Queen of Eternal Night couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking of the stubbornness of Mr. Hall, she also had a headache.

If she did what Roger said, she wouldn't be scolded, she could increase the sales of "New Arcane", and increase the magicians' understanding of the industrialization of magic...

Kill three birds with one stone!

We are not afraid of scolding, we are for this empire!

Well, that's it!

So there was the scene where Roger asked Hall for an article when Hall failed to open the door.

Hall is the teacher of the Queen of Eternal Night, with strong strength and stubborn personality.

He worked hard in the national defense war where the little princess fought back with a sliver of blood, and was an important fighting force of the Qingteng side, making great contributions.

In the empire, he is one of the few remaining old generation who is qualified to confront the Queen of Eternal Night openly.

Roger was very pleased that Hall took the lead in rushing to the tower and holding the hatred, and there would definitely be traditional magicians who share the same views as him flashing and following.

Magicians are all smart people, but the smarter they are, the more likely they are to become paranoid.

Moreover, "mages" are creatures that are praised by people every day. How could they do production jobs that they think are for inferior talents?

The real failure is not being sprayed by people, but when your masterpiece is sent out and no one cares about it, it will sink into the sea.

Otherwise, how could there be a saying in later generations that black and red are also red?

If you want to have sales, you must first have traffic.

In order to avoid being too deserted, Roger must take the initiative to attack and become a rhythm master.

If the news that Hall is going to publish a manuscript to refute the Queen is sent out, there will naturally be a large number of people who think that "the law does not punish the masses" and "if the sky falls, someone will hold it up."

"New Arcane" continues to claim an objective and neutral position.

The articles of the arcane school that support the industrialization of magic should be published, and the articles of the ancient worship school that oppose it should naturally be included.

It is even necessary to balance the combat power of both sides, so that this debate can spread as long as possible, go deep, and affect more people.

A steady rhythm master will naturally not only sell one flaw.

So in the first issue of "New Arcana", there is not only the controversial point of magic industrialization.

Roger prepared a set of provocations for them!

"Preliminary Discussion on Spell Improvement".

A detailed comparison of the casting speed, effect, and stability of more than 100 spells in Qingteng and Ancient Elaze.

It was finally proved that Qingteng is equivalent in most cases, but the learning cost is lower.

When this article was read internally, it caused physiological displeasure among a large number of magicians.

Most magicians believe that the pronunciation and rhythm of Ancient Elaze are more beautiful, and can also establish the powerful and mysterious image of magicians.

When translated into Qingteng, any farmer can understand the magician's spells, and many magicians said they could not accept it and it was not cool.

This is a phenomenon similar to "mother tongue shyness", which is bound to become a great obstacle to spell improvement.

"Open Discussion Draft for Standardization of Casting Process", jointly published by the Secret Society and the Imperial School of Magic.

They classified the spells of several major schools, combined the practical experience of thousands of mages, and formulated a series of standard spellcasting actions.

Although the speed is a bit slow and a bit cumbersome, it can guarantee the highest success rate and is recommended to be promoted nationwide.

But most traditional mages in this era believe that magic is a private matter.

Is standard spellcasting going to turn the honorable mages into craftsmen and stifle the creativity of magicians?

This naturally has countless criticisms.

"The Insufficiency of the Current Magician Grading System", written by the Queen of Eternal Night under the pseudonym "Kaz", analyzes the current "Nine-Level" system of magicians as too rough.

She believes that in the nine-level system, the strength assessment of those below the magician is very vague, and the combat power assessment of magicians above the magician is even more vague.

Therefore, "Kaz" hopes to quantify a series of indicators such as magic power, mental power, range, magic control accuracy, etc. in more detail to facilitate horizontal comparison of a magician's combat power.

And with comparison, it can also guide magicians to practice, and young people can find their own shortcomings more easily.

This article is directly cut on the sensitive belt of traditional magicians.

Since the ancient Eliezers established the lower nine-level standard, they have never dared to talk about modifying this "perfect system".

This Kaz is a lunatic, and it is strongly recommended that the queen kill him directly!

"Comparison of the ultimate output of battle mages and turret mages", "The extremely effective fire mages and fireballs are invincible", "Detailed description of the advantages and disadvantages of morning meditation and night meditation", "A guide to choosing whether magic pets are combat-oriented or auxiliary-oriented"...

Every article on "New Arcane" is a dry goods, a masterpiece by a famous writer, or even a true insight created by a group of bigwigs.

But humans are creatures that can quarrel over "should bean curd be eaten sweet or salty", and then show off their superiority to each other.

What's more, the magicians who have always been proud?

I, Luo, am a little expert in rhythm, a gold medal undercover who can play the role of a boxer and penetrate the enemy to blow them up. Don't be too good at finding controversial topics.

Magicians really haven't had "in-depth exchanges" for too long, or they have never thought about some things that they took for granted in the past.

Suddenly, many things in "New Arcane" were brought to the table, and many people were surprised to find that there were so many people who were different from themselves, and they couldn't help but have the desire to express themselves and participate in discussions.

As a traffic-generating up-host, although Roger mainly makes in-depth videos about game plots, he also has the skills to arouse the enthusiasm of the audience in order to maintain his daily popularity.

After all, a simple vote can get twice as many bullet comments as usual, so why not?

The sales of "New Arcane" began to soar after noon.

Because during lunch break, many magicians eat together, and some exchanges are bound to occur.

Those who bought "New Arcane", whether they support or oppose it, can't help but complain to their friends that some articles on it are "quite outrageous".

There are always those who are interested or angry, and feel that they have to buy a copy of this "New Arcane" to spray it.

The magicians just think that five gold coins are not worth it, but they can't really afford it.

Originally, I wanted to let the word of mouth fly for a while, but the articles in this magazine are so irritating that many people who live in Bengbu buy the magazine and join the discussion.

The spread of the discussion has affected more magicians.

In addition, the contents of "New Arcane" are all real and useful information. Anyone who uses it will know it, and many people have quietly benefited from it.

This has led to a new round of sales growth.

By 8 o'clock in the evening, "New Arcane" had sold more than 10,000 copies.

This popularity rate can ensure that most magicians in the city of Aodu have a certain understanding of the content of "New Arcane" through private dissemination and discussion.

Some people praise it as a god, and everyone should explore more possibilities of magic under the leadership of the queen.

Some people spray this magazine with absurdity, and there must be treacherous villains who have blinded the eyes of the queen!

Outside the City of Mystery, magicians in other cities of the empire have heard of the name of "New Arcane" and want to see it!

Subscription is naturally highly supported.

However, because the teleportation magic circle has not yet been covered, other cities cannot enjoy the convenience and magic of "spell subscription".

The spell "Make Magic Great Again" is also considered part of the unboxing ritual.

At present, the magician associations in various places can only count the demand and report it to the "New Arcane" magazine.

Then, the New Arcane will be shipped in batches through the military's emergency material delivery channel.

Roger has suggested that the Queen of Eternal Night build warehouses and arrays in major cities across the empire.

It is not only for the convenience and timeliness of the New Arcane, but also to let all magicians shout the slogan of "Make Magic Great Again".

As the saying goes, three people make a tiger, and a thousand mouths can melt gold. If a lie is told too much, it will become the truth. If everyone shouts slogans together every day, they will get carried away.

The Queen of Eternal Night naturally supports it.

This is an old trick of brainwashing by the church. Why can they use it, but the empire can't?

Roger also told the Queen of Eternal Night that this teleportation array system will continue to strengthen and develop, reduce costs, and may constitute a new form of business. It will definitely not lose money if it is built.

"It doesn't matter whether it loses money or not. As long as other countries don't have it, I have built it here, and the scale is so large that they can't easily copy it, then it can be built!"

The Queen of Eternal Night supports it generously.

She had no idea that the teleportation array logistics system she was building would create a cross-era product similar to e-commerce, and would add a new feature of "infrastructure maniac" to the empire.

At this moment, she was just relieved that the empire's wonders +1.

Roger didn't need to explain, anyway, you support me to build it, that's all.

The emperor who loves to show off is so easy to fool!

The next day, the 24th hour after the release of "New Arcana".

The sales of the Secret City have basically reached saturation, mainly due to the demand orders counted from various places, which helped the total subscription of "New Arcana" to break through 30,000 copies in one fell swoop!

Considering that the price of five gold coins is not cheap, there will definitely be circulation and sharing, so it is conservatively estimated that these 30,000 copies can also cover 60,000 people, right?

This base number is enough to form the first wave of discussion.

Whether everyone supports or opposes the industrialization of magic, at least it will not be unknown and then aborted quietly.

"Lord Roger, you have done a good job. Can the second issue be released in advance?" The Queen of Eternal Night was very happy.

Two big happy events today.

The first is that after the initial performance of "New Arcana", the sales are getting stronger and stronger, reaching the number he is satisfied with.

The second is that Rommel has found the main force of an orc tribe and is expected to complete the encirclement in the afternoon, so she can go to the front line to open the invincible.

Civil and military achievements, I want them all!

"Your Majesty, it would be best if the second issue of New Arcana is released a month later. We cannot just take advantage of the current optimistic situation and exhaust all resources. Cultivating the reading habits of magicians will bring the highest long-term benefits. This is also our promise to readers." Roger replied with a smile.

[Your Majesty, you are on a narrow path. Even if I have enough manuscripts now, I can't accompany you in your madness! ]

[Originally, I updated once a month. If you want me to change it to once a week, wouldn't the workload increase fourfold? ]

[Now that New Arcana has no competitors, will I roll myself up? Ha, I will never do such a loss-making business! ]

The Queen of Eternal Night compared Roger's answer and his inner voice, and immediately understood the overall situation.

I can see at a glance that you are not honest, little bastard!

Cultivating reading habits is indeed important, but as long as it is released at the agreed time, it is not considered a breach of promise, right?

Monthly updates and daily updates are both updates!

So the core reason for doing monthly magazines is that you want to be lazy and not work at full capacity for me!

You obviously have the ability, but you don't need it, right?

She seemed to see that Roger was a human, but had the soul of a pigeon in his body, and his mouth kept making "cooing" sounds.

I will let you have your wish? Humph!

The Queen of Eternal Night looked thoughtful and praised: "My dear Roger, you have indeed considered it more comprehensively. Cultivating reading habits is indeed very beneficial. My "Long Live the Queen" is so successful... Why not make a daily report for "New Arcane"? "

Roger almost vomited blood when he heard it, and felt like he was shooting himself in the foot.

[Oh my god, I almost forgot that your majesty has made "Long Live the Queen" and naturally understands the long tail effect! ]

[You are the most ruthless one. I thought weekly updates were the limit, but you actually asked me to change to daily updates. This minister really can't do it! 】

Roger quickly rejected it: "Your Majesty, you can't do that. The Queen's Long Live is a timely news newspaper, and our New Arcana is still academic in nature. The articles on it must be of guaranteed quality. One book a month is really the limit for magicians, and we really can't have more! Even if our magazine can work overtime, you can't let the Secret Society and all the Imperial Magic Schools work overtime every day to do experiments just to rush the manuscripts, right?"

The Queen of Eternal Night looked at Roger with interest: "Oh, the magazine can still work overtime, right? It is true that the New Arcana should not increase the volume, and it should go the boutique route. Then you can run a tabloid like "Arcane Chat" to publish everyone's discussions. Don't be so serious. Make it a daily or weekly. What do you think?"

Ask for a high price, and pay it back.

Do you think I don't understand psychology?

There are only bad and worse options in front of him. What can he do? He is also desperate!

"This, this weekly may work..."

Roger agreed aggrievedly.

[Just now I thought this queen was easy to fool. How come she is smarter than a monkey? It's like she has opened a mind-reading ability. She has predicted all my little thoughts? ]

When Roger returned to Yinbingzhuang, he saw Xiao Qiaoyi who had finished overtime and returned to work here, and quickly closed the door.

He asked nervously:

"Help me check if I have been invaded by a mind-reading ability?"

Xiao Qiaoyi: ? ? ?

ps. Yesterday's voting was actually an experiment. The author of the scheming book used the conclusion today 23333.

GHS is the primary productive force! I'm a failure! The cheongsam is arranged!

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