If the young nobles in the room were to hear their remarks, they would have a narrow escape from death.

Well, because Roger's voice rang out and he walked into this room, the death penalty was basically a certainty.

Naturally, the Queen of Evernight would not allow these people to set a wrong example for Roger.

Originally, that boy was so bold that he dared to scold the Queen in his heart. If I don't burn these second-generation people who want to burn me to death, won't I be ridiculed and scolded in front of her in the future?

Does the Queen have no face?

When Roger walked in and saw Queen Yongye hiding in the room, he was also startled.

[Originally I wanted to hear a joke from the Queen, but the Queen was also present. So should I laugh or not? 】

Queen Yong Ye subconsciously said angrily: "Don't laugh!"

Roger looked up at her doubtfully, his eyes twinkling.

Did I just laugh? I'm just thinking about it in my heart, haven't you laughed yet?

Only then did Queen Yongye realize that something was wrong.

I just responded to his sentiments!

She quickly cleared her throat: "These nobles have forgotten why the empire exists, but it also shows that Mo La is very successful and has changed the structure of the empire. As the initiator, Roger Aiqing should be happy... But don’t laugh at this moment!”

Roger always thought there was something strange about her serious nonsense.

But since the Queen said so, he still patted his chest and assured: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I have received professional training and will not laugh under normal circumstances."

[So it turns out that what Your Majesty means is not because I failed to manage my facial expressions. It seems that I will get an extra reward if Mo Ke La succeeds. Great! 】

Queen Yongye frowned.

If I say three wrong words, I owe you an extra reward, right?

The creation of "New Arcana" requires a reward, and the sales volume has skyrocketed. I agreed to a condition, and I want a reward for saying the wrong thing. Sooner or later, there will be no reward, right?

I've suffered a huge loss this time!

We must make up for it from these scum who are trying to enrich the country.

Through Queen Evernight's brief introduction, Roger finally knew who the nobles in this room were.

He talks about doctrine, but his heart is all about business.

Each of them seems to be concerned about the country and the people, and wants to restore the glory of the magician and prevent the queen from falling.

In fact, it's just because Mo Ke La has affected his own business.

The one at the head, Huang Mao, who was wearing a white mage's robe and had a coquettish hairstyle, was the young master of the Duke of South Carneton.

The men and women around him are all descendants of the nobles from the south of the empire.

The south is the empire's traditional grain-producing base, with bumper harvests last year and this year.

However, the homeland of the Seventeen Kingdoms had not been peaceful before. This year, the resumption of the national army caused an uproar and delayed the spring plowing, but not many people died.

Therefore, the situation of more people and less food is irreversible. Even with the support of the empire, it cannot fill the huge gap.

Not to starve to death is the greatest wish of the people at the bottom of this era.

Seeing that famine was inevitable, the southern nobles united and hoarded large amounts of food.

Some time ago, food prices across the empire reached quite high levels.

When the summer harvest is over, the food in the Seventeen Kingdoms' homeland will be almost exhausted, and a large number of people will not have enough to eat. They will definitely lose money.

It doesn't matter if you don't have money, you can still sell yourself.

The nobles in the south spent countless coins and filled their warehouses with grain, but before the famine came, an alchemical potion called Mo Ke La arrived first.

Ordinary magicians are still arguing about the provocative articles published in "New Arcana". At most, they rant that using magic for agriculture is a kind of blasphemy, and they don't pay much attention to the magic itself.

But the nobles who were collecting grain on a large scale frowned and realized that things were not simple.

They obtained some magic potions through their own channels, and after verification, they found that the description in the article was basically true.

This is an alchemical potion that changes the fertility of the land and stimulates the rapid growth of certain high-yielding crops.

Such alchemical potions are nothing unusual, there are many similar spells and magic props.

But the problem is that the magic is too cheap.

It was ridiculously cheap, so cheap that ordinary farmers could grit their teeth and pay about six yuan in gold coins to speed up the crop production process and complete the first wave of primitive accumulation.

This thing was a great threat to the southern nobles who were hoarding food. Naturally, they regarded "New Arcana", Mo Kela and the Queen of Evernight as a thorn in their side.

Queen Yongye here looked gloomy, but a group of young people over there were drunk.

They are still talking about the threat of the Queen, but it has escalated to the point where the empire must choose a new puppet who respects the interests of the nobility.

"But what if we can't defeat the Queen?" someone asked.

"Simple, let those stubborn people in the church do it! As long as they are allowed to preach, they will definitely rush up screaming."

said the young master of the South Canton family.

A group of people cheered that his move to drive a tiger to devour a wolf was truly a killer move!

Roger was dumbfounded.

[Young people are too brave. Do you really think that this salon is a place outside the law? You never know who is eavesdropping outside the door! 】

[You are still young and you dare to say anything to others. Even if I have thoughts of defecting from the church, I carefully hide it and never dare to say it out loud! 】

Queen of Evernight:? ? ?

Hey guys, I thought I caught a batch of southern borers, but I didn’t expect that there was one of the biggest borers around me!

Life is full of surprises!

So careful, so good at hiding it.

Very good, now I know that you want to defect to the empire. Is it a finger of death or a settlement of accounts?

She almost fainted from anger.

The Queen of Evernight was a little sad when she discovered that the imperial nobles had the intention to rebel and gave up their loyalty and conscience because of greed.

Those veterans who once declared their loyalty to themselves and jointly built the Ivy League Empire have changed their nature and have a completely different stance from the empire.

She can still accept this result, because the industrialization of magic has indeed touched the cakes of these nobles.

But now Roger also expressed his intention to defect from the church, which was a stab in the Queen's heart several times.

She really found it unacceptable.

From the perspective of the Queen of Evernight, she was really kind to Roger and gave her the unique treatment among all her courtiers.

The title was given, the money was given, and the house was rewarded.

If he wants a fiefdom, he will never have less.

He was given a sufficient stage to perform, and the Evernight Order, which had not been used for many years, was directly handed over to his hands, with the best support in all aspects.

On weekdays, he tolerated all his bold and lustful remarks and actions that were completely beyond the duties of a minister.

I pretend that the crime of lying to the emperor by speaking out of words has never happened to me.

After the bloody night of Aldo, in order to cooperate with the capture of Joestar and rescue Angelina, I left the border early, which added another layer of hidden dangers. I just wanted to protect the heroes of the future.

As a result, because he was forced to work hard and couldn't be lazy as he wished, he was going to defect to the gods?

Queen Yongye fell into confusion, and a real sadness slowly spread in her heart.

Where is the young man who stood in front of the big library and wanted to tell the truth about history?

Where was the boy who was willing to use himself as bait to lure out Joestar?

Where is the young man who promised me to work together to prevent the mountains and rivers from being broken?

Are heroes and bravery all fake, all staged for me to see?

She couldn't figure it out, couldn't understand.

She believed that what Roger "inadvertently" revealed was the truest thoughts in her heart.

That's why it becomes increasingly difficult to accept.

Did I give too little? Did I do something wrong again?

Could it be that I have become so humble now that I can’t even earn one person’s loyalty despite my hard work?

"Your Majesty, what's the problem?"

Roger finally realized something was wrong.

Queen Yongye no longer looked at the nobles who were plotting to betray the country for wealth, but turned back and stared at herself.

The murderous look in her eyes almost overflowed, making his vest shiver unconsciously.

[Those people are greedy for profit and do not care about the interests of the empire. I really don’t blame Mo Kela. Your Majesty, please don’t scare me! 】

Queen Yongye took a deep breath and suppressed her anger.

If you can’t figure it out, just ask directly.

Her voice was so cold that there was no emotion at all: "Tell me, what did I do wrong to make you treat me like this?"

Roger was a little confused by the question.

[This... question that has no beginning or end is so strange. Why is it "you"? I have no collusion with the southern nobles. Your Majesty, you know that! 】

[Does the "you" here refer to all nobles? 】

[Is she so angry that she wants to blame all the nobles? This still needs some persuasion! 】

"Your Majesty, the standard of right and wrong is not absolute. The perspective of looking at things depends on your stance. If your Majesty wants to distribute more benefits to the common people, then what you do will be wrong in the eyes of the nobles.

Your Majesty wants to establish a new magic industrial system for the prosperity of the empire, which will touch the interests of more people. In their eyes, your Majesty is wrong. Infamy and stigma will follow one after another. I believe your Majesty has also expected it.

If someone is in the wrong team, just send that person away. There is no need to extend it to the entire innocent group just because of emotions. "

"Don't worry, we won't implicate innocent people." Queen Yongye sneered.

Fortunately, this guy still has some conscience and knows to take all the blame.

Roger Charles's treason has nothing to do with Angelina Charles, and I will not magnify his guilt.

But she still felt that what Roger said was untrue, and asked: "Don't say anything else, just tell me your position. What did I do wrong?"

[Is this question completely irrelevant to the present moment? What is my position? 】

[The southern nobles really have nothing to do with me. Although it is not good to kill them directly in this situation, you can still suppress it with your strength.]

[Wait a minute, with her wording, she directly asked what was wrong. Does this mean she first decided that she was wrong? 】

[This is so unlike His Majesty, and this state is not quite right...]

Roger was really getting more and more confused by the questions and had no idea at all.

He always felt that he and Queen Evernight seemed to be communicating in person, but in fact they were not chatting on the same server at all.

He tentatively said: "Your Majesty, you don't have to care too much about the attitude of these nobles. The empire is big and there are all kinds of birds. Why don't you take a rest first and don't hurt your body."

"You don't need to worry about my body! You just need to answer directly, where did I go wrong?"

Queen Yongye's eyes became more and more fierce as she stepped in step by step.

Isn’t it you, the bird, that I care about now?

You've been lying to me every day, you don't mean what you say, you've lied to me, and now you're pretending to care about me?

Liar, liar, liar, liar...

She stopped just one step away from Roger.

From this distance, her perfect face was so beautiful that it was breathtaking, but Roger felt that underneath her intimidating aura, she actually hid confusion and grievance?

[Is it because you are so depressed, and you are looking for comfort? But I am a complaining up-loader, not one of those braggarts! ]

"Your Majesty is much stronger than other leaders in this world. You are ambitious, powerful, charming, and care about the world..."

"Wrong, say my mistake, I hear that kind of flattery more than 30,000 times a day!"

The Queen of Eternal Night could no longer stand his evasive attitude, and raised a hand to fall down, really wanting to slap him.

You are about to defect to the church, and you are still pretending here, are you tired?

If you are not tired, I am tired!

If you don't tell the truth, I really can't help but take action!

Roger felt that the Queen of Eternal Night was getting more and more impatient, like a suppressed volcano, and was obviously on the verge of an emotional explosion.

Especially in her eyes, there were too many and too complicated emotions suppressed, which made him a little afraid to face it directly.

But it is certain that he really has no room for maneuver, and he is playing tricks again

[This wave, I was really implicated by that group of southern nobles! 】

【The angry queen is really scary, but also a little pitiful... She has done so much for this empire, and she shouldn't be treated like this. 】

Because the Queen of Eternal Night pressed on step by step, Roger had no room for thinking. He couldn't help but blurt out the complex cognition of the Queen of Eternal Night in his heart:

"Your Majesty's mistake is that you love this empire too much!"

The Queen of Eternal Night was obviously surprised by this answer. After thinking for a while, she said sarcastically: "Patriotism, is this also a mistake?"

Is this the position of a traitor?

I'm scared, let me hear your final explanation. How do you prove that patriotism is a mistake?

The Queen of Eternal Night put down her arms, but her eyes became colder and colder.

She couldn't wait until the autumn, and was ready to kill this kid on the spot.

Roger felt the killing intent. Sure enough, this woman asked it herself, but she still couldn't stand criticism. It's really despicable. But after he started, he could only grit his teeth and continue, otherwise his life would be in danger:

"Your Majesty has worked hard for the empire, and everyone in the empire knows it. Because of this, everyone takes your Majesty's efforts for granted. Just like these nobles, they blame your Majesty for not protecting the interests of the nobles, but they have never thought that if your Majesty were not the queen, they would have become slaves of a conquered country long ago, and how could they have the capital to bargain with the church?"

The resolute murderous intent in the heart of the Queen of Eternal Night was a little disturbed.

So it turned out that she took too little and gave them too much, making people too greedy?

Was the young man in front of him also defecting from the church for this reason?

Just as she was thinking, she heard Roger continue: "If Your Majesty did not love this empire deeply and did not want to let an innocent citizen become a lamb, you would not have banned the Seven Gods Church from preaching, and the Seven Gods would also be happy to see Your Majesty as the Patriarch of the world, ruling over 400 million people;

If Your Majesty did not love this empire deeply, you would not have tried every means to find a way to strengthen the country, break the class that has been solidified for thousands of years, bear the misunderstanding of countless people, and lose the opportunity to be a carefree and incompetent ruler for a lifetime;

If Your Majesty did not love this empire deeply, you would not have faced all the disasters and crises of extinction with the empire, and you could have withdrawn when things were impossible, whether it was a comeback in the future or traveling through the multiverse, with Your Majesty's strength Without the burden of the empire, even the gods can't stop you.

The empire has few choices, but you have always had many choices. But you didn't choose any compromised path that was obviously more beneficial to you, but chose to bear the pressure of the seven gods and lead the empire to a unique glory.

You have paid too much, and you want to do too much beyond this era. Fools can't understand, and smart people have seen the position and are unwilling to follow, so your majesty must be extremely lonely, and you can't force everyone to have the same moral level as you and walk this thorny road to the end. "

"Force..." The Queen of Eternal Night repeated these two words foolishly, and the cold murderous intent on her body gradually dissipated.

Because of what he said, I, the emperor, am ready to leave this empire that can't understand me and go to another world.

What's more, it's understandable for a useless brother who wants to lie down to leave this building that is bound to collapse?

She loves this empire too much. It's hard to demand herself with her own eyes, so how can she frame others with such standards?

Thinking of this, the Queen of Eternal Night actually "understood" Roger's defection, and smiled bitterly: "Lord Roger has helped me a lot. If one day you want to leave, I will not stop you."

"Your Majesty, my original intention is not to stand under a dangerous wall."

Roger was surprised and delighted that the Queen of Eternal Night could say something like "allow you to betray the country". She was suddenly a little heroic and said with a smile, "Your Majesty doesn't mind losing with a smile, losing in a shocking way; I don't mind winning with tears, winning in a vulgar and insidious way. Until the last moment, who knows that it is not the gods who lose?"

"Lord Roger is so courageous that he is willing to fight against the gods in the sky with me?" The Queen of Eternal Night's eyes lit up, and surprise appeared on her face.

"Your Majesty, since you have already gone forward and stabilized the hatred, why don't I do some damage in the back?" Roger suddenly showed a trace of cunning in his heroic spirit, "What's more, if one day, when things really come to a point where they can't be done, Your Majesty will take the initiative to send me to a safe place, right?"

The Queen of Eternal Night was stunned.

To be honest, she really thought so when she confirmed Roger's ability.

If she was going to die, she would definitely send Roger away and keep a part of the empire's blood. Maybe one day they really have a chance to make a comeback.

But when he said this himself, it felt very shameless and I really wanted to hit him!

She reached out her hand and tapped Roger's forehead a few times: "You look like a hero, but not completely."

After saying that, she herself was amused by this outrageous sentence structure.

She was suddenly no longer angry. If someone didn't understand her, just leave.

At least she was no longer alone. Now there was one more person who understood what she had done and what she was going to do, and then they could live and die together.

The Queen of Eternal Night turned around and pointed to a group of southern nobles who had finished their wine and were about to leave:

"Roger, what do you think we should do with these southerners?"

Roger was glad to have escaped death, and his trust in the Queen of Eternal Night seemed to have increased again, so he plucked up the courage to say: "According to your Majesty's character, you must kill people, but I prefer to destroy their hearts first and then kill them."

"What do you mean?"

"Spread the word that you want to punish them, arrange for them to defect to the Church through the goblins, and then let them watch the rise of the empire, and then feel the despair of being swept by the empire, and finally... hang them on the street lamp."

"Not a bad idea."

The two talked about some subsequent arrangements for "New Arcane".

Outside the door, the Salon of Laws had ended, and Little Joey followed the sound and found this room.

Looking at the backs of the Queen of Eternal Night and Roger standing side by side, talking about profound topics that she couldn't understand at all, she stopped her steps to move forward.

For some reason, she felt that her heart was hit hard.

It turned out that what Lord Roger was really thinking about was something I couldn't understand at all.

That's why His Majesty appreciated her so much, and only His Majesty could talk to him about these things, right?

She suddenly felt a strong sense of insecurity in her heart, and she became uncontrollably flustered.

She wasn't worried that His Majesty would snatch the man from her, but she was worried that Roger would see the Queen every day, get used to her beauty, her strength, and the conversations that only happened between the monarch and his subjects...

What could I be at that time? I couldn't even understand her!

How could a little firefly compete with the moon to see who was brighter!

She clenched her fist tightly, unconsciously exerting so much force that her nails dug into her flesh without her knowing it.

The Queen of Eternal Night suddenly turned around and asked with some surprise: "Little Joey is back too? What did you get?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I recorded many names suitable for submission!"

Little Joey tried to keep his voice full of energy, and at the same time lowered his head to avoid being discovered to have those emotions that he shouldn't have.

It was the first time that I had someone I liked, the first time I saw my favorite idol in person, and the first time I participated in the salon I longed for when I was a child...

But why did it all turn out like this?

She finally realized that idols are elusive stars in the sky, and she didn't want the man beside her to fly to the sky and get farther and farther away from her...

Not at all!

The desire for possession overwhelmed loyalty and admiration, and opened a gap in the heart of little Joey, which quickly grew like wild grass, tightly entwining and tightening her heart.

That night, the intersection of fate continued to rush forward in an unstoppable direction.

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