Bell Tribe King's Tent, outside Sreena City.

Countless torches, as well as the blessings lit by shamans and priests of the God of War Church, made the two hundred thousand elites from different orc tribes look even stronger and more fierce.

At the front of all the square formations, the half-dragon princess Tasika raised the crimson sword and said loudly:

"The hot-blooded men of the orcs, the Ivy Empire secretly attacked the Wolf tribe, burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of evil. Now their greedy soldiers are pointing towards the depths of the Khenbusak Desert and towards our homeland. Coming towards our wives, daughters, cattle and sheep!

The evil empire people want to give the goddess the last home of the orcs, and turn it into a bloody chapter in the history of the evil queen's conquest... In this time of crisis, are there any warriors willing to go out with me to defeat the Ivy Empire? "

Under the influence of divine magic, her voice reached the ears of every soldier present.

The news that the Ivy Empire had conquered the Wolf tribe spread throughout all the tribes. No one wanted their home to be trampled under the enemy's iron hoof.

Princess Tequila is so slender and beautiful, and now even the princess has to go to the battlefield to defend herself against foreign enemies. How can the young people present endure it? They all responded with enthusiasm and loudly:

"I do!"

Tasika leaned forward and asked, pretending to be confused: "Are there no warriors anymore? Are there no men in my orc tribe? Why can't I hear a sound?"

The emotions of the orc soldiers were provoked, they raised their throats, beat their chests, their eyes were red, and they roared at the top of their lungs:

"I do!!!"

The noisy answers echoed above the yellow sand and resounded through the sky, just for the princess to hear her voice.

Tasika raised a hand, and a beautiful silver dragon descended from the sky, lowered its head in front of her, and asked her to sit on it.

The beautiful princess turned out to be a powerful dragon knight?

The orc soldiers felt that this wave was stable.

The giant dragon is also one of the most powerful monsters in the world of eternal night. Those who can conquer the giant dragon and become a dragon knight must be the most powerful person in the world.

Tasika controlled the dragon to climb up, overlooking the military formation, pointing her sword east: "Kill all the evil Ivy thieves!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Two hundred thousand of the most elite soldiers of the orcs, as Tasika continued to accelerate.

Head east.

In Sreena City and the Royal Palace, one could faintly hear the powerful shouts of killing outside the city.

Francesca Caccini, the current chief of the Bell tribe, picked up the wine glass and smiled at the chiefs of several large tribes: "Listen, my daughter is good at mobilizing morale. Is it okay to leave the soldiers in her hands?"

"Don't worry! Princess Tequila deserves her reputation!"

These chiefs were also full of praise.

Facing a strong enemy, he can make his soldiers charge without fear of death. Even a female figure can be regarded as a fierce general in the world.

There is a good chance of resisting the so-called undefeated queen.

It’s just that they don’t know that if the perspective continues to move upwards and they see a wider land, they will see Princess Tequila who declares to take the initiative to fight, and the soldiers in command will follow Rommel’s march route...

Passed by.

On the back of the silver dragon.

"Lord Joestar, is this really the only way?" Zhentashika looked at the Ivy Army marching straight into Srena City, and shed tears in the ocean of consciousness.

There was no emotion in Old Joestar's voice: "Without enough blood being shed, the hatred between the tribes cannot be concealed."

Zhen Tashika stopped crying and became firm: "I understand, let's work together... to integrate the orc tribe and fight against the tyranny of Ivy!"

The mysterious city, Charles Mansion.

Angelina was pulled up from the bed by the Queen of Evernight.

She didn't complain.

As the chief minister of the empire, it is normal for him to be delayed in sleep due to urgent official duties.

What's more, this time His Majesty came to the door in person instead of inviting her into the palace. She suddenly woke up and came to the living room in her pajamas.

Then I saw the scene of my brother drinking tea and snacks with Queen Yongye, and chatting enthusiastically and speculatively.

Angelina: Is this my good-for-nothing brother? He can actually talk to His Majesty about national affairs?

"Your Majesty, what is the urgent matter of summoning ministers late at night?" Angelina sat on a chair specially reserved for her.

Empress Yongye held a bowl of puffs and spoke clearly while eating: "Oh, I'm not in a hurry. The main reason I came here is because Roger Aiqing said that your desserts are better than those at the Royal Academy of Magic." , I came to taste it, and then I suddenly remembered that I need to tell you about Juntian Ling."

Angelina: "Did Your Majesty put the priorities in reverse?"

Shouldn't we talk about the land equalization order first, and then taste the desserts by the way?

You are the wise and mighty Majesty of the empire!

Queen Yongye was temporarily overwhelmed by the dessert, and responded subconsciously: "No problem, it's really delicious, don't you try it?"

"Sorry, I'm not hungry. Your Majesty, what happened to Juntian Ling?"

Angelina turned her head with difficulty.

I'm not a strong person like you, I'm an ordinary person, I can't burn off the calories, and I refuse to continue eating desserts!

At this moment, I already have three kilograms of fat on my body and there is nowhere to put it. Please don’t seduce me with puffs!

And it’s still late at night!

Isn’t eating this calorie bomb late at night looking for weight?

Please give me some government affairs to divert my attention immediately!

"Sister, please try this mango mousse, a new recipe written for the kitchen."

Roger dragged a beautiful triangular cake and handed it to Angelina.

"You are all devils!"

Angelina still couldn't control her hand and took it.

Her brother's desserts were always delicious, and she couldn't help but miss the new recipe she hadn't tried.

She wasn't really hungry, but she was greedy!

As for the problem of getting fat...

Oh, such a small piece of cake, it won't make you fat, definitely not!

Then the three of them discussed the issue of the equal distribution of land.

The pretending to be the Restoration Army, under the arrangement of the Empire, was very targeted at the remaining nobles of the Seventeen Kingdoms. In addition, the people in the former territories of the Seventeen Kingdoms were bullied, and the uncontrollable emotions were also vented towards the survivors of the Seventeen Kingdoms.

This resulted in a large area of ​​land in the former territories of the Seventeen Kingdoms being vacant without an owner.

After the cabinet discussion, Angelina led the formulation of the "Equal Distribution of Land", preparing to distribute the farmland obtained this time to the people in the former territories of the Seventeen Kingdoms according to the population.

This new system is conducive to the reclamation of unowned wasteland, improves the production enthusiasm of farmers, and has a positive effect on the recovery and development of agriculture there.

Moreover, the increase in the proportion of self-cultivating farmers is actually conducive to centralization.

Compared with the low and backward territorial governance level of the nobles of this era, if the equal-field order is successfully implemented, it will definitely be an improvement.

But the actual situation of the Qingteng Empire is that even if the land is distributed, the farmers will face famine before they can harvest it.

Then they will be harvested by the southern nobles in one wave, and neither the people nor the land can be saved.

In this way, the empire's previous hard-earned pretending to be a restoration army became the land and population that were finally liberated, but instead belonged to the traditional land nobles.

Queen Yongye and Roger discussed this situation, and they both agreed that this is not the right time to implement the equal-field order.

Even with the existence of Mo Kela, if those southern nobles operate properly, they can still make a lot of money and plunder large tracts of land.

So Roger's suggestion is that the land controlled by the empire does not need to be distributed, and state-owned farms should be established.

Direct investment and direct management by the state, unified harvesting, coordinated distribution, and control of grain prices.

The central government of the empire has enough grain in its hands, which fundamentally eliminates the possibility of the nobles hoarding grain to make money in national disasters.

It can also greatly strengthen centralization.

Moreover, subsequent magic ke La, seed improvement, magic water conservancy irrigation facilities, and more alchemical agricultural tools can all be experimented on state-owned farms.

Concentrated and large-scale farmland is also suitable for this "quasi-mechanical" development, avoiding the disadvantages of ordinary farmers not being able to afford it and the great nobles not paying attention to it, which causes the related industries to fail to develop.

This is the economic self-circulation model practiced by Big Brother.

The industrial sector manufactures mining equipment and sells it to the mining sector. The mining sector buys equipment to dig out ore and sells it to the industrial sector. The industrial sector uses ore to manufacture more mining equipment and sells it to the mining sector...

Before the output reaches the upper limit and there are no external competitors, relying on this self-circulation, the economic scale and vitality will continue to increase, and the country's productivity will be pulled up.

It is also feasible to apply it to the agricultural development of the empire.

The early investment of the empire in construction ensured a large enough market for alchemical agricultural tools, and magicians had the motivation to conduct research and development and production.

The Queen of Eternal Night has a limited understanding of the economy, but Angelina is an expert in internal affairs. She can hear that Roger's state-owned farms that expand the scale of agriculture like magic are very likely to be realized!

"Famine-stricken peasants and serfs who were displaced were more likely to accept state-owned farms. They were unwilling to accept new things, but they could compare this to the indentures offered by the southern nobles, which was much more merciful... Now is really a great opportunity to implement state-owned farms!"

Angelina was so amazed that her eyes were shining, staring at Roger and said in disbelief, "Are you really my brother?"

"Please look at the problem with a changing perspective, thank you."

Roger did not dare to answer directly. It was hard to say whether your real brother had been killed by Joestar during this period.

Of course, Angelina did not doubt his identity, but was surprised that Roger could make such great progress in such a short period of time.

The creation of "New Arcana", and the thoughts and achievements of magic industrialization triggered by "New Arcana" promoted the agriculture of the empire...

A Mo Ke La may only amaze Angelina, but the concepts of state-owned farms, tractors, magic rice, combined harvesting puppets, etc., completely shocked her with the infinite possibilities brought by magic industrialization!

MD, I will no longer have to rob Peter to pay Paul to meet the military needs of His Majesty, a warmongerer!

The Queen of Eternal Night looked at her expression and couldn't help laughing: "Angie, take your time, magic will only bring you more miracles."

She thought that some large alchemical farming tools can be regarded as the pre-technology of human-controlled golems.

This means that we are one step closer to the appearance of our golem army!

After the matter was settled, the Queen of Eternal Night teleported back to Fengling Yueying Palace.

After all, the traitors were found and the equal distribution of land that might cause a big mess was stopped, so it was time to go back and arrange the expedited list.

Angelina waited for the Queen to leave, still a little dazed, and asked Roger in confusion: "Not only do you give me a different feeling, but your Majesty... seems to be different too?"

Roger nodded: "To be honest, it is true."

Angelina immediately grabbed his ear: "Is this related to you? What did you do or say to your Majesty?"

The former Queen of Eternal Night would not run to the minister's house late at night just to eat dessert.

Well, even if it was actually for dessert, she would find an official business as an excuse, and would never say it directly for the desire of food.

Not only is she trying to save face, she is also trying to maintain a textbook-level iron-blooded queen image.

But now the queen is still working hard, but the subtle details make Angelina, who is very familiar with her, feel the difference.

It seems that a layer of restraint has been untied, and the mood and burden that she has been suppressing have been relieved a lot, just a little...

Do whatever you want? Careless?

No longer a symbol called "Queen", but the feeling of a person?

Angelina couldn't explain the feeling that the Queen of Eternal Night just gave her.

Roger hurriedly held her hand and cried aggrievedly: "Sister, sister, be gentle, I won't take the blame. It was the group of nobles in the south who wanted to defect from the church and hurt His Majesty's heart, and then I comforted her with kind words. You don't know how scary the scene was at that time. Her Majesty was about to hurt me, an innocent passerby."

"Not only did they hoard food, but they also dared to defect from the church? If I were there, I would order them to be slaughtered on the spot!" Angelina was immediately filled with righteous indignation.

No matter how kind she is, she can tell who is the enemy and who is the friend.

After all, she is a prime minister who has lived through the war years, and she will never be timid when it comes to action.

"Who said it's not? Those people have disappointed your majesty." Roger slapped his thigh and repeated the scene at that time to Angelina.

Of course, he didn't dare to say all the words he had said to the Queen of Eternal Night.

Those thoughts are actually very rebellious in this era, and even her own sister would not understand.

At that time, Roger felt the murderous intent of the Queen of Eternal Night. In order to save his life, he actually expanded and processed the hymn written by a senior royal chef to the Queen of Eternal Night into a perfect essay.

The core is that the Queen of Eternal Night has done enough for the empire, and you don't owe the empire anything.

We love you even if you don't wear the crown and bear the weight!

Blood treasure bravely flies, and mother will always be with you!

Roger didn't feel anything after reading it at that time.

But after traveling through time, he learned about the past of the Queen of Eternal Night and knew that she only wanted to be a "little person" in her heart and had a girlish dream.

Not only is she reckless, but she is also greedy. This kind of behavior is definitely not that of a ruthless king with no desires and a transcendent state of mind.

But for various reasons, she was chosen to lead a country on the verge of collapse to become the strongest in the world.

Hundreds of millions of people support and respect her, but how many understand her and sympathize with her?

Is she born to give everything for this empire?

It is true that the queen has also enjoyed the beauty given by the country, but if quantified, are the steps taken by the queen to lead the country enough to repay?

These are all issues that modern king chefs often debate.

And Roger thought that she would have to fight to the last drop of blood under the pressure of the Seven Gods in the future. In addition to a very small number of loyal people, the rest of the empire is just a group of ignorant and unaware people who don’t understand her at all...

When the empire is crazy, they are crazier than anyone else. When the empire is not good, they run faster than anyone else, and by the way, they keep scolding the Queen of Eternal Night.

Because her name has only four characters, five characters...

It seems that something strange has mixed in.

Therefore, Roger would occasionally feel sorry for Blood Mom.

Although she was trying to get rid of the crisis of death, after seeing what he said, the Queen of Eternal Night seemed to have let go of some burdens, becoming more real and more self-centered, and Roger was happy for her.

Maybe the Queen of Eternal Night will still fail, but at least this time she was not morally kidnapped by those imperial people who depended on her, and she fought to the end with her own will.

In this way, when she fails, she will not be as deeply self-blaming as those in CG, and feel that she has dragged down the empire...

But this empire is not worthy of a king who transcends the times!

"Is that so... I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing." Angelina looked complicated.

She could feel that her bestie had less to carry.

But she had no idea whether this was good or bad for the empire.

Everyone has a different standpoint, and there will be differences in how they look at problems.

Roger didn't talk any more, and smiled: "Sister, go to bed, I have some official business to deal with back at Yinbing Manor."

"You work so hard?"

"Everything for the empire."

"Come on, stinky brother!"

Angelina tiptoed and kissed him on the forehead, and returned to the bedroom.

She would not advise her brother to take care of his body, but would only be pleased that he was serving the country.

As for Roger's work...

Didn't he agree with Joey that he would go to her room to ask for a reward?

A man should keep his word.

I really don't know how Angelina would feel if one day she knew that her brother was doing some sports that His Majesty didn't want to see with another woman in the manor given by His Majesty, in the name of overtime, hey...

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