Looking at Margaret's surprised and unexpected expression, the Queen of Eternal Night showed an unpredictable smile.

Human nature is really an interesting thing.

Just a little guidance, she thought wrongly.

The Queen of Eternal Night was very sure that Margaret must think that she was supporting her to deal with Angelina.

It just requires her to come up with a smarter and more complete strategy to deal with it.

The Queen of Eternal Night waved her hand and let the half-blooded little devil retreat.

Although she walked with a limp, Margaret's will was not depressed, but she became high-spirited!

Indeed, Margaret also thought that the last sentence of His Majesty was a hint to her "next time"!

Brave Mary, not afraid of difficulties!

Next time, next time, I will definitely come up with a more wonderful way to let the Blue-haired Virgin Mary feel the pain I suffered today!

Looking at her back as she left, the Queen of Eternal Night sighed softly: "Are you forcing me to be a bad woman?"

But then, a few traces of expectation appeared on that beautiful face.

If Margaret can really defeat Angelina, how will Roger react?

Should he pretend not to see and continue to lie flat, or help his sister to counterattack?

The Queen of Eternal Night wants to see if that guy will move.

Of course, she did not do this for fun, but as an attempt.

In the past, she believed that her kingly charm and clear rewards and punishments were enough to control these subordinates.

But as the empire grew, the external pressure was insufficient, and the interests involved became more and more entangled, and the team was not easy to lead.

The most loyal subordinates in the past also had their own ideas.

The nobles gave countless rewards and reduced taxes again and again, but they did not get loyalty, but only doubled greed.

No matter how harsh the punishment means, as long as there is profit, there will be people looking for loopholes.

This is no longer the era of unity and joint efforts for the survival of Qingteng.

Roger, the little ancestor, made the Queen of Eternal Night understand that random rewards are not effective, and iron-fisted supervision may also have the opposite effect.

Instead, she beat Margaret herself. She didn't hate herself, and she would work harder to suppress Angelina.

This outrageous reality made the Queen of Eternal Night realize that it is really difficult to control people's hearts, but also really simple.

Carrot and stick.

As long as you find the right carrot and hang it in front of you, you can ensure that the donkey will run fast.

When she read history books before, she read that there was an emperor in the Veronica Dynasty who ascended the throne at the age of eight, and there were a lot of regents and powerful ministers, and the little emperor trembled.

But his mother was very brave. The queen mother used various bad women to pull the limit, let the important ministers fight and check each other, delay the outbreak of internal and external troubles, and hold on until the little emperor grew up and took power.

The Queen of Eternal Night once thought that only the weak would play tricks.

But after being hit hard by reality, she threw away many shackles, let herself go and tried to play once...


This effect is so good that it makes my back cold!

What's the matter with being a little addicted?

Tonight, I understand!

Only by falling into darkness and becoming a bad woman can this empire have a bright future!

The Queen of Eternal Night stood up and walked down the Star Throne, turned around and looked at it, frowning slightly.

This throne looks majestic and domineering. It was designed by the alchemy masters and her when the country was founded. It was changed more than ten times before she was satisfied.

But now, she is not satisfied.

The change of mentality has brought about a change in aesthetics.

In particular, this throne forced her to sit very straight and was not suitable for lying flat.

Anyway, it made the Queen of Eternal Night feel a little disgusted with it, thinking that it was not worthy of her now.

The Queen of Eternal Night chanted a spell and pointed at the Star Throne with her slender fingers.

The magic power formed a furnace, and the Star Throne melted under the high temperature, but it did not melt completely.

The corpses of powerful monsters fell from the void, turned into bones and merged into the Star Throne, and began to be rebuilt according to the Queen's wishes.

The magic power came like a tide and receded like a tide.

On the nine-tiered staircase at the end of the Council Hall, the new version of the Star Throne was revealed.

The base was made of white bones and star meteorite iron spirals, with white and black complementing each other, and filled with an unceasing murderous blood mist, which seemed to be accompanied by countless unwilling roars and imprisoned countless beast souls.

The throne was taller and wider overall, and the backrest had a certain reclining angle.

The top of the throne was originally decorated with elegant ivy branches, but now it was stained with blood, with fang-like barbs, ferocious and evil, and majestic.

The Queen of Eternal Night sat on the new Star Throne and leaned back.

Although it was all made of hard materials, it was indescribably comfortable because the curve of the throne cleverly fit the body.

The larger the contact area, the smaller the pressure. Whether it is comfortable or not is actually not directly related to the hardness of the material.

It's just that ordinary people don't need to and don't have the spare money to accurately customize an ergonomic iron sofa according to their own body data.

In order to highlight the image of a bad woman in her heart, the Queen of Eternal Night spent countless materials and magic power, and the result made her very satisfied.

But before, she always sat upright, leaning forward slightly, which was full of oppression.

Now the new constellation throne has become wider, with the backrest leaning back. It is better to say that she is lying on it than sitting.

Her two long legs are crossed, her eyes are comfortably narrowed, and her expression makes people feel a little careless.

Lazy, mysterious, and powerful, people can't see through her mind at all.

In the majesty, there is a kind of inexplicable charm.

If the Seven Gods Church saw her now, they would definitely vigorously publicize that the Queen of Eternal Night has fallen further into the evil and chaotic camp.

But the Queen of Eternal Night likes her new throne and new sitting posture.

Her lazy appearance shows a lack of respect for the courtiers, which is very different from the teachings of all the court etiquette teachers in the past. She is afraid that she will be scolded as "indecent" by the rigid nobles.

But she is happy and that's it, no matter what those people think!

She is the queen of this empire. Does she need others to teach her how to go to court?

I will explore my own path in the future!

She seems to have opened some shackles. The bottomless magic power echoes and resonates with the blood mist of the Star Throne.

It replenishes consumption faster than before, and then breaks through the previous limit!

The rippling magic energy overflows from her body, condenses into many jumping magic elves, and gives birth to a very weak and instinctive consciousness.

These magic elves participate in magic, which can amplify its power tenfold.

The Queen of Eternal Night did not ignite the divine fire, and took the path of absorbing faith and life essence to strengthen herself.

That road is to destroy all living things and complete oneself.

And the demand for faith will become more and more greedy.

The queen believes that the road of the gods is powerful, but it is more evil than the demons in hell.

So she is only exploring the end of magic.

In terms of magic reserves, purity and control, she is now standing at the top of all living things in the world of Eternal Night.

The magic energy moved slightly.

Twelve magic eyes appeared in the air, and from different angles, they used the photo-retaining technique to take pictures of the unparalleled beauty of the Queen of Eternal Night.

Then she picked out the most satisfactory "selfie" and sent it directly into Roger's mind through the magic beacon.

After pondering for a while, the Queen of Eternal Night reached out and took out a tattered magic notebook from the library and read it with relish.

"Anecdotes of Taibella".

The author was scratched off, and only a vague "Qiao" could be spelled out. According to the self-introduction, it was a certain high priest of the Church of the Goddess of War.

I don't know if this notebook is true or not, or if it's a smear or a boast, but it does record many tea-flavored operations.

It's really bad, and it's really effective.

For the Queen of Eternal Night, who is now determined to be a bad woman, it can't be said to be a guiding light, but only a reference answer.

I like copying homework the most!

So, Xiao Ao has to work hard to be bad today!



Drinking Ice Manor.

Roger and Xiao Joey fell on the bed in a mess, intertwined like octopuses, and slept very deeply because of extreme fatigue.

Last night, the match was successful. With a sound of all-out attack, One Piece pushed the line frantically and went straight into the tower. Due to carelessness in his position, he was robbed of the first blood by Firefly in a few seconds.

One Piece was angry and relied on the recovery blessing of the Heart of the Deep Sea to directly tp back to the line of soldiers, and the two sides fought again.

Although Firefly had a blood advantage, One Piece was a line tyrant in the early stage and quickly suppressed it.

Both sides were noobs who followed instincts without following any rules.

Firefly had a recovery skill, but her mana was always limited. After it was emptied, she was pushed all the way to the high ground and had no power to fight back.

For the rest of the time, she could only beg the enemy to push the crystal quickly and end this torture of her as soon as possible.

However, the Pirate King was unreasonable and began to abuse the fountain in a fancy way according to the moves he learned from the teachers.

After dragging on for three hours, both of them were exhausted, and then they hugged each other and fell asleep contentedly.

The sky gradually brightened.

Little Joey suddenly felt a hard foreign body on her leg.

The little hand subconsciously touched it and touched something familiar, which was the violent blade of the Pirate King, which was called the torture king.

She was immediately scared awake.

Roger woke up here too. Little Joey shrank to the corner of the bed with a whimper and asked timidly, "Boss, you're fine again?"

"Ahem, misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

Roger blushed for the first time and pulled the quilt to pretend that nothing happened.

It's normal for young people to have wet dreams, after all, the food in the Duke's Mansion is nutritious.

But someone next to him was woken up by him, which was very embarrassing.

What's more embarrassing is that the wet dream was not about the beauty beside the pillow, but the Queen of Eternal Night...

He actually reacted to that scumbag woman. He really couldn't say this to Little Joey.

After calming down for a while, Roger also figured out that it was not a dream.

It was the Queen of Eternal Night's photo-taking technique sent by the positive characters on her legs, a magical version of "selfie".

He couldn't help but sigh that Blood Mom's magic attainments were really unfathomable. It seemed that she could unilaterally upgrade the version of the magic beacon and add new functions?

Zhang Moulong is not as good as you!

What's even more outrageous is that the Queen of Scum stayed up late at night, melted the Star Throne and remade the 2.0 version, and then she still had the energy to take selfies?

This is fucking...

Who can stand it?

The former Queen of Eternal Night was beautiful. Even though she was stepping on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, she always had some shadows of a little princess, and the girl's cuteness was hidden deep in her pressure.

She is a "king" condensed with legendary strength and lofty ideals, and she has a sense of excessive perfection that is not like a human.

The inviolable transcendence between her eyebrows, the dignified villain boss, actually has a bit of holiness. Can you believe it?

The selfie that Roger just received, the Queen of Eternal Night is lazy and mysterious, lying on the throne of a hideous and evil style.

There is contempt and playfulness between her eyebrows, and a smile that looks down on all living beings at the corner of her mouth.

A bad woman.

Is this unlocking a new attribute, awakening the Queen of Darkness?

Roger suspected that he had touched a hidden plot line that no player in his previous life had opened.

The Queen of Eternal Night in this picture is really too different from the past, so different that even a straight man like him thinks they are two different people.

The Queen of Eternal Night at this moment has lost the last trace of immaturity, and is clear-sighted and evil.

This taste is so delicious, so good!

Maybe, this is the style that a real villain boss should have?

The complete form of the Queen of Eternal Night that the production team did not complete before?

I... I can do it!

Roger tried to suppress the gun, but he became more and more excited.

A glutton who eats too much will hardly be interested in delicious food.

A young man who has been crazy all night without restraint does not want to click on the license plate number.

As a result, the Queen of Eternal Night now uses a picture to end the Sage Time in advance, and LSP is resurrected with full blood.

This is something she could never do before.

The person is still the same person, and the imperial robe is still the same imperial robe.

Not revealing or charming, but there is a faint fragrance that stirs people's hearts, turning into a unique style, making her particularly charming all of a sudden.

It was just a quick glance, but it was as deep as engraved in my mind.

The beauty lingered in my mind for three days, and the hardness remained.

The little Joey who was curled up in the corner had a shallow understanding of men.

Hearing Roger say it was a misunderstanding and he had no intention of bullying her again, she rolled back to Roger's arms, clinging to him affectionately, her voice as soft as a lazy cat: "Then continue to sleep, you are still very tired..."

What is adding fuel to the fire?

Someone was already full of evil thoughts, and when he was touched by the body that made him taste the wonderful taste, he completely lost control of his gun!

He hugged little Joey in return, and his hands that had grasped her sensitive weaknesses began to do bad things.

Soon, the girl's sensitive body also responded.

"You are bad, you torment me, you don't let me sleep, bastard..."

She pouted and complained, but because of the gentleness in her character, she tried her best to cooperate with his excessive plunder.

Roger tried to move as lightly as possible, and even said that he was wronged in his heart.

It was all because of your idol who was not a human being, posted random pictures, and didn't give me a holiday, which caused the accident.

I am also a victim!

Although he was doing something happy, Roger suddenly felt regretful that he wanted it but couldn't get it.

"MD, bad women are the best in the world!"

He said something vaguely, and finally ended an unexpected battle.

He hugged the little woman who was almost fainting in his arms tenderly and lovingly.

Don't think too much about what you can't get, cherish the people in front of you.

Sleep again until the sun is high in the sky.

It was noon that day.

The northern coast of the Qingteng Empire, the sixteen provinces of Yaman.

This was the Yaman Empire, the most powerful human race before the Qingteng Empire, also known as the Veronica Dynasty.

The former capital of the dynasty, Asiford City, is now only the capital of a province. .

This is a magnificent city with a 45-meter-high white wall. It was designed and built by the Wisdom Church of the God of Knowledge. It is strong enough to withstand the full force of a legendary strongman.

As a result, a 500-meter-long section was directly destroyed by the Queen of Eternal Night, and the Qingteng Iron Cavalry marched straight in.

The nobles and officials who had long been in contact with Nightingale bowed down and escorted Veronica XVI to the guillotine.

The change of dynasties, which should have been magnificent, was so plain and boring.

"Smart people" always buy new tickets in advance when the broken ship is about to sink.

Of course, there are also survivors who have always been loyal to the Veronica family and have been active in the underground of Asiford City.

A few days ago, they finally waited for the eldest princess they had been looking forward to.

Xia Di Veronica.

The eldest princess of the previous dynasty, the saint of the God of Knowledge, was placed with hope by the survivors of the seventeen countries and predicted to overthrow the Qingteng tyranny and end the eternal night of Tianming Mentor.

This is a quiet girl with black hair and blue eyes, beautiful as a work of art.

The slender hands that should have been flipping through books are now in charge of life and death, shouldering the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the family and the dynasty.

At this moment, Xia Di ended the magic communication with Princess Tashika.

She turned and looked at the nearly 1,000 members of the Tianming Army behind her, young and old, wearing hoods, whose faces were hidden in the shadows.

Her eyes gradually became firm, as if there was a fire burning: "Our actions today will announce the existence of the Tianming Army to the world. This may be the beginning of the road to recovery, or it may be the end of our lives. Everyone, are you ready to face the storm of the Qingteng Empire and call for the dawn?"

The crowd folded their hands in front of their chests and responded in unison:

"Always be prepared, mentor!"

They are the backbone of the Tianming Army, the elite of the Seven Gods Church, the last power of the Veronica Dynasty, and the dead soldiers that Xia Di has been training.

They are also the gravediggers who should have stabbed the most deadly sword at the Qingteng Empire in the long river of fate.

But in the river channel that has already turned into a tributary, can they still create a huge wave in the future if they appear two years earlier?

Xia Di doesn't know.

But she will still move forward firmly until she dies.

Only the determination to not give up despite all difficulties can be worthy of the "mentor" called by everyone.

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