The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 78: Driving the tiger to devour the wolf, then driving the tiger to devour the wolf (1/2)

In the middle of the Kanbusak Desert, the orcs’ camps are lined up and the snoring is deafening.

The 200,000 orcs are really suffering.

After running all night and searching hard, they didn’t even find the shadow of the enemy.

They only caught some Qingteng scout cavalry.

It should not be a difficult task to grasp the enemy’s tentacles and infer the enemy’s position, right?

In the sky, there is also Tashika riding a silver dragon to provide vision.

Perhaps the enemy general is worthy of the nickname of "Empire Fox". He can hide without any flaws in the desert with no cover and endless space.

The orcs’ elite coalition held their breath and ran until dawn, but they didn’t find a target to fight happily.

No matter how high the morale was, they couldn’t match the enemy and were almost exhausted.

When it was morning, some infantrymen fell behind, and Princess Tashika ordered to set up camp for rest.

She promised everyone that she would continue to search for the cunning Qingteng fox on the dragon, and everyone must rest well and wait for the decisive battle with the enemy.

In fact, it was Tashika and her confidants who first discovered the enemy scouts along the way, and then eliminated and tortured them.

Tashika knew Rommel's marching route and camping location very well.

After knowing this, she avoided the enemy's tracks with great precision, and at the same time, Rommel did not discover this main coalition of orcs.

The generals of the Qingteng Empire were all led astray by their queen. They only picked hard persimmons to squeeze, and they would definitely stick to them when they found them.

Especially after just experiencing a great victory, the Qingteng Empire was full of fighting spirit and eager to make achievements.

But Tashika came out with an elite army, and she didn't want to fight, just went shopping, and went shopping.

So there was a strange scene in the desert that was quite rare in this era, where both sides wanted to fight but couldn't fight:

Rommel's army couldn't find the enemy, and the resistance they encountered was very weak, and they drove straight to the city of Srena.

The elite coalition of orcs couldn't find the enemy either, and they had nowhere to vent their enthusiasm for defending their country, and they moved away from the city of Srena step by step.

As for the city of Srena, the information was blocked by the Judgment Monks of the Church of the Goddess of War, and they had no idea about the movements of Rommel's army.

The upper class in the city continued to live a life of singing and dancing, and was still waiting for the triumph of Princess Tequila.

Old Joestar's wave was directly atmospheric.

He used the reputation accumulated by Tashika in the past, and sold her beautiful body as futures to more than 30 companies, integrating the main coalition of orcs.

After that, he arranged for the main force to leave, exposing the weak rear. The strategy of this round was to drive the tiger to swallow the wolf.

First, the Qingteng Empire bloodbathed the upper class of the orc tribe and filled them with hatred, and then she would send justice from the sky and become the savior of the orc tribe.

With this halo and the elite army in hand, the remaining orc tribes had to unite closely around her just to avoid being swept by the Qingteng Empire.

Of course, how to successfully send justice from the sky is also a problem.

Old Joestar needs to drive this little fox out of the Kanbusak Desert after Rommel's army bloodbathed the city of Srena.

If this cannot be done, her clever plan of driving the tiger to devour the wolf will immediately become a brain-dead behavior of inviting the wolf into the house.

She gave Rommel a fortified city that had been built for many years for free, allowing him to defend it for a long time and slowly manage it.

As long as the Qingteng Empire is determined, it can encroach on the entire Kanbusak Desert.

After using the tiger, how to drive it away, old Joestar thought of many ways.

At this time, the military strength comparison between the two sides is:

Rommel has five armies, a total of 150,000 people.

The first and second armies are his direct line, who participated in the Qingteng National Founding War, are brave and experienced, and are ranked in the battle sequence of the entire Qingteng Empire.

The third to fifth armies are the Restoration Army that was hostilely expelled by the local people after pretending to be the Restoration Army.

They left their hometown by faking their deaths and were reorganized into a group of new troops, but in essence they were peasants with weapons.

The training was quite sufficient, but they only bullied peasants without weapons. Their experience in fighting with the regular army was:

"The Imperial Army is coming, brothers, retreat separately!"

So after pretending to be the Restoration Army, their physical fitness was good.

But that's all.

The previous battle against the Wolf tribe was smooth, and the output could fall into chaos.

If they were to face the elite orcs head-on, the three armies would most likely collapse at the touch of a button.

However, the regular organization of the empire has an advantage, the number and quality of magicians are the best on the continent.

Even the three new armies have independent magician regiments, and most of the officers at all levels are magicians.

The magician regiment can be regarded as a multi-functional artillery regiment, which can turn the tide if played well.

And Old Joestar has 200,000 real elites from various tribes.

The orc tribes have been fighting each other endlessly, robbing foreign countries all year round, and they can be said to be soldiers of all people.

Those strong fighting races are natural masters of horse archery, and there are many special legions.

At the same time, they fight at home, defend their homes and defend their country under the call of Princess Tequila, and their combat effectiveness and morale are guaranteed.

Rommel was as cunning as a fox, and he was well-known. Old Joestar also thought he was a cunning old bastard.

But the real treasure of the Qingteng Empire's invincibility was their Queen of the Eternal Night...

In the previous battle against the Wolfe tribe, the Queen of the Eternal Night personally took action, transformed into a human bomber, and directly broke through the frontal formation of the Wolfe troops.

Then Rommel's heavy cavalry divided the battlefield, gradually eroded, reaped the fruits of the battle, and sent new soldiers to fight one after another. It can be said that it was a crushing victory.

This time the battlefield has reached the city of Slena. With the warlike character of the queen, can she hold back from taking action?

In conventional combat, Old Joestar is full of confidence!

But the enemy has super weapons and abuses them, totally lacking martial ethics!

After taking into account the Queen of Eternal Night, a powerful person above the legend, Old Joestar's winning rate plummeted.

The elite in his hands are to suppress other orc tribes to complete the integration movement, but he doesn't want to become the background board for the Queen of Eternal Night to recast her glory.

Moreover, the Queen of Eternal Night had recently destroyed the projection of the goddess of war, which made the little bitch very angry, so Old Joestar had the opportunity to be released from prison.

Old Joestar had every reason to suspect that the woman had made another breakthrough above the legend.

In the end, Old Joestar determined that it was impossible to drive away the Queen of Eternal Night by himself.

In this battle, he could only drive the tiger to swallow the wolf and then drive the tiger to swallow the wolf to preserve his combat power to the greatest extent and achieve his strategic goal.

So he went to the gap of the world and inspired the eldest princess Shadi Veronica to come out early and establish the Tianming Army.

After hundreds of years of Veronica Dynasty's rule, there are many old and young people who are loyal to the previous dynasty, so the Queen of Eternal Night has been hunting down the blood of the Veronica family.

Princess Xia Di is the top of the hunting list.

At the same time, Xia Di has always hoped to overthrow the Qingteng Empire and rebuild the glory of the family.

There is another important reason why Old Joestar looked for her. In the years of the Wanwei Gap, Xia Di's personal strength has grown to his level:

As a believer of the God of Knowledge and the Saint of the Wisdom Church, Xia Di is actually a powerful legendary magician.

Old Joestar speculated that this princess abandoned God and followed the devil for revenge, imitating the growth path that the Queen of Eternal Night had taken in the past.

If I hate you, I will become you.

Although I don't know how much she imitated, from the current results, the strength growth rate of this Tianming mentor is quite terrifying.

It just so happened that the Queen of Eternal Night's enlightenment textbook and the subsequent series of cultural invasion combo punches all hit Xia Di's reverse scale.

Old Joestar told Shadi "eat shit" without hesitation.

Although the implementation of these cultural invasion policies was temporarily suspended because the Seventeen Kingdoms had just been pacified and a food crisis broke out, the threat was obvious:

As time went by, these education and propaganda took effect, the traces of the Veronica Dynasty would gradually fade, and fewer and fewer people would turn their hearts to the former dynasty.

One day, a new generation would grow up and would not remember that they were once the people of the Veronica Dynasty, but would only regard it as a piece of history on this land.

This was what Shadi Veronica feared the most.

After all, that dynasty had reached the end of its decay. Except for being able to freely believe in the God of Knowledge, the rest of the lower-class people could not be said to be exactly the same as the Qingteng Empire, but could only be said to be completely the same.

Even though Shadi was cautious and thought it was not mature now, he could not wait any longer.

The Tianming Army was established ahead of time, and on the surface it was directed by Old Joestar.

But if we dig deeper, we can see that Roger let the Queen of Eternal Night master the art of unification, which triggered the butterfly effect...

However, old Joestar's calculations on Shadi also stopped here.

Shadi was quite wary of this old sly guy, thinking that he had little loyalty to the goddess of war, was a shame to believers, and would do anything to others.

Open plots were inevitable, but the conspiracy to use her as a gun was all seen through.

In the call just now, Xia Di's words were full of fire, poking at the old Joestar's soft spot, exposing his thoughts clearly:

"Want to drive the tiger to devour the wolf, and let the Tianming Army help you take away the Queen of Evernight? Okay, but I want benefits, enough benefits."

"The Orc Tribe is now facing pressure head-on, and the Tianming Army is still developing secretly. Our degree of urgency seems to be different!"

"Just now a friend asked me that the Qingteng Empire should be trapped in the war quagmire of the Orc Tribe, and the Tianming Army took the opportunity to develop. I think this is also a good plan. What do you think, High Priest Joestar?"

Old Joestar almost cursed, I suspect you are making friends out of nothing!

But it is obvious that Xia Di has a grasp of the situation as much as himself. The time on the side of the Orc Tribe is urgent, and Joestar has little room for bargaining.

In the end, he can only pay a sky-high reward to the Tianming Army.

After ending the magic communication with Xia Di, Old Joestar had the illusion that he was calculated into it.

At first, it seemed that I wanted to set up the Tianming Army in advance to share my pressure.

In the end, I gave a large amount of military funds to help the Tianming Army set up in advance, giving Xia Di an excellent opportunity to enter the market?

Damn, I am the worker!

But driving the tiger to swallow the wolf is the best solution for the current situation, not to mention that Xia Di also gave him a "gift", he really has no better choice.

Old Joestar is open-minded, Zhen Tashika is crying in the ocean of consciousness.

Giving money is fine, giving magic equipment is fine, you actually promised that within ten years, you can let them choose a total of 10,000 orc slaves?

The slaves that the Tianming Army wants to choose are not ordinary miners and coolies.

Instead, they want the most beautiful orc boys and girls, the most talented orc genius professionals, the smartest orc craftsmen...

To put it bluntly, it's talent, talent, and it's fucking talent!

Ten thousand may not sound like a lot, but if they were all orc elites with potential, the Tianming Army would simply treat the orc tribe as a talent pool, turning their potential into their own.

This condition was extremely humiliating, and Zhentasika said he could not accept it.

What’s even more disgusting is that during the negotiation, Old Joestar assured the other party that the bloodlines of the chieftains, including the Caccini family, were within the other party’s selection range.

Zhentashika questioned him: “If we agree to this condition, what’s the difference between us and the destruction of the country!”

Old Joestar smiled and replied: “The difference is huge. The main victims of the destruction of the country are the civilians, and the nobles have ways to avoid losses. But I am only sacrificing some nobles now…”

It’s not discrimination, but it is easier to become a noble if you cultivate talents, intelligence, beauty and other traits.

Generations of bloodlines intersect, and with different education and resources, the nobles in the broad sense of this era have produced outstanding descendants who are much higher than the common people.

Mantasika cried more bitterly: "When you occupied my body, you said you would help me strengthen the orc tribe, but now you are selling out the interests of the orcs. I suspect you were lying to me before!"

Old Joestar was extremely surprised: "What, do you know you were cheated now?"

"You are shameless, you have no shame, give me back my body!"

"I cheated this body with my own ability, why should I give it back to you?"


Mantasika was furious. She tried to take back control of her body regardless of anything, and was suppressed by Old Joestar in an instant.

"Naive little girl, when you pin your hope of victory on others, the current situation is doomed, don't struggle." A water grass gently patted her face.

Mantasika questioned him: "You clearly came here on behalf of the goddess, but you caused such a heavy loss to the orc tribe. Are you worthy of the goddess?"

Old Joestar shrugged: "The gods are born for faith, I come for revenge. As long as I can cause trouble for the Qingteng Empire, the goddess will only reward me, and even wait for me to get rid of it."

"Goddess... Didn't the goddess promise to protect the orc tribe?"

"Promises are always promises, and they will never come true. You'd better learn not to listen to anything and use your eyes to distinguish the facts, otherwise you will be a little leek that is sold and helps count money all your life."

Looking at Mantasika's eyes that were shocked to the point of losing all their light, Old Joestar suddenly sighed.

He rarely put away his usual frivolous and sarcastic tone, and whispered: "Tasika, if you hate me and want to take revenge on me, you'd better wipe your tears, look carefully at what I'm doing, and then grow up quickly."

Real Tasika sneered: "Suddenly you speak like a life mentor, are you trying to trick me into continuing to trust you and cooperate with you?"

"No, I just suddenly feel that compared to completing the mission and returning to the Kingdom of God or being killed by the Queen of Eternal Night, being driven out of your body and becoming a lonely ghost by you, maybe this is the most interesting ending?"

Old Joestar suddenly laughed a little crazy.

Even if the real Tasika hates the Qingteng Empire more than the real him, it is undeniable that this smile is very charming.

She took a deep breath: "I will try my best!"

Old Joestar did not answer.

Because in reality, a Frost Wolf Cavalry covered in blood rushed over.

"Your Highness Tasika, Srena City was attacked by the Qingteng Empire, requesting support!"

On the silver dragon, Tasika's face showed a smile.

The tiger swallows the wolf is over, the next round...

It's still the tiger swallows the wolf!

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