In the north of the Kanbusak Desert, outside the city of Slena.

Blood dyed the yellow sand and rough stone walls red, magic crossed the blue sky, and Rommel's army had begun to attack the city.

Under the cover of the firepower of magic that fully suppressed the orc tribe, the Qingteng soldiers successfully climbed the city wall and were forcing the guards of the Bell tribe to retreat step by step.

Roger walked out of Rommel's temporary tent and looked at the soldiers of the two tribes fighting on the city wall not far away. He listened to the deafening shouts, the clash of weapons, and the explosion of magic, and felt that the ground under his feet was shaking slightly.

Wherever he looked, there was war. Being in it, he felt deeply insignificant.

A real war, even if it was the dominant side, seemed so cruel.

There was no romantic sentiment in novels, movies, and games. Looking at the wounded on the stretcher, Roger's eyes were heavy.

Under the temptation of loyalty, glory, fame and fortune, young people in their prime rushed up and carried down with scars all over their bodies and missing arms and legs.

Of course, more of them fell on the front line, blasted into pieces by the enemy's magic, and even their bodies could not be found.

The magic in this world is amazing. Broken limbs can be reshaped, and the dead can be resurrected.

But the magic in this world is also expensive. The precious magic power of the military magician is used to attack the enemy, and it is impossible for every injured soldier to enjoy comprehensive care.

There are many disabled veterans in the empire.

Roger was invited by the Queen of Evernight to visit her heroic figure in breaking through the orc king's city.

It happened that he was also curious and yearning for the real battlefield, so he followed her across space and came to the front line.

Then he regretted it.

Watching CG is one thing, and smelling the pungent blood here is another thing.

Compared with the unexpectedness of the bloody night of Aodu, the almost endless and ubiquitous battle at this time is another kind of spectacular, and there is also another kind of despair.

He suddenly remembered the saying "the worst peace is better than the best war".

"If you don't beat the enemy to the point where they dare not fight, how can they give you peace?"

Roger whispered to himself, discovering a logical paradox.

Sometimes you really don't need to think about life, because you have no choice.

Just like the rabbits in the past, they had to fight the war across the 38th parallel despite all the difficulties and countless losses.

Without this war, who would allow you to develop peacefully?

There is no limit to greed. The gods' thirst for faith is the same as the capitalists' pursuit of interests. It is always the case that if you take a step back, he will take ten steps forward.

If you don't want to be sucked to death by the seven gods, you have to fight, and you have to fight with gritted teeth.

The good news is that most people in the empire are still passionate, not afraid of war, and even eager for war. As the sword of the Queen of Eternal Night points, they don't know what retreat is.

Even the three new armies, led by the veterans to rush to the top of the city, coupled with a little spiritual suggestion from the magician, are becoming more and more brave.

With their blood boiling, they forget themselves completely and dare to chop the orcs' heads with the big knife in their hands.

Usually, the bravest win when two armies meet on a narrow road. In this kind of battle between two armies, there is no need to consider defense. Just kill all the enemies and you will survive.

"After this battle, the empire has added another 90,000 warriors."

The heroic and handsome Rommel walked out of the tent and stood side by side with Roger, holding a cigar and showing a faint smile.

He was wearing a military uniform and shining with stars. Because the victory he personally led was about to come, and he had conquered a powerful enemy for the empire, he exuded charming confidence from head to toe.

At this time, Rommel was much more charming than the young master Erwin that night at the Abyss Mill.

"Congratulations, such a big victory, one step closer to the position of marshal." Roger answered absent-mindedly.

Rommel glanced at him and was quite surprised: "With your courage, you should not be a person who fears war and death, but I can feel your disgust for the battlefield."

He remembered that night when he and Roger competed with each other in acting under pressure, and he also admired him for using himself as bait to kill the powerful enemy. These are the qualities that the people of the empire admired.

That's why he was surprised that such a young man didn't want to go to the battlefield and establish immortal merits?

Roger smiled bitterly: "A general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of people. How can I like it?"

Rommel savored this sentence, which was very appropriate, but he disagreed.

He corrected it quite seriously: "The right prime minister is too kind, so it affects you? You sympathize with the casualties of the soldiers, but don't forget that without the merits of these bones, more imperial people may die."

Angelina's reputation for kindness is known to the whole empire. Rommel thought that she influenced her brother and wanted to guide him back to the bravery and fighting of the imperial nobles.

"This is not the influence of my sister. My sister admires the bravery of the soldiers and will spare no effort to make logistical preparations for your achievements." Roger shook his head and washed Angelina's pot, "It's just that I personally haven't adapted to this atmosphere in the barracks."

"Then you have to adapt as soon as possible. In the army of the empire, everyone is good at fighting and everyone dares to fight. This is the best atmosphere and the strongest army!" Rommel said very proudly.

Roger hesitated to speak. Compared with the strong army in his mind, he felt that the atmosphere of the army in this era was actually quite brainwashing.

It was a bit too much to say that it was the promotion level of the nobles and wizards. After all, the civilians also defended their homes, and the nobles also fought desperately.

In this blue era, the Qingteng Empire is really rare.

Rommel was a delicate and sensitive person. He was optimistic about Roger and curious about what he was thinking in his heart. He asked: "I feel that you don't believe me. You think there is a better army in the world than the Empire. It's the elves." The dwarves, or the dragonborn troops?"

Roger looked into his eyes, knowing that he had caused a misunderstanding. He didn't want to be accused of being a traitor, so he could only explain:

"The human race. It is a force that exists in my ideals and has not yet appeared in this era. They do not need the most sophisticated equipment, but everyone from the officers to the grassroots understands why they are fighting. What unites the team is not superiors and subordinates, power, or money. , spiritual magic, but a common ideal.”

"Fighting for ideals? It sounds wonderful, but such an army will never appear in a thousand or ten thousand years -" Rommel exclaimed.

Roger solemnly said: "It's possible, but the conditions are harsh. But with such a military spirit, everyone is good at fighting, everyone dares to fight, and everyone fights to the death! If the commander dies, the deputy commander will be on top. If the deputy commander dies, The brigade commander, because he understands the goal, will not be disorganized and will not run away until the last soldier... Do you think this kind of army can be compared with the imperial army? "

Rommel frowned in thought, and sighed softly for a long time: "Such an army is indeed incomparable. Little Erwin longs for it, but doesn't know how to achieve it."

"I don't know...but general, you should pay attention to the battlefield in front of you. The orcs are still very powerful, so you can't be careless."

Roger didn't dare to say anything anymore, for fear that if he said any more words, Rommel would be stunned.

Such an army must have the right time, place, people, and people, and it also requires the background of the times.

It is too unrealistic to force the feudal army to be like that.

This is only possible if the literacy rate and literacy rate at least increase.

The current empire still relies on the personal charm of Queen Eternal Night, and collective fanaticism is more effective.

Rommel couldn't help laughing when he heard Roger's reminder:

"Don't worry, we have His Majesty, and I have left enough reserves."

In wars in this world, generals, training, equipment, morale, luck, weather, etc. will all affect the direction of a war.

But there is another Earth that does not have one, and the extremely critical deciding factor here is the duel between the two powerful men.

As long as the Seven Gods don't give up, the Ivy Empire is sitting on the Queen of Eternal Night, and the strong will be invincible against it.

So all you need to do is increase your overall national strength, equip yourself with equipment, and train, and you'll be able to achieve success in seconds.

However, although there is an absolutely strong man sitting in charge, who can offset many variables, Rommel, as an unparalleled famous general, also left a lot of backup options.

He would not put all the pressure on Queen Eternal Night, lest he appear too useless.

Roger also had to admit that Rommel's confidence was justified.

If it weren't for the Empress of Eternal Night who was taking the battle mage route today and was engaging in stealth combat at this moment, but instead transformed into a human cannon to provide fire support, the battle might have ended long ago.

But now the Queen of Evernight has sneaked into Sreena City, and even Rommel doesn't know where the Queen is, so the battle situation is a bit anxious.

However, Roger always felt that something was wrong.

Based on what he experienced in the game, the strength of the orc tribe should never be so overwhelming.

In the plot, there is also a very beautiful Princess Tequila on the side of the orcs. She lobbied the tribes at the critical moment to raise a powerful coalition force and restrained many of the Ivy Empire's troops on the side battlefield.

He was deeply impressed by those powerful combat units, ferocious mounts, terrifying mounted archers, and shamans who were extremely suitable for field battles.

Counting the time, Princess Tequila should already be quite famous by this time.

Why did the princess not show up to turn the tide even though the empire was under the king's command?

Is she holding back some big move? Or is it because of aunt's absence?

At this moment, a huge bloody light suddenly rose from the center of Srena City and exploded, and then a golden rain fell across the city.

Rommel looked happy, raised his arms and shouted to the entire army: "Your Majesty has entered the enemy's palace. The first army is on standby. The second army is following me!"

"Long live the Queen!"

Cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami came from the Ivy Empire's military formation.

The soldiers who were fighting also felt new strength coming from their tired bodies, and their eyes were excited.

Your Majesty has already entered the city. How can we stay outside? We must join up with His Majesty as soon as possible!

In an instant, the morale of the entire Ivy Empire army soared, and the movement of swinging the sword was three minutes faster out of thin air!

Comparing it to the orc imperial army on the other side of the city wall, which was resisting desperately, they all looked back and were dumbfounded when they heard the shocking movement:

Damn it, where is our palace?

Our huge palace has now disappeared from the map?

Although everyone can't believe it or doesn't want to believe it, they must reluctantly admit that while they are fighting hard here, the enemy has implemented a shameless tactic of stealing homes!

The Queen of Yongye did not enter the palace, but directly defeated the palace!

How many gorgeous palaces were now razed to the ground and turned into ruins.

And among the rubble covering several kilometers in radius, there were hundreds of gorgeously dressed orc chiefs and high-ranking officials floating there.

They were held up by their tails by the hands of the mage, like giant tortoises flipping over, pulling their limbs helplessly in mid-air. No matter how high their strength was, they couldn't even show their strength.

Margaret, who was watching the battle remotely, subconsciously tightened her buttocks.

She really feels the same way, everyone has a tail, everyone has been raped by the Queen of Evernight...

Hey, it’s just a detail, so don’t mention it!

Compared to other captives, Francis Caccini, the chief of the Bell tribe, had a little more dignity.

Of course, it was not because he led the orc king's tent that he was given face, but because his tail was very short, just like a ball.

The mage's hand could not hold the tail, so it could only pull his feet and hang him upside down in the air, which seemed a bit conventional.

These mage's hands finally went to the hands of a woman wearing a gray hooded robe with a faint smile on her lips.

Although the wide robe could not reveal her appearance and figure, the cherry lips and slender hands that were exposed outside had made many orcs dry their mouths and feel the oppression from her like the abyss and the sea...

Obviously just a woman, but she was more terrifying than the dragon that appeared outside the city a few days ago!

The gray-robed woman slowly flew up, and the mage's hand led the captives to rotate by their tails.

At the same time, all the mage's hands revolved over the palace, accelerating continuously.

This is not a carousel in an amusement park, but a high-power centrifuge!

Under the pull of the force, the powerful chiefs and high officials screamed in fear.


Finally, a chief couldn't bear it anymore, and the blood in his body rushed out and exploded!

One chief after another couldn't resist the pull of this force and turned into bloody fireworks!

This is really a novel and cruel way of execution. The most basic magic "Mage's Hand" has been played out.

The orc soldiers and citizens who reacted couldn't help but roar, scream, and cry, or fled in all directions, or countless bows and arrows and magic attacked the devilish woman in the sky.

Unfortunately, they were all blocked by a thin layer of magic shield, and even the corners of her clothes couldn't be touched.

Including the attack of the legendary priest, it was ineffective.

The gray-robed woman reached out and took off her hood, revealing a gorgeous golden hair and a peerless face with no flaws.

A careless and lazy chuckle spread throughout the city of Slena:

"Heh~ What a boring opponent that disappoints me, the Orc Tribe, that's it? That's it?"

"That's it?"

The soldiers of the Qingteng Empire saw their invincible queen, felt the contempt in her words, and started to make noises.

Some sensitive people noticed that the emperor today seemed to be different from the one outside the Wolf Tribe.

But it is undeniable that she is still so powerful that people can't help but follow her to death!

"I? Is this the queen of Qingteng?"

The orc soldiers panicked and recognized the woman's appearance.

Realizing this, they only felt that the weapons in their hands were getting heavier and heavier, and their fighting spirit was fading rapidly.

The Queen of Eternal Night is a strong man standing at the top of magicians, and a peerless commander who has killed millions of people.

There are too many rumors about her killing without blinking an eye.

There are even many malicious rumors that she eats children raw, drinks a cocktail of blood from hundreds of races every day, and dissects a hundred rabbits when she has insomnia.

Even for the fierce orcs, the four words "Eternal Night Queen" are a terrifying legend that can stop children from crying at night.

Now she is here, and Princess Tashika has taken away the elite main force. How should this battle be fought? Where is the turning point?

The morale of the Qingteng side is getting higher and higher, but the soldiers of the orc tribe have no intention of fighting, and only fear and anxiety are left on their faces.

Moreover, all the chiefs are dead, who will they protect if they continue to fight to the death?

The most terrifying thing is that the Eternal Night Queen behind them has not made a move yet.

When she also makes a move, she will be attacked from all sides, won't she fall immediately?

After Rommel led the Second Army to join the battlefield, the psychological defense line of the Orc Guards finally collapsed completely.

The generals committed suicide and the soldiers surrendered.

The remaining scattered strong men who resisted stubbornly were extinguished by concentrated fire as soon as they showed their heads.

Under the slogan of "surrender without killing", the orc civilians in the city did not resist much and accepted the Qingteng Empire into the city.

Roger frowned, feeling that it was too easy.

The strength shown by the Orc Tribe was totally different from that of ten years later. Something must have gone wrong...

At this moment, the alarm in the central army tent sounded.

He rushed into the tent and saw the urgent intelligence from the Empire:

"Asiford City lost contact, and the Tianming Army announced that it was responsible for this matter!"

At the same time, the silver dragon spread its wings in the sky, looming.

ps1. Updated at 7 o'clock in the evening for three consecutive days. Next, I will try my best to be a man who updates at a fixed time! Self-discipline, self-discipline, self-discipline...

ps2. Bounty progress (28/48)

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