Asiford City.

More than 300 hostages were covered with linen hoods and driven by the Tianming Army to the 45-meter-high white city wall.

The hostages were men and women, old and young, all wearing luxurious clothes and dazzling jewelry.

After the hoods were removed, people recognized that among them were the governor of Asiford sent by the Qingteng Empire, the first batch of Yaman Empire nobles who surrendered and retained their official positions and titles, the local city defense army generals, the wizard magic consultants...

and their families and children.

The most powerful people in Asiford City gathered together.

Being able to capture these people on the city wall means that the Tianming Army has disintegrated the defense system and completely occupied the city.

After the hostages adapted to the light, they found themselves in the direction of Asiford City, and there were citizens who were summoned to watch the excitement on the street.

An ominous realization emerged in their hearts.

Some had expressionless faces, some begged loudly, and some shouted harshly...

But none of the Tianming Army members responded, standing in silence, welcoming Xia Di Veronica, who was wearing a blue military uniform, to walk towards them.

She held a white staff in her hand that was taller than her.

The top of the staff was a complex deer antler, on which bloomed pink and white snow roses from the underworld that constantly exuded coldness and death.

"Your Highness the Princess? You are not dead?"

Some former nobles looked as if they had seen a ghost.


Xia Di paused with the staff in her hand, and the city wall suddenly became quiet.

Only her voice of ruthless judgment echoed throughout the city:

"You have sold out your country for glory, helped the tyrant to commit atrocities, and participated in the persecution of the Veronica royal family. Today, I will judge you as the first heir of the Veronica family and grant you... death!"

"You all must die!"

The Tianming Army responded in a deep voice, faintly excited, and looked at Xia Di with admiration.

When the mentor comes, the hope of the Yaman Empire comes; when the mentor comes, the doom of the Qingteng Empire comes!

They have been dormant for three years, isn't it for today's revenge?

Revenge on the Qingteng Empire, revenge on the traitors!

With the smooth and skillful movements of the executioner, a strange "kites" were released from the tower.

A hole was drilled in the belly of the fat noble, and his intestines were pulled out and nailed to the battlements with thick iron nails.

The executioner pushed from behind, and the man fell down.

The intestines were still tied to the wall, like a kite line, full of toughness and elasticity, hanging on him to the end, stretching and shrinking, swaying with the wind.

A priest of the Tianming Army performed a healing spell on him, screaming incessantly, his intestines were always unbroken, and he did not die immediately.

One after another, the "kites" were lowered from the wall, and the citizens were horrified, and there was a special sense of ritual.

An especially tender and sharp voice sounded, and the five-year-old grandson of the noble could not escape the death penalty.

The citizens looked reluctant.

But they also understood that this was the end of going against the Veronica family with blood and terror.

This was the simplest and crudest way for the ancient feudal rulers to maintain their majesty by using the force in their hands, and it was also a very effective method.

No one wanted to sacrifice the lives of the whole family.

Xia Di's face was hidden in the shadows, silently watching the scene she directed.

When she was the eldest princess, she advised her brother not to treat the people so cruelly. Now that she is back, she has started to do similar things, and even the means are more cruel.

The weakness of the ignorant people and the greed of the rulers seem to be an eternal cycle.

The executioners of the Tianming Army were steadily releasing people at a speed of one person every half a minute.

The scene was silent, and the expressions of the citizens changed from fear to numbness, remembering the horror of being dominated by the Veronica Dynasty.

The end of a dynasty is always corrupt and greedy. Land annexation and people's livelihood are in dire straits. Some serfs who can't survive choose to take to the streets to ask for mercy, hoping that Emperor Yaman can alleviate their suffering.

But Emperor Yaman was supported by the great nobles to maintain his rule. He only sent the Royal Guards, magicians and knights to attack and bloodily suppress round after round of protesters.

Ordinary anger and dissatisfaction are of no use. They will only turn them into a mountain of corpses outside the city of Asifort, and dye the Silver River running through Yaman red again and again.

The conquest of the Qingteng Empire brought turmoil. Rumors about the cruelty, bloodiness and debauchery of the Queen of Evernight are updated every day.

But most people can still calculate that taxes have been greatly reduced in the past three years.

Although the new queen does not allow them to believe in the Seven Gods, there are always people who instigate them to restore the old dynasty and welcome a new life, but most people still think that the present is not bad, and it is even getting better.

Now, is this life that has just improved going back?

The kites swaying on the city wall scream helplessly, like an increasingly enthusiastic chorus.

Suddenly, a discordant roar interrupted the rhythm of the chorus:

"It's ridiculous! I am from the Qingteng Empire. Killing the dog named Veronica is a great achievement!"

The speaker was the governor of Acheng, Brewster Baker, who was wearing an imperial military uniform. He had flaming red hair, a burly figure, and blood kept flowing out of his nostrils.

The executioner in front of him had his head blown off, and fell off the city wall with blood spurting from his neck.

The Tianming Army killed the traitors first, and then the Qingteng people.

So Baker was ranked later in the release order. When the executioner took action, he burned his magic power and silently banned magic, blowing off the head of the executioner in front of him.

The price was that the ocean of consciousness was broken, his strength would be greatly reduced, and there would also be a lot of side effects.

The previous fight made him know that the strength of these enemies was beyond his ability to fight.

There were countless powerful men in the Veronica Dynasty in the past, and the strength of Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess was even more unfathomable.

If there is no chance of escape, there is no way to do nothing.

Baker turned around, stared at Xia Di, and showed a contemptuous smile: "I am waiting for the Imperial people, and it is not your turn to be judged by you, the bereaved bitch of the former dynasty!"


He was burned by his own magic power and turned into a mummy, falling backward.

But accordingly, he helped the imperial magicians closest to him to unlock the forbidden magic on their bodies.

Everyone can see that until the last moment of his life, Baker's back was straight and his knees were straight!

"Dad!" Two beautiful twin girls cried, taking advantage of Tian Ming's army's surprise, they rushed to the side of Baker's body.

"Brewster, I'm coming soon..."

Mrs. Baker closed her eyes gently.

She has the strength of a magister, was once an excellent nightingale, and was an active pioneer on the way to conquer the empire!

After the war, she chose to marry her husband and raise her children, but when the bloodshed comes again, she will not back down!

As a bard, Mrs. Baker chose the same path as her husband, singing a sad song of death at the cost of burning all her magic power.

"court death!"

Shadi's expression changed slightly, and the instant death spell was pointed at Mrs. Baker.

Other strong men also took action to protect the members of the Tianming Army on the city wall, as well as the hostages.

But they still underestimated the bloody spirit and determination of the Imperial people, and were a little slower.

Mrs. Baker, who risked everything, was originally singing her final song of escape, so how could it be stopped because of death?

Even though his body is dead, his soul still sings for the empire!

The beautiful singing voice and elegant chanting convey the unyielding imperial people with the romance of a female poet!

The life and death of us imperial people will not be judged by the mourning bitches of the previous dynasty!

Those officials and family members who came from the Ivy Empire also took the initiative to welcome Mrs. Baker's death song.

Including her twin daughters.

It is better to die in your own hands than to be let go by the Tianming Army and become carrion hanging on the city wall!

"The Ivy Empire will come back, Your Majesty will come back!"

Mrs. Shell collapsed in mid-air.

Countless officials and family members from the Ivy Empire looked in the direction of the mysterious capital and fell to the ground exhausted.

"They all must die!"

Tianming's army became furious and knocked down all the remaining hostages who tried to escape in the chaos.

However, Baker's initiative to fight to the death shook the mood of the citizens who were shocked by the release ceremony.

They suddenly felt that if the Ivy Empire could defeat the Veronica Dynasty once, it would definitely be able to defeat it a second time, right?

They don't like the Ivy people, but their bloodiness and bravery at this moment are admirable.

Precisely because of such emotions, the bloody terror and royal majesty laid out by the Tianming Army were all in vain.

The Tianming Army wants to coerce young men into becoming rebels who will continue to attack surrounding cities. Morale and loyalty will become big problems.

"Let them all fly."

Xia Di sighed lightly, but there was not much surprise on her face. She whispered in a voice that could only be heard by herself, "It's really too hasty. Fortunately, I have a backup plan. Well... then backup plan VII-2 Bar……"

While the Tianming Army hurriedly released all the remaining hostages, a huge amount of magic power erupted from Xia Di's body and she flew into the air.

Her black hair turned pale, and a crown of antlers with a pointed beak grew on her head.

A force was released from the staff, and her clothes turned into a gorgeous white gauze skirt, dotted with countless underworld snow roses.

She is no longer the quiet female scholar. Under the influence of the magic energy exuding death, at this moment, Shadi's eyes are cold and ruthless, standing proudly above all living beings, like the messenger of death in charge of everything:

"Yaman Empire, your emperor is back!"

With a flick of the staff, a huge magic circle enveloped the entire city.

The air of death rose from the ground, fell from the sky, and gathered to devour all the citizens.

Their lives passed away, but their corpses continued to absorb the energy of death that could not be distinguished from divine power or magic power, and their bodies became strong, tough, and ferocious.

The metacarpal bones pierced the livid skin and transformed into bone knives and shields!

Roar! ! !

The 500,000 citizens of Asifo City were mutated into 500,000 undead warriors in Shadi's magic circle!

"Teacher, is she so strong? She will definitely lead us to victory!"

Everyone in the Tianming Army looked at the beautiful figure in the sky with admiration and moved to tears.

"Transmit the magic projection to the surrounding nobles."

Xia Di's voice seemed to come from nine heavens away, and then the staff pointed west.

The undead army rushed out of the city gate.

Fatigue flashed in her eyes, but she also felt relieved at last.

Compared with the uncontrollable nature of the human heart, which requires a lot of effort and time to maintain, the undead are always loyal, tireless, and absolutely obedient, which makes her feel more reliable!

Khenbusak Desert, outside Srena City.

Roger rushed back to the Chinese army's tent, and the news he saw was this magical projection forwarded by the military headquarters.

Of course, the Tianming Army cut out a series of operations such as Governor Baker's self-destruction, leaving only the clips of releasing the traitors, transforming the entire city into undead, and then the undead warriors rushing out of the city.

He also saw Mentor Tianming in mid-air, dressed in the underworld weapon and entering combat mode.

She was not surprised that Master Tianming summoned the undead, which had happened many times in the main storyline. At that time, the protagonists were brainwashed as a helpless move for victory. Later, they realized that she did it to save trouble and felt that the undead would be less troublesome.

At the same time, the Qingteng Empire had lost control of the city of Asiford, and the entire province had become an intelligence black hole. No one knew what had happened.

Only the surrounding nobles were frantically asking the queen for support.

Directly transforming the lives of a city into undead, they were frightened by the means of the Tianming Army.

The strength shown by the former princess Xia Di Veronica was far beyond that of the legendary strongman. Everyone felt that only the Queen of Eternal Night could fight against it.

Such a powerful rebel army suddenly appeared in the rear, and the officials of Aodu were also frightened. While sending support, they forwarded the news to the front line as soon as possible.

Whether to support or not, only the queen herself can make a decision.

Although Roger knew that the Tianming Army would become the gravedigger of the Qingteng Empire, this time did not match what he knew at all.

[This was at least two years earlier than the first public action of the Tianming Army in the game! However, the strength of the mentor is not inferior to that of the later part of the plot...]

[But it shouldn't be like this. She is the kind of person who is absolutely cautious. She always postpones actions on the grounds of insufficient preparation. How could she do it so early...]

He frowned, smelling something unusual.

Tianming's mentor Xia Di Veronica is the most important NPC to promote the main plot. The protagonist of the game was raised by her.

Players are very familiar with her personality.

She also has a nickname called Tianming Gou Sheng, an absolute pessimist with procrastination.

Before each action, she will prepare a lot of backup plans. No matter how many space bracelets she has, it is not enough. Many key actions in the game plot have been delayed again and again.

Many side quests of the player are to find evidence and explain to Xia Di that "the opportunity will not come again", forcing her to act immediately, so as to achieve a perfect ending.

At this time, Xia Di should still be practicing in the gap of the world. Why did she act in advance?

This is not a goof, why?

The situation in front of him was like falling into a fog. Roger tried to analyze the hidden truth and suddenly felt a terrifying fluctuation of magic energy.

The Queen of Eternal Night had received this urgent report from the rear, which was sent back to the central army tent from the center of Srena City.

She was obviously very angry and on the verge of a rage.

Roger walked out of the tent and greeted the Queen of Eternal Night with Rommel and other officers who hurried back. He saw the burning will to fight in her eyes.

It was obvious that the orc tribe was not good enough, and she didn't have enough fun.

Suddenly, the princess of the previous dynasty provoked her so much and looked very powerful. She must want to rush in, right?

Roger had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Could it be that the mentor wanted to anger Blood Mom and lead her to Asiford City?

At this time, there were also military mages who said that they had detected Silver Dragon Knights and a large number of orc strong war races returning to Srena City.

Roger suddenly felt that his thoughts just now were very close to the truth.

There are many coincidences in the world, but this time the coincidence is too much, so there is only one explanation: the Orc Tribe and the Tianming Army have united.

No, it should be said that the goddess of war and the god of knowledge behind them are working together to play a big chess game, right?

What is the goal?

Let Rommel's army go deep, then transfer the blood mother and then annihilate these 150,000 people?

It makes sense, but Roger feels that this benefit is not enough. With the character of Tianming's mentor, he will definitely prepare a big meal for the Queen of Eternal Night if he leads her there?

At this time, the Queen of Eternal Night has made a decision and said to Rommel:

"I want to meet the Tianming Army. If the orcs can defend this broken city, they will defend it. If they can't defend it, they will break through and return to the empire. Anyway, the goal of punishing the orcs and training soldiers has been achieved. Sir Elwin should not feel pressured."

Rommel confidently assured: "Your Majesty, I will try my best to ensure the living force."

Seeing that the Queen of Eternal Night was about to teleport away, Roger was a little anxious.

When you don't know the enemy's true purpose, it should be the most reasonable choice not to act according to their expectations, right?

He stepped out and shouted: "Your Majesty, please don't go back to help Asiford City. I suspect that the Orc Tribe and the Tianming Army have colluded with each other and have prepared many traps for Your Majesty!"

"In the face of absolute strength, what's the use of mere conspiracies and traps?" The Queen of Eternal Night snorted coldly, and even the flashlight was eager to try.

With what you said, I am more interested in going to Asiford City to try whether the enemy's traps are comfortable to step on~

But at this moment, she heard Roger's helpless voice:

[Oh, she thinks she's good again? What's the point of going back now? Asiford City is full of undead. At most, you can save more fence-sitters who surrendered from the surrounding areas, but the five armies here will be killed! ]

[What's more, if you are lucky enough to kill the mentor, it will only make things worse. With her around, I can help you predict the trend. Without her, the gods will support ten new agents. The passive situation without intelligence will be even more difficult...】

Mentor? Agent of the gods? Can you predict the trend?

It sounds like you are very familiar with the princess?

When Roger thought of mentor Tianming, he felt a sense of over-intimate trust, which made the Queen of Eternal Night alert.

She had already stepped into the portal with one foot, but suddenly took it back, turned around and looked at Roger with a smile:

"But Lord Roger believes that the orcs and the Tianming Army are colluding. Is there any source of information that I don't know about?"

Rommel and the staff were stunned.

His Majesty actually interrupted the transmission because of the "conspiracy and trap" mentioned by Roger?

Damn it, is this still the queen we know?

His Majesty has always been a no-brainer, fighting first and talking later!

Roger was also surprised.

He just shouted to do his best and leave it to fate, but he really stopped the Queen of Eternal Night?

It's just that the Queen of Eternal Night looked back at him with a playful look, which made him feel a chill in his back.

[Xue Ma's words are full of meaning, why does it mean to catch an adulterer? It made me think that I knew that the things I had done for my mentor were exposed 23333! ]

[However, it stands to reason that this is the first time that the Tianming Army has appeared, and I really shouldn't know about it. How should I make up for the things that Roger Charles shouldn't know? 】

Roger organized his words but didn't speak immediately. The Queen of Eternal Night listened to his inner voice, and the smile on her lips became more and more ambiguous.

Then think about it. If you think about this, I really don't want to step into the trap.

They are just some corrupt nobles. They are not very capable and have the face to ask me for help. They will die if they die.

Now I am only curious about when you met the old woman from Veronica's family, and what you did secretly to let me down.

And most importantly, what is your current position, are you going to help me or help her?

The opened portal quietly dissipated.

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