The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 81 The bad woman's emotional intelligence is online (1/2)

The Queen of Eternal Night's daily image is a queen, while Teacher Tianming is a quiet senior.

But in terms of age, it is not an exaggeration for Xiao Ao to call Xia Di an old woman.

After all, Teacher Tianming is the sister of the emperor of Veronica's previous dynasty, who is the same generation as the Queen of Eternal Night's father.

As we all know, the sister is always older than the brother.

It's just that the strong in this world always have ways to maintain their appearance, and Xia Di is deeply loved by the God of Knowledge, so it's not wrong for her to look like a girl forever.

Players don't care about these things, and their three views follow their five senses.

But at this moment, the Queen of Eternal Night is particularly displeased with Xia Di.

Even more annoying than the little Joey that night!

One fell from the sky, and the other seemed to be a childhood sweetheart.

The key is that this kid looks like he doesn't want me to see Teacher Tianming...

Humph, maybe he is guilty!

Hearing Roger's address to Xia Di and thinking of her attitude, the Queen of Eternal Night felt that he had known Xia Di for a long time.

It can't be that the woman knew Roger before me, right?

The Queen of Eternal Night did investigate Roger's past, and he had never been to the Yaman Empire before.

But Roger's thoughts just mentioned that he had to find a way to round up the information that "Roger Charles" didn't know.

In other words, this guy can use another identity to meet Xia Di!

Knowing that Roger played "Dio Brando", it is also possible that he secretly had an unclear relationship with Xia Di in another identity!

The Queen of Eternal Night narrowed her eyes slightly, and felt that the boy in front of her who said one thing and said another was becoming more and more interesting.

The battle situation in Asiford City could not suddenly become worse, and the Orc Tribe did not seem to be able to cause any major situation at the moment. But this little bastard in front of him accidentally revealed his feet when he saw his old lover, right?

I can't stand this. I know myself and the enemy, investigate this guy's secrets clearly, and have an intelligence advantage, so that I can be an invincible bad woman!

Thinking of this, the Queen of Eternal Night naturally dispersed the portal and decided to have a deep exchange with Roger.

The sudden interruption of the hand transmission in the middle of the transmission stunned the officers and staff present, and they were full of curiosity and exploration.

Rommel: Your Majesty values ​​Roger Charles more than I thought. I'm afraid they will discuss something very important and very secret next!

Rubbing hands, looking forward to it, what will they talk about?

Just as Rommel pricked up his ears and was ready to learn more, he suddenly saw the Queen of Eternal Night waved to him and said lazily:

"You guys step down for now, I have something to say to Lord Roger."

Rommel almost cried.

Your Majesty, don't do it! Your Majesty, you really can't do this to me!

You are about to get to the point, which makes me extremely curious, but you suddenly kick me out?

Isn't this a joke?

But Rommel didn't have the courage to openly disobey the emperor's order. He was so curious that he could only walk out of the central army tent obediently...

In theory, this should be his own tent, right?

Grief and indignation!

His adjutant came over to inquire: "Marshal Long, what are His Majesty and the others going to talk about?"

"Don't ask, that's not something you should know!"

Rommel reprimanded with a serious face.

Ask your sister, if I knew, would I stand outside?



The central army tent.

Roger didn't know that his inner voice had exposed some of his experiences and past in the game to his current identity, causing a very strange dislocation and arousing the suspicion of the Queen of Eternal Night.

After all, the plot that Roger knew was regarded as a prophecy by the Queen of Eternal Night.

And the prophecy is vague, and may involve specific people, but it is impossible to become friends with a person through the prophecy or even develop feelings, and have a sense of familiarity and trust.

The Queen of Eternal Night saw at a glance that Roger and Mentor Tianming had something fishy in the past!

And thinking about it in depth, it is very interesting.

After the Qingteng Empire defeated the Yaman Empire, Xia Di would never become friends with an imperial person.

But the two people theoretically knew each other three years ago? But Roger was only thirteen or fourteen years old!

An old cow eating young grass?

Are you driving a truck in Acheng?

She tried to get more information through prophecy, time travel and other methods, but all the results were blank.

After all, these were all things she had imagined and had never happened.

She thought so hard that her head hurt, and she just felt that being a bad woman was too difficult!

Or should she just rush in?

At the same time, Roger also felt that it was difficult for him.

He had to analyze the intentions of the Orc Tribe and the Tianming Army in the chaotic and limited information to prevent the Qingteng Empire from being calculated.

At the same time, he had to "reveal" as little information as possible to prevent the Queen of Eternal Night from discovering that he was a time traveler.

Fortunately, he had the ability to broadcast his voice. When his mind was too chaotic, the Queen of Eternal Night could not accept all of it.

It was like the old 2G network. It was okay to make calls and send text messages, but you wanted to use it to watch live video?

Sorry, this really couldn't be done.

So when Roger was thinking hard, the Queen of Eternal Night couldn't get anything useful from those fragmented information.

This was also considered to be the last bit of privacy for him.

The Queen of Eternal Night guessed that this was probably because his mental power was not strong enough. If it weren't for the fact that there were too few natural resources and treasures in this world that could directly improve mental power, she would have wanted to quietly enhance Roger's abilities.

Fortunately, Roger didn't think for long and thought of his words: "Your Majesty, I don't have any additional sources of intelligence, and I judged based on the enemy's strength. The orcs have 200,000 elites but they don't protect the royal city directly. Letting Your Majesty invite the chiefs to ride the death carousel can only mean that they have a bigger plan.

Whether it's cooperating with the Tianming Army to lure you into a trap, or wanting to annihilate them all, I think Your Majesty's best response strategy is not to step into the enemy's trap."

She snorted and asked: "Are you afraid that the trap will hurt me, or are you afraid that I will break the trap and hurt someone in the Tianming Army?"

Roger answered confidently: "Neither, I'm afraid that without Your Majesty here, the orc elites will hurt me."

The Queen of Eternal Night smiled softly with her hands covering her mouth. This guy is really honest. Imperial men generally don't tell such cowardly truths.

Roger was a little distracted for a moment.

Your Majesty, she would never laugh so recklessly before... Uh, this shaking effect is good 1

Eternal Night Queen's face became serious and she asked: "Then my dear, you go to Asiford City with me. It is safe and you can see me defeat the Tianming Army. How about it?"

Roger frowned: "Your Majesty is naturally brave and unparalleled, but the Tianming Army is actually more beneficial than harmful to the empire at this time."

Eternal Night Queen's face was stern and she was about to get angry.

Good Roger, you are afraid that your old lover will be hurt, so in order to clean up her name, you can actually say that a group of rebels are beneficial to the empire?

Is it that after she burns down my Fengling Yueying Palace, it will still benefit the empire, and the benefits will be passed down for thousands of years and benefit the present, right?

But she is not the little princess in the past after all. It was not in vain to read "The Anecdotes of Taibella". I immediately reacted to the possibility hinted by Roger.

The bad woman's emotional intelligence came online, and her eyes lit up: "You mean you want me to keep the enemy alive, and with the strong enemy of the Tianming Army outside, the loyalty of the nobles of the empire to me will automatically increase? The more damage the Tianming Army causes, the more the nobles will lean towards me?"

"That's right! Your Majesty is wise!"

Roger's eyes lit up and he gave a thumbs up to the Queen of Eternal Night.

[Oh my God, Your Majesty, you have learned to answer questions quickly! ]

[I originally wanted to reveal that I know a little about the mentor's next layout, which is good for the empire to take advantage of the trick, but you analyzed the greater strategic advantage yourself. ]

[Great, you are finally a mature majesty and have learned to think for yourself! ]

Queen of Eternal Night: o(一︿一+)o

Oh, it turns out that I was too talkative and blocked the truth that I might have heard?

It's hard to imagine that the little bastard even knew the next plan of that old woman Xia Di. The relationship between these two people is probably deeper than I thought?


He knew the old woman Xia Di's plan, but used this information to help me make a plan?

Doesn't that mean her heart is on my side?

So I didn't do anything and turned Xia Di into a minotaur?

Great, I am really charming!

What Roger said and what he thought in his mind were indeed all about the empire.

This made the Queen of Eternal Night relax her tense mood.

No matter what happened in the past, at least at this moment, he is thinking about me and contributing wisdom to the empire!

Maybe the naive girl cares about the man's past, and she wants to trace back the chat content between him and all the opposite sex, even the cleaning lady.

But the confident bad woman never cares about these, anyway, I will be the final winner!

Who doesn't have some secrets?

The confident bad woman should not ask, but give him enough space, enough tenderness and consideration.

As time goes by, he will find that he understands him the most and loves him the most.

One day, when I figure it out, I will confess my past.

——Excerpt from "Anecdotes of Taibella".

Taibella rose from the weakest of the Seven Gods to the current mid-level strength, which shows that the tricks she played are indeed useful.

The Queen of Eternal Night is also ready to learn.

She lowered her head, raised her head again, blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Roger, silently saying in her heart that you are my great hero, you are my great hero, and said softly:

"Don't belittle yourself, Roger, my dear. Without your reminder, I would definitely not have thought of this, so these credits should be attributed to you. I...will make a big mistake if I am not careful!"

Taibella said that the brighter the eyes are at this time, the more like a dog the man will be next!

"Well, I believe that no matter how the situation changes, it is still under the control of your majesty..."

Roger was frightened by the expression of the Queen of Eternal Night and took a step back.

[Is there sand in the eyes of this scum queen? Why do you keep blinking? ]

[And you are so reckless, haven't you made many big mistakes? It's rare to be saved once, there's nothing to be proud of...】

That step back frustrated the Queen of Eternal Night.

I... am I scary?

MD, Tai Bella is really treacherous, the deeds she left behind are all lies, they are useless!

You are the one who got into trouble, you always make big mistakes...

She felt that she was in trouble again, this bad woman has a long way to go!

She obviously did it to the best of her ability, but she was rejected?

No, try a different style next time!

Tai Bella's operation was not wrong, but the Queen of Eternal Night copied her homework stiffly, without considering the difference in strength between herself and Roger.

Before Tai Bella became powerful, she portrayed herself as a weak goddess who needed care.

Those believers howled to protect the goddess, and naturally looked at them with encouragement, and everyone's sacrifices were meaningful.

But Queen Yong Ye had previously taken life and death lightly and would do anything if she refused. Roger also wanted to beg her for protection and to take her to bed, but he never thought that she also needed protection...

So this time it was the Queen of Eternal Night who copied and listed the answers, it’s not that Ty Bella wasn’t a bitch enough.

The atmosphere in front of her was always a bit awkward. Queen Yongye coughed and asked, "Why don't you, Lord Roger, tell me, what should I do now?"

Roger was stunned. Why was the Queen suddenly too cautious?

But when she asked herself, she had to answer seriously: "For now, just cooperate with General Rommel and wipe out all the elite orcs here who have returned to defend."

[Anyway, the king’s tent has been taken down, let’s just treat the orcs as the first pot of gold for the industrialization of magic. 】

The Industrial Revolution was not a beautiful process, but a gradual process full of side effects such as child labor, black slaves, pollution, and so on.

Just like the great layoffs in China, a large number of people were sacrificed and the jobs of tens of millions of families were destroyed. No matter how great the industrial revolution was, it could not escape the word revolution. There will always be people who are eliminated and exploited in the middle, and there will always be bloodshed. .

Roger felt a little unbearable to shed the blood of the Imperial people.

But if the blood and sweat of the orcs is shed, then he will have no psychological pressure.

There is even a great sentiment that I am the one who rescued you from the hands of the gods!

The Queen of Evernight also received these pictures in his mind, and felt that this guy's hypocrisy was really...

I like it very much!

Yes, I am the savior of the orcs. I have given them stable jobs and the opportunity to contribute to the development of the empire.

Fight, must fight, I am fighting the elite!

Two kilometers away from Rommel's Corps.

Princess Tasika on the dragon's back frowned slightly.

The news from Asifo City must have arrived. Why is Queen Yongye still here?

She was obviously so angry just now, why didn't she activate the space teleportation she was best at and destroy that guy Xia Di's undead army?

But even if the Queen of Evernight did not leave, she could not slow down the speed of her troops' return to defense.

Srena City was attacked, and they finally found where the enemy was. This elite orc team felt like they were being played by the Imperial Fox, and they felt like they were about to explode.

At this moment, they just want to engage in a head-on battle with the Ivy Empire. If Tasika sets up any more obstacles, it would be too deliberate. The orcs' straightforward temperament does not mean they are stupid. Maybe they can see that she has the ability to drive tigers and devour wolves. of alienation.

Therefore, the military morale is too available, and under the fanatical fighting spirit, the troops will exceed the commander's control.

"Fortunately, Shadi also gave me a backup plan!"

Princess Tasika took out a small bag of tips from her space bracelet.

Although Xia Di's conditions were very harsh, she was still a conscientious businessman.

Adhering to an attitude of being responsible for customers (or a habitual pessimism), Tasika was given an additional tip bag "If you find that the Queen of Evernight has not left, please open it."

Now, this tip really comes in handy.

Tasika untied the string that held the bag together.

ps1. If there are no accidents, future updates will be scheduled at 7pm.

ps2. Bounty progress (30/48)

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