A piece of paper fell into Tasika's hand, and it read:

"It's a pity that such a situation has occurred, but victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers. The tribe is gone, and the Tianming Army is your forever home!"

In an instant, Tasika's blood pressure rose: "I've wasted all my efforts. Why don't you just give me chicken soup for the soul?"

What a tutor. He is indeed a tutor. You use these things to start classes, right?

You actually want to seduce me to go to your rubbish Tianming Army!

MD, I’m who knows how much older than you. I do bad things and my ability to withstand stress is maxed out. I act as the officiant and fool people every day. Isn’t this more familiar than yours?

Then he signed an agreement that was humiliating his power and humiliating his country, and in exchange for these few words of self-comfort that he could even talk more smoothly, old Joestar really couldn't accept it!

Tasika angrily wanted to throw the note away.

But he found that it lightly drew a circle in the air and returned to his hand.

The writing above changed and turned into new content:

"If you really don't want to give up, you can open the second layer of the bag."


Tasika was absolutely heartbroken. She was absolutely heartbroken.

You have a backup plan, right?

She picked up the brocade bag and looked at it again, and found that there was another small brocade bag inside, which was pressed against the inner wall and had not fallen out.

Open it, and inside is a magic circle and a translucent weird bug between matter and energy.

It looks like a sleeping cicada, silver-grey, no bigger than the size of a fingertip, and has a spiral mark on the top of its head that makes people unconsciously stare at it.

"The Eris Demonic Insect? Well, it is indeed aimed at the Queen of Eternal Night... As expected of the Saint of the Church of Wisdom, she is good at using these weird things."

A dark smile couldn't help but appear on Tasika's lips.

Queen, you won’t leave, will you?

Okay, if you don’t leave, then wait to gain skills!

She only left a phantom on the dragon's back, and her body was sent underground.

The formation left behind by Shadi needs to be arranged with the remaining blood energy and murderous intent in Serena City, and then the Eris Demonic Insects can be strengthened.

If handled properly, a small insect may cause the Queen of Evernight to suffer severe mental damage, and even cause her to get lost in the outer realm!

And even if Queen Yongye manages to escape, it will take time.

With her invincible image in the hearts of the people of the Empire, disappearing and being trapped would definitely cause a huge blow to the army, so they rushed forward desperately to try to rescue the Queen.

No longer able to scare Rommel away, Tasika decided to use the minimum cost to cripple his legion and lose its combat effectiveness.

The Queen of Evernight who later escaped from trouble would definitely take revenge, but it was impossible for her to substantively occupy the orc tribe by herself, and facing the destruction from the rear by the Tianming Army, she would definitely have to leave...

Therefore, this backup plan has a high success rate and higher returns.

But Tasika's face was still very unwilling.

The promised round of chasing tigers and devouring wolves ended up being inexplicably turned into Shadi borrowing a knife to kill people, using the elite orcs to fight off the Ivy Empire's troops.

"But the orcs are too weak and have no choice..."

She sighed softly, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness.

The wave behind is pushing the wave ahead, and the wave ahead may really die on the beach...

In the ocean of consciousness, Zhentashika watched all this, knowing that the orc tribe would suffer another huge loss.

But her tears had dried up, and there was no change in her expression at this time.

She just observed, recorded, and thought silently, and she wanted to imprint the confrontations and games she witnessed in her mind.

Old Joestar, Shady Veronica, the Queen of Evernight, Rommel, even the Goddess of War and the God of Wisdom...

These beings are not only powerful, but they are also not stingy in using all kinds of cunning and cunning tricks, always trying to obtain the greatest benefits at the least cost.

But if a price must be paid, he will be extremely decisive and will not drag his feet because of sunk costs, causing greater losses.

"It seems that the tribe can break out into conflict just because of you. It's really childish!"

The light in Zhen Tashika's light brown eyes became darker and darker, and gradually turned into helplessness, "I understood too late that I became the truly chosen one..."

Her sadness seemed real, but she was always looking at the outside world, paying attention to every change.

Even if only a miracle can save her fate, she must guard the last glimmer of hope before everything is destroyed.

If you even give up on yourself, who else in the world will remember that orcs are humans too?

Ivy Empire, the capital of mystery.

Military Department.

Margaret was so noisy by the magical communications from the Yaman provinces.

Ask for help, ask for help, ask for help!

Nowadays, the nobles are all useless. Besides asking for support, won't they stand up for themselves?

It was clear that the empire's troops had been stationed there, and the surrounding provinces also took action immediately.

The strong men on the empire's side even teleported to their positions first and cooperated in the defense. What do you nobles want from me?

Except that the Queen of Evernight was still delayed by the fighting on the front line and did not immediately return to the defense, has all the support that the empire should provide been in place for the attack?

However, the nobles in the direction of Yaman, all of whom were still crying like fledglings who had not had food or water for three days, desperately said that they had seen undead monsters here and their territory was about to be surrounded, so they asked the Queen of Evernight for support as soon as possible.

"According to their request for help, the enemy's undead army may number more than 30 million..."

An adjutant, shaking like chaff, handed Margaret the terrifying calculated figures.

The little hybrid devil sneered and threw the calculation paper into the trash can:

"It's all bullshit. All the provinces like Yaman combined don't have a population of 30 million. Did the Ming army turn all the ants into undead soldiers that day? Does that old woman have such a brain?"

She finally broke out and called all the nobles who had asked for help.

Everyone thought they were expecting support from the Queen, but what actually greeted them was Margaret's angry rebuke:

"From now on, any old devil who reports false information will be dealt with in accordance with military law. Don't think that because you have a noble status, you don't have to swallow a thousand needles to lie. When the time comes, even if Your Majesty doesn't pursue the case, I will try my best to do this. If you do, you also need to let you wallflowers know that the imperial military does not exist for you nobles. We want to protect the entire empire, understand?"

In the devil's world view, calling a person a devil is the most vicious curse.

There was silence in the magic communication for a few seconds, and suddenly I heard a certain Duke ask: "Well, when will your Majesty be able to support my side? I am only three hundred kilometers away from Asifut City..."

"I'm one hundred and forty kilometers away!"

"I'm seventy kilometers away!"

There was an immediate quarrel in the magic communication.

"Shut up, shut up!"

Margaret slapped the table and stood up, her hair was messed up, and she pointed at the magic mirror fiercely, "Your Majesty is the Queen of the Ivy Empire, a supreme being, not your maid! Support, support, support, you losers are worthy too Get her support!

You are nobles, and your ancestors have made great military exploits, which is why you have your current status! You enjoy privileges and support from civilians. That is not because the Creator gave you extra organs, but because you are required to fulfill your duty to protect civilians!

Are undead soldiers scary? Is Tianming’s army invincible? Don’t you have any private troops or guards? A nobleman doesn't go to the battlefield to defend his territory, but calls for the queen to support you every day. I wonder, shouldn't you be the one to protect the queen? The Queen opened up new territories, so she owes you something?

The Queen has sacrificed everything for this country. If she doesn't support you, there's a reason why she shouldn't. Please act like a man and perform your duties. While shouting for support, please think more about what you have done for this country. If you don't want to perform the duties of a noble, there are many people who want to be, please give up your seat! "

A young earl suddenly cried: "But I don't know how to fight. I'm just a waste. I need protection..."

"Just let me teach you trash. If you can't learn, just die. The empire doesn't raise trash or cowards!"

At first, the Duke threatened: "Lord Prime Minister, if you disrespect us like this, we will consider re-loyalty to the Veronica family."

"Please, why should I respect you? Have you done anything worthy of my respect? Change camps? Okay, but please remember, the empire will not accept a second surrender from anyone!"

Margaret kicked all these nobles out of the magic communication and blocked them.

"Your Majesty, she is so kind and soft-hearted... They are just a bunch of wallflowers, who have the right to let Your Majesty take risks for them!"

She angrily tore the official document in front of her into pieces. A bunch of pigs wanted to turn her most beloved queen into a maid?

This is really unreasonable! This is really unreasonable!

Margaret suddenly asked: "Go and find out who dissuaded the Queen from going to Asifo City. I will personally reward you heavily!"

"Back to the Prime Minister, Lord Rommel said, it's Roger Charles."

"...Ha, the weather is really nice today~"


Asifo City.

The army of undead all over the mountains and plains marched tirelessly westward. The villages and small towns they encountered along the way were unable to withstand this terrifying force, and in the end they all became part of the torrent of bones.

The Stygian Deer Staff in Shady Veronica's hand turned into a skeleton elk, advancing under the heavy protection of the Tianming Army, with a look of worry on her brows.

The feast is ready, but the heroine is still late. The delicacies she prepared at great cost will also get cold!

An angelic figure with red hair hanging down to her heels and six wings on her back appeared in her field of vision.

She has a pair of violet-like eyes. The left eye reflects the birth and death of countless planes, and the right eye hides the joys and sorrows of millions of creatures. The same perfect smile hangs on her face that is so perfect that it should almost not exist in the world, but because of It is too perfect and lacks the warmth of life.

The seraphim rode upside down on the deer's back, looked at Xia Di, opened his palm and lit up a green light spot containing surging vitality.

Her sweet voice was uneven: "Xia Di, the time has come. Queen Yongye has not entered the designated area. I will hand over this batch of life essence for you."

Hearing this ruthless verdict, Shadi's frown suddenly opened and she said respectfully: "I'm sorry, my arrangement failed. I'm sorry for the trouble, Lady Nalina."

"The verification is passed. The life essence of 500,000 people will offset your 50 million units of the power of faith loan. The Yaman Empire currently owes our lord 250 million units of the power of faith. And because the bet failed , your interest-free period has not been extended, and the annual interest of 35.9% will be calculated starting from tomorrow.”

“I will do my best to shepherd the lambs for my Lord.”

Hearing that astronomical figure and Kader's insistent "low interest rate", Xia Di responded tremblingly, with a hint of anxiety in her eyes.

The reason why the God of Knowledge can become the head of the Seven Gods is because he is the one who is the best at "running" the church among the Seven Gods.

He knows how to use pre-consumption to stimulate the work motivation of clergy.

And how to use faith to generate more faith.

For example, Xia Di can go to the Gap of Ten Thousand Dimensions for refuge and cultivation, but there is a price to pay.

The Yaman Empire was previously protected by the God of Knowledge, and it needed to help the Wisdom Church every year to absorb 100 million units of faith power.

This amount can be provided by 10 million devout believers praying continuously for a year, or by directly sacrificing 1 million people to refine the life source and transform it.

The Yaman Empire has repeatedly carried out bloody suppression in the past, and in fact, there is also the promotion of the Wisdom Church behind it.

Of course, in the eyes of the nobles, civilians have always been two-legged sheep.

Xia Di became a saint and obtained the teachings and inheritance of the God of Knowledge. The favor of the gods is a lie.

It is entirely because she is willing to continue to bear the faith quota of the Yaman Empire in the form of a loan.

Moreover, this loan is interest-free in the Gap of Ten Thousand Dimensions, and when she returns to the Eternal Night World, she will have to calculate the interest.

So players don't understand why Xia Di is dragging her feet. In fact, it's just because she wants to pay less interest and do more preparatory work in the Gap of the World...

As a pessimist, Tianming Gousheng, who has always taken a steady route, Xia Di agreed to the old Joestar's plan to drive the tiger to swallow the wolf this time, and chose to face the Queen of Eternal Night directly. It's not suicide, but thinking of counter-killing.

The support for this counter-killing is Nalinel.

Nalinel is the first angel under the seat of the God of Knowledge. The angel class is called "Time Shepherd". She manages the many planes that the God of Knowledge completely controls for him.

At the same time, she is known as "the angel closest to God". There are rumors that she has secretly ignited her own divine fire.

Of course, rumors will always be rumors. Nalinel will not admit it, and no one dares to ask her face to face.

Before Xia Di left the Gap of the World, Nalinel took the initiative to find Xia Di and make a deal with her.

If Xia Di can provide Nalinel with a suitable opportunity to capture the Queen of Eternal Night alive, then she will extend the interest-free period of the Yaman Empire for five years for the God of Knowledge.

Although Xia Di didn't know why a big shot like Nalinel would be interested in the Queen of Eternal Night, the interest-free service was an irresistible temptation for her.

Old Joestar thought he had calculated Xia Di, but Xia Di was actually inducing Old Joestar to lead the Queen of Eternal Night here.

They were all old cunning people, each taking what they needed.

The 500,000 undead in Asiford City were also to facilitate Nalinel to join the battlefield and harvest the life essence.

Her strength had reached a level that could not be directly supported by this plane, and sacrifice was needed to strengthen the plane barrier in order for her to enter.

All the arrangements were carried out smoothly, Old Joestar took the bait, Asiford City was controlled, and those citizens also had their own ideas...

The stage was set. According to Xia Di's analysis of the Queen of Eternal Night in the past three years, she believed that the extremely conceited and reckless Queen had a 98% chance of teleporting directly to settle accounts with her.

As the world's number one magician, how could she tolerate such a blatant provocation?

Xia Di simply didn't know how her calculations failed.

Then the Queen of Eternal Night actually endured it, and Xia Di fell.

There is a time limit for the life essence to increase the strength of the plane barrier. In order to avoid losing it in vain, Xia Di could only offer it to the God of Knowledge with tears.

Fortunately, she has always been prepared for the worst, and she can still enlighten herself about this situation.

At this time, Nalinel's little hand showed a thin book.

The red cover showed the Queen of Eternal Night catching the fire element.

"New Arcana?" Xia Di asked curiously.

"This book is very interesting. The editor-in-chief Roger Charles is an interesting subject for observation. We can make another bet. Within two months, if you give me the complete body without any loss of soul activity, I will help you get a two-year interest-free period."

"I obey..."

"Don't worry, there is a penalty for this bet."

Nalinel raised a finger to her lips, and her perfect face came so close that Xia Di's breathing accelerated. Her violet eyes seemed to see through her soul, searching for Xia Di's desire, excitement and deep fear in her heart.

"Xia Di, if you fail again, this body will belong to me~"

Nalinel's emotionless voice suddenly gave rise to a hint of playfulness and cunning. Although her smile was shallow, it seemed to come alive, showing the curiosity that Xia Di had never seen before.

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