Shadi understood Nalinel's wishful thinking.

She wanted to help her catch the object of observation; if she couldn't catch it, she would use her own body to descend to this world to observe.

She was greedy for her body, but not in the usual sense.

Nalinel was too strong, so strong that there were few bodies in this world that could bear her consciousness, and a series of harsh conditions needed to be met.

Coincidentally, Shadi Veronica, who had been practicing hard and had excellent talents, just met all the conditions perfectly.

It was obvious that Nalinel was very curious about the world of eternal night and wanted to come here to observe, but she was limited by her strength and could not experience it deeply.

I just don't know if she was setting a trap for Xiadi from the first bet, or if she had a sudden idea and turned to "New Arcana" while waiting just now, and had a new hunting target.

Fortunately, Xiadi was favored by the God of Knowledge and showed the potential to make more faith power. Nalinel could not directly plot her body to descend.

But if Xia Di used her body as a bargaining chip and lost to Nalinel, the God of Knowledge would not care.

There is a widely circulated saying in the multiverse that the believers of the Church of Wisdom never make a loss.

Nalinel's bet would at most make less money, but she would not suffer any loss, but Xia Di lost and had no chance to turn the tables.

It was a very harsh and one-sided condition.

But Xia Di finally agreed.

Because the Yaman Empire had already owed the God of Knowledge too much faith power, and the Qingteng Empire made her feel great pressure, and it was not a goal that could be solved in a short time.

If time dragged on for too long, the interest would compound, and even if she had the naivety to destroy the Qingteng Empire and rebuild the Veronica Dynasty, she could only turn the country into a country of the dead.

It can be said that when Xia Di chose to accept the loan from the God of Knowledge to study, she was already a fish on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered.

Her survival was only on the surface. In her bones, she had long been a gambler who had staked everything and had no way back, but she had always concealed her madness very well.

"I believe poverty will make you omnipotent."

Nalinel smiled and said goodbye, and the shadow disappeared.

Feeling that the pressure she brought had completely disappeared, Xia Di showed a thoughtful look:

"Roger Charles, a useless brother with terrible magic talent and a playboy, would actually be noticed by a six-winged angel?"

Xia Di knew that an army of undead would only cause trouble for the empire and would not shake the ruling foundation of the Qingteng Empire at all.

The Veronica Dynasty needs more time.

And if she wants more time, she must catch Roger first!

The bet has started counting down, and Xia Di's mind began to generate a series of plans, including action plans, backup action plans, and backup action plans...



Kanbusak Desert, outside the city of Srena.

Two hundred thousand elite orc coalition forces deployed their formations and surrounded Rommel's army.

The magic units of both sides have started to test each other's firepower.

The result is that the orcs have a big advantage.

After all, Rommel's army had just finished a siege, and the casualties were not high. The organization was still intact, but the soldiers' physical strength and the magicians' magic power were seriously consumed.

They needed time to repair, but it was obvious that the Orcs' coalition was ready to attack and would not give them this time.

"Fortunately, His Majesty is still here with us... Thank you Roger!"

Rommel thought thankfully, knowing that his life was now given by Roger.

Because of the easy victory before, he underestimated the orcs and did not expect that the other side still had such an elite coalition.

After a tentative fight, he felt that the opponent's strength was ridiculously high. Those shamans did not have high direct magic attack power, but they played an excellent dispersal technique, which could restrain many of the imperial magicians' attack methods.

At this time, if the Queen of Eternal Night went to support the city of Asiford, the best result of his five armies would be a heavy loss of the breakout, and there was no possibility of defeating the opponent with a tired army.

After Roger's guidance, the Queen of Eternal Night was ready to intervene in the front battlefield of the battle with the Orcs' coalition.

And take advantage of Roger's intelligence and let the old woman be an informant to infiltrate the church.

The Queen is in good condition, and the last Death Carousel only looks cool, but it is actually the simplest combination of the Mage's Hand.

It is not very consuming, but it is extremely insulting.

The Queen of Eternal Night is going to behead the opponent's Silver Dragon Princess first, hit the morale, and then use Meteor Falls to wash the opponent's front line.

By then, Little Elvin will definitely be able to seize the opportunity to attack the enemy formation and divide the battlefield.

Then I will cooperate with the Mage Corps to kill the threatening strong men of the opponent.

This battle will be won.

When one side of the battle has an AOE unit that the opponent cannot solve and has strong attack power, the tactics do not need to be fancy, and simple and rough can reduce the possibility of making mistakes.

As long as the Queen of Eternal Night focuses on it, it is already tactically paying attention to the enemy.

This is why Old Joestar thinks that the Queen of Eternal Night is a rogue.

There is almost no solution to the front, so you can only avoid her edge and fight a decisive battle when she is not there.

Now that the Queen of Eternal Night had not been led to Asiford City, Old Joestar could only carry out the backup plan given by Shadi.

She also knew very well that the Queen of Eternal Night would target her, so she kept the silver dragon flying in the sky in a very ostentatious manner.

He sneaked into Serena City, activated the formation to awaken and strengthen the Eris demon insects, and then transferred the gradually awakening astral demons into the body of the silver dragon.

The poor Silver Dragon felt that he was locked by the spiritual power of the Queen of Evernight and was already trying his best to escape.

But even if you can fly, you can't escape someone who can teleport.

The Queen of Evernight was waiting in front of it, shooting several dissociation rays in succession.

This is a life-threatening instant death spell that rolls dice and causes the target to evaporate directly into bubbles.

Generally speaking, an adult dragon's magic resistance and level are directly immune to the dissociation spell.

But it's obvious that the Queen of Evernight's dissociation spell has a lot of magical expertise and special effects added to it. Coupled with her mental power, the test difficulty is horribly high, which directly raises these dissociation spells to a level that they shouldn't have. the height of.

The silver dragon had no power to resist at all, it was all just bubbles.

But the moment this judgment was completed, the Eris Demonic Insect in its body was also exposed to the Queen of Evernight.

The astral creature, which had been woken up and full of energy to wake up, suddenly saw a terrifying existence boiling with magic energy after the light suddenly brightened, and subconsciously used its strongest and only life-saving skill:

"The realm of inner demons"!

The Queen of Evernight had no time to dodge.

There is a silver bug the size of a fingernail hidden in the body of such a big silver dragon, it's grabbing the bamboo shoots!

The inner demon realm unfolds without any magic fluctuations.

Astral creatures basically have some characteristics that violate the laws of the material world and tend to be in the unexplainable spiritual realm.

The only skill of the Eris Demonic Insect is to pull the target into the realm it has spent its entire life creating, an independent plane between illusion and reality.

The target who enters the realm will see the things that he fears most, and then get lost in them, and eventually become the food for the Eris Demon.

The principle of fewer skills and stronger effects in this world also applies to monsters, which directly makes the Eris bug become one of the most difficult monsters to deal with in the star realm.

Fortunately, this thing is not actively aggressive. It sleeps all day long. When encountering danger, the first choice is to hide in its own area.

If it is not provoked, it will not pick up people randomly.

But the formation was designed to strengthen it and at the same time stimulate this little thing to the edge of explosion.

This is the advantage of followers of the God of Knowledge.

Their rich knowledge reserves and clever combinations always allow them to produce miraculous results.

The changes in the sky were so rapid and sudden that both sides of the war were stunned.

Originally, the orc tribe was full of despair. Seeing that the Dragon Knight Princess, whom they thought was invincible, was directly attacked by the Queen of Evernight, it felt difficult.

Then the next second it was reversed, and the Imperial Army discovered that their invincible Queen was missing.

The magicians who accompanied Rommel's army also included legendary magicians who had explored other worlds.

From the remaining silver light in mid-air, he discerned the aura that belonged exclusively to the star realm, and said in horror: "It's the Eris Demonic Insect. Your Majesty has been pulled into its inner demon realm!"

"It's that kind of unreasonable thing? It's impossible, that thing can't survive in the material plane at all!"

"It's a trap. The world of magic is extremely vast, and there is always incredible creativity, breaking our inherent cognition, and weaving a trap to plot against His Majesty... It's so despicable, so shameless!"

"Okay, don't analyze how it was done. What we have to do is find a way to rescue His Majesty!"

The magicians figured out the reason, but fell into a state of helplessness. They argued and argued but did not come up with any solution.

The Eris insect has hid in its own domain and does not belong to this world at all. How can it be found?

All prophecy spells are also ineffective. Whether it is the Queen of Eternal Night, Mentor Tianming, or Old Joestar, they are anti-prophecies.

At this time, Princess Tasika had returned to the center of the orc alliance, and her voice was amplified by divine magic and spread throughout the battlefield:

"The evil queen of the Ivy Empire is arrogant and arrogant. She has fallen into my trap and been trapped in another world. Everyone, the time has come to avenge the chiefs and the tribe. Go ahead!"

"For the tribe!"

The morale of the orcs surged instantly. Even though the formation was a bit scattered, the impact was unparalleled.

At the same time, the tribal shamans began the space sealing ceremony.

This not only prohibited the empire from dispatching reinforcements here, but also prevented Rommel and other high-level officials from escaping.

They want to take advantage of the chaos of the imperial army to take revenge on the chiefs!

In fact, Tasika had lost control of the coalition forces at this time.

Facing the ruins of Sreena City, she could ignite the orcs' fighting enthusiasm, but she could not control how they fought, and gradually entered a state where each tribe fought on its own.

The only good news is that their hard power and condition far exceed that of Rommel's unprepared army, and they can win even if they fight randomly.

But the side effect is that the orc elite who hit her head doesn't care about her losses at all, and it is unknown how much combat power she will be able to leave in the end...

This wave of losses is huge!

Old Joestar has decided to refuse to pay Shady after the war, and will delay her for at least a few years, otherwise it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in his heart!

The Ivy Empire is in even greater trouble.

The rational magicians fell into a state of confusion and confusion. The imperial soldiers, who had always relied on the invincible Queen, saw the Queen disappear from mid-air with their own eyes, and their morale fell to an unprecedented low.

At this moment, Rommel endured his grief, came to a position where all the soldiers could see, and said loudly:

"Your Majesty is just lost. She is still fighting hard for the empire in another time and space. Brothers, follow me to kill all these orcs, rescue your Majesty, and let your Majesty see our loyalty and bravery!"

He waved a staff and directed the mage regiments of the first and second armies to fire a volley, directly overturning the forest wolf cavalry regiment that the orcs were rushing to the front to avenge the Wolf tribe.

"For Your Majesty, kill all the orcs! We can't die in this damn desert!" Rommel roared again!

"For His Majesty! Kill!"

The soldiers of the Ivy Empire faced the siege of the elite coalition of orcs. Although they lost their invincible queen, they also stimulated the temporary buff that the soldiers were bound to win, and launched a counterattack with Rommel.

Even the three new armies behind them dared to confront the most elite orcs head-on because of their desire to return home and not want to die in the desert.

This is the posture of a famous general. Rommel remained calm in the face of changes. He first showed that the empire's magical strength was still ahead, and then inspired fighting spirit according to the situation.

This was the most correct command he could give.

Although there is no queen, as long as the fighting spirit of his five legions remains, there is still hope of standing out and surrounding them and surviving.

"But everyone's physical strength and magic power are both problems... The empire cannot live without His Majesty!"

Rommel walked off the platform and turned to face his trusted officers. The handsome man, who had always been confident, showed a rare sadness and frown.

Roger once again clearly felt the importance of Queen Evernight to the Ivy Empire.

She is the only link that connects these proud soldiers and the source of their confidence to win.

Even a world-famous general like Rommel, without the support of the Queen of Evernight, has shrunk in confidence and strength.

Roger regretted and blamed himself very much at this moment, thinking that his performance was wrong.

Now that we know that the orc tribe and the Tianming Army are colluding together, and that Teacher Tianming is behind the plan, we should have thought that with her character, she would definitely arrange a backup plan.

He had dissuaded Queen Yong Ye from going to Asifu City to step into a trap. He should have thought more about it at that time. Gou Sheng must have thought of what to do if Queen Yong Ye did not support Acheng.

But Roger was also helpless.

He was not a Laplace demon, he just came temporarily to visit the Queen's Triumph, and he didn't expect that he had already partially entered the main plot of the game.

After all, the protagonist of the game is only seven years old at this time, or is he eight years old?

Unless he is also a time traveler, he cannot pose any threat to the empire.

So what Roger is thinking about is slow farming development, so that the protagonist group can enjoy the surveillance of Skynet when they come to Aodu!

As a result, the Tianming Army appeared two years early, and the orc tribe was also playing tricks.

He had to carefully hide his identity as a player in the face of continuous changes, and his brain cells were really running out.

After all, he is not one of those strategists who can't make any mistakes, he is just an ordinary game master.

Compared with these old yinbi in Yongye World, I am still a baby, as simple as a piece of blank paper, but I have to bear the pressure that does not belong to my age!

Alas, it is so difficult for me!

Roger rubbed his temples and understood that this was a real world that was different from the game plot and was already chaotic and uncontrollable.

A lot of the information he has can only be used as a reference and cannot be absolutely believed.

Fortunately, he still knew about the Eris Demonic Insect.

In the game, Teacher Tianming is used to cut off everyone's queen. The effect is to trap the Queen of Evernight for five days, and then the Queen comes out to kill people even more cruelly.

So the invincible queen will still be invincible.

The problem is that after five days, the bones of Roger and Rommel's regiment must have been cold.

The insidious orcs can't afford to teleport. I'm just a neutral unit here for ob!

I feel sorry for myself.

Roger knew that saving the Queen meant saving himself. He tried to call her using the magic beacon left by the Queen of Evernight, but there was no response.

It seems that the realm of the Eris insect has interfered with this communication.

"By strengthening the connection, it is possible to break through its territory. I remember that there is a formation to control the Eris Demonic Insect, which requires enough blood to activate..."

Roger suddenly turned his head and looked at the ruins in the center of Sreena City, where the royal palace was.

At this moment, that is the most suitable place to set up the formation.

The orcs and the empire were fighting happily outside Chengdu, but there was no one there.

So a young man touched it quietly.

Very smoothly, Roger found the remaining formation, felt the hidden connection with the Eris Demonic Insect, and then pressed the positive sign on his leg.

The familiar warm feeling came, there was something going on!

However, before he could shout out to Your Majesty to save me, he felt a force majeure coming from the void.

Your Majesty, no, I want to rescue you, don't drag me in too!

Roger was completely out of control and appeared in a scene that was familiar yet strange, as if it were real.

He looked thoughtful. The inner demon realm of the Eris Demonic Insect was probably more than just "things". It was a world at all!

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