The game does not directly show what the inner demon realm of Eris looks like. It is only based on the descriptions of Instructor Tianming and the magicians of the Imperial Army that we can know that this place will present the things that we fear the most.

When Roger was outside, he thought that he would see some monster from another dimension or some precious record like "the invincible strong man was scared by the caterpillar and dared not attack".

But in fact, he has now arrived in a world that seems to be real. Every character moving in the scene is vivid, with independent thinking and actions.

More importantly, he has been to this place before.

The gorgeous magic lights, the food served like water, the magicians chatting and laughing... Roger had just experienced it not long ago.

This is clearly the castle of the Royal School of Magic. At this moment, just like at that time, the Law Salon is being held.

It's just not the same group of people, and this time there is no little Joey by his side.

Moreover, Roger's invisibility this time is more thorough than that time. He can't exert any influence on this space. Those people can't see him or hear him.

He could move freely in the castle, but like a ghost, he could only watch the world and could do nothing else.

The character on his leg was completely unresponsive, and he didn't know why.

After understanding his own situation, Roger decided to find the Queen of Eternal Night first.

She had obviously pulled him in, but he didn't see anyone. This woman was seriously ill.

But he still had to find a way to bring her back to reality.

In fact, according to the characteristics of the inner demon realm, his body and soul were summoned by the Queen of Eternal Night, and the Eris demon worm was obviously doing its best to deal with the Queen of Eternal Night, and her inner demon did not show any danger to him.

In theory, he became the safest person on this battlefield, the center of the quiet eye of the storm.

When you can't do anything to the abyss, the abyss can't do anything to you.

Even if you do nothing, the Queen of Eternal Night will break her inner demon at the latest in five days, and he can leave safely.

But Rommel and his army were still fighting desperately with the elite of the orc tribe. Every second, countless imperial people fell.

Moreover, he did not ask the Queen of Eternal Night to deal with the situation in Asiford City immediately, but he still had to deal with the troubles caused by the Tianming Army.

If the Tianming mentor was allowed to calmly unfold his endless layout, it would be difficult to estimate how terrible the damage would be.

However, Roger went around the entire castle and did not find any trace of the Queen of Eternal Night.

It stands to reason that a person of that beauty would be very obvious wherever she was.

And this is her inner demon. She is not here, who is she showing the demon to?

Is the Eris demon worm so stupid that it treats itself as a substitute for the Queen of Eternal Night?

Roger showed a thoughtful look. Now either there is a problem in the inner demon field or there is a problem with himself.

Suddenly, he saw the decorative painting on the wall from the corner of his eye.

Obviously, it is not the same as what he saw at the Royal Magic Academy a few days ago.

He can't remember other paintings, but there is no portrait of the Queen of Eternal Night among the portraits here.

There are only a few portraits of her father Shelley IV.

He looked at the clothes worn by the magic apprentices present, which were generally retro styles.

Roger realized that he had made a mistake. This was the Royal School of Magic, but not the one he had been to.

This should be the Royal School of Magic during the reign of Shelley IV, which was constructed by the Eris worm from the memory of the Queen of Eternal Night.

So, if he looked for someone according to the current appearance of the Queen of Eternal Night, he would definitely not find her...

After another round of the castle, Roger found a little blonde girl who was stealing cream cake in a classroom.

She looked about seven or eight years old, with a pink little face that was still a little chubby and tender, making people want to reach out and pinch her.

It was a pity that he couldn't pinch her.

Roger felt a little regretful.

Once he went out, he would definitely not have such a good opportunity to pinch the Queen's face.

At this time, Octavier Shelley was still a little princess that everyone loved. Her facial features showed the shadow of the peerless beauty of later generations, but she could not see the majesty and domineering of the invincible and in charge of life and death in later generations.

Now the little queen is just a greedy little girl.

Roger also understood why the magic beacon didn't respond.

The star realm is idealistic, and this world is constructed by the Eris demon worm based on the memory of the Queen of the Eternal Night.

Before, the Queen of the Eternal Night may not have been fully immersed in this world, and Roger could have contacted her when he stepped into the formation.

But now seeing that she was eating so happily, she had completely treated herself as a little girl. Subjectively, she didn't know that she had cast the magic beacon, so objectively, this skill was equivalent to not existing.

This led to a very embarrassing situation.

Even face to face, Roger had no sense of existence in front of the Queen of the Eternal Night.

Yelling, cursing, and even spitting at her, she had no reaction.

Roger felt that this situation of pulling himself in but not telling him how to help was quite outrageous!

It's not that he just wants him to watch her eat dessert here, and then he can't eat it?

Whose inner demon is this?

Roger didn't dare to run around, so as not to miss any key scenes.

This is a demon in the heart, not Octavia's Wonderland. She shouldn't be so happy all the time.

Maybe it will turn into a horror movie style in the next second. I have to comfort the little girl myself.

Everything should revolve around the little queen. There is no point in going somewhere else.

In the end, Roger could only sit cross-legged on the ground, watching the greedy little queen in front of him use the magician's hand to take the desserts that she couldn't reach with her small stature.

This made him very embarrassed.

Your blood mother is still a blood mother. At the age of seven or eight, her magic level is higher than that of his useless brother.

"Xiao Ao, your elder brother's speech is about to begin. Do you want to watch it?" A graceful middle-aged magician came behind the little queen.

Roger recognized that this was Professor Hall, who was still in his prime and had not yet bald.

He had just been promoted to Legend and was hired by the Shelley family as a magic consultant. He also volunteered to be the magic enlightenment teacher of the little queen.

Tonight was the Law Salon where he brought the little queen. It was a bit like showing off his apprentice to show off his skills.

"I want to see it!"

The little queen immediately agreed crisply and turned around to pull Professor Hall's robe.

Halfway through her hand, she suddenly realized that her hands were covered with cream. Her face turned red and she immediately retracted it.

Hall's obsession with faces has been a natural thing since he was young.

He looked at the silly and cute side of the little queen, and his smile was quite doting. He took out a handkerchief from his arms to help her wipe her hands.

But the little queen muttered a few words, and the light of magic flashed on her hands, and her two little hands were white and clean again.

Hall's face changed drastically, and he asked in shock: "Xiao Ao, don't you feel that there is a forbidden magic field here?"

He, a legendary wizard, is just a melee soldier in this salon.

The little girl who has only learned magic for half a year in front of her can actually treat the forbidden magic field as if it does not exist and output at will?

"Forbidden magic? No wonder, I have to chant spells when I cast magic here!" The little princess showed a look of surprise.

Hall's face fell.

Isn't it common sense for a magic apprentice to chant spells when casting spells?

Xiao Ao's talent is too outrageous!

Appreciating Hall's rapidly changing facial expressions and the twitching of facial muscles, Roger couldn't help laughing.

His Majesty has learned the Versailles Avenue without a teacher at a young age.

But the Queen of Eternal Night could cast spells in the forbidden magic field when she was a child. This talent is really terrible.

In modern times, she is probably a natural lawless madman?

Next, Roger followed the little queen to a larger classroom.

A handsome young man with eyebrows and eyes similar to the queen when she was an adult was speaking passionately on the podium.

This should be the eldest prince of the Qingteng Kingdom, the former crown prince who died in the Maniu City Incident.

The eldest prince is quite talented. He explained in a clear and logical way that he was going to build a defense line called "Nochima" and hoped to get the support of magicians.

After the explanation, the eldest prince invited the magicians to play the role of the attacking party and conduct tactical deductions with him in the magic sandbox.

Magicians are scholars in this world, and there are many who are involved in the military field.

Moreover, the Law Salon does not ask about identity, but only about right and wrong. Even if it is the eldest prince, everyone will not give face, and someone will immediately go up to simulate a battle with him.

The sandbox was quite interesting, a bit like the real-time strategy games of later generations, but there were more things to consider.

And this prince was indeed quite capable, and he blocked the wheel battles of more than a dozen magicians in succession.

Among them was the white-haired professor, who relied on his Nochima defense line to defend against up to ten times the number of enemies.

Seeing that no one challenged him anymore, the prince proudly declared: "As long as this defense line is built, with enough troops and magicians, the Qingteng Empire will be forever secure and will never have to worry about being invaded!"

"Brother, I think if Qingteng keeps getting beaten, it will suffer sooner or later!" Suddenly a crisp voice rang out.

Everyone looked over and saw that it was the little queen sitting on Hall's shoulders, and they couldn't help but laugh.

The prince also smiled and asked: "Then what do you think the kingdom should do?"

The little queen said seriously: "Of course, kill all the enemies, and we will be safe!"

Roger's eyelids jumped. Good man, if it weren't for the queen's white skin, he would suspect that there was a green soul in this woman's body.

Has he been so reckless since childhood?

The eldest prince smiled and shook his head and said, "You can't even break my Nochima defense line, which means that I Qingteng doesn't have generals who are good at attacking. Let's study defense."

"Brother, I'll break your defense line!" The little queen's beautiful face showed seriousness and eagerness to try, and she really came to the face of the eldest prince.

Everyone watched this scene helplessly.

The little princess has only learned magic for half a year and has not received military education. How could she beat the eldest prince?

In order to avoid fratricide, the Shelley family only trains one child in a generation to receive a comprehensive royal education.

Others can just be a waste and learn some art that they are interested in. It doesn't matter if they are a waste.

But then something unexpected happened.

Although the little queen's attack did not conform to the teachings of any military book, she had a wonderful intuition.

Seizing the opportunity to attack, attack and attack again, the unreasonable and crazy attack disrupted the eldest prince's defense.

The Nochima defense line that more than a dozen magicians had not broken before was broken abruptly.

"The eldest prince is such a loving brother."

Many people showed an understanding expression, thinking that the brother was trying to make his sister happy and was willing to give in.

The eldest prince was silent for a while, and said seriously: "Little sister, can you fight with me again?"

"Sure!" The little queen happily agreed.

She thought fighting was quite fun.

This time, the eldest prince was obviously serious and his defense was impeccable.

But the little queen's attack was endless, and the pressure was terrible. In the end, she broke the defense line he had painstakingly studied.

"I didn't expect my sister to be a natural warrior!"

The eldest prince praised the little queen's talent and said seriously, "Xiao Ao, do you want to be a general when you grow up, protect Qingteng, and expand the territory?"

The little queen tilted her head to think for a while, shook her head, and said confidently: "I don't want it! My second brother said that the food in the border is not delicious, and there are not so many snacks in the imperial capital."

Achievements and achievements, but not as good as a few snacks in the imperial capital?

The eldest prince looked helpless, and thought his sister was very cute, so he picked her up: "Okay, okay, you stay in the Secret City to enjoy the good life, and leave the dirty work to us..."

"Well, you are a good brother!"

The little queen leaned close to the eldest prince's face and smacked him.

A cheerful atmosphere filled the air, and the unpredictable children's words were always unexpectedly interesting...

In the laughter, the castle shook and the space collapsed.

Roger found that time and space had changed, and he came to a city wall. Not far away was the Queen of Eternal Night.

She looked different.

The gluttonous girl in the past had grown into a tall and slender girl, wearing a black pointed wizard hat crookedly, looking out of the city wall.

At this time, she was so beautiful that she looked sad, desperate and stubborn, and I felt pity for her.

Did the invincible blood mother have such a moment when she looked like she needed help and comfort from others?

Roger stared at the queen for a long time before looking away and looking outside the city.

Outside the city, the battle flag of the Kingdom of Walbruga was flying, and the army formation was endless.

In front of the formation stood several huge poles, on which were the captured members of the Shelley royal family, the parents and brothers of the Queen of Eternal Night.

Roger frowned and found that this scene was different from what the Queen of Eternal Night had described to him.

She said she was on the way to investigate and saw this scene. When she returned to the city, she was caught by the fourth prince...

Just when Roger was thinking about the meaning of this difference, the eldest prince who was supposed to be dead on the flagpole suddenly burst into tears and complained:

"I regret it so much. If I hadn't been defeated by my younger sister, I would have suggested that my father build an invincible cavalry, but instead invested in the Nochima Line of Defense. The kingdom might not have been conquered..."

Shelley IV's leaky mouth opened and closed, and he shouted: "The national strength of the Qingteng Kingdom is weak, and building cavalry is a child's play. I regret it so much, I hate it so much, I shouldn't have listened to Xiao Ao's slander!"

The queen struggled violently and wanted to throw herself on the wall: "Princess who has ruined the country, if I had known this, I shouldn't have given birth to a daughter like you!"

The second prince cried and said: "Little sister, if you were guarding the border, how could the kingdom be open, and how could the Shelley family fall to this?"

With a whoosh.

The fourth prince floated behind the young girl Octavier and whispered softly: "Little sister, do you have to kill your own brother in order to survive..."

More royal family members and officials who died in Maniu City all floated to the city wall, attributing the sin of the broken mountains and rivers of the Qingteng Kingdom to the little princess standing alone on the city wall.

They were madly accusing her. If it weren't for the Salon of Laws, she broke through the Nochima defense line that the eldest prince had painstakingly studied twice, the kingdom might be in a different situation now!

Roger finally realized: "This is the inner demon, a very vicious inner demon, who can also play the game of suppressing first and then praising. It turns out that the Salon of Laws is a foreshadowing! Blood mother, don't believe these nonsense! The national strength of the Qingteng Kingdom is declining. Without fundamental changes, it is only a matter of time before it falls. No matter how strong the defense line is, there will be a day when it falls. Your real relatives will not blame you. Don't blame yourself so much..."

Unfortunately, no matter how loud he shouted, the Queen of Eternal Night could not hear him at this time.

As a ghost, Roger could only watch the beautiful girl on the wall facing the overwhelming accusations alone. Her figure was shaking, but she still tried to stand firm, and there was already crystal in her eyes.

Gritting her teeth, enduring the humiliation, and being stubborn, what was more painful was the regret and self-blame in her heart.

But even if her lips were bleeding and she wanted to jump down from the tower to accompany her relatives, she couldn't retreat.

Without the last royal family as a banner to hold on, I am afraid that the Qingteng Kingdom will only fall apart in an instant and completely perish.

She is the sinner of the Qingteng Kingdom and the last light of the Qingteng Kingdom!

If the indomitable Queen of Eternal Night is amazing, the little princess before the transformation is pitiful.

Roger said countless times in her ear that it was not your fault, but she couldn't hear it.

Roger loudly refuted those people again, you didn't work hard but blamed a girl, but they ignored him.

He just wanted to tell the Queen of Eternal Night that you will do better than everyone else in the future and build such a glorious empire, but he couldn't even fulfill this small wish.

No matter how brilliant and invincible the Queen of Eternal Night is, Octavier Shelley at this moment is just a weak girl who lost her relatives, killed her brother, and was forced to shoulder the heavy responsibility of her family and country.

Listening to those accusations, Roger felt injustice for the Queen of Eternal Night from the bottom of his heart for the first time.

She has nothing left. She has done more than 10,000 times her responsibility, but do you still want her to live in pain all her life?

Unlike the expansion of Wang Chu's Bible into a small essay that night, he really sympathized with her at this moment and wanted to share her pain.

Even if it was only one ten-thousandth, even if it was only for a moment, he didn't want a girl to bear it all alone!

That was too cruel, too sad, and too mean.

It turns out that beneath the domineering and invincible Queen of Eternal Night, there is a soul that is riddled with holes and cannot be forgiven by her relatives.

No, no, she shouldn't be like this!

Roger loudly accused something, but he was just a ghost of this world, an observer who could do nothing.

He could only watch the light in the girl's eyes drowned by those stigmas, and she was about to sink into the inner demon.

It turns out that from a little princess who only wanted to eat and wait for death to the queen who shouldered the empire, this road not only has peerless talent and rapid progress, but also is accompanied by suffocating despair, regret and loneliness.

She couldn't hear Roger defending her, she could only hear the accusations of her relatives and ministers in the wind.

She killed her parents' brother.

She killed those loyal civil and military officials.

She killed the soldiers loyal to the Shelley family.

She killed the innocent people on this land.

You are wrong.

You are a sinner.

You will never be able to wash away these sins in your lifetime!

This is the inner demon, this is the vicious calculation of the Eris demon worm!

It digs out the most beautiful moments in your heart, then tears it apart inch by inch, and falsely accuses you of doing it yourself.

The more you do, the more mistakes you make!

Such an inner demon is more terrible than any monster, even if you are as determined as the Queen of Eternal Night, you can't escape it.

Or it can be said that the more determined she is, the tighter this inner demon will entangle her.

One of the most difficult monsters in the star realm, strengthened by Xia Di, and eventually grew into the Queen of Eternal Night's special killing weapon.

As princesses, Xia Di also faced the test of the destruction of the country and the family, and she understood Octavia very well.

Even though the eldest princess failed and the little princess finally turned the tide, Xia Di still keenly captured the softest corners in the heart of the Queen of Eternal Night.

In the previous Salon of Laws, the little queen ate to her heart's content, defeated her adult brother, and enjoyed the love of her relatives and ministers.

How proud she was then, how painful she is now.

She defeated her elder brother, but destroyed her family and country...

The accusations of the dead echoed in the sky. In fact, it was just the thoughts that had been lingering in the heart of the Queen of Eternal Night, which were magnified by the Eris Demon Worm.

Since the night of the Manu City Incident, the Queen of Eternal Night has always lived in guilt, thinking that she was the real murderer who destroyed the mountains and rivers of the Qingteng Kingdom.

Roger finally understood that the resentment of the Queen of Eternal Night when she mentioned the fourth prince, saying that she would never forgive him, was actually that she could not forgive herself...

The eldest prince was the crown prince who was busy with all kinds of affairs, the second prince wanted to be a general, the third prince wanted to be a prime minister, and the little princess and the fourth prince were just eating and waiting to die together.

They played the longest, and the Queen of Eternal Night knew very well that her fourth brother was just an ordinary person, with no talent, no courage, but no heart to harm others.

If the Qingteng Kingdom had not been conquered by the Kingdom of Walbruga, the fourth prince would have remained mediocre and become a harmless little waste.

But once the country was destroyed, the whole world changed.

In this realm of inner demons, someone finally got a glimpse of the inner world of the Queen of Eternal Night.

Roger finally understood where her determination to never stop and resolutely protect this empire came from...

It was not dedication, not patriotism, she was just atonement for the responsibility she had identified!

Roger looked at the girl who was in extreme pain, her body trembling slightly, but couldn't even cry, and spoke softly.

Since crossing over, he bowed solemnly to her, regardless of whether she could hear him or not, and said in a respectful tone:

"Your Majesty, the most demanding judge will not declare you guilty."

As a modern person, Roger's heart has never really felt the sacredness of the concept of "Queen" and "King", and then respected it.

He felt that it was no different from being selected as a class cadre. Just work hard and take responsibility in that position.

With strength and intelligence, less selfishness, and working in that position for a long time, you will naturally become a great existence, right?

So he would respectfully call you His Majesty and bow, but that was all because he couldn't beat the Queen of Eternal Night.

He would also laugh at his sister for being foolishly loyal, and being moved by His Majesty's little benefit.

He was the kind of person who was polite in words but would say a few insults in his heart to find a balance.

Until the time when Roger called His Majesty just now, he was calling her sincerely.

He had to admit that there were always some people in this world who had a higher level of awareness than ordinary people.

At least, they were higher than sophisticated egoists like him.

Maybe their original intentions were stupid, foolish, ridiculous, and unreasonable, but they did transcend the limitations of the times and made greatness possible.

In Roger's view, the Queen of Eternal Night was already such a person.

She gave up many of the enjoyments of being a mortal for atonement and took on the responsibility of building a greater empire.

She had seen the bloody darkness and possessed peerless combat power, but she did not abuse it, nor did she become a tyrant who acted recklessly and took human lives lightly.

She listened to advice, was willing to accept new things, and was exploring a path that was more suitable for Qingteng.

The overall atmosphere of the Qingteng Empire was the most progressive of all the countries in this world.

Of course, she still has the faults and temper of the little princess in the past. She can be proud, angry, boastful and unreasonable.

But in terms of right and wrong, she is infinitely close to an ideal wise ruler.

The centralization of power under the rule of a wise ruler can also create an ideal prosperous era.

Roger asked himself, if he were in the position of the Queen of Eternal Night, he might have already found a more labor-saving way of compromise, and would not have kept the demands of ordinary people in mind.

He would definitely choose the philosophy of "I don't care what happens after I die".

But the Queen of Eternal Night rushed over because of her paranoia. For this world with demons where the strong completely dominate ordinary people, it is because of such a queen that the people at the bottom of the empire have the dignity beyond this era and the possibility of pursuing a happy life.

Without the Queen of Eternal Night, there would really be no Qingteng Empire.

Such a person, Roger felt that he deserved his respect from the bottom of his heart.

He had an impulse to do whatever it took to help her escape from the hell of the inner demon built for her.

At this time, the girl on the wall took action.

She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there was no light in them. They were so dark that they seemed to be in an abyss that swallowed up light. She looked indifferently at the army of the Kingdom of Walbruga in front of her:

"Father, mother, brother, people of the empire... This is my sin. I may never be able to repay it, but I will try my best to repay it."

The terrifying and brilliant magic power bloomed between her fingers, and she waved it at the enemy army of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

The real Queen of Eternal Night in history should have been no more than a magician at this time.

But at this moment, she seemed to have endless magic power, and she released large-scale magic one after another like crazy.

This is an idealistic world.

If the Queen of Eternal Night feels that she is guilty, she will suffer from the troubles of her inner demons and fall into the hell of endless suffering.

But if she believes that she is invincible, she can kill all the enemies in the world until the end of this hell.

She walked down the city wall, riding the wind, mechanically repeating the process of killing, destroying everything in front of her.

Her golden hair was flying in the air, completely soaked in blood, but there was no madness in her eyes, and she was as calm as the Dead Sea.

But Roger knew that her heart must be more bitter than madness.

Madmen don't feel pain, but she was so calm, suffering all the time.

Roger suddenly understood how the Queen of Eternal Night got rid of the control of the Eris Demon Worm in the game plot.

She never defeated the inner demon.

But she was not defeated by the inner demon either.

She endured great pain and killed for five days and five nights, killing all the worlds, and then went to another world built by the Eris Demon Worm to continue killing.

She kept killing like this, and she tired the Eris Demon Worm to death, and she came out.

Quite stupid, quite outrageous, and quite scary.

It was probably equivalent to the proof of the truth with force in the fantasy world, without any epiphany or fancy, just killing all the way through the inner demon realm.

After doing such a feat, the Queen of Eternal Night would naturally have a deep inner demon, and be entangled with the sins in her heart.

In the end, even though she had countless chances to escape, she stayed here and lived and died with the empire.

Her heart always belonged to the light. Even if she walked towards the light, she believed that she had never redeemed the sin.

After understanding the actions of the Queen of Eternal Night that day, Roger had a ghost-like self and guessed how to influence her here.

The Heart Demon Realm is built on rules.

Its power and reality come from the Eris Demon Worm's compliance with each rule.

Only in this way can the Heart Demon Realm be so terrible and have a profound impact on the strong.

But where there are rules, there are loopholes that can be exploited.

"Keep killing, Miss Octavier, I will accompany you to the end of hell, and then smash this ridiculous heart demon together!"

Roger looked into the dark eyes of the girl Octavier without any light, and then flew towards the soldiers who were about to be killed by her.

The meteor waterfall fell.

The soldiers' bodies were smashed into meat paste and flew everywhere.

These soldiers are not fake, they are souls that were once devoured by the Eris worm and completely lost in the inner demon.

In the inner demon realm, they are unique lives.

But in reality, they are a bunch of pains composed of self-blame, madness, anger and other emotions, and are the favorite cookies of the Eris worm.

This Eris worm is obviously a hamster, saving countless cookies and enjoying them slowly when sleeping.

At the moment of being killed by the Queen of Eternal Night, the lost soul will reveal the cookie body for a moment, and then disappear from this world.

Through this moment, Roger can observe and even experience their pain personally, and feel the feeling of being torn apart.

This is one of the basic rules of the inner demon realm. Beauty is false, only pain is eternal.

Even pain will resonate, dragging the awake soul to get lost together.

But Roger is going to use this rule at this moment.

In the resonant death pain, his ghost seems to be a little more solid.

Without stopping, Roger flew to the next batch of soldiers who were about to be attacked by the Queen of Eternal Night.

Experience the pain of death again and observe what a lost soul looks like.

The Queen of Eternal Night keeps releasing magic, and Roger feels the despair of being killed by her magic again and again in the pile of soldiers.

Although he will not be injured in this world, from the feeling, it is no different from dying in the previous round.

Even because of the rules of the inner demon realm, it is more painful than real death.

With Roger's personality, he would definitely not do such thankless things on weekdays.

But there is a stupid queen in front of him. Once again, he still chooses the stupid method of killing through the world, and he feels that he has been led to be stupid.

He didn't know if some suffering was meaningful, but he had to have something. He couldn't just watch her being haunted by her inner demons again, and even her emotions of joy and anger were deprived of her.

That soul riddled with holes under the invincible coat has so few and few things that it cares about, so few that it makes people feel distressed.

Even if a moth flies into a flame, he still wants to try to save her once.

Things that are restricted by the production team in the game should have hope of success in the real world with infinite possibilities, right?

However, the feeling of holding on to hope really hurts!

Roger accompanies the Queen of Evernight to move forward through death experiences one after another.


There were no enemies in front of the Queen of Evernight. She stopped in front of a white border and really fought all the way to the end of hell.

And Roger was "killed" all the way to this end.

Die five hundred times, a thousand times? Ten thousand times?

Who can count calmly in that kind of pain?

It was almost numb at the end, he was just learning to be a lost soul.

Roger looked at the Queen of Eternal Night showing a trace of confusion, and then poured all her magic power into the boundary.

The borders are broken, the world is broken, and her body is broken.

They are in a chaotic space that is colorless, tasteless, light, dark, topless, and bottomless.

This is the body of the Eris demon insect.

Roger could sense that countless lost souls were flying wildly under the rules, rushing to build the next world, and repeatedly deepening the inner demons of the Queen of Evernight.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Roger jumped up and merged into the torrent of lost souls.

With the same breath as them, he became the cornerstone of the new world.

Eris did not realize that a smelly and hard brick was mixed into his cookie.

The construction of the new first level hell is completed.

Roger found himself an NPC with a name.

"Fourth Prince"

He appeared in a manor in the mountains. Next to the fireplace, a beautiful girl in a hunting suit sat.

This time, is it Octavier who is hunting with the fourth prince?

Play happily first, and then let her kill him with her own hands?

The Eris Demonic Insect is simply a devil. Its ability to exploit the weaknesses of the soul is ruthless, and it will become more and more ruthless!

Roger did not rush to say hello, but put his hand into the fireplace.

He was so burned that he grinned, but he couldn't help but smile.

He was finally no longer a helpless observer, and he gripped the throat of the fate that followed.

This weird behavior attracted the attention of the girl in hunting clothes.

She looked at Roger, her eyes gradually brightened, showing obvious curiosity and inquiry, and a shallow dimple appeared at the corner of her mouth unconsciously:

"Your appearance is disguised, but it feels quite familiar. Who are you?"

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