The smile of the girl in hunting attire was very weak, but Roger had just looked at this face for too long, looking indifferent to killing, and there was no more light in her eyes, as if she was going to die with the world.

In contrast, just this shallow smile almost made him cry.

It hurts too much. It really hurts when you kill me...

Oh no, it’s great to see Her Majesty the Queen who hasn’t been spoiled yet!

As a player, going deep into the new realm of the Eris Demonic Insect's structure gave him the illusion of being quite familiar with the magic called SL.

But in fact, neither the saving nor loading of files is under his control, so he must seize this opportunity and strive to bring the Queen of Eternal Night back to the main plane in one go.

Fortunately, the environment in the Ivy Kingdom at this time was stable, and the little princess Octavian was treated very well by her family and had almost never experienced gloomy things.

She can get whatever she wants, does everything with ease, goes smoothly, has no idea what jealousy is, and is perfectly present.

At just sixteen years old, she is already a magician, and her strength far exceeds that of her peers.

Because of this strength, she was very confident. She could see that the fourth prince in front of her was pretending, but the other prince showed no hostility, and even felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Octavier was not worried about the danger at all, she was just curious about this. who.

She thought, which best friend was here to show off her newfound disguise magic?

Roger admired Queen Evernight's sharp and calm reaction.

Otherwise, if she shouted that there was an assassin, or even more extreme, she would just press herself to death with a finger of death——

Not only would that waste time, but his previous death would have been in vain.

After replacing the lost soul, if he dies, he must wait for the next reconstruction of the world before he can have another chance to approach the Queen of Evernight.

And you may not be able to achieve such a good status.

After thinking for a while, Roger decided to get straight to the point and tell the truth:

"I'm Roger Charles..."

"It's impossible. I've seen Anjie's younger brother. He couldn't learn the Feather Fall Technique all afternoon. He's so stupid. He will never be able to disguise himself at your level!"

Octavere interrupted him, with a look on her face that said, "Friend, you can tell something reliable."

However, there was still an inquiring smile in her eyes, rather than accusation or impatience. Instead, she became more curious about Roger's identity.

During this period, Queen Yongye, like the happy young people in the world, had so much time that she didn’t know how to spend it.

In other words, he is a boring fun person.

She is happy to see something new and different in her life.

Roger was a little embarrassed by being complained about, but then I thought about it, Roger Charles is a loser, what does it have to do with me, Roger?

I am a time traveler driving a Goldfinger. After ten years, I will be invincible, okay?

He took a deep breath and maintained a solemn tone: "I am Roger from the real time period, and you are Octavere Shelley lost in the river of time. Now, I am your broken wall My Majesty, please follow me and return to court!"

Octavier asked in a rude tone: "Your Majesty? Don't tell me that I will be the queen in the future?"

"That's not true."

"Scared me."

"You are the Evernight Queen who founded the Ivy Empire, and you are the human being that the gods most want to kill in this world."


Roger didn't give her a chance to refute: "You can try to predict my fate or the fate of the 'Queen of Evernight', but the result will definitely be blank."

Out of curiosity, Octavier did as he asked.

The result is naturally a blank.

Because of these two goals, one is protected by the system and the other is protected by herself.

It is impossible for a magister to predict something beyond the legend.

Octavier was a little forced to believe the authenticity of Roger's words, but she still couldn't figure it out: "How could I be named after Eternal Night? I must be the Sunshine Queen... No, as the Queen How tiring, isn’t it nice for me to just be a little princess?”

Roger sighed quietly.

When she was a girl, Queen Yongye was really a bastard princess. She just wanted to live happily in the present and be a nobody.

That beautiful face was full of innocence. The queen felt cool when she heard her, but didn't understand the heaviness.

Thinking of the desperate girl on the city wall, the queen on the throne who couldn't see through her emotions and anger, and the city was like an abyss, Roger couldn't say what he had already thought of.

Helping her free her inner demons, but actually ending her moment of happiness prematurely, letting all the pain and responsibility return to her.

Even though this is an illusion constructed by the Eris Demonic Insect, to Xiao Ao, this is reality.

The Wallbreaker is really heartless and cruel!

What made Roger unexpected was that after thinking about it for a while, Octavier took the initiative to say to him:

"Mr. Wall Breaker, although I don't understand why I will become a queen in the future. But an imperial queen split into an illusory version of me. She must have encountered a very dangerous, powerful and incredible enemy. Can you come? Saving me is also taking a huge risk and trying to get a better ending, right? Well, your expression already shows that I guessed it right... So, take me back to the future!"

She is so smart!

Roger was shocked by Octavier's inference.

I also thought of a lot of words to convince her to believe in me and understand the current situation.

As a result, with the limited information, people could guess the current predicament.

Did such a smart little princess become a green-skin because she became too strong and was too lazy to use her brain? As a result, her intelligence deteriorated?

Roger calmed down his damn mood. The little princess was smart and not bad. At least she could save a lot of saliva.

He stood up and looked seriously at Octavere, who was wearing a hunting suit: "So, is Your Majesty ready to face the cruel truth?"

Octavere Shelley, the Ivy Princess who focuses on the realm of inner demons, stood up, raised her little face slightly and looked at him with a proud and confident expression: "Of course, you should not underestimate a queen's determination to pursue a perfect ending. Oh, please start, Mr. Wallbreaker!"

A perfect ending?

Roger looked at her sympathetically and wanted to tell her that there was no perfect ending for you.

You are lonely, just on the lonely road of king, trying your best to avoid losing everything.

But don’t be afraid of loneliness, because this time, I will accompany you to welcome the end!

In the next moment, Roger's tone of voice suddenly changed.

Slowly, gracefully and somewhat cynically: "Then please kill me with your own hands, little sister. This is my wish and a request I will never regret."

While Roger was taking over the identity of this lost soul, the Eris Demonic Insect also stuffed the memory of the Queen of Eternal Night into the fourth prince.

As long as those memories are followed, Roger may not be the real fourth prince in history, but he must be the fourth prince who can't find any flaws in the memory of Queen Yongye.

Sure enough, when Octavier looked at Roger, she was even more shocked than when she heard that she would become the queen in the future:

"What a perfect performance, I can't find any flaws! But what kind of weird request is this to kill you... Oh no, it won't be like this!"

She suddenly covered her chest, feeling as if her heart was being bitten and torn apart by a hell dog.

Until this moment, the confident Xiao Ao finally realized that the reality she had to face was crueler than she could imagine.

Even though she was ready to give everything she had, the other side she longed for no longer existed in this world.

She realized that if Mr. Wall Breaker represented reality and she had to kill Fourth Brother to break through the illusion, that only meant one possibility:

She really killed her fourth brother.

Although she could not imagine, or did not dare to think about, the circumstances under which she would make such a terrible decision, Octavier's voice suddenly became weak: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wall Breaker, I I regret it, what I want is not such a shattering ending..."

"You said you wanted me to see your determination, Xiao Ao."

Roger continued to speak in the tone of the fourth prince, took off the dagger he carried with him, and handed the end of the handle to Octavier, "I'm sorry too, but there are always things that only you can do, and you can't escape this. fate."

At this time, Octavier was still a flower in the greenhouse. When she saw the dagger, she subconsciously took a step back, as if it was a poisonous snake that chose people to bite.

She begged: "Fourth brother, you know me, I'm just a princess waiting to die. The throne belongs to the eldest brother, the glory belongs to the second brother, and the wisdom belongs to the third brother. Fourth brother, we hunt happily, Just go out and attend the dance and be a waste. Or you can just stop being the prince and princess and run away to a distant place, right?"

That peerless queen, how has she ever accommodated anyone like this?

It can be seen that her relationship with the fourth prince is really good.

Roger couldn't help but feel sad about her.

He suddenly thought of himself in Odu Blood Night, and had said similar words to the Queen, right?

Destiny is reincarnated. Unexpectedly, one day I will be the one to enlighten the little princess who did not become the queen.

So, what she said to herself at that time, could it be her explanation for herself when facing this fate?

He showed a look of recollection and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Ao, I know that you don't really care about many things, and the life you want is not complicated. But there is no other choice. There are always very greedy people in this world, even The last bit of happiness of the little person will be shattered, constantly pressing your bottom line, forcing you to give in, until you can no longer retreat... Now, it's time to make a choice!"

Octavier stepped back, her face pale and without any blood: "Mr. Wall Breaker, I don't know how to choose..."

But Roger pressed forward step by step, leaving no chance for her to escape.

With a thud, Xiao Ao's back hit the wall.

Roger put his hands on the wall, looking down at her in a posture similar to that of a wall-dong.

In terms of momentum, Roger has completely overwhelmed the little princess at this stage.

His expression was sad and pitiful, and his voice was as light as the April wind, as soft as the whisper between lovers:

"Then fourth brother will choose for you. Come and kill me."

But the cruelty of fate, even with the most gentle gesture and full preparation, is still more terrifying than the evil ghost.

She shook her head like a rattle and screamed: "Fourth brother, do you have to let me destroy my current happiness with my own hands?"

The girl's slender shoulders were trembling, and her beautiful face showed sadness, anger, and even despair.

How could someone as smart as her not know what is real and what is illusion.

There is a difference in the courage and determination required between being forced into a desperate situation by fate and having no choice but to choose that path, and taking the initiative to choose.

She was so sad that she almost suffocated, as if she was complaining loudly about the injustice of fate.

But she couldn't make a voice, and it was useless to accuse Roger, because she was just a sad phantom, and no amount of anger could change the settled chess pieces.

Roger looked at her painful and helpless look, vaguely aware of what he should do at this time.

But... that's the Queen of Eternal Night? !

When she wakes up and knows what she did, she will definitely be angry, right?

However, she may not remember everything that happened in the Heart Demon Realm, right?

Yes, she will definitely not remember everything!

With so many realms and memories that have been changed back and forth, she must not be able to remember every detail.

So even if he has any disrespectful behavior, it is the Fourth Prince who committed it.

Your Majesty, I am not Roger who is committing the crime of arrogance. I am helping you!

With this awareness, Roger opened his arms and hugged Octavier, whose shoulders were shaking slightly.

Her slender body stiffened instantly, then softened, leaning her whole body weight on him, and whispered in a dreamy voice: "Mr. Wallbreaker, I will definitely have many nightmares."

The invincible queen was also a girl who needed care.

Roger reached out and gently stroked her hair: "Perhaps this reality is the nightmare that the gods have woven for the world. Now only you can break this nightmare. I know you don't want to wear the crown, but you still bear its weight. I can't change all this, I just hope that you will always remember one thing, you are not destroying your own life with your own hands, you are carrying everyone's hope and moving towards a future that everyone recognizes."

"Does everyone... recognize it?" Octavia raised her head, and the sealed memory loosened a little, and the sadness and longing that she didn't understand at the moment flowed through her heart.

This was the second time that Roger saw the Queen of Eternal Night who was so helpless and needed others to give affirmation to support her.

He was powerless on the wall, but this time he could hug her tightly and support her with his own warmth.

He seemed to feel that the fourth prince in his heart had come alive, and was using his mouth to say his final goodbye to his beloved little sister:

"As long as that is your choice, everyone will unconditionally approve it. Because what everyone wants to see most is not that Qingteng lives forever, not that the queen is invincible, not that the enemy surrenders, but that our little Ao is happy and lives the way she wants...

Even if this is different from her original intention, who stipulates that the original intention must be the best? The original intention has changed, which does not necessarily mean degeneration. It can also be that you have grown up, matured, and seen further, and found and embarked on the heroic road that belongs only to you."

He put the dagger into Octavier's hand.

This time, she did not hide again, but held it.

Hands were shaking, but still showed the bright blade to the world.

Some people are born to be heroes, even if the gentle world hides her sharpness.

Octavia closed her eyes, chanted a short spell, and the dagger lit up with magic light.

"Fourth brother, death is only a moment, it won't hurt."

"I know."

Roger reached out and wrapped her cold little hand.

The two hands supported each other and held the dagger together, finally stopping shaking.

Octavia whispered softly: "Is this the reality that we are inevitably going to face?"

Roger said firmly: "This is also the last salvation of this world."

She opened her eyes, and the two of them worked together, and the dagger pierced her chest and sank into her heart.

In the realm of the inner demon between reality and illusion, the eternal song of pain messed up its rhythm, and a crack that kept expanding appeared.

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