The villain queen is eavesdropping on my inner thoughts and she won't let me lie down?

Chapter 86 Do you want to experience the feeling of being invincible? (1/2)

The first province of Yaman, fifty kilometers west of the city of Asifut.

Shady Veronica on the Deer suddenly trembled slightly, and two lines of nosebleeds ran down her face.

"Damn savage princess, you can actually break the demons I gave you. Can you see through the plot that I have revised so many times? I can't accept it!"

She didn't care about treating the backlash she suffered, she just showed an expression of disbelief and looked for what went wrong.

How could Queen Evernight's country bumpkin, that barbarian, and that upstart escape from the realm of inner demons that she carefully designed?

The Eris Demonic Insect is already the most difficult monster in the world. After she strengthened it and wrote the script, it can be said that it is the "Queen's Nemesis" created completely to target the most fragile past in the heart of the Evernight Queen!

Xia Di felt that even if the Queen of Eternal Night did not sink into the pain and become a lost soul, it would still take a few days to break through the realm of inner demons.

After all, that woman can only use brute force now and has forgotten how to think!

But the final result was that only fifteen minutes had passed from the time Queen Yongye was attacked to the time she suffered the backlash!

Fifteen minutes to kill an Eris insect. Is this reasonable?

This little time is simply not enough time for the elite coalition of orcs to kill all Rommel's legions!

So on the other hand, now Tasika must face the Queen of Eternal Night and Rommel's Army with cheese on both sides!

But now Xia Di has no extra brain capacity to think about the negative reviews from buyers.

She just felt sorry for herself.

After the defeat of the Yaman Empire, the one she studied the most in the Gap of Ten Thousand Dimensions was the Queen of Evernight.

As the Goddess of Knowledge, it is her innate ability to discern the truth from countless information.

Xia Di was confident that she understood the strength, character, past and even XP of the barbaric princess. She didn't miss any details and knew her weaknesses better than the Queen herself.

She felt that they were the kind of enemies who were diligent, hard-working and talented. Wouldn't it be easy to punish a mere empress who had lost her brain?

It was true that the Eris bug was a backup plan, but even the backup plan was the one she made by selecting the best from dozens of alternatives.

But now she has indeed failed, and it is not an ordinary failure.

The Queen of Eternal Night not only perfectly broke through the realm of inner demons, but also controlled the Eris demon insect in turn, and that was why Xia Di, who was tens of thousands of kilometers away, was also implicated in the backlash.

The Empress of Evernight was originally the most troublesome enemy for Shadi on her way back to her kingdom. She rarely encountered an opponent in terms of force, and the weakness of the best plan was that she was too reckless.

As a result, she saw through her ambush in Asifo City, and even the backup plan was broken so easily. Doesn’t my majestic teacher Tianming have no face?

"Unfair, so unfair. She is already so powerful, how can she continue to grow? How much does the Creator prefer this savage princess?"

Xia Di's mentality was almost broken, and she looked up to the sky and asked questions full of jealousy.

Some people are like this. They only see their own country being ruined and their family being destroyed, and struggling to maintain it. They don't think about how difficult it is for others to undergo the painful transformation.

Your own achievements are the result of hard work, while others' achievements are the result of luck?

How could anything be so easy?

However, Xia Di lived up to her reputation as a mentor after all. She quickly built herself up mentally and accepted the fact of failure.

Fortunately, we were well prepared and had a backup plan of a backup plan.

However, the Queen of Evernight has broken her inner demons and her strength may break through again. These plans will have to be adjusted...

There are more than a thousand items, and it is really troublesome to modify them one by one!

At this time, Xia Di finally found the root of the problem from Queen Eternal Night's experience in the realm of inner demons:

Someone also entered the realm of inner demons, pretended to be a lost soul, and rewrote the direction of her script...

"Roger Charles? No wonder Lord Nalinele pays attention to this little guy. It's really not easy!"

Xia Di recognized the young man at first sight and looked thoughtful.

Soon, she showed a cold smile: "Now there is one more reason to catch you!"

Nari Nair's order is to keep the soul active, so the physical torture...

That's completely allowed, right?

The Queen of Evernight had a dream that lasted for three lifetimes.

In the space of the Eris Demonic Insect, she experienced a total of three realms of inner demons.

In the first level, she saw the destruction of the empire and faced the judgment of the Seven Gods.

But because Roger had told her that he did not owe the empire anything, she calmly faced the condescending questions from the Seven Gods, completely treating them as farts!

It was about to overcome this inner demon, but the Eris demon insect, with Shadi as its strategist, saw through that the Queen of Eternal Night was hypnotizing herself.

So a backup plan was launched to arrange for her to escape the trial and return to the main plane to face the tragic current situation of the Ivy Empire being increasingly exploited by the church.

The people at the lowest level kept asking that Queen Yong Ye was not free and easy but willful, that she was in the rebellious stage, had a secondary disease, was selfish, and had an incompetent moral character. As she got older, she lived longer and went back.

It was she who insisted on fighting against the Seven Gods and dragged the empire into the abyss of destruction...

Facing the gods, the Queen of Evernight was arrogant and fearless, saying that I am a bad woman, and you can choose the battle you like, don’t force me to have fun;

But faced with the sadness of Dou Sheng Xiaomin losing his last home, Queen Yongye broke her guard and could not stop feeling guilty and self-blame.

Humans are such complex creatures that they can paralyze themselves and say they don't care, but when their weaknesses are found, they explode.

And the Eris worm is a natural expert in this area.

So, the Queen of Eternal Night, who was wrapped in negative emotions, fell into the second level of the inner demon realm. The Eris worm had found the weakness that she really cared about and hit hard.

That was her guilt for this land and its people, as well as her dead relatives.

This ultimately led to the desperate girl that Roger saw on the wall.

The Queen didn't expect that the Eris worm was so strong that it could really turn her thinking into that of a child or a girl.

This led to her pulling Roger in, but she lost contact directly and couldn't tell him how to help herself.

Fortunately, after these days of training, Roger has become a mature auxiliary and learned to start a team by himself.

He relied on his own efforts and used a stupid method to understand the rules of this space, and created opportunities when there were no opportunities.

In the unsealed memories, the Queen of Eternal Night saw the young man constantly feeling death and destruction under her magic, comprehending the rules of this world, and a warm current surged in her heart that she hadn't felt for a long time.

It turned out that she was not walking alone on the road of killing to hell.

Then they experienced the third realm constructed by the Eris worm together.

This time, the Eris worm wanted to magnify the Queen of Eternal Night's guilt for her relatives, especially the crime of fratricide.

If successful, the Queen of Eternal Night was afraid that the sin in her heart would deepen.

You must know that this triple dream, which was extremely long in her perception, only lasted fifteen minutes in reality.

She was once trapped in the realm of the inner demon for five days and five nights.

It is unimaginable how many times she experienced the pain of losing her country and family and losing her relatives in it, and finally became a darker existence than the inner demon.

But this time, Roger successfully seized the loophole and replaced the lost soul with the identity of the fourth prince.

He took the initiative to ask the girl Octavia to kill him, and let her commit the crime of fratricide with blessings.

So the conspiracy of the Eris demon worm turned into a heartfelt farewell, and the inner demon became the antidote to wash away the guilt in her heart.

With the words of the "fourth brother" to herself, the Queen of Eternal Night experienced the tragedy of the destruction of the country and the loss of her relatives, and her mentality was completely different.

The wrong trajectory she caused still exists, but she has realized that the root cause of the destruction of that happy life is not herself.

The weakness of the kingdom, the ambition of neighboring countries, and the greed of the gods have compiled an irreversible fate, and she is just a victim of the torrent of this era.

She admitted that she wasted her peerless talent in her youth.

But is it a sin for a mortal to want to live an ordinary life?

The understanding of her relatives and the farewell that came eight years late filled the last gap in the Queen of Eternal Night's defense and pulled her back from the horn she had been drilling.

She finally completely accepted herself as she is now.

She is the little princess Octavia Shelley, she is the Queen of the Eternal Night of the Qingteng Empire, she is a wise magician, she is a greedy girl, she can also be a bad woman who is reckless and does not care about the eyes of others.

These are all herself.

People are inherently complex and multifaceted, and they will show different faces and personalities in different environments.

The drastic changes in the environment, her natural intelligence and sharpness, led to the huge differences in the Queen of the Eternal Night's personality in different periods, resulting in her inner split.

In modern times, this is called a precursor to schizophrenia, and in the world of immortal heroes, this is the hidden birth of the inner demon.

This weakness was seen by Xia Di, and the Eris demon worm was arranged to target it.

In the original destiny trajectory, the Queen of the Eternal Night would let the inner demon grow, move towards a completely ruthless and selfless state, and turn into a killing machine.

Machines have no emotions, so there will be no inner demons, which is why the Eris demon worm was exhausted to death.

This time, with the help of Roger, the Queen of the Eternal Night reconciled with herself.

Every choice and every action of hers is an extension of her own will.

This empire should also be the embodiment of the king's will, a carrier in reality.

At this moment, the Queen of Eternal Night did not shoulder the responsibility of the king in order to atone for her sins, but because she naturally did not like anything to be above her head, so she chose to show her sword to the gods.

The Qingteng Empire is this sword.

Killing the fourth prince is the first step in forging the sword.

Even if one day the sword is broken, it is voluntary and willing to accept the loss, rather than the queen being unilaterally responsible for the result.

With the help of Roger, she realized this step. On the surface, the Queen of Eternal Night's behavior is the willfulness of rebellion, but at a deeper level it is a kind of "extreme self-righteousness".

The rebellion of the second year of middle school is different in order to be different from the world.

The extreme self-righteousness, I am me, the same or different is a coincidence, what does right and wrong have to do with me?

After the Queen of Eternal Night stabbed the dagger in her hand, the Eris demon worm tried to find the flaw in the heart of the Queen of Eternal Night, which was a delusion.

Even though the inner demon realm it wove had countless layers, it was powerless to stop the Queen of Eternal Night, who was extremely self-satisfied and had a heart as clear as glass. The Queen of Eternal Night took back all her realms and all her strength.

After the dagger was thrust out.

Under the effect of magic, Roger did not feel any pain in his death this time, and all his vitality was devoured, degenerating back to the state of a lost soul.

But he saw that the youthfulness in Octavia's eyes faded, leaving only the unyielding and fighting spirit against the strong enemy and fate.

The enlightenment accumulated over countless years returned to her eyes, the magic power like the sea rose, and the golden red imperial robe was added.

Octavia's body floated in the air, proudly looking at the pale space that had faded away from the bright and beautiful, and after seeing the truth, only the pain was eternal.

She paused slightly, and the magic power rippled into ripples.

The domain was broken, and the magic insects wailed.

Countless lost souls were liberated, and the travelers from all realms who could not see their faces bowed to thank her for ending their pain.

But this scene scared Roger, and he ran away desperately to avoid it, fearing that the queen would liberate himself on a whim.

But soon he found that the ripples touched his soul and were extremely warm, like a breeze blowing, as if soothing the pain he had just suffered.

He was relieved.

Fortunately, the queen's magic level has improved again, and he is getting more and more confused.

"I'm back!"

The Queen of Eternal Night paused again, tore the space, and returned to the main plane.

On the battlefield where hundreds of thousands of people were fighting, there was a beautiful woman who was peerless and ruled the world.

She was still the same as when she left, without any scars on her body, but her eyes were brighter and clearer than ever before.

Then Roger appeared beside her.

The imperials and orcs fighting on the battlefield paused their actions and stared blankly at the two people in the sky.

"Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty!"

"Young Master Charles is great!"

The imperials cheered and their morale soared.

Their queen is back, and their lives are saved!

The imperials have long believed instinctively that as long as the queen is there, the empire will win.

The orcs are looking for their Princess Tequila, wanting an explanation.

Didn't we say that the Queen of Eternal Night has been exiled, and we can output as much as we want?

As a result, the Queen of Eternal Night came back, and she came back alone, with a young man who no one knew.

One person can't stand it, and there is a buy one get one free offer, how can we fight?

"Roger Charles... Damn it, this bastard dared to appear in front of me, but I dared not to attack him, to avenge Xiao Qiao!"

Old Joestar recognized Roger, but he was beside the Queen of Eternal Night, so he could not go forward.

He was even ready to slip away.

Roger was still adapting to the change of space, and was a little slow to react. Suddenly, he found that the Queen of Eternal Night turned her head and looked at him.

Her eyes were full of gratitude and relief.

Thank you for chasing into the realm of inner demons without hesitation, thank you for enduring the pain of countless deaths, thank you for remembering what I said, and finally waking me up from the nightmare that never ended.

I am also relieved that you are no longer the useless brother when I first met you, and finally embarked on your own heroic road.

I want this world to be famous for your name.

The Queen of Eternal Night smiled and stretched out her hand to Roger: "Roger, do you want to experience the feeling of invincibility?"

The little bastard dared to take advantage of me, I have to take it back!

However, there were too many people watching at this time, so hugging was a bit inappropriate. It would be okay to hold hands, right?

Roger was startled, but how could he not eat the meat that was delivered to his door?

He held her hand without hesitation, and then felt the magic power that was wider than the ocean and seemed to have no limit. At this moment, he would use it to his heart's content.

[How powerful! Your Majesty's strength, I'm afraid that the modifier can't change it, it will overflow directly! ]

For the first time since crossing, Roger had super combat power. He raised his hand, and a magic net woven by heaven and earth covered Tashka who was about to sneak away

Old Joestar: ? ? ?

Why am I the one who got hurt?

Don't come over, I'm just passing by, really just passing by!

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