If it were in the past, the Queen of Eternal Night would have been angry even if she didn't say it out loud when she heard Roger use "Queen" as a derogatory term.

But now that the Way of Extreme Myself has been established, she laughed and said that she had no feelings at all, and even wanted to hear more fancy group openings.

So what if I give up thinking? Have I eaten your rice?

Why should I think for myself when I hire a cabinet with money?

Isn't it better to just copy homework?

Not everyone can give up thinking and live as brilliantly and freely as I do.

Thinking of this, she straightened her back and became proud.

I am not brainless, it's just that I haven't reached the critical moment of using my brain yet.

Roger, you guys figure out how to solve the small things, and I will make the decision when it comes to big things.

But the empire has not had any major incidents so far, la la la~

She was in a good mood, not shaken by someone's complaints, with a faint smile on her lips, and said lazily:

"Don't linger, my dear Roger, there will be many opportunities to fight in the future. Now, I have another important thing to tell you."

As she spoke, her eyes moved, and she glanced at Roger with a look of anger and joy.

This glance made Roger's heart skip a beat, and he subconsciously responded: "Your Majesty, please tell me!"

After he said this, he reflected that he was bewitched by the Queen of Eternal Night, why did he agree so readily?

She obviously didn't use magic! ?

At this moment, the Queen of Eternal Night couldn't tell whether she was happy or angry, and she stood casually, but she had her own unique and unrestrained style of controlling the world.

She was so proud that she didn't care about the opinions of the world and just did her own thing.

The former queen was extremely bright, but there was always a kind of unreal over-perfection.

Now she shows the strengths and weaknesses of her character without any concealment, and has no idea what reserve is.

Such an empress is like a night covering the world, covering up the light of the sun, moon and stars, leaving only the shadow of the night in people's eyes.

The beautiful skin is renewed every month, but this extreme way of self-cultivation, which has been forged through hundreds of calamities and thousands of times, has made her a demonic existence that can charm people without any magic.

[Does this woman get more charm points after breaking a heart demon? She really got into trouble by accident! ]

[This nm empress turned into a female fairy, and she is the kind that can fascinate people to death... Is this reasonable? ]

[But I have to say, it smells really good! Please look at me more! ]

The Queen of Eternal Night is proud, if you can talk, talk more!

You used to complain about me every day, but now you know the real charm, right?

I will reward you if you are happy!

She no longer cares about black and white, good or bad, as long as she is not wronged and can achieve her goal, it is a good method.

If seducing the man in front of me can bring benefits, then what's wrong with me being a female demon?

Although she was feeling proud, the Queen of Eternal Night did not forget her business: "When my beloved minister was fighting just now, I found something interesting. The soul of Princess Tashika is still alive."

"Your Majesty, are you saying that the strong man sent down by the goddess of war did not devour the soul of the original body? This is unreasonable!"

There will be conflicts when there are two souls in the body, so usually the strong party will directly devour the weak one to achieve more perfect control.

The Queen of Eternal Night said: "I am too lazy to care whether it is reasonable or not. Now I order you to be a special envoy and find a way with this little princess to reduce the possibility of bloodshed between the two countries."

Roger was stunned when he heard it, and then his face showed joy. He responded without hesitation: "Your Majesty is wise, and I will try my best to persuade His Highness Tashika to seek more benefits for the empire!"

He was very surprised that the Queen of Eternal Night actually took the initiative to propose this seemingly "soft" plan.

But being soft also has its advantages.

The resources in the Kanbusak Desert are barren, and the orc tribes have to compete for limited resources.

The orcs are naturally unruly. The Empire wants to plan this place as a new province, which is costly and low-return, and bloody conflicts will continue for quite a long time.

The Empire has not completely swallowed up the Seventeen Kingdoms, so there is really not much spare energy to rule the orcs.

So the strong man sent by the Goddess of War failed to steal the chicken and lost the rice. He gave the city of Slena and 200,000 elites to the Queen of Eternal Night for free, but also posed a problem for the Empire.

But in the past, the Queen of Eternal Night had to conquer every battle, and the nobles of the Empire who were influenced by militarism believed that they had to divide the land, money and women after the war.

Is there any reason to return the territory they have obtained?

You have to take the benefits, even if you can't take it!

The Empire people roared when fighting, but some of their performances after the war were not so "smart".

Roger has considered a more appropriate plan to deal with the orc tribe, but he really doesn't dare to mention it casually.

It's not that Xia Di looks down on the nobles of the Empire, but they are really nouveau riche, and it is completely related to being raised to this level by the Queen of Eternal Night.

Of course, the Veronica family is just the pot calling the kettle black.

But now the Queen of Eternal Night actually took the initiative to propose this possibility, which is really a pleasant surprise.

That steel-like brain circuit suddenly turned?

As long as Your Majesty is willing to promote it, the nobles of the empire have opinions, which is equivalent to no opinions.

The biggest advantage of the orc tribe is that they give birth quickly, and supporting a puppet regime to eat the population dividend is the best solution.

[Your Majesty, after breaking through the inner demon, has a kingly mentality that can see farther and farther, and has a strategic vision! ]

The Queen of Eternal Night listened to Roger's rainbow fart, and although she was happy, she almost couldn't help laughing directly.

What is strategy, is it delicious?

Jiebao, you are suffering from your brain, and you have made a simple matter complicated.

The cause of this incident was that the Queen of Eternal Night heard Roger analyze that a strong man descended on Tashika.

At that time, she was a magic source that was idle, and she was idle anyway, so she went to the other space to peek at the screen out of curiosity.

If she wanted to see if it was an angel she knew, she would reminisce about the past and make a few sarcastic remarks...

Then she saw a wretched big man who picked his feet, and felt bored.

However, she unexpectedly discovered that the soul of the real Tashika was still alive.

Thinking about the girl's experience, she found that she watched the goddess of war use her body to operate, and then finished the orc tribe.

In the end, all the infamy will be attributed to Princess Tequila. The goddess of war is always wise, right?

Princess Octavier began to feel sorry for Princess Tashika.

The experiences of the two people cannot be said to be exactly the same, but they can only be said to be completely consistent.

At this time, the plan of orc vassal state flashed through Roger's mind. Queen Eternal Night thought that if the negotiation was successful, it would be considered a help to Tashika.

Puppet Queen is better than the destruction of the country and the family, right?

Anyway, Tashika has fallen into the hands of the empire and can't escape. Sending Roger to try is just a matter of trying. What can he lose?

If the negotiation is successful, he will copy Roger's homework.

If the negotiation fails, he will copy the homework of the cabinet and the military.

If it were before, she would still worry that she would be soft-hearted and "reckless" for a while, and the nobles of the empire would strongly oppose it after knowing it and scold her for being too soft-hearted.

But now, who cares~

Whether it is too soft-hearted or inhumane, in fact, it only depends on whether it touches the interests of the nobles.

It's just a reputation, don't care!

As for finding out that this treatment unexpectedly improved Roger's evaluation of herself, the queen was really pleasantly surprised.

After the joy, she thought about it in depth and felt a headache again.

The man in front of her would be happy to give him magic power to kill orcs, and she would also be happy to give him the opportunity to save orcs.

So does he want the orcs to die or live?

This is such a difficult person to serve!

She raised a finger impatiently and tapped Roger's forehead gently: "Roger, my dear, go ahead and talk. When the deal is done, we can report to me together."

After that, the magic flashed and sent Roger to the ocean of consciousness of Tashika.

If you can't figure it out, then don't think about it.

Anyway, with my charm, how can a useless brother escape?

This queen just needs to continue to show her charm and wait for him to confess.

As for confessing actively?

Impossible, it will never happen in this life.

Teacher Tai said that the one who confesses first is the loser!

The Queen of Eternal Night felt that the situation on her side was very good in all aspects. Even the Rommel Corps that was about to be wiped out was pulled back by her.

However, at this moment, she still ordered Rommel to suspend the offensive and repair on the spot and wait for instructions.

The five armies under his command were indeed at their limit. They lost more than 5,000 people and had almost no magic support. It would be easy to get into trouble if they continued to pursue.

This can be considered as a relief for Tashika. I can only help you so far, sister. I hope you can think it through.

The Queen of Eternal Night carried the unconscious Roger back to Fengling Yueying Palace and left him to Madam Mosconi to take care of him.

Madam Mosconi was shocked to see that His Majesty brought back a handsome young man.

"Your Majesty, didn't you go to the front line? This, this is..." She really didn't know whether she should be happy or sad at this time.

The happy thing is that His Majesty has come to his senses and knows that he likes men?

The sad thing is that this person has no name and no status, and he directly knocked someone out and brought him back. It's not decent!

The Queen of Eternal Night saw that her maid-in-waiting was about to break down, and couldn't help laughing: "Madam, just arrange a room for him. Things are not what you think."

Madam Mosconi breathed a sigh of relief and said subconsciously: "That's good, that's good. I thought Lord Brando had no hope... um!"

"Huh? What does it have to do with him?"

The Queen of Eternal Night was slightly puzzled, and then suddenly realized that Madam Mosconi would "inadvertently" speak well of Dior these days.

Oh~ So the lady still has such thoughts...

Madam Mosconi also found that she accidentally let the cat out of the bag.

The Queen of Eternal Night didn't look angry, she was still smiling, but Madam Mosconi didn't relax.

She used to be able to accurately judge the mood of the majesty. After all, she watched her grow up since she was a child, and the girl's mood was all written on her face.

But recently, she inexplicably felt that her majesty had changed.

Always smiling, but it seems that he is not smiling.

It is a kind of "I want to sleep, you go away" calm smile, lazy, seems to be very satisfied and enjoy the present.

But if a person looks like this no matter what happens or what he hears, it is actually a bit scary.

Because you can't guess her mood through her expression.

This kind of scheming is a necessary skill for an emperor, but my little Ao didn't need it before, but now he is forced to learn it...

It must be those ministers and nobles who made her angry, so she can only become like this, right?

Lady Mosconi was in a complicated mood, she was terrified and felt sorry for His Majesty.

But she was rigid and daring. In order to avoid the Queen from giving Brando a bad impression, even if she didn't know His Majesty's mood, she still said straightforwardly: "Your Majesty, those words before were my personal subjective judgment. I was confused for a while, and Lord Brando didn't know."

This is to tell the Queen of Eternal Night that Lord Brando has never bribed me or used the back door. If you are angry, just hold me accountable.

"Madam, you don't have to think so much. I absolutely trust you." The Queen of Eternal Night smiled slightly, "I am really happy too. You have such high standards, and there are young people you can recognize."

Although Madam Mosconi is only a head maid on the surface, she is the only old person around the Queen of Eternal Night who is still alive from the era of Qingteng Kingdom.

She has taken care of the Queen wholeheartedly since she was a baby, and the time she has accompanied the Queen is really longer than her biological mother, the Queen.

The Queen's feelings for her have long surpassed the master and servant. Sometimes, she respects Madam Mosconi as half a mother.

It is good news that the Madam can recognize Roger, even if it is just a fake identity.

Girls always hope to get the blessings of their relatives in this matter, rather than playing a plot like "I'll give you 10 million, please leave her"!

So how could she be angry because the Madam was messing around with the couple?

This is really not messy, you did the right thing, please keep working hard!

Seeing the reaction of His Majesty, Madam Mosconi was happy, but she couldn't help looking at Roger.

Since your majesty likes Lord Brando, what about this young master?

The Queen of Eternal Night showed a cunning look on her face and teased her deliberately: "It's not that simple, only white lotuses make choices, and I want all bad women like me!"

Madam Mosconi's legs softened and she almost fell!

Your majesty, she has opened her eyes...

She has opened her eyes too much!

The Queen of Eternal Night asked Madam Mosconi to withdraw, and showed a little hesitation about the next action.

In principle, she should support Asiford City at this time.

But Margaret wanted to report that the situation there had been stabilized for the time being.

Those fence-sitting nobles who surrendered from the Yaman Empire were actually scolded by Margaret to have a high morale. They gathered their forces and cooperated with the strong men supported by the empire to successfully block the westward advance of the undead army.

The super strong man of the Tianming Army did not take action again, and his whereabouts were uncertain.

The Queen of Eternal Night is a bit useless now.

Looking for the Tianming mentor for a decisive battle?

But Roger has information about Xia Di, so rounding it off, Master Tianming is the empire's informant.

Killing your own informant first in the battle with the gods is a bit stupid, even if you don't use your brain.

But the old woman sacrificed civilians alive, although it is a routine operation of the believers, it is also a provocation. I...

I will wait for Roger to wake up and make a decision after discussion!

She decided to be lazy and go to the magic laboratory under the palace.

She stretched out her hand and grabbed in the void.

A silver-white cicada the size of a fingertip appeared in her palm.

But it didn't move, and its limbs were tightly holding its chest.

The Queen of Eternal Night rolled her eyes and said regretfully: "Oh, I accidentally pinched it to death. It seems that I can only use it to make a tonic medicine for Roger, my dear——"


The Eris demon worm suddenly chirped with all its strength, indicating that it was alive and well.

"You are smart."

The Queen of Eternal Night smiled.

This monster has lived for who knows how many years, and is quite intelligent. It knows that if it pretends to be dead again, it will really die!

The Eris Demon Worm suffered a great loss at the hands of the Queen of Eternal Night. This woman couldn't control herself, so she lay there obediently, followed her orders and posed in various shapes, allowing her to examine herself.

After a long time, the Queen of Eternal Night began to paint in the void with her bare hands.

A magic circle that was similar to the formation left by Master Tianming, but with many changes, enveloped the Eris Demon Worm.

This little thing's inner demon field is indeed hateful, and it has pitted itself badly.

But the innate ability is very powerful, and if used properly, it can also produce many wonderful uses.

It might be a shortcut to increase the practical experience of the magicians of the empire!

It's just that the process will be a bit... emmm, happy?

The Queen of Eternal Night gave her own idea a thumbs up, and she will have a good place to peek at the screen when she is bored in the future.

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